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Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024
Good afternoon, thank you for coming to the july 30, 2019 board of supervisors. This will be our last meeting, the next meeting will be beginning of september. Madame clark will you please call the role. [roll call] mr. President you have a quorum. Thank you. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States
of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gov tv. They record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available, to the public, online. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Clerk we received a communication from the office of supervisor wilton, who indicated he would be late in attending the meeting as he is attending a funeral this morning. Thank you very much. Colleagues, before we move forward with our meeting today. I want to share a message of unity and strength with the city of gilroy. We are outraged, by yet another horrific mass shooting, to the community of gilroy, we stand by you. To the victims, and their families, we are praying for you and we pledge to fight until action is taken on gun reform. Lost to us today are 25yearold trevor irving, 13yearold, kayla salazar, and 6yearold stephen romero. Please join me in a moment of silence, to honor the young wives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Lives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Thank you. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the june 20, 2019 special special
Board Meeting
. The june 25, 2019 regular
Board Meeting
and do 19, 2019 june 19, 2019 and june 20 [ crying ] 2019. Board and finance committee meetings. Which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these
Meeting Minutes
. Seeing none. Can i have a motion to approve as presented made by supervisor fewer and seconded by supervisor mandleman. These will be approved after public comments. Madame clerk, can you please read the
Consent Agenda
one through 20. Clerk mr. President , given that supervisor walton is not present in the chamber, and eddie funeral today would you like a motion to excuse him from the votes until he arrives . A motion made by supervisor safai, seconded by supervisor stefani. We would take this motion to excuse mr. Wong from the votes until he gets here. Okay. Clerk 120 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects an item can be removed and considered separately. Okay. Colleagues . Today, im sorry, would anyone like to sever any items from the
Consent Agenda
. Seeing no names. Madame clerk, please call to roll. [roll call]. Supervisor yee colleagues, these ordinances are passed on the resolutions adopted. Madame clerk, please call items 2130 together area. Items 2130 or 10 ordinances on final reading that pertain to the budget for the city and county of
San Francisco
for fiscal years 20192020 and 20202021. Item 21, appropriates receipts and expenditures as of june 21 of 2019. Item 23 is ordinance adopting the neighborhood beautification and graffiti
Cleanup Fund Tax
designation ceiling for tax year 2019. Item number 24, 190624, ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation, in one or more series from time to time, on a taxexempt or taxable basis, evidencing and representing an aggregate
Principal Amount
of not to exceed 160,000,000 to refinance certain certificates of participation that financed various
Capital Improvement
projects and finance certain additional
Capital Improvement
s; approving the form of a third item number 25, 190626, ordinance appropriating 160,000,000 of one or more series of refunding certificates of participation proceeds, deappropriating series 2009a and 2009b certificates of participation of prior reserve funds of 16,500,000 and reappropriating refunding certificates of participation series 2019r1 of 176,500,000 and placing these funds on controllers reserve pending the sale of the certificates of participation for fy20192020. Item number 26, 190627, ordinance amending the fire code to increase fees for certain
Fire Department
services; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act. Item number 27, 190628, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department
general manager to set guest docking fees at the marina small craft harbor by flexible pricing based on certain factors; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act. Item number 28, 190629, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department
general manager to set nonresident
Adult Admission
fees for the
Japanese Tea Garden
, the coit tower elevator, the conservatory of flowers, and the
San Francisco
Botanical Garden
by flexible pricing based on certain factors and at certain times; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act. Item number 29, 190630, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department
general manager to impose a surcharge of 1 per nonresident adult visitor at the
Japanese Tea Garden
to fund the restoration of that facility, until such time as the restoration is complete; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act. Item number 30, 190631, ordinance amending the administrative code to eliminate fines for
Overdue Library
books and other materials and equipment, and forgiving outstanding patron debt for overdue fines. Supervisor yee before we take a vote, once again, i would like to
Say Something
about our budget on item number 21, i know we have said this over and over again. You know, it was such a fine process i have to keep on thinking the person behind all of this. I want to thank chair fewer, head of the
Budget Committee
. Once again, i cannot thank you enough for getting us out of these chambers before midnight. It was, again, such a great process. So transparent. The staff, chelsea, was magnificent. Many of the other staff out there contributed to the budget process. Chair fewer, congratulations. Before we take this vote. We are making history, biggest budget ever. Quickest budget created ever. We are solving, beginning to solve as many problems as possible as much as ever. Forever i hope you will be the
Budget Committee
chair. [laughter] i just want to thank you chair fewer. Thank you for your kind words i want to thank my co members, actually, of my committee for all of those long meetings. Thank you so much for the support. Especially to you for affording me this opportunity to serve the board and the residence of
San Francisco
in this capacity. Supervisor yee i dont want to ignore that there are others in the city government, controller, from the budget office, thank you very much. Colleagues, can we take these items in call . Without objection objection these ordinances are passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 31, 190495, ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the city and county of
San Francisco
on tuesday, november 5, 2019, for the purpose of submitting to
San Francisco
voters a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness not to exceed 600,000,000 to finance the construction, development, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation, preservation, and repair of
Affordable Housing
improvements, and related costs necessary or convenient for the foregoing purposes; authorizing landlords to passthrough 50 of the resulting property tax increase to residential tenants under administrative code, chapter 37; providing for the levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest on such bonds; incorporating the provisions of the administrative code relating to the citizens general
Obligation Bond
oversight committees review of
Affordable Housing
bond expenditures; setting certain procedures and requirements for the election; adopting findings under the
California Environmental
quality act; and finding that the proposed bonds are in conformity with the general plan, and with the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1 b . Supervisor yee thank you everybody for cosponsoring this legislation to put it on the ballot for november. I am looking forward to this passing in november. Colleagues, can we take the same house speaker, nancy pelosi one call . Without objection this ordinance passed unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item number 32, 190709, ordinance approving
Health Service
system plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2020. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take this item same house in call . Without objection this ordinances passed. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 33, 190048, ordinance amending the planning code to 1 require building setbacks for buildings fronting on narrow streets, 2 modify front yard requirements in residential districts, 3 increase required rear yards in singlefamily
Zoning Districts
by five percent, 4 amend the rear yard requirements for through lots and corner lots in certain districts to permit second buildings where specified conditions are met, 5 allow
Building Height
increases to existing stories in existing nonconforming buildings in order to accommodate residential uses, and 6 provide that specified alterations to nonconforming structures for the purpose of creating habitable space or an accessory dwelling unit are not subject to section 311 review requirements if the specified requirements are met; affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1, and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and general welfare under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im going to call on the author. Supervisor mandleman thank you. Thank you for your engagement with my office over the weekend. I think several of us will be offering amendments to this legislation today. I have a couple. They are shown on this document that has been handed out by the clerk. My changes relate to two things. One is grandfathering in applications that were submitted prior to january 15, 2019, when we submitted this legislation. And then the other is to exempt out the
Bernal Heights
special use district, at the request of the district nine office. Requesting amendments from section 261. 1 controls, which apply to additional height limits for narrow streets and alleys. Those are the two things that i wanted to amend. I know there are others. Supervisor yee is our second for that . Seconded by supervisor ronen. Hopefully we will all accept these amendments. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i would like to reinsert, and this was actually in the legislation and then was taken out of the legislation which means it will not have to be re referred or require any more public comment. Which is to add residential mix use districts of which i know there are a lot. The city commonly known as district three, as well as other districts. I think it is a good change to section 26, 261. 1, applying standards to secondstory setbacks along alleyways and narrow streets. I would ask that page 16, lines 416 section b, subsection 2, subsection b, that any frontage reinsert rm and make that same corresponding change. Also on page 16, subsection c, the controls in this section shall apply, et cetera. That would be my motion which i have discussed with the maker and is acceptable to him. Supervisor yee okay. Thank you. I just wanted to thank supervisor mandleman making an exception for
Bernal Heights
. It is one of the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of narrow streets. For that reason had a special sed. I want to thank you for taking that into consideration and thank you for agreeing to do that. Supervisor yee i want to thank supervisor mandleman for this legislation. While i support the general intent of this legislation, i would like to offer a friendly amendment. We have heard from some of my
Community Members
that there is a concern over elimination of 311 notifications of residential roof height increases to assisting stories. While many of these changes may not be significant, impacts could vary from project to project. For instance these height changes or roof adjustments could impact light exposure. In these instances neighbor should be made aware so they can work with the project sponsor to solve their concerns or get therefore i am proposing to retain guidelines for 311 notifications as they are currently in place. The amendments would be to strikethrough lines 912 on page one. Lines 23 and 24 on page 13 and lines 2223 on page 17. Colleagues, i hope you will be supportive of this minor amendment to keep 311 vacations consistent. Okay . So, there has been im sorry. Could you reiterate the last change . Supervisor yee the amendments, it is a strikethrough lines 912 on page one. And then line 2324 on page 13. And lines 22 and 23 on page 17. Thank you. Supervisor yee there has been three individuals making motions. Supervisor ronan would you like to be second on all three . Thank you. Colleagues . Two of the amendments conflict with another, one of the amendments adds the provision with regards to specified alterations and the other strikes that language. Am i missing something . The
First Amendment
included a subsection six. Not subject to 311 notice, and then the third amendment strikes that language for you to something . Deputy
City Attorney
john gartner. The double underline section number six in the long title. Was added as an amendment in committee. That is reflected in the document supervisor amanda meant supervisor thank you for that. Supervisor yee there has been amendments proposed and made motions for an seconded, all three seconded by supervisor ronen. Can we take these amendments without objection . Can we take this item as amended same house, same call . Okay. This ordinance has passed. Our
First Reading
as amended unanimously. Lets go to item 34. Item number 34, 190731, ordinance amending the planning code to change, from 18 months to three years, the period of nonuse required to deem as discontinued a permitted conditional use in the north beach neighborhood commercial district; affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental
quality act; making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im sorry, supervisor walton, did you just come in before the last vote, or after . He came in before the lasso. Supervisor yee im sorry, please resend the last vote. We need to take. [roll call] , i believe. Is that correct . Clerk i think that is correct. Motion to resend is in order. May i have a roll call on the amended item . [roll call]. Supervisor yee . Dot ordinance is passed on
First Reading
as amended unanimously. Back to 34, you already read out. Colleagues, can we kick this item same house, same call . This item has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 35, 190732, resolution retroactively approving an agreement between the city and county of
San Francisco
and the
San Francisco
Bay Area Rapid
Transit District
bart regarding administration of
Capital Funding
to fund half of the cost of the bart muni
Market Street
Modernization Project
with proceeds from the sale of general
Obligation Bond
s, in an amount not to exceed 45,000,000 for an
Agreement Term
from february 1, 2018, through december 31, 2025. Supervisor yee can we take the same house and same call without objection . This resolution has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 36, 190743, resolution authorizing the
Sheriffs Department
to enter into a third amendment to the existing contract between keefe commissary network, l. L. C. , and the city and county of
San Francisco
, acting by and through its
Sheriffs Department
, for jail commissary services, to extend the
United States<\/a> of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gov tv. They record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available, to the public, online. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Clerk we received a communication from the office of supervisor wilton, who indicated he would be late in attending the meeting as he is attending a funeral this morning. Thank you very much. Colleagues, before we move forward with our meeting today. I want to share a message of unity and strength with the city of gilroy. We are outraged, by yet another horrific mass shooting, to the community of gilroy, we stand by you. To the victims, and their families, we are praying for you and we pledge to fight until action is taken on gun reform. Lost to us today are 25yearold trevor irving, 13yearold, kayla salazar, and 6yearold stephen romero. Please join me in a moment of silence, to honor the young wives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Lives stolen for this unnecessary act of violence. Thank you. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the june 20, 2019 special special
Board Meeting<\/a>. The june 25, 2019 regular
Board Meeting<\/a> and do 19, 2019 june 19, 2019 and june 20 [ crying ] 2019. Board and finance committee meetings. Which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these
Meeting Minutes<\/a> . Seeing none. Can i have a motion to approve as presented made by supervisor fewer and seconded by supervisor mandleman. These will be approved after public comments. Madame clerk, can you please read the
Consent Agenda<\/a> one through 20. Clerk mr. President , given that supervisor walton is not present in the chamber, and eddie funeral today would you like a motion to excuse him from the votes until he arrives . A motion made by supervisor safai, seconded by supervisor stefani. We would take this motion to excuse mr. Wong from the votes until he gets here. Okay. Clerk 120 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects an item can be removed and considered separately. Okay. Colleagues . Today, im sorry, would anyone like to sever any items from the
Consent Agenda<\/a> . Seeing no names. Madame clerk, please call to roll. [roll call]. Supervisor yee colleagues, these ordinances are passed on the resolutions adopted. Madame clerk, please call items 2130 together area. Items 2130 or 10 ordinances on final reading that pertain to the budget for the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> for fiscal years 20192020 and 20202021. Item 21, appropriates receipts and expenditures as of june 21 of 2019. Item 23 is ordinance adopting the neighborhood beautification and graffiti
Cleanup Fund Tax<\/a> designation ceiling for tax year 2019. Item number 24, 190624, ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation, in one or more series from time to time, on a taxexempt or taxable basis, evidencing and representing an aggregate
Principal Amount<\/a> of not to exceed 160,000,000 to refinance certain certificates of participation that financed various
Capital Improvement<\/a> projects and finance certain additional
Capital Improvement<\/a>s; approving the form of a third item number 25, 190626, ordinance appropriating 160,000,000 of one or more series of refunding certificates of participation proceeds, deappropriating series 2009a and 2009b certificates of participation of prior reserve funds of 16,500,000 and reappropriating refunding certificates of participation series 2019r1 of 176,500,000 and placing these funds on controllers reserve pending the sale of the certificates of participation for fy20192020. Item number 26, 190627, ordinance amending the fire code to increase fees for certain
Fire Department<\/a> services; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act. Item number 27, 190628, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department<\/a> general manager to set guest docking fees at the marina small craft harbor by flexible pricing based on certain factors; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act. Item number 28, 190629, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department<\/a> general manager to set nonresident
Adult Admission<\/a> fees for the
Japanese Tea Garden<\/a>, the coit tower elevator, the conservatory of flowers, and the
San Francisco<\/a>
Botanical Garden<\/a> by flexible pricing based on certain factors and at certain times; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act. Item number 29, 190630, ordinance amending the park code to permit the recreation and
Park Department<\/a> general manager to impose a surcharge of 1 per nonresident adult visitor at the
Japanese Tea Garden<\/a> to fund the restoration of that facility, until such time as the restoration is complete; and affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act. Item number 30, 190631, ordinance amending the administrative code to eliminate fines for
Overdue Library<\/a> books and other materials and equipment, and forgiving outstanding patron debt for overdue fines. Supervisor yee before we take a vote, once again, i would like to
Say Something<\/a> about our budget on item number 21, i know we have said this over and over again. You know, it was such a fine process i have to keep on thinking the person behind all of this. I want to thank chair fewer, head of the
Budget Committee<\/a>. Once again, i cannot thank you enough for getting us out of these chambers before midnight. It was, again, such a great process. So transparent. The staff, chelsea, was magnificent. Many of the other staff out there contributed to the budget process. Chair fewer, congratulations. Before we take this vote. We are making history, biggest budget ever. Quickest budget created ever. We are solving, beginning to solve as many problems as possible as much as ever. Forever i hope you will be the
Budget Committee<\/a> chair. [laughter] i just want to thank you chair fewer. Thank you for your kind words i want to thank my co members, actually, of my committee for all of those long meetings. Thank you so much for the support. Especially to you for affording me this opportunity to serve the board and the residence of
San Francisco<\/a> in this capacity. Supervisor yee i dont want to ignore that there are others in the city government, controller, from the budget office, thank you very much. Colleagues, can we take these items in call . Without objection objection these ordinances are passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 31, 190495, ordinance calling and providing for a special election to be held in the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> on tuesday, november 5, 2019, for the purpose of submitting to
San Francisco<\/a> voters a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness not to exceed 600,000,000 to finance the construction, development, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation, preservation, and repair of
Affordable Housing<\/a> improvements, and related costs necessary or convenient for the foregoing purposes; authorizing landlords to passthrough 50 of the resulting property tax increase to residential tenants under administrative code, chapter 37; providing for the levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest on such bonds; incorporating the provisions of the administrative code relating to the citizens general
Obligation Bond<\/a> oversight committees review of
Affordable Housing<\/a> bond expenditures; setting certain procedures and requirements for the election; adopting findings under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act; and finding that the proposed bonds are in conformity with the general plan, and with the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1 b . Supervisor yee thank you everybody for cosponsoring this legislation to put it on the ballot for november. I am looking forward to this passing in november. Colleagues, can we take the same house speaker, nancy pelosi one call . Without objection this ordinance passed unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item number 32, 190709, ordinance approving
Health Service<\/a> system plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2020. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take this item same house in call . Without objection this ordinances passed. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 33, 190048, ordinance amending the planning code to 1 require building setbacks for buildings fronting on narrow streets, 2 modify front yard requirements in residential districts, 3 increase required rear yards in singlefamily
Zoning Districts<\/a> by five percent, 4 amend the rear yard requirements for through lots and corner lots in certain districts to permit second buildings where specified conditions are met, 5 allow
Building Height<\/a> increases to existing stories in existing nonconforming buildings in order to accommodate residential uses, and 6 provide that specified alterations to nonconforming structures for the purpose of creating habitable space or an accessory dwelling unit are not subject to section 311 review requirements if the specified requirements are met; affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1, and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and general welfare under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im going to call on the author. Supervisor mandleman thank you. Thank you for your engagement with my office over the weekend. I think several of us will be offering amendments to this legislation today. I have a couple. They are shown on this document that has been handed out by the clerk. My changes relate to two things. One is grandfathering in applications that were submitted prior to january 15, 2019, when we submitted this legislation. And then the other is to exempt out the
Bernal Heights<\/a> special use district, at the request of the district nine office. Requesting amendments from section 261. 1 controls, which apply to additional height limits for narrow streets and alleys. Those are the two things that i wanted to amend. I know there are others. Supervisor yee is our second for that . Seconded by supervisor ronen. Hopefully we will all accept these amendments. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin i would like to reinsert, and this was actually in the legislation and then was taken out of the legislation which means it will not have to be re referred or require any more public comment. Which is to add residential mix use districts of which i know there are a lot. The city commonly known as district three, as well as other districts. I think it is a good change to section 26, 261. 1, applying standards to secondstory setbacks along alleyways and narrow streets. I would ask that page 16, lines 416 section b, subsection 2, subsection b, that any frontage reinsert rm and make that same corresponding change. Also on page 16, subsection c, the controls in this section shall apply, et cetera. That would be my motion which i have discussed with the maker and is acceptable to him. Supervisor yee okay. Thank you. I just wanted to thank supervisor mandleman making an exception for
Bernal Heights<\/a>. It is one of the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of narrow streets. For that reason had a special sed. I want to thank you for taking that into consideration and thank you for agreeing to do that. Supervisor yee i want to thank supervisor mandleman for this legislation. While i support the general intent of this legislation, i would like to offer a friendly amendment. We have heard from some of my
Community Members<\/a> that there is a concern over elimination of 311 notifications of residential roof height increases to assisting stories. While many of these changes may not be significant, impacts could vary from project to project. For instance these height changes or roof adjustments could impact light exposure. In these instances neighbor should be made aware so they can work with the project sponsor to solve their concerns or get therefore i am proposing to retain guidelines for 311 notifications as they are currently in place. The amendments would be to strikethrough lines 912 on page one. Lines 23 and 24 on page 13 and lines 2223 on page 17. Colleagues, i hope you will be supportive of this minor amendment to keep 311 vacations consistent. Okay . So, there has been im sorry. Could you reiterate the last change . Supervisor yee the amendments, it is a strikethrough lines 912 on page one. And then line 2324 on page 13. And lines 22 and 23 on page 17. Thank you. Supervisor yee there has been three individuals making motions. Supervisor ronan would you like to be second on all three . Thank you. Colleagues . Two of the amendments conflict with another, one of the amendments adds the provision with regards to specified alterations and the other strikes that language. Am i missing something . The
First Amendment<\/a> included a subsection six. Not subject to 311 notice, and then the third amendment strikes that language for you to something . Deputy
City Attorney<\/a> john gartner. The double underline section number six in the long title. Was added as an amendment in committee. That is reflected in the document supervisor amanda meant supervisor thank you for that. Supervisor yee there has been amendments proposed and made motions for an seconded, all three seconded by supervisor ronen. Can we take these amendments without objection . Can we take this item as amended same house, same call . Okay. This ordinance has passed. Our
First Reading<\/a> as amended unanimously. Lets go to item 34. Item number 34, 190731, ordinance amending the planning code to change, from 18 months to three years, the period of nonuse required to deem as discontinued a permitted conditional use in the north beach neighborhood commercial district; affirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act; making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under planning code, section 302. Supervisor yee im sorry, supervisor walton, did you just come in before the last vote, or after . He came in before the lasso. Supervisor yee im sorry, please resend the last vote. We need to take. [roll call] , i believe. Is that correct . Clerk i think that is correct. Motion to resend is in order. May i have a roll call on the amended item . [roll call]. Supervisor yee . Dot ordinance is passed on
First Reading<\/a> as amended unanimously. Back to 34, you already read out. Colleagues, can we kick this item same house, same call . This item has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 35, 190732, resolution retroactively approving an agreement between the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> and the
San Francisco<\/a>
Bay Area Rapid<\/a>
Transit District<\/a> bart regarding administration of
Capital Funding<\/a> to fund half of the cost of the bart muni
Market Street<\/a> entrance
Modernization Project<\/a> with proceeds from the sale of general
Obligation Bond<\/a>s, in an amount not to exceed 45,000,000 for an
Agreement Term<\/a> from february 1, 2018, through december 31, 2025. Supervisor yee can we take the same house and same call without objection . This resolution has passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item number 36, 190743, resolution authorizing the
Sheriffs Department<\/a> to enter into a third amendment to the existing contract between keefe commissary network, l. L. C. , and the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>, acting by and through its
Sheriffs Department<\/a>, for jail commissary services, to extend the
Contract Term<\/a> by six months beginning september 1, 2019, for a total term of september 1, 2014, through february 28, 2020, with no change to the guaranteed annual minimum income of 590,000. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house and same call . Without objection this resolution is passed unanimously. Please call item number 37 and 38 together. Item number 37, 190758, resolution authorizing the
Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a>, on behalf of the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>, to accept and expend the county competitive allocation award in the amount of 18,250,554, under the
California Department<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a> no place like home program, which provides funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious
Mental Illness<\/a> who are homeless, chronically homeless, or atrisk of chronic homelessness, for a term to commence following board approval. Item number 38, 190759, resolution authorizing and delegating to the
Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a>, on behalf of the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a>, to accept and expend the county noncompetitive allocation award in the amount of 9,519,091 under the
California Department<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a> no place like home program, which provides funding for counties to develop multifamily housing specifically for persons with serious
Mental Illness<\/a> who are homeless, chronically homeless, or atrisk of chronic homelessness, for a term to commence following board approval. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, next item, please. Item 39, 190761, resoln authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of
California State Senate<\/a> bill 1 local
Partnership Program<\/a> formulaic funding in the amount of 2,340,000 for
San Francisco<\/a> public works sunset and parkside streets pavement renovation project, for a term to commence following board approval through june 30, 2023. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take the same house, same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 40, 190763, resoln authorizing the
Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a> to expend a gift to comptons district transgender, lesbian, gay, and bisexual tlgb
Stabilization Fund<\/a> dollars in the amount of 300,000 to support the citys efforts to recognize and support historic and presentday tlgb communities in the tenderloin neighborhood, for a term of august 1, 2019, through june 30, 2020. Supervisor yee can we take this same house and call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item 41, 190765, resoln declaring the intent of the city and county of
San Francisco<\/a> city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness; authorizing the director of the
Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a> director to submit an application and related documents to the
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee<\/a> cdlac to permit the issuance of
Residential Mortgage<\/a>
Revenue Bonds<\/a> in an aggregate
Principal Amount<\/a> not to exceed 50,000,000 for 401 avenue of the palms parcel c3. 2 of the
Treasure Island<\/a> master plan maceo may apartments ; authorizing and directing the director to direct the
Controllers Office<\/a> to hold in trust an amount not to exceed 100,000 in accordance with cdlac procedures; authorizing the director to certify to cdlac that the city has on deposit the required amount; authorizing the director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the state of california if the city fails to issue the
Residential Mortgage<\/a>
Revenue Bonds<\/a>; approving, for purposes of the
Internal Revenue<\/a> code of 1986, as amended, the issuance and sale of
Residential Mortgage<\/a>
Revenue Bonds<\/a> by the city in an aggregate
Principal Amount<\/a> not to exceed 50,000,000; authorizing and directing the execution of any documents necessary to implement this resolution; and ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the project, as defined herein, and the application, as defined herein. Supervisor yee can we take the same house same call . Without is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next item. Item 42, 190766, resoln authorizing the
San Francisco<\/a>
Public Utilities<\/a> commission to accept and expend a grant in an amount not to exceed 3,759,822 from the california state
Water Resources<\/a> control board for planning, design, and construction of the
Sewer System Improvement Program<\/a> baker beach green street early implementation project for the period of november 4, 2017, through march 21, 2022. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item 43, 190764, resoln approving and authorizing the director of the
Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and
Community Development<\/a> to execute documents relating to loans for the acquisition, rehabilitation, or permanent financing of four project sites pursuant to the small sites program, preservation and seismic safety program, and downtown neighborhoods preservation fund, for a total loan amount not to exceed 37,493,000; confirming the planning departments determination under the
California Environmental<\/a> quality act; and finding that the project loans are consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Clerk item 44, resolution to approve
Real Estate Division<\/a> to acquire
Real Property<\/a> located at 1828 egbert avenue from
San Francisco<\/a>s self storage number three llc, doing business as 1828, for the
Purchase Price<\/a> of 67. 3 million and to adopt the appropriate findings. Clerk . Supervisor yee can we take the same house same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Clerk and ordinance to amend the
Building Code<\/a> to waive specified fees from 100
Affordable Housing<\/a> projects and certain accessory dwelling units , projects for an approximate one
Year Pilot Program<\/a> and to affirm the sql determination. Supervisor yee supervisor mar. Thank you. Finding a balance between incentivizing adus and ensuring larger real estate investors, and landlords are not granted public subsidies they do not need. Eighty years are very appropriate strategy to add density to the district and other website neighborhoods. The fee waiver aims to incentivize adu production where it has been underdeveloped and singlefamily homes, small apartments. We should support every day members in our community to stay in their homes, provide or create rental units for members of our community. Along with the fee waiver on 100
Affordable Housing<\/a>, this additional financial incentive will help immensely. In the sunset district we held an adu adu workshop this last weekend which drew over 150 residents. Through the workshop, and surveys, my office has been collecting from homeowners. I have received overwhelming inputs and requests for more flexibility, more options and greater support from the city. I did want to finally mention that im currently working on an adu
Incentive Program<\/a> to expand on the waiver and create
Additional Support<\/a> for homeowners to add adus, including
Technical Assistance<\/a> and other types of financial incentives. Ill have more to announce on that this fall. Thank you. Thank you. I also want to thank the mayor, and my colleague, supervisor mar for helping, and working altogether to have this one year pilot come forward for a fee waivers for a hundred affordable adus. They would apply to building inspection, plan reviews, records, retention, surcharge fees, fees on 1
Affordable Housing<\/a> can range up to 100000150,000 per project. We are confident this aspect of the legislation will positively impact 100
Affordable Housing<\/a> project. While the amounts say per project, is much smaller for adus, amounting to a few percent and have a total of a total project, roughly around 3200 on average for most of the small adus. Our hope is that this just stands, bringing
Public Awareness<\/a> to build adus and bring more
Property Owners<\/a> interested in building adus to do that this year, rather than waiting. I am really excited, supervisor mar, that you had your adu workshop and people came out, 150 people, that is amazing. That is really exciting that people actually want to do this in their homes. We know that we have heard multi generational. Seniors love these adus because they are groundfloor. It creates an
Affordable Housing<\/a> unit. I have more adus in my district. Whats amazing, and i do appreciate you adding this small
Property Owners<\/a>, to with these fee waivers. They are so much more less expensive. We look at rents in the city, for one bedrooms almost 3,700 per month. Not many people can afford that. The adus are an average of 2,500 for one bedroom. Even though that sounds really expensive, it is a lot cheaper when you are out there looking for a one bedroom apartment. I wanted to say thank you for helping guide this through. We need more choices for housing and people. I think this is really going to push forward our housing stock. So thank you. Supervisor yee can we take this item, same house same call . Without objection, the ordinance has passed on
First Reading<\/a> unanimously. Madame clerk, lets go to our 2 30 p. M. Agenda item. Clerk i have introducing an accommodation, supervisor stefani. Sorry about that, i lost my glasses. Speaking of 50 years. Today i am thrilled to honor perrys restaurant, a beloved
San Francisco<\/a> institution and its owner, perry butler for half a century of operation on union street. At just 26 years old, perry open the doors to his restaurant on august 20, 1969 at 5 00 p. M. At that time, a hamburger cost 1. 60. Since 1969, they have sold over 1 million burgers and the restaurant has grown into a family affair. Perry met his wife joe at the restaurant, and the two since 1978. Perry and joe have raised five children who helped to manage a business. They are now proud grandparents as well. Perry has also served as a setting for the 1972 film, butterflies are free as well as the workplace main character brian in his 1978 novel, tales of the city. The list of regulars at perrys is too long to read in full but includes joe montana, shawn estes, senator dianne feinstein, speaker nancy pelosi, former mayor willie brown. It has also been a friend and partner of the
San Francisco<\/a> giants serving food and drinks at the candlestick club from 19862014. For decades, the iconic white and blue checkered tablecloths, and
Sports Memorabilia<\/a> have created a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Perrys original promotional flyer called the restaurant to place you could sit and watch the world go by. Fifty years later, that is still true. Thank you perry, and to the entire
Butler Family<\/a> for giving the gift of perrys two union street and all of
San Francisco<\/a>. I am so excited to enjoy your next 50 years, as well. [applause] thank you so much, supervisors supervisor stefani. It is indeed an honor to stand up here. If you would have told me what i was 26 years old, 50 years later i would be here with this wonderful family and you wonderful people i would have not believed a word of it. It has been a marvelous journey. The one question i get most often from people is how heavy lasted for 50 years. The answer is very simple, theres been a tremendous number of wonderful people who have come to perrys going back to day one, going to the present time who do the heavy lifting every day whether it is the host at the front door, the waiter at your table, the bartender the cook in the kitchen who has the most unglamorous job of all but they do it well. All of these people, i wish i had up a list of everybody who has worked for us for 50 years. There is a lot of memories but its not written down anywhere. They are the ones that have made it happen. I get the credit but it is the people that do the everyday work. I have this marvelous family that you very nicely acknowledge. My wife joe, my five children, i would not be [ crying ] sorry. Its not an easy business. Its not an easy town to be in this business. But we made it this far. Thanks to the kids who have taken on the responsibility, theyre going to take it a lot further. We are going to celebrate all week long of august 12. Culminating with a block party on sunday, the 18th, youre all invited. Please come and help us raise the banner of 50 years. Thank you very much again. [applause]. Supervisor yee thank you, that concludes our special accommodations for today. Madame clerk, lets go back and pick up on item number 46. Clerk a resolution regarding nonrenewal of a mail back historical property contract with the owner of 690
Market Street<\/a>, the chronicle building specifically assessors parcel block number 311, 069, 7374 and 78 through 79 under chapter 71 of the administered of code. Lets have roll call. [roll call]. Clerk there are ten. Supervisor yee this resolution is adopted. Madame clerk can you please go to the next item . A resolution to approve the
Sheriffs Department<\/a>
Electronic Monitoring Program<\/a> rules and regulations and approving evidence of financial responsibility for the 2019 calendar year. Supervisor yee can we take this item the same house same call this resolution is abducted unanimously. Clerk united item 48. An ordinance to streamline
Small Business<\/a> permitting by amending the
Health Planning<\/a> and police codes to a firm to seek a determination to make the appropriate findings. Supervisor yee supervisor brown. Thank you. Im happy this legislation is before us finally. I spoke about the many conversations ive had with merchants about the time and expense city regulations create for them and about how this legislation is aimed at removing aspects of our city code that are unnecessary, duplicative, overly burdensome and many times it just plain confusing. Our
Small Business<\/a>es have a lot to contend with right now. Including competition from online retail, rising rents, labor costs, and in this environment there is more reasons than ever to ensure our regulations are truly necessary and serving the public interest. Otherwise they can be the straw that breaks our
Small Business<\/a>es through needless time and expense. All too often, overly burdensome city regulations can stop a business before it ever even signed storefront and any of our districts or make it harder or impossible for struggling
Small Business<\/a> to adapt to changing times. This legislation is a package of common sense fixes developed in collaboration with
Small Business<\/a>es and city departments. Fixes that are unanimously supported our planning commission,
Small Business<\/a> commission and the
San Francisco<\/a> chamber of commerce, the
San Francisco<\/a> council of district merchants. These changes include supporting live music venues by eliminating duplicate we have inspections and regulations. Making it easy for retailers to bring reasonable limited
Live Entertainment<\/a> to enrich customer experiences. Allowing for more open air dining, creating opportunities for more to go food service and reforming this planning code to limit the impact of one neighborhood restriction on another neighborhood business. The amendment legislation that is before you today is a little bit stronger. Among other small cleanup amendments, we are narrowing the proposed exemption to the bona fide eating place requirements. Her ticketed
Entertainment Venues<\/a> to only [reading notes] 51 food receipts and a five days a week. These venues still have to operate kitchens, and serve food , but would no longer be called upon to meet requirements that do not fit into their business model. We have removed proposed changes that would have liberalized permitting for
Outdoor Activity<\/a> areas, conversation i hope we can return to at another time. Weve also amended the legislation to preserve a one quarter mile buffer for neighborhood commercial districts around limited commercial uses that now look to the nearest ncd rather than the most restrictive. This guarantees the most appropriate application of neighborhood zoning controls. Today we are introducing amendments that can make changes to two aspects of this legislation. First, based on feedback about the proposed changes to bona fide eating places, the attached amendments clarify that actual and substantial sales of meals are still required during the normal hours of operation of every restaurant including
Entertainment Venues<\/a>. Second, the attached amendment addressed some district desires to preserve but first, around certain neighborhood commercial districts and restricted use districts. We checked in with every office about these specific amendments to ensure they reflect their desire for but first, in their district. I hope you all cast your vote today and support of this legislation. Our
Small Business<\/a>es are watching and waiting anxiously. Thank you. Supervisor peskin i just want to second supervisor browns amendments. Supervisor yee there has been a motion made and seconded by supervisor peskin. Can we take these amendments without objection . The motion passes. Madame clerk and you take roll call on this item as amended . [roll call]. Supervisor yee this ordinance has passed on
First Reading<\/a> unanimously as amended. Madame clerk please call the next item. Clerk item 49, resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to order the vacation of streets phase two site and to set the public hearing date for the board to convene as a committee of the whole on september 3, 2019 at 3 00 p. M. For all persons interested in the proposed vacation of said street areas. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Clerk resolution to support
Assembly Constitutional<\/a> amendment number six, introduced by
Assembly Members<\/a>
Kevin Mccarty<\/a> among others and coauthored by scott weiner to allow automatic registration of
Voting Rights<\/a> to those on parole , upon completion of a state of her state or federal prison term. Supervisor safai if the court could please add me as a cosponsor to this. Supervisor yee great. Can we take this item same house same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Clerk item 51, motion to approve the mayoral nomination for the appointment of to the board of appeals for a term ending july. Supervisor yee colleagues, can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this motion is approved unanimously. Madame clerk, can we go to
Committee Reports<\/a> . [inaudible]. Clerk item 52 was recommended as amended with a new title. A motion to approve the mayors nomination for the appointment of ruby, to the board of directors for a term ending february 26, 2022. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . This motion is approved unanimously. Madame clerk please call the next one. Clerk item 53 was recommended as amended with a new title, motion to appoint julie roberts, term ending july 1, 20202 the children, youth and their families oversight and
Advisory Committee<\/a> supervisor yee colleagues, can we take this item same house and call . Without objection this motion is approved unanimously. Next item, please. Clerk item 54 recommended as amended with a new title, motion to reappoint theodora, term ending july 1, 2023 to the entertainment commission. Supervisor yee can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this motion is approved unanimously. Madame clerk, next item. Clerk item 55 a motion to appoint supervisor gordon mar to the bay area executive board term ending june 30, 2021. Supervisor yee can i have a motion to excuse supervisor mark . Without objection, supervisor mar is excused. Clerk i apologize, who was the first on that motion . If you thank you. Item 54, supervisor haney. [roll call]. Supervisor yee without objection this motion is approved unanimously. Next item. Clerk item 56 is a motion to appoint supervisor walton, term ending february 1, 2021 to the bay area air
Quality Management<\/a>
District Board<\/a> of directors. Supervisor yee okay. Can we have a motion to excuse supervisor walton on this one . Motion made by supervisor brown and seconded by supervisor ronen. Without objection, supervisor walton is excused. Roll call please. [roll call]. Supervisor yee without objection, the motion is approved. Clerk a motion to reappoint supervisor mandleman, term ending june 30, 2021 to the association of bay areas government executive board. Clerk no objection. Supervisor mandleman is excused. [roll call]. Supervisor yee without objection the motion is approved unanimously. Madame clerk, i want everybody to know that it is 2 51 and we are going to go to roll call. [roll call]. Supervisor haney that was quick. Today, my colleagues, we are calling on the sheriff and the city and most traders office for a plan to shut down county jail number four at the hall of justice 850 bryant street and present these plans at hearing here at the board. Built nearly 60 years ago, the building has been marked for demolition since 1996, over 20 years ago. Two years ago the city administrator called for the jail to be closed by the end of this year, 2019. Despite this, no active plan exists to close the jail. For the immediate safety of those in the jail which includes hundreds of city employees, staff and those housed at the jail. Many are awaiting trial because they cannot afford bail. The board in the city must take steps immediately to close this facility. No one believes this building is safe area ive met all of the key city officials on this issue , and they all agree, the building is seismically unfit. As a result, nearly everyone who works there will be moved out of this building, including the
District Attorneys Office<\/a> who are said to him of the. The only group for whom we do not have a plan for, are the people who are incarcerated there. And those who work directly with him. Everyone is in agreement that the jail should close and that it will close in the near future. One city official actually told me that the building is so obviously unsafe, and widely understood to be so, that our own department of
Building Inspections<\/a> code read tag it and close it themselves in any moment. Shockingly, there is no plan or process in place for us it is urgent that we change this and develop a plan for the most safe and practical way to close this jail. Two months ago i spent the morning at county jail number four, on the seventh floor of a 50 bryant which sits in my building. It is an old way of building a jail. Forcing those who are incarcerated to spend most of their day in old, small, concrete, crowded cells. It is like a defunct alcatraz prison but without a yard. Most modern facilities including the jail at san bruno house individuals and pods i regularly accessible recreation space. So individuals can spend most of the day outside of the cells in recreational and educational areas. At 850 bryant, large numbers of people are incarcerated for 23 hours a day in small cells with little to no space for counseling groups,
Education Programs<\/a> or exercise. People with severe
Mental Illness<\/a>es have very little ongoing care and more importantly are not in an environment fit for treatment. 90 of people housed there have not been can convicted of any crimes. Many have been awaiting their day in court for months or years and language and cramped sales because they cannot afford to pay bail or lack of a space and other facilities. Continuing to house people in this facility is also an issue of public safety. People who are house their need and deserve individualized treatment and rehabilitation, not concrete cellblocks on a fundamentally unsound building. We are not safe as a community when individuals spent time in this, or treatment, and released back onto the tree. The jail the racial and economic disparities of our citys criminal system. Fiftysix of those held in the jail or black 30 are in need of
Mental Health<\/a> care, a quarter under 25, an 80 of the people are held pretrial. Those incarcerated on the seventh floor, employee sheriffs deputies and other employees including doctors, nurses and counselors. Its also a violation of their safety and wellbeing. For the many staff that work there. In fact, a recent news article in 2017 alerted the public to the fact that the building will likely crumble in a major earthquake. The community has recognized the need to act. Many of you were lobbied, i believe, last week. One hundred
Community Members<\/a> that came and met with our respective offices. Seventy
Community Organizations<\/a> who signed on, united and this amount to take immediate steps. In 2015 we rejected new jail construction, and instead directed departments to pursue ways to reduce the jail population. We are now well along in the process, and need to put forward both a process and a plan for this jail to be closed. We will be asking the city administrator, and the sheriff, who i have looked into as well as
Close Partnership<\/a> on this moving forward with the mayor, the district attorney, the public defender to put forward plans related to a timeline, reclassification, released to noncustodial programs, in collaboration with the police to release bookings. Im looking forward to working with these departments. To this hearing, i want to thank my colleagues for their support on this as well. Secondly, quickly, i am introducing legislation to create a streetlevel
Drug Dealing Task<\/a> force which will be comprised of
Community Members<\/a>, city departments tasked with evaluating the increase of streetlevel drug dealing, and putting forward new
Creative Space<\/a> solutions. Many of you remember, or you were there, and we had a seven hour hearing where we had most of the departments, who respond to the issues related to drug dealing present. What we heard from them, and what we heard from the many residents that came out and spoke, at that hearing, the city urgently needs ordination. We need a comprehensive strategy. We need to partner in a serious way to put this forward. This
Drug Dealing Task<\/a> force will allow us to bring together experts, residents,
Department Officials<\/a> to be able to develop this strategy, and act with great urgency, prioritizing real solutions, collaboration and accountability. We are going to be working closely with the chief of police , who is aware of this, and supportive. The task force will look at crime prevention, law enforcement, economic development, and alternatives to incarceration. They will be able to hold public hearings, testimony, and access data and research were best practices. This is, without a doubt, one of the issues i hear the most for my constituents on an absolute daily basis about how extensive street level drug dealing is, particularly south of market, tenderloin, and the civic center. They are demanding, calling out for a real strategy from our city. I am hopeful that this task force can be a key part of that. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor mandleman thank you, madame clerk. Today i am introducing an ordinance that will allow cannabis businesses participating in the
Amnesty Program<\/a> to continue to access fee waivers. The ordinance will also extend temporary cannabis permits through 2020. Following the passage of proposition 64 which legalize
Recreational Cannabis<\/a> activity in the state of california, the city commence that allowed existing, resale cannabis operators to come forward and make themselves on their activities known to the city. [please stand by]","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/34\/items\/SFGTV_20190821_030000_Government_Access_Programming\/SFGTV_20190821_030000_Government_Access_Programming.thumbs\/SFGTV_20190821_030000_Government_Access_Programming_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}