Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

Entered into a project Labor Agreement with the building and construction trades for the Water System Improvement Program and then we came back to you in 2017 to extend that to the p. L. A. System project and the pumping station system project. The p. L. A. Has a joint Administrative Committee that works with us to administer and implement the project Labor Agreement thats made up of representatives of the unions, building and construction trades, and then, the sfpuc. So what this item does, it formalizes a process by which the commission expressly delegate projects to the general manager to the joint Administrative Committee, and one of the processes is for all of the projects that weve added is we conduct a Due Diligence analysis. We similarly would do that for any projects and present that inform the j. U. C. And if the j. U. C. Votes unanimously, those projects would be added to the p. L. A. In addition, this specific item adds seven projects under the p. L. A. And ratifies the decision of the general manager and the joint Administrative Committee who underwent the process i just described to approve those four other specific projects. Theres one other thing that i want to bring to your attention and ask you. We, under the third paragraph in the second addendum document that we have, under the recycle section, the Extension Section references incorrectly to pumping station one, but it actually applies to only pumping station two. So if you do choose to approve this item, id just ask that you amend the resolution to only pumping station two. Its an incorrectly referenced title of the extension agreement. It should reference the auxiliary station pumping station two project, and it incorrectly says pumping station one. So all we need to do is change it clerk president caen, its not in the resolution. Its the thing called the second addendum, which is the document that youre approving. Its the third clause in the recitals. So we would have to clerk just in your motion approve a correction to replace the word pumping station one with pumping station two. Okay. Any discussion on this item . Any Public Comment . Seeing none, may i have a motion . So moved. And second. All right. So we have to move it with clerk with the amendment. With the amendment, which is changing pumping station one to two. All in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. Okay. Lets see. Madam secretary, could you please read the items for closed session. [agenda item read] [agenda item read] [agenda item read]. Is there any Public Comment on the items to be heard in closed session . Seeing none, may i have a motion on whether to assert . Move to assert. Second. We have reconvened to open session. There was no action taken during closed session. May i have a motion regarding whether to disclose the sessions . Move not to disclose. Second. All in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. Is there any other comments . Seeing none, this meeting is adjourned at 4 44. Here we are responsible to oversee the Drinking Water distribution system. In San Francisco changes in the fire code required anyone doing representtro fit to the home to get a new fire service this caused the need for new Water Services to spike. We used to do 200 a year. Now we are up to 600. If you are building a new house you need fire protection. You have to make application to the Water Department for that. If you go through the process we come out and install the new line and the new fire line. The project got kicked off by two of our a gms, steve and eric. They recognized the need for improving this process. They pulled together the project and selected the team members and asked me to lead the effort. On c cd there is permit and no parking signs and installing the service, having water caught at the check off and pave. It is a lengthy application process with manual tracking. For construction because we communicate with ccd we have to stay in touch with ccd to inform the customer for updates. At one time there was three separate visits to activate the fire service. Water quality and gate manment and then gate man would go back. Now the gate man goes onetime, one visit and it is done. We dissected the process and looked for ways to streamline the process and use technology to make the experience smoother and what we are building is an online portal for customers to apply without coming downtown and they can get updates. With the online application everything is there. It is built in condition logic with tracking to communicate with the customer without having to take notes. We want to tell you these are 10 steps and you are on step three or four. We streamlined the process. We knocked it down to 65 days. The goal is half of that. From the time you make application to put the check on the table to the time we pave the street, we want it down to 30days. I am proud of the team for the work to get together to understand each others work and come up with solutions. I really wanted the rest of the team to understand the time and deliberation and thought so they could get the recognition that they deserve. Mayor breed thank you all so mu. Thank you so much for joining us today. Im sheryl davis the executive director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and thank thankful to have you in the in this space. The hrc was created in 1964. At the time, mayor john she will she wi dg she willy was responding to local and National Organizations confronting what we walike to cl at this point in time anti blackness, really wanting to ground the fact people are always telling me this and its not something that im very comfortable talking about, but that the sthian Francisco Human Rights Commission was created because there were people that were trying to buy cars that werent allowed to buy them in this city, and those people were black people. Sometimes as we do this work, i would say africanamerican afri s and peopblack ipeople in San Francisco felt like we were continuing to forget about them and continuing to repeat bwhy Te Commission was created in the first place. So as we secelebrate the 55th anniversary of the Human Rights Commission, as we remember the 5 55th anniversary of the civil rights act, i was challenged and really encouraged to revisit why the Human Rights Commission was created and to pause during this time. Somebody says, who selcelebrats5 years . I guess we do. [ applause ]. It is an off year, but im going into my third year at the Human Rights Commission and i felt like this was a good tooim to pause and recognize the intention to call out whaen so often im in community to call out to recognize. Im really grateful at this point in time to have an amazing a administration and leadership that is creating programming that is inclusive and is focused on creating opportunity ies for everyone, creating a space for everyone and being very intention intention al about that. Im grateful to be in this work with our mayor, london bried breed. [ applause ], who as an afric africanamerican woman who grew up in San Francisco thouknow s firsthand what its like to be black 234 in San Francisco. Im sure shes seen the last black man in San Francisco more times than anyone seated here and knows people ooes fear s ot becoming a reality. I know shes offikay having thi conversation and okay in this space and that she not only has lived that experience, but is trying to make sure the experience is for the future having been part of the task force formed years years ago, but being committed to make sure that everythione is counted and represented and secelebrated. So thank you so much, mayor london breed. [ applause ]. All right. Thank you so much for coming and thank you for your patience in starting this event. First of all , i want to really thank sheryl davis for her leadership and her advocacy and for her fight for inclusiveness and making sure that no San Francisco an is left out. The investments and work that were doing with the Human Rights Commission in San Francisco has been an example for the rest of the world to follow, and i am so proud and tha thankful to all the commissioner s who are joining us here today sitting in the front row smiling because they love and they do. Thank you so much for being here to secelebrate 55 years of the Human Rights Commission in the city and county of san franci o francisco. [ applause ]. Mayor breed yes, there is much to secelebrate. Sheryl mentioned the out app Migration Task force that was started ten years ago. We were secelebrating ten yearsf the out appmigration report, bu what was not mentioned was the fact that i along with a few other folks on the Redevelopment Agency commission felt it was important to do something more than talk about the challenges that so many people in the afternoonameri africanamer community face and we cant be afraid to have those discussion s. The fact is when you look at the data and see what has happened over the years, specifically to the Africanamerican Community in San Francisco, we know that we still have more work to do. When you look at the fact that sadly so many of our afric africanamerican boys are drippi dropping out of high school, so many sadly ending up dead or in prison, this is not a new conversation. There needs to be new solutios s to address this issue, and this is why im excited about the work that is happening at the Human Rights Commission. Also, in looking at whats happening all over the country and now how in particular sadly we have a president that has taken us back 60 years, thats taken us back with a lot of his homophopic policy ies, his poli s that have really attacked our i mmigrant community and the needs need for the Human Rights Commission is so important now more than ever to make sure that we stand together, that we support one another, that we push forward the kinds of policy s, and we analyze those policies and make sure that they work for the communities that theyre intended to work for. I am so decidexcited about whate going to be doing in the future in this city and in particular i want to take this communiopport and sheryl will tell you a little bit about some of the secelebration s that are going be occurring and some of the great things that were going to be doing to highlight the work, but i want to take this opportunity to make a special announcement because we are taking things a step further. Currently we are going to hire for the Human Rights Commission ms. Felisha jones who will help connect apartments [ applause ]. Mayor breed and review the recommendation of the out migration report and hold this citys feet to the fire a. Shes onnibeen doing it with gr initiatives, whether working with s cvmenfiu, the locoalitio justice for mario woods and all the amazing work that she has been doing to hold the city accountable to do right by not just our Africanamerican Community, but people who oft oftentimes feel neglected, were excited and happy to have you in this work. Thank y thank you so much, felisha f, f joining us. [ applause ]. Mayor breed you really take an therapeutic thunt conscience thuopportunity to reflect, we have come very far. I mean, i the first africanamerican woman elected to serve as mayor of San Francisco are [ applause ]. Mayor breed our fire chief, the first lgbt fire chief in this in the history of our city, gentlemjanine nicol soson. We have so many members of our board of supervisors and youll thank them soon, norm entan yee sandy few er, two in ceecredibl leaders who actually grew up in San Francisco, went to Public Schools in San Francisco, served on the school board in San Francisco, and still doing the hard work for the residents of San Francisco. So we have a lot of work to do. 55 years is just really about hopi opening peoples eyes to knowing what we need to do im grateful for Susan Christian sson and ma keller and others who serve on the commission because they really care about getting the job done, they really care about not just equity in about how you talk about it, but what our Small Business community. Thank you, nicky for being here. There are three generations continuing to support and feed people in the community. [ applause ]. Mayor breed our business community, whats happening in our Public Schools, whats happening in our cityies, and making sure that our programs serve various populations is something critical to the needs of making sure that we are a more equitable and inclusive city. I lastly want to point out and thank supervisor few er and supervisor valleybrown for their leadership in establishing the office of equity, to really dig deep into the dis pparity i that continue to exist despite despi all the investments that we ma e make, despite all the programs that we continue to fund. Why is there continuing to be dis pparity in particular communities that make it difficult for so many wonderful people throughout our city to succeed. Before i bring up the next speaker, i just want to take this opportunity to talk about quickly policy and how policy has made a difference. Neighborhood preference. Some of you remember that fight several years ago, and Amelia Ashley war from the sun report er knows this city all too well and building Affordable Housing and the challenges with making sure especially africanamerican in those communities have access to those Affordable Housing units. We passed neighborhood preference legislation so that 40 of the units built in a community go to the people who live in that community. What is now kennedy apartments where we built 98 new units for seniors, typically we would be lucky to have maybe a few africanamericans who are housihoused there and today we have 29 africanamericans that made it through the neighborhood proc s process the neighborhood preference process are and are now housed in will by kennedy apartments. Yes, we have people of diverse races in that property, and the point is if we are truly going to be the best city in the wo d world, if we are going to truly be what everyone talks about in terms of diversity, in terms of inclusiveness, in terms of all these great things, we have to make the right decision. We have to make the right investment. We have to be on the same page and know that if one person is suffering over here, then its all of our responsibility to lift that person up. Thats what i learned from my grandmother, ms. Brown, oxygwhee didnt have much, she still took that government food and cheese and she still would not turn anyone away from our door when they were hungry. That is what San Francisco is about. We have work to get to a better place, but in secelebrating thi in cecredible milestone with alf these in cecredible leaders wits and serving San Francisco, i know well get there soon er rather than later. Thank you all so much for being here. With that, i want to bring up the supervisor from district 5, supervisor valleybrown. Thank you, mayor breed. I really appreciate this and all of the supervisors that are here today and president yee and the community. For me it really starts with the community when were discussing these issues. Im so proud to see the legacy of the Human Rights Commission evolve over the last 55 years. And hope fulfully there will be another 55 years that it cawill we keep moving forward. This keweek i feel even more p d proud, this week and tomorrow at the board of supervisors meeting, supervisor few er and y groundbreaking legislation will create San Franciscos first equity Racial Equity office will be realized. This office will build on the work and legacy of the Human Rights Commission. This legislation is a powerful start to break down years of structural and institution enal racism. I want to tell the community we will Work Together, we will acknowledge and address our past harm, for more of a hopeful future. We need better policyies and f d funding to combat racial dis r disparityies in housing, healthcare, education, tr transportation and employment we need to continue the fight for equity, to make sure that our black, latin, native americans, asian and Pacific Island er s, d all the communityies list eed t i list ed have what they need t be successful. Now, i want to pass this off to my partner sandra few er with this legislation to say a few words. Thank you. [ applause ]. Thank you very much it is on only fitting that our legislation to establish an office

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