Their story. Then we become their advocates and connect them to city resources, detox, drug treatment, mental and medical healthcare, and if possible, a pathway to housing. Most people we engage and help dont need this bill, but perhaps youve seen that person in stoolsoiled clothes that hasnt moved from their location in hours with skin red and swollen with infection, that is wholly dependant on the kindness of others and the Emergency Response system for survival. You might have rightly asked, why doesnt someone do something . But what if that person refuses everything the city has to offer, including housing, what then . To allow this person to publicly deteriorate and die is not acceptable. Mayor breed, senator wiener, supervisor mandelman, thank you for listening and for acting. Sb1045 and sb40 provide a tool to help those who cant care for themselves get on a pathway to health and a pathway to housing. Thank you. [ applause ]. Thank you. As you can see, here we are and this is an incredible step forward. We have a lot of work to do in San Francisco, and it just brings me back to really why i felt like i wanted to do this more in the first place when i served as a member of the board of supervisors. There is an individual who was one of my constituents in the community, a senior who was s z sitz schizophrenic, who has drug challenges and who those in the community have tried to serve, in and out of Navigation Centers and treatment centers, has gotten violent with Police Officers who know him and have tried to help him instead of arrest him. Just a number of challenges. When hes in a good place, hes the greatest person and such a swe swe swe sweetheart. He needs help when he gets social security, he would get robbed. This one person and what he has gone through and the challenges that exist, i was so determined to do something more to make sure that he is getting the help and treatment and support that he needs because everyone is wondering why and im not going to mention his name, but if you live in the area you probably know who he is. Now we have an opportunity to do more. This is really about not trying to hide people or move them off the streets because we dont want to see it. This is about trying to help people because that could be you, that could be your grandmother, that could be your father, that could be your brother, anyone in your family, and then what would you do . What would happen if there was nothing you could do to help get them the help and the treatment that they need . This is really the most humane way that we could propose to make a real change in San Francisco. All roads lead to housing. We have got to be sure that we have safe and affordable places that people can call home when we provide them with the help and support they need. When it is all said and done, that is one of the most critical things we need in San Francisco to address the challenges that exist. This is why all of us are here today to fight for the people who deserve that right in one of the greatest cities in the world. Thank you so much for being here and all the incredible support that we have gotten for this effort. It is truly, truly a village that has come together to address this challenge and we will one person at a time. Thank you all so much. [ applause ] [ ] manufacturing in cities creates this perfect platform for people to earn livelihoods and for people to create more economic prosperity. Im kate sosa. Im cofounder and ceo of sf made. Sf made is a Public Private partnership in the city of San Francisco to help manufacturers start, grow, and stay right here in San Francisco. Sf made really provides wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other Small Business support organizations who provide more generalized support. Everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow. For example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide Small Business owners with education. We have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city Seas Partnership with Small Business, creating a 100 Company Selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or twoperson shop, and who dont have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes back to how do we help Companies Set more money into arthur businesses and develop more customers and their relationships, so that they can continue to grow and continue to stay here in San Francisco. Im amy kascel, and im the owner of amy kaschel San Francisco. We started our line with wedding gowns, and about a year ago, we launched a ready to wear collection. San franciscos a great place to do business in terms of clientele. We have wonderful brides from all walks of life and doing really interesting things architects, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, other like minded entrepreneurs, so really fantastic women to work with. I think its important for them to know where their clothes are made and how theyre made. My name is jefferson mccarly, and im the general manager of the Mission Bicycle company. We sell bikes made here for people that ride here. Essentially, we sell city bikes made for riding in urban environments. Our core business really is to build bikes specifically for each individual. We care a lot about craftsmanship, we care a lot about quality, we care about good design, and people like that. When people come in, we spend a lot of time going to the design wall, and we can talk about handle bars, we can see the riding position, and we take notes all over the wall. Its a pretty fun shopping experience. Paragraph. For me as a designer, i love the control. I can see whats going on, talk to my cutter, my pattern maker, looking at the designs. Going through the suing room, im looking at it, everyone on the team is kind of getting involved, is this what that drape look . Is this what shes expecting, maybe if weve made a customization to a dress, which we can do because were making everything here locally. Over the last few years, weve been more technical. Its a great place to be, but you know, you have to concentrate and focus on where things are going and what the right decisions are as a Small Business owner. Sometimes its appropriate to bring in an expert to offer suggestions and guidance in coaching and counseling, and other times, we just need to talk to each other. We need to talk to other manufacturers that are facing similar problems, other people that are in the trenches, just like us, so that i can share with them a solution that we came up with to manage our inventory, and they can share with me an idea that they had about how to overcome another problem. Moving forward, where we see ourselves down the road, maybe five and ten years, is really looking at a business from a little bit more of a ready to wear perspective and making things that are really thoughtful and mindful, mindful of the end user, how theyre going to use it, whether its the end piece or a he hwedding gown, are they going to use it again, and incorporating that into the end collection, and so thats the direction i hear at this point. The reason we are so enamored with the work we do is we really do see it as a platform for changing and making the city something that it has always been and making sure that were sharing the opportunities that weve been blessed with economically and socially as possible, broadening that good afternoon, everyone. Lets try that again. Good afternoon. My name is harold shields and im proud to be the Community School director here at burton high school. We are here today to celebrate one of our very successful programs, the ace program which was a sixweek learning workbased opportunity for our students. Before i introduce the High School Choir in the city of San Francisco that is the best, i want to say thank you to mayor breed for her opportunities for all initiatives and thank principal thomas for working with us, as well as my staff sara kong and mubina shaik for organizing and directing the success of our summer program. Here we have Career Pathways where we try to ensure that our students have access to college and careerreadiness opportunities. We are doing our absolute best to ensure that our business and Industry Partners here in the city recognize the talent that our students have here at burton and the rest of the city, so that our talent here locally can stay here locally and be part of our future workforce. Now, without further ado, the burton High School Choir. [ applause ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [singing roar] [ ] [ cheering and applause ]. Mayor breed hello, everyone. Im San Francisco mayor london breed, and i am so excited to be here today. Hello. First of all, i love katy perrys version, but i will buy that single if you guys to upload it. Beautiful. Thank you so much to the amazing choir that burton has been traditionally known for every since i was in high school, which wasnt actually that long ago. Burton always had an incredible choir and was an incredible force in this city for academics and so many things. So it really is an honor to be here, because this initiative, opportunities for all, is something that is near and dear in my heart. I am so fortunate because when i was in high school, you know, there was not really a lot of opportunities to learn and to grow and to figure out what i wanted to do in life. I grew up in the western edition in the philmore community in Public Housing where my grandmother raised me. It was so easy to turn to some of the negative activity that existed in my community. There was drug using, drug dealing, theft, all kinds of stuff that honestly, sadly, so many of the people that i grew up with ended up going down the wrong path. I think that a really important turning point in my life happened when i got that first job. I was 14 and i got a job through the mayors Youth Employment and training program. [ laughter ]. Mayor breed and i was able to earn my own money because my grandmother was getting welfare and food stamps and all this stuff for us and we didnt have a lot. The ability to earn my own money and make some choices for myself, but also choices for my future, was so important. Because it wasnt just about the money that i earned, it was about the skills that i earned. You wouldnt believe it. Im mayor now and i dress nice, but i showed up the first day of my internship with some of you might have done this, with a seethrough shirt and the cutoff jeans and all that kind of stuff. It was the style back then, but the fact is thats really not how youre supposed to show up in a workplace. The people that i worked for, they didnt just fire me and say youre not dressed appropriately. They took the time to explain to me why in this environment it was important to address like a professional. When i answered the phone like, who you looking for . What do you want . They said, no, they turned it into a script saying this is london breed, thank you for calling. How may i help you . They didnt just give up on me. I was a handful as a teenager, believe it or not. And this internship opened the doors of opportunity for me to not only work in the summer and get paid to work and buy my own School Clothes and all the things that i really wanted, but it gave me an opportunity to learn and grow. And, in fact, because of the relationship that developed during that internship, i was given a job yearround. So after school i would go straight on the bus to philmore and oak to the family school. I would work and do my homework there. I had an incredible number of adults who were great mentors and supporters. Its where i learned about College Opportunities and what i can do with my future. Before that, i dont think i had any plans what would happen in the future. What i saw around me was something completely different. Here was a door that was opened. So when i became mayor, there was nothing more important to me than making sure that young people in the city have access to a paid internship in any capacity to learn about any industry you want. Because let me tell you something, not everybody i grew up with got the same opportunity. So many people that i grew up with, including my family members, ended up in the criminal justice system, ended up, sadly, on drugs, ended up, sadly, dead from gun violence. I cant help but think where did we go wrong and how do we make sure as a city that no one falls through the cracks. Thats why i started opportunities for all because i never ever want any young person to be turned away for an opportunity to learn to grow and thrive. Thats why were taking this message to you because we want you to be a part of opportunities for all. We want you to know about the possibilities, whether its working for any City Department or running the airlines. Today were joined by united airlines, who i basically reached out to along with so many other companies in San Francisco. We have all these Tech Companies and healthcare companies, all this network, theres so many opportunities, where you can not only work for these companies, you can start your own and you can run these businesses. So we want you all to be exposed to whats possible. The way that youre successful is when you know whats out there and you decide what you want to do in life. So today united has agreed to an incredible partnership, where they are not only investing the dollars to help pay for the internship, they are providing students with paid internships, to work in various capacities on the airlines, theyre providing transportation to the airport, and theyre providing airline tickets. [ applause ]. Mayor breed so im going to let janet talk a little bit more about the details of what this means, but i also want all the young people who are here today to understand the importance of thinking about your future, because before you know it, youre going to be 18. Like my grandmother did, she was making me if any for my own toilet paper. Ms. Brown did not pay. I had to give her rent money when i was working and everything else. At the same time, it wasnt because she was trying to punish me. She was trying to get me ready for the real world. She was trying to get me ready to take care of myself. Ultimately, when you become adults, youre going to have the responsibility of taking care of yourself. Ultimately as mayor, because of what happened in the past in this city and the loss of so many of my friends and family members, i want to make sure that we dont continue to make the same mistakes. I want you all to grow and to thrive in this city. I want you to be able to afford to live here when you become adults. Thats my goal, the future of San Francisco, and you all, all of you here, at burton, you all are the future of San Francisco. So i just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all so much for just really being here and expressing interest in this incredible program. We came here because we wanted to bring the program directly to you. I also want to recognize jenny lam who is one of the members of the school board. [ applause ]. Mayor breed all of the students here and also ivar from the airport. Hes the guy who runs the airport. Take a good look at ivar. Hes going to be retiring soon, so whos going to take over his job . This guy makes some real money running the airport. I want you to think about that in terms of these opportunities. Janet from united, please come up and share a few words. Thank you so much, mayor breed. Lets give her a round of applause. If i may, i just want to say when i hear your story, its an unbelievable inspiration to me and i know it is to so many of you. Its not just getting a job, but mayor london breed is managing and running one of the most complex cities in the world with lots of challenges. Every day she works on machine solving. And then to come and spend the time with us to inspire. Please give her another warm welcome and round of applause and it thank you for your leadership and inspiration on this. We appreciate it. I would like to make a few introductions. Matt miller, my colleague is San FranciscoVice President hub who runs our operation. Behind me, you have lots of our employees in various roles that we do at s. F. O. I just want to share with you why united is here. We have been in this community for 90 years. We are part of the fabric of San Francisco. We have 12,000 employees throughout the bay area region, where they work, live, play, and volunteer. So we are deeply wedded to all of the issues within this region in San Francisco, and we very much want to be part of the future and making sure that the future is bright. There is no better way to do that than to invest in students and in very meaningful ways. So i could not be more proud of the fact that we are here to announce a 300,000 partnership with opportunities for all. [ applause ]. While the money is significant, what im most proud of is this is a partnership with opportunities for all for the long term. We want to ensure that the students that come and work with us in various internships have meaningful skills that will give you a lifelong set of factors and skills that you could apply to jobs with us, hopefully, but jobs anywhere. As the mayor said, its aviati