Folks are meeting at 24th and mission at 11 00 a. M. To march to city hall and should be here by 1 00. So lets all do our best to protest today. With that mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 24th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you, would you please call item number 1. Yes, item one, appointing Rafael Mandelman for a two year term to be determined for the executive board Regional Planning committee. Great. I will open this up to Public Comment. Is there any member of the public liking to speak of this item . Seeing none, do i have a motion . [gavel] without objection, that motion passes. [gavel] item number 2, to update and revise legislation findings in support of the Indigenous Peoples day. Thank you so much. Is anyone from supervisor Browns Office here . I dont see anyone. Any comments . I will open this item up for Public Comment. Any member of the public who wishes to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] my understanding is that this measure is about some technical amendments to this administrative code, correcting some names of tribes. I really appreciate supervisor brown for bringing this forward. With that, is there a motion . I move that we move this forward to the full board with positive recommendation. Without objection, that motion passes. [gavel] mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 4 out of order. The ordinance to reenact and revise the Tourist Hotel ordinance, which constricts the convergence of hotel rooms by deleting the sunset conversion and the credit lottery. I understand that supervisor peskin was suppose to be here to introduce amendments. I imagine he didnt think it would happen this quickly. I will open this item up for Public Comments first. Any member of the public that would like to speak on item number 4 . Seeing yes. Please come forward. Please come up. Lean line up against the window part of the room. Supervisor peskin is on his way so well take Public Comment first. Were just taking Public Comment first. Please begin. Hi, good morning everyone. My name is nicole and i have worked at the hotel for three years. Im here today because i just dont want my hotel to be converted. If they are converted to condos, Hotel Workers like me could lose our income, our health benefits, and even be laid off. Especially im a single mom. I have two kids. If i lose my job, my health benefits, how could i raise my two kids and Everybody Knows that, even in the city. Its very expensive. I support the Tourist Hotel ordinance and the protection of good jobs and strong tourism in the city. Thank you. I work at the heritage place. I get a daily square for 11 years. 35 years in the industry. Im here in support of the ordinance by allowing this to happen, by allowing condominium conversion in the hotels. It would lead to distress in the industry. A lot of families will lose their insurance benefits, pension, and it will cause distress in the industry. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good morning, my name is duc nguyen. I worry about my hotel to be condominium and we lose jobs, healthcare, and benefits. I support the Tourist Hotel convention and protection of good jobs and the strong tourist industry at the city. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker. Good morning, i work at omni hotel for 7 years. Im here because i dont want any part of hotels in San Francisco to turn into condominiums because we lose our jobs, benefits and get laid off. I support the protection of good jobs and industry in the city. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Good morning supervisors and thank you supervisor ronen for spreading the word on todays action. Im a Research Analyst and i wanted to give a little bit of context and history for todays legislation. In 05 and 08, our city took measures to protect against hotel rooms. The housing created would be for the wealthy, the second, third, fourth homes and would have decimatedd tourism for the city meetings responsible for 760,000 of that budgets, allowing San Francisco to remain competitive. Transit occupancy tax is responsible for 14 of the General Fund Budget of San Francisco. The top ten conventions of 2019 will book 6,000 rooms. If only 1 of San Franciscos large Tourist Hotel rooms were converted to condos, the city would lose 5. 294 million. So this protection is needed. It was successful for 10 years. We would like to bring it back and bring it back in a way that ensures that with some amendments, that ensure that once our city hotel stock is healthy and competitive, then there will still be a process to allow for limited conversion of condominiums through a similar process to what existed last year and i will let supervisor peskin add whatever i left out as im sure i left out a lot. I thank you for your support. Thank you, any other member of the public who wishes to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] i think she did a good job. A decade and a half ago there was a phenomenon sweeping cities across america. It started in new york and eventually made its way to San Francisco and in the district that i represented then. Now, hotels ranging from the mark hopkins, to the fairmont and others were considering wholesale conversions of hotel rooms to condominiums. It was much more lucrative, at one time, to convert and the impacts were many fold. There would be impacts not only to the men and women in our hotels, but also to one of the fundamental drivers of San Franciscos economy and to that end, in 2008, we did chapter 41f of the administrative code, which passed unanimously, and was cosponsored by my then colleague supervisor maxwell and we put a provision in there to sunset it in 10 years. That sunset has happened. The need is still there as ms. Gomez indicated. We committed over half a billion dollars to make our center competitive like las vegas and orlando. This only applies to large hotels, not small hotels. As ms. Gomez indicated, once we hit a baseline inventory of 40,000 large hotel rooms, there would be a process for conversion of existing large hotel rooms. I do have some amendments which i really just spoken to that are before you, which would reenact section 41f, delete the sunset provisions, and allow for conversion once we hit 40,000 rooms. It is set forth in the ordinance to be presided over in the m planning department. Im here to answer any questions you have. Thank you supervisor peskin. You know, it is so frustrating how out of whack we are in this city. We know that we need more housing, yet were converting houses and apartment buildings into hotel rooms and then hotel rooms into condos. Its all out of whack. It makes no sense. I 100 support this. If i could be added as a cosponsor, i would appreciate that. Thank you for reupping your ordinance. I didnt know the history of this was needed 10 years ago and i guess we face the same challenges every decade of it in different forms. I just wanted to say to the local members, thank you for your hard work. Youre incredible. Youre organizing to protect your jobs and your conditions that you deserve for the hard work that you do, for yourself and your coworkers. Its always admirable and i appreciate you for coming out today and speaking. Is there any other comments from my colleagues . Yes, thank you chair ronen. I want to thank supervisor peskin for your work on this and for the local 2 members and the local 2, especially for all of your work on this. I remember when i was a Community Advocate supporting this 10 years ago, working with local 2, and its been such an important policy we had in place over the last decade to protect good jo jobs in the Hotel Industry and our tourism industry. I also strongly support this being continued or removing the sunset provision and the amendments that supervisor peskin worked on to allow a limited number of hotel room conversions into condos once we reach our goal of number Hotel Convention hotel rooms in the city. I would like to be added as a cosponsor as well. Thank you everybody. Thank you so much chair ronen. I would love to be added as a cosponsor as well. You got the whole Committee Supervisor peskin. Without objection, that motion passes and i am assuming we can send it forward with positive recommendation. I will make that motion and without objection, that motion passes. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 3. Item number 3 is the ordinance to establish the Street Level Drug Dealing Task force to advise the board of supervisorser regarding policies to eliminate street level drug dealing. Thank you so much. Were joined by supervisor haney. Good morning. Good morning colleagues. For your consideration is legislation that would create the Street Level Drug Dealing Task force to address the Harms Associated with drug dealing in the Tenderloin Civic Center and mid market. Im creating this task force in response to the frusation that many of my colleagues are dealing with. Together with residents, small businesses, and community organizations, im proposing this task force to ensure the city gets serious about asking this addressing this crisis. Were demanding change. I want to read some constituent emails my office has received. Deer supervisor haney. Im the father of two young boys and we live in the tenderloin. When my wife walks my kids to school, drugs are being dealt in front of them. They witness dozens of drug sales happening in front of them. The moment we step outside our homes, we are offered to buy or sell drugs. You must protect our children. We live in constant fear. Dear supervisor haney, it has been getting worse and worse. Ive been talking to neighbors around mid market and its been the worse in over a decade. I know you have one of the toughest jobs in the city, but how do we help . Is anyone helping . The harassment from drug dealers out of control. Please do something now. The next email was to address to myself, mayor breed and the district attorneys office. Today i close my business. Rampant drug use has taken over my block. No one wants to be on my block, including me. As a native San Franciscoen, that makes me sad. You all are wasting all the progress thats been made in the mid market neighborhood. Your streets will never improve without open storefronts. Stores wont open if the streets arent safe. I received hundreds of calls and emails that echo the same sentimen sentiment ass as sentiments as these. We know that drugs are dealt in the open with impunity 24 hours a day and this is a situation that will not be tolerated anywhere else. The task force will bring together Community Members and experts, departments, to actually put forward Real Solutions to this crisis. The city cannot keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. I convene meeting after meeting, trying to figure out how we can get to the root of this issue and the next steps we have to take. One thing that became abundantly clear is that our city lacks a collaborative plan to meaningfully address street level dealing and our communities are suffering because of it. When we had our public hearing about it, we had the police department, public defender, sheriff department, present to discuss their solutions. We had a number of community organizations, including the c. B. D. , and glide. It was a long four hour hearing with other 100 Community Members in attendance demanding answers and solutions. The office compiled a report saying the city spends 12. 4 million a year to try to suppress drug dealing. The main take away is the lack between coordination for city departments and the need for experts to draft a comprehensive solution to the issue. Many of the Community Members that came that day put forward the proposal to create this task force, to come up with the solutions. The task force would be comprised of experts, city departments and those impacted by street level drug dealing in the civic center and mid market neighborhoods. It will identify the underlying causes and allow Evidence Based Solutions to tackle the problem. Im apointing a group of a Diverse Group of residents, incarcerated individuals, Law Enforcement, and city departments. They will look at economic development, and alternatives to incarceration, and hold public hearings and solicit testimony. They will Research Best practices around the country and submit to the board of supervisors and the mayor on how best to address this issue. The task force will be a platform for residents and experts to implement new ideas to address this cry sisz now. There should be no reason that we should wait until a report is done before we can make improvements. I am hopeful that putting all relevant stakeholders and city leaders in the statement room will lead to collaboration to addressing the harm of drugs in our city. I will continue to support proactive efforts to curve this challenge immediately. There are some amendments that are highlighted in yellow, which i believe you all have copies of. These amendments were made after the initial legislation was introduced a couple months ago. After Consulting Community stakeholders and departments that made a hand full of amendments that were more comprehensi comprehensive. This will require the board to choose and approve the members to the task forces duties and the content of its report and allow them to issue quarterly reports and meeting sty sty pends. We need to come up with Solutions Beyond policing. My constituents have been victims of under resourcing that has failed them. This crisis is a deadly one with 259 people dying from deadly overdoses from drugs in 2019. We must protect the most vulnerable members of our community and the community i represent refuses to sit on the sidelines. They have seen the impact of this for many years. Theyre ready to be a part of the solution. Theyre ready to contribute their expertise and their experiences. I trust that we will come up with a solution that our city should consider carefully and adopt. With that, members of the rules committee, i hope you will support this task force. I think its something that provides an opportunity and were ready for it. I hope it can lead to some real changes on the ground. One thing i think we all agree on is that the status quo, when it comes to this crisis, its unacceptable, unfair, and unequitable in terms of who it impacts and those deserve an opportunity to partner with the city to make some changes. So with that, im sure there are some folks in the community who i see here and some who i read their emails that have been partners on this and i know are going to be closely involved with this moving forward. So, thats all i have to say. I dont know if i should move the amendment or we want to hear from the public . Well leave it to Public Comment in a minute. I wanted to chime in here and first just thank you supervisor haney for your leadership on this. Every time i walk around the tenderloin, im truly shocked. There is right there before your eyes, the complete failure of the city to take care of people in great need, but also to prevent others from praying on those people. I just want to apologize on behalf of the city for letting things get to this level. I think its outrageous. I am very heartened and excited about supervisor haneys relationship because i see him paying attention and taking this seriously. We partnered to work on Mental Health f. S. , which will reform the services that we provide to people with serious Substance Use illnesses and hopefully will really provide the help that people deserve and need so they truly feel if they take that step to reach out for help, that it will be effective and provided to them, which it is not currently. We have to look at both ends of this, both the victims and those who pray on the victims, and we have to do better. So, i know this is a very district specific task force, but i want to cosponsor it because i want you to know in the tenderloin that you are not alone, that supervisor haney is not alone, and other colleagues on the board of supervisors see what youre dealing with everyday and think its absolutely unacceptable and well be fighting along with your supervisor to improve the situation. I just wanted to chime in there and looks like supervisor walton wants to speak. I think all of us have seen the negative effects of street level drug dealing and what it does to a community. I just want to say that i think bringing attention to the issue and really understanding that were not going to wash our hands with the activity thats taken place and continue to let it happen. Its important. We know the prevalence of street level drug dealing varies across the city. We know its concentrated in certain areas of district 6, district 10, and district 9. Im definitely in support of this and i want to see how we can be effective with this. We can get some things done, not only for strategies to prevent and curtail street