Im asking the board to give me more than two minutes. One, that wealth and disparities in the black community, we have packets for you that will show you a lot of the information that chief scott brought to you, we have taken the time to put materials together. We have been to the county attorneys office, and lately, officer scott has invited us to the table to work with them. Lisa, how do you want us to give you the packets . Clerk you can leave them right there. Okay. Thank you, lisa. One of the things for me is that even though the San FranciscoPolice Department is working tirelessly on the recommendation, there is a lot of discrepancies, and one is that the use of force of black people is still up. Black people use of force within the San FranciscoPolice Department is ten times that of whites, five times that of hispanics. When you look at the arrest records, its the same exact thing. Some of the recommendations within the report now, hillard and hines is a contracted agency, that the external review of the recommendations goes to hillard and hines. Actually, its only been 29 substanti substantiated that the d. O. J. Has approved in their april report. 71 of these recommendations, which is 26 , is still at hillard and hines. President yee thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [inaudible] president yee maam, were trying to give everybody equal time. [inaudible] president yee thank you, maam. [inaudible] president yee thank you, maam. [inaudible] president yee maam, i need to ask you to stop. Okay. Ive already given you time. Deputy, could you ask her to leave. [inaudible] president yee excuse me. Youre out of order. [inaudible] president yee okay. Id like to use the overhead, please, and id like to echo the sentiments just said by this gentleman and Felicia Jones. Clerk excuse me, maam, im starting your time. Wealth and disparities, justice for mario woods. She said we meet with supervisors, many of you in this chambers, as well as sfpd, and i have to say that the chief himself is more critical of the department than hillard and hines. You have the duty to oversee this process. I want to show these data these are in your packet. This is the data that sfpd itself produces, and this is where you can say that theres no improvement see that theres no improvement in Racial Disparity and use of force. This is up to the most recent quarter. If you look to the long black line there, thats black people. The little line, thats white people, and you see the arrests and the use of rforce. We want to demand its been more than two years on use of force on reporting of this issue, and we want to demand to look at this. We want to insist on per capita reporting by race such as you see in the packet. Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Magic altman with the Justice Committee of the d. S. A. So first of all, its very telling that commissioner hirsch couldnt be here, the entire commission should be here. I was glad to see cindy elias here. Appreciate that. So also, its, you know, so interesting that the chief chose one example of an actual incident, and it was a black woman. Wow. I would call that implicit bias, that that was the one story he chose. Also, there were no statistics about women at all in the whole report, even though they are the least to commit crimes. Also, i really agree with what supervisor haney said, that it is absurd anybody with common sense can see that if you are working for the department that is getting investigated and the department that is investigating, that is not independent. I mean, its common sense. And also, this is a company that is trying to make money, and i just heard the praise for the Police Department throughout her report because she wanted to get hired for the next job with Police Department. Obviously. Okay. So also, where is the California Department of justice . They should be here, not this private company thats making money to work both sides of the story. So one of the things that really bothers me is the endless tickets for the unhoused and the mentally challenged. And its not a crime for you to be ill or unhoused. In oregon, we have the cahoots program, that 20 cities are now observing to create a force that is called first before the police in all of these incidents. Ive called the police for years. They dont want to do this job, either. Its not what theyre trained for, and we need to have a special division that goes out and stop giving them tickets. They cant get the notifications, they have no mail, and then they get warrants, and they get in jail, and get out, and its an endless cycle. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Im karen fleshman. I would like to thank Felicia Jones and the black Justice Coalition and justice for mario woods for forcing this hearing and keeping this fight alive. I was here in 2016 when judge cordell implored you to ensure that the reports did not collect dust on the shelf, and she recalled 80 years to fix sfpd that have resulted in nothing. I serve on the bias work group, and since Hillard Hines took on this role, weve been instructed that we have no input into the recommendations. Were just there to listen. Theres no local oversight. Why is someone coming from chicago . Id like to point out debra kirbys background. She spent 20 years in the chicago Police Department, retiring as chief of training. Shortly after her retirement, Laquan Mcdonald was killed by chicago p. D. , and the u. S. Department came in finding every five days a Chicago Police officer fired a gun at someone, and 435 shootings over a sixyear span. And that and perhaps the most damning sweeping critique of the chicago Police Department, they concluded that the citys Police Officers are poorly trained and quick to turn to deadly and unreasonable force, particularly black and latino, without consequences. Its a 164page report. So why is she here providing oversight on how to fix San Francisco . What experience does she have . President yee thank you. Next speaker. Hi. My name is marty jay. I also am active with black justice disparity and justice for mario woods. Community stakeholders such as wealth and disparity should be given more time equal to the other socalled stakeholders. I would also like to echo that with the Statistical Analysis that we did in our group, we found as was stated before, discrepancies and misleading information being reported by the sfpd on use of force and arrests against african americans. Our analysis, as you will see in your packet, revealed no significant change, and this is per the report from 2016 to 18 im sorry, quarter 9 2019 from the sfpds own admin, 96a statistics. Second thing id like to bring up is transparency regarding Community Work groups, and the Community Input was reiterated again and again in hillard and hines and chief scotts presentations. With all due respect to the work that the Community Groups have done, where is the transparency on who is chosen for these groups and where do they come from, the communities . Bayviewhunters point are stakeholders and even more important than sfpd, the police commission, and d. O. J. Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is kevin bogus. Im the political director at coleman advocates for children and youth and i want to thank the supervisors for calling this hearing today and bringing more attention to this issue. I dont have confidence in the police to reform themselves to stop disproportionately harming black people. And i dont think its realistic for any of us to have that idea that they can do that. Their job is to police people, not to create equity in the city, so i really want to call on the board to figure out how you can do more to address these issues. How can you get us off your need to always constantly call the police, especially if a black person is involved. We do a lot of work in schools, and we see students in schools getting the Police Called on them for things that are school offenses, that are minor offenses. We need to decrease the amount of contact in our community. We have all this police, but we still dont have any updated involved. As a board of supervisors, we look to you for leadership, and we need you to step up and resolve this issue. We dont have a lot of time. We need it to happen now. Our whole lives, we deal with black people being targeted and harassed by police. Not only in San Francisco by across the whole country. How are we going to transform this system into Something Else so that people dont need to call police when theres someone with a housing crisis or a Mental Health crisis or a job crisis . What are we going to do versus waiting for these reforms that might never happen . [applause] president yee thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Im father richard smith. Im an episcopal priest and ive lived and worked in the mission for many years. There are fewer deaths at the hands of police. Officers are receiving implicit bias training to purge the department of any traces of racism, but as for me, i am still wondering, where are the reforms . And heres an example of why i feel this way. Over the years of my church in the mission, weve been blessed to share our sacred space with a largely latino Faith Community observing their beautiful native traditions. Youve probably seen them perform many times, so beautifully arrayed in their native regalia. They would gather every friday night at their church to perform their ceremonies and celebrate their special feasts. And then one night as they were praying, six officers barged into their midst with guns drawn and swept through the room. Apparently someone from outside the group had stolen a cell phone, and the officers were in pursuit. But the sheer disrespect and insensitivity that they approached these people in prayer left small children in tears, elderly in shock. Think about this. If this had happened on a sunday morning when the largely anglo congregation at my mass were present, do you think this would have happened . I doubt it. It makes me wonder if we have addressed the racial insensitivity that has hounded this department for years. So i ask you, where are the reforms . Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. My name is sandra campbell, and im not sure if this is the right place for me to bring this to, but im at the witnesss end with the muni and their staff on president yee excuse me, maam. Were going to have another opportunity for general Public Comments. This is really specifically addressing the report that was presented earlier. Everybodys talking about that, so you have to wait until general Public Comments. Thank you. Okay. President yee next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors, chief. Thank you very much for the report today. I commend, thank you, and ask for more of these sessions looking at where we are moving on these reforms. My name is john talbot. I am currently serving on the accountability eswg, and i think it is important to point out at the beginning that the numbers about decrease in officer involved shootings are important. There are people in the room behind me who have lost their children to these shootings in the past, and we want that to happen less, and thats good. However, i do want to point out that the comments that have been made about the amount of input that these working groups can have are somewhat true. There is no way for us to see if our if our recommendations get into the process, but since we eventually see what comes out, we know that they generally dont, and its important because there is no transparency as to why that happened. Weve asked for it, and were told by the officers with whom we work, well, you need to get more involved in the process. Were not being paid for this work. You know, were volunteers, and asking us to apply through the process has not worked very well. The other thing which we need to have from the supervisors specifically is we need to make sure that the funding aligns with the reforms, and that as you put the budgets together, that we make sure that it gets in place what we need to have in order to do this. The i. T. System in the Police Department when this first started was not sufficient. Weve added a whole lot of elements do it. The director has been very good in helping to scope out things. Make sure that they get enough money to move these things forward. Thats also true of [inaudible] thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Hi. My name is josephine. For all of us to hear about this, for a lot of us, this was the first time we had ever heart that the department offus i say had made these recommend department of justice had made these recommendations, so were hoping to see from you a lot more accountability from the Police Department to handle all these measures to also have these spaces brought out into the community. For a lot of us, city hall at 2 00 p. M. Isnt accessible. We would like to see these presentations in our communities at reasonable times for youth and in all communities. Also, we would Like Community policing to learn from the community that the police are a part of and to make sure theyre really fitting into the fabric of our lives. Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is ben paul, with justice for mario woods, led by Felicia Jones. October 2018 is when the department of justice released their reforms. As of october 2019, how many are completed . 29. Thats about 10 . At this pace, they will complete in 2046. Hillard hines did not say when the end is supposed to happen. If its supposed to happen in may 2020, at this pace, theres no way. Everybodys contract in this ends in 2021, and youre in danger of being asked to extend these contracts and delay justice even more. For black folks who are ten times more likely to be victimized by police use of force, they dont have the luxury of the delay. We ask you, the board of supervisors, to ensure that the sfpd complete these 272 reforms signed off by the d. O. J. Without delay, excuses, or extensions. Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Hi. My name is francis and im here with justice for mario woods, directed by Felicia Jones. Its disgraceful to see after receiving recommendations three years ago, that they still have to impl willme implement 72 e recommendations. I call on you to step up, take charge, and hold the sfpd accountable to actual reform rather than the 29 checked boxes theyre so proud to have completed with no substantial change. I stand with justice for mario woods, demanding that you as supervisors ensure that the sfpd completes all 272 reforms without any extension or delay. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is fabiana aguera. [inaudible] while he was sitting on the ground, and then killed with seven bullets. And im here to tell you that even though ive seen firsthand by accompanying the families of alex nieta and luis pat, what those crimes do to families and the surrounding communities. When supervisor Hillary Ronen asked me if i would sit down on working groups for the Police Reform, if i would contribute, and i did. And i sat in those meetings. And i chose to be in the Community Policing group. And i sat there every meeting, and i would ask then commander lozar, and i asked him, could you please tell us what is the result of the recommendation youre making . And we never got an answer. Over and over, i asked, what is the recommendation that you are making to the chief, and what is the chief deciding . There was never an answer. I quit that group the day after adolfo regalo was killed by 99 bullets. So i ask you to please change the structure of the Police Reform so you have somebody whos a community ad row cat who is in charge of the reform process to at least ensure the accountability and transparency, which were, by the way, originally, 388 recommendations. Thank you. President yee thank you. Next speaker. Part of this is coming from the attorney generals office, whos a bigot. Im part of a community thats been dont interrupt me, man. Im explaining how black peoples being treated and thats what im here for. Ive got a constitutional right to free speech and im tired of you interrupting me, and gascon done nothing. Ive filed all the paperwork to put a man in jail by the name of steve lloyd, and you dont do nothing to him. By mario woods, and i spoke up for him, he got shot 21 times, and his mother only got 400,000. I demonstrate where a hispanic has gotten shot 20 times, and his mother got 4. 95 million. It aint about you and these rape kits. Im the one that addressed the rape kits. Im the one that got rid of the statute of limitations on rape with my high powered demonstrations. You did nothing about those god damn rape kits, and then, youre not using the codis to run a d. N. A. System to catch the rapist. Youre acting like youre using the codis system, and youre not. Its a nationwide system to catch rapists, and youre not. [inaudible] president yee thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. [inaudible] clerk im going to begin your time. I just wanted to clarify that the item of c. R. A. Reforms was agendaized fully on may 21, 2019. That agendaized item was presented at that meeting, and all of that is Available Online for those who werent able to attend the meeting. The commissioner remains committed to this process and looks forward to adding this to the agenda again for Public Comment and review once the phase two comment r