Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

Being built in emoryville for 56 million, a 144 zunit building thats better than the complex i just showed you. In fact, the 144unit complex for 56 million, threestory building, with the 1 billion that newsom says hes giving to the homeless, you could build nine. And with the other billion, you could build a 27story Apartment Unit complex right next to each other. Youve got 11 districts, and if you build this type of Apartment Building complex in each and every one of your districts, thats a total of 22,174 units for lowincome bracket that you claim each and every one of you help. You sound like a hypocrite when you say you want to build Affordable Housing, yet you dont move on. President yee thank you, mr. Wright. Next speaker . Clerk sfgtv, please. And began speaking about the signs that would occur right before he returned. So what that shows us is the destruction of jerusalem shadowed the day before itself. This is quite interesting. As mentioned last week, there were precisely 84 sevenyear cycles between the two destructions of jerusalem. Theres 84 months in a cycle, and the exile itself in babylon, it said that. As jesus spoke before the high priest, and he asked him, he said are you the son of god, he said i am. Im christ, the son of god, the son of man. He was obviously saying to him daniel, chapter 7, where the son of god, the son of man comes in the clouds of heaven. Psalm 2 was well aware of these scriptures. Says yes, ye be happy, and beware of the wrath. Jesus said you are going to see me coming in the clouds of heaven seated at the right hand of god. He had to see that in the sense that jerusalem was destroyed. He gave that in a parable about a king. He said the king was roth and he sent forth his army i want to extend the invitation to everyone, foz on the community, and every union member to attend the Closing Party tomorrow evening, once again 6 00 p. M. It is free, local 34 hall, just to the east of the ballpark, 801 second street. I wanted to report that my information, the last negro in San Francisco, which i consider a brilliant film, its last run is at 9 15 p. M. On thursday evening. For anyone who has not seen it, i personally think it was a brilliant piece of filmmaking. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, sfgovtv i have graphics if you could bring them in close. Please. This is a picture my mom, with her aunt and her hair is just like diane feinstein. She was supposed to look just like her. Look sort of like her. [laughter] heres a person that used to write me, mohammed ali, love is the net that catches hearts like fish. Used to write me letters in the old days. I thought it would show you those two things. Good luck to you, supervisors and city. Hope youre doing great all your selves. So soon you will be on vacation, spending some of your wealth. Believe it or not, youll be walking on air. You never thought you could feel so free fly in a way, on the wing and a prayer, who could it be . Itchy for three weeks. Just like the rise of a new city day, it hit you from out of the blue. Breaking you out of the district spell youve been in, making all of your city wishes come true. Believe it or not, you are walking on air. Single you never thought you could feel so free. Single flying away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be . Thank you. Next speaker, please. [applause] that was a beautiful rendition, sir, thank you. Good afternoon board of supervisors. I am here to let you all know that i support supervisor waltons vision zero action plan. I know its going to help us create the changes we need in our community. As a grandmother, as a cancer survivor, still going through chemo. I just started. I understand the importance of the entire family, and how it is important from the eldest, to the youngest, that we impact them by assisting them with whatever they need. Whether it be housing. Whether it be homelessness. All of these issues that will move forward with the vision zero plan, are important issues. We need to support it. While we all sit around, and we all talk about how we want to see a change. Lets be the change that we want to see. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [applause] good afternoon supervisors. I, too, support the zero vision plan from supervisor walton. I have been here all my life, 66 years. I grew up in the fillmore, lived in the richmond, lived in the sunset, lived off ocean avenue. And now i am a resident of bayview for the last ten years. I have seen different communities evolve. I have never seen a Community Without help. That is what i have seen the last ten years, in the bayview. I dont want to just speak on the bayview, but because i have been there for ten years, like i said ive seen so much of the city. The bayview has lost its toe. Without some type of plan, some type of honesty when i first came to bayview, they were talking about rebuilding the bayview, doing this i saw the community, they wanted to believe in something. Yet, without hope, you have nothing. This supervisor has come with a vision. Its not just this one district. True, we have had violence, in the asian community. It has expanded over the last few years. I dont want to get into politics. But, San Francisco is a city that has heart. I grew up here, it has always had heart. At 11point, i was homeless. At one point, i was a drug addict. I have been clean now for 21 years, because of what the city has done and gave me a shot. I just want to say, if we give someone a shot, we can change something. They have to have hope. Thank you. Hi, i am laura, one of the hair workers. A resolution was introduced last week. I just want to thank you all ahead of time, in advance for the voting. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is lisa rasmussen, i am a registered vet tech. I just wanted to thank you again for introducing this resolution in support of us. Hopefully, you will take us a little more seriously. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. It is a joy to be here. I am a supporter of supervisor waltons vision zero plan. I do represent 1500 more voters here in San Francisco. We are very happy that supervisor walton has sat down and taken out time, to be concerned about district ten. It is sad to say that i have lived in the city, for 35 years, and i have buried 126 young men that died to nonviolence, in our city. We are happy today to support the supervisor plan, because we feel it is going to work. We do need more police officers, on the streets. We do need more Community Ambassadors on the streets. We do need more mental health. All of these things will help our district and at San Francisco. We salute the board of supervisors and supervisor walton for having concerns about the homicides that is killing us in america. I know this plan trying to run them i really do hope that when the board votes, that we get a unanimous 11 vote. So far, we have ten, and we would love 11. That makes me very happy. Thank you again for supporting this, workers rights are everybodys rights. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I am a resident of local ten, these are a few things that i have been thinking about. A lot of our seniors in bayview feel it is unsafe on the buses a day or night. We should have more bus monitors on buses, to ensure the safety for our elders father was the community in the community. Also, Illegal Dumping in the community. You find a lot of abandoned cars in the community, also dumping garbage and all sorts of debris. Streets with no lighting are prime locations for shooting, and drug use. People are using these cars for shelter. This is dangerous for the community. Deadend streets need to have lighting. Years ago i noticed a lot of hauling companies, driving through the neighborhood and dumping their garbage on deadend streets where there are no lights. When you come out in the morning and find nothing but trash and garbage, running all up and down the middle of the streets. A lot of these streets mean more lighting and protection for the community, the residence. Thank you. Good afternoon. I am just a concerned citizen. I just wanted to share Something Police have identified hotspots for many years here in San Francisco. And we havent been able to address these areas. We need dedicated communitys plan coordinators, or a coordinator that will bring resources together to create a plan that has been discussed here. Please keep in mind that Graduation Rates for africanamerican students and latino students are in the lowest it has been in San Francisco. Low education attainment with future poverty, and the data suggests that students in San Francisco Unified School District will have difficulty improving economic for their families. Bayview mission had the highest number of underperforming schools and with these suggested statistics we are feeding the pipeline of violence to an equitable education and poverty. I would like to thank supervisor walton, for his leadership, with district ten in addressing violence and encourage the entire board to support his efforts working towards making San Francisco a safer place to live in. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Get afternoon good afternoon, we support the vision for zero action plan. Communities are impacted by displacement, poverty, education, performance, homelessness and pollution. They have continued to exchange these homicides. We need to bring together our elders that have changed their lives, to get to the roundtable and address the violence. We need a safety plan that will bring resources together. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I just want to start off by congratulating come the district and supervisor that is always present in his community. I see this man at the grocery store. I see impact dmv. I find him everywhere, always present. I did come to support him today, the reason why it is so dear to me is because i have seven kids. Most of them are. [inaudible] i have my son here with me today, hes 21. Believe it or not i havent slept since 93, when my first son was born because i worry about my kids coming home at night. Getting on the bus, being able to get on the bus to come home, for a very long time i had to find a parttime job due to the fact of safety issues, writing on the 23, the 54 and the 44 and bayview hunters point. The buses stop about 3 00 a. M. I had to literally take my kids to school. I literally pick them up every day. I had a job that allowed me to do so. When my son was in willie brown elementary, he witnessed a shooting on the bus. He was only in seventh grade. Nobody should have to endure that. Nobody should have to see that. My 26yearold, and when i say i think god every day that my son made it to two 26. It is a blessing. Kids in our neighborhood do not make it to 25, 21. I just want to say i am in full support of this, and please bring more services to mental health, housing, anything that can help support our young youth so they can be our next generation to help our existing grandkids and our kids. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I jump right in, good afternoon. Im going to try how to learn this overhead projector. I dont need to be real longwinded. I just want you all to be aware of some things that may be of importance to you. When i have been down here, i have been identifying myself as patricia farrell. That is my christian name. My legal name is. [inaudible] it was given to me in atlanta georgia. I have 23 years in atlanta georgia. This is where i get that twang. Since people want to get up here and talk about their genealogy, and who they are, i am 11th generation United States citizen, on my mother side. That is one generation before the pilgrims. All i am trying to do is gain the ability to have my u. S. Department of treasury federal funds returned to myself in my bank account. It took me probably over 30 years to work those 40 quarters, it is not easy to do because i have suffered from a Mental Illness that is now classified as ptsd. I know the reason why i have it. I just want to share this letter from dish, that is funded, because i ask people all i need is one sentence on one piece of paper. I need to get my u. S. Department of treasury funds back, then i can decide where i want to live. I was placed in 2014 i dont want to be a professional hobo. I need my money. Thank you. If anyone is interested in what is really going on with people making he will be paid thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. I just want you all to know, im just putting a bug in your ear right now. Thank you, maam. Were going to see what happens on the second, if i get my money or if i have to take hundred 10 to the eviction judge. Next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. People around here putting their hands on people need to stop it. I had brain surgery last year. Three weeks in acoma. Trying to get my money back. I want to say goodbye to tony chaplin, 25 years plus in the police department. He was the interim chief. He stopped the killing. He did a good job. Thank you. On the television, i saw two lovely women walking down a corridor that did more for my spirit for the democratic party. It was nancy pelosi a with cortez. If they can get it together, we have a little bit more hope for the future. Can the city give a 10 increase at to all of its workers . I doubt it. I dont think we should be able to allow a 10 rent increase for the people that are renting in our study. A little bit of sadness when the Supreme Court was asking President Trump for another better, dressed way, to exercise so they could vote for the citizen box on the census. The state of our Supreme Court is lacking. Global warming, down at the border we have these people crossing trying to come into the u. S. Families are giving themselves up for asylum. They are not the army of hoodlums and drug addicts that are coming into our city. This is the future of our world. What are we going to do with refugees from Global Climate . Are we going to give them guns, treat them with guns, bullets on walls, or basically are we going to share resources and do the best we can . A navigation center, and a safe injection site. They go together. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Greeting president , my supervisor and all supervisors who are present. I am a San Francisco resident born and raised in bayview. Im here today asking support for our supervisor zero vision plan. I am here today asking support for more foster homes, group homes, low housing, more services to support families. We have many families with children who are sleeping in the cars, campers and tents. They go to the Public Places to clean up, and continue with our day. They are sending their children to school, going to work. We need more Affordable Housing that states extremely low income on local preference. We need more services when sally or john come home from jail. Sally or john Needs Services to stay home and stay out of jail. Mama and daddy Needs Services to support now that their child is home and the sister and brother Needs Services, so the families can become a whole. One other support we need is more local foster homes, and group homes to take care of our youth, with love and the vision for the child to reunite with their parents. I like to share a true story of a little girl who was placed in a foster home outside of San Francisco. So far, more than a few times thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I come here, my name is albert chang,. [inaudible] our business strictly depends on tourists. [inaudible] thank you, next speaker, please. I am a resident come on jackson street, San Francisco. I dont speak english. I would prefer to use the name of chinatown station, and not confusing by adding to it. Also, she acted illegally obtaining a Income Housing unit. We are true low income family units waiting. Speak foz we wish this board will consider your decision on this matter. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. [inaudible] maam, can you speak into the microphone . Okay. I have a radio from a chinatown merchant. She is very busy, she cant make it. She want me to play this for her. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [inaudible] next speaker, please. Good afternoon, i am from the chinatown merchants association. Dear supervisors, please support the position that the central subway should be named as a chinatown if they follow their policy of geographical location for naming a Public Transit for the following reasons. Three years ago the board of supervisors. [inaudible] and it was rejected. This led the mta to Considerable Research and decide on policy that the public stop should only be for geographical location only. Therefore, the name should be rejected. Number two, the board of supervisors adopted chinatown rose pack resolution without Community Input nor knowledge of the above mta policy. Number three, widespread support of over 10,000 signatures have been at selected from around San Francisco to support chinatown the board of super tight visors and mta have been led to believe this is only one segregated group, this is not true. Also, the largest chinatown organization, in chinatown, supports chinatown only. Perjured herself in order to acquire abm unit, this is an two a legal offense. I repeat, there was never a Community Meeting and on this issue. Ask of the and individuals. You will see for yourselves, most, if not all of them, want chinatown only. I want you to know, mta had a meeting and all of the merchants that i surveyed, rose her hand and said chinatown only. A lot of them work seven days a we

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