Agreement on this matter. About this contract agreement that you referred to, in may, if that contract was signed by pg e and they made a deal with the city, that is a breach of contract. If they pulled out and did not keep up their end of the bargain, understand me. That is an additional lawsuit that should be filed against pg e. Pg e has been busted by investigator that showed that well over several years ago they were told about their defective equipment and the electrical wires, and the electrical poles could cause a fire hazard. They did not do a damn thing about it. That is further proof. A minimum of 89 people have lost their lives in that fire, that took place, on the other side of the bay. Its disgusting. About you, talking about you want to take over their system, and their defaulted equipment is a waste of money. You can start by going and gathering god damn new semi get that 21 billion that he put in, and stop rebuilding and build your own system to distribute electricity that you already didnt it demonstrated that you can generate on your own behalf. Also, sorry. Your time is up. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisors, i am a resident of district one. I am also an electrical engineer, retired, a graduate of davis and berkeley. I think i am probably the only engineer, graduate engineer in this room, of the presenters we saw today. I appreciate, mr. Peskin, you are a person with with attention to detail. That is what engineers do. Supervisor peskin i think the general manager of our puc is an engineer, but go ahead. Many people who talk about being an engineer, there are many with different flavors. My degree is in Electrical Engineering specifically. I wanted to speak to the risks, and challenges, little bit and say am probably in favor of the option that nobody wants. One of the things pg e has now is what they call a scale. The city will lose some of that. It costs that the city wont increase almost certain because of that. Im not going to go into details, but i think you understand what the scale is. Things like distribution facilities, maintenance facilities, all of the things that needed for infrastructure to support the operation are distributed along its territory and can be shared within the territory. We will lose out in San Francisco. Supervisor peskin we have some of that upcountry. May be some, not all. Not to the extent that pg e in terms of responding to largescale things like how many power lines down. Im not going to get enough time to speak. In terms of the cost, we just talked about the park escalator canopies, and the unexpected high cost, and that is typical. It is a very common thing. Im not going to go into that any further. Finally, about the employees, it has been reported the employees already saying if theyre only in San Francisco they will lose the ability to transfer out. They will be competing with tech employees for their salaries. Supervisor peskin thank you. No, sir. Are there any other members of the public who would like to testify on this informational hearing . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Ms. Hale, general manager kelly, godspeed. Any additional comments from Committee Members . We will be hearing from you quarterly about the red, yellow and green lights of which i think around that long list you last furnished us which was pages long. Everything else was predominantly red, little bit yellow. If anybody out there, from pg e is watching and they have legions of lobbyists, Governmental Affairs people, would you at least be decent to the city on that issue. This is amounting to extortion. This has nothing to do with the rest of the conversation we are having. Why dont you stop that nonsense with that. We are adjourned. Clerk is there a motion on the item . We will continue the item. Wome sustainable future. Item. Wome San Francisco streets and puffs make up 25 percent of cities e citys land area more than all the parks combined theyre far two wide and have large flight area the pavement to parks is to test the variants by ininexpensive changing did new open spaces the city made up of streets in you think about the potential of having this space for a purpose it is demands for the best for bikes and families to gather. Through a collaborative effort with the department we the public works and the Municipal Transportation Agency pavement to parks is bringing Initiative Ideas to our streets. So the face of the street is the core of our program we have in the public rightofway meaning streets that can have areas perpetrated for something else. Im here with john francis pavement to parks manager and this parklet on van ness street first of all, what is a parklet and part of pavement to Parks Program basically an expense of the walk in a public realm for people to hang anti nor a urban acceptable space for people to use. Parklets sponsors have to apply to be considered for the program but they come to us you know saying we want to do this and create a new space on our street it is a Community Driven program. The program goes beyond just parklets vacant lots and other spaces are converted were here at playland on 43 this is place is cool with loots things to do and plenty of space to play so we came up with that idea to revitalizations this underutilized yard by going to the community and what they said want to see here we saw that everybody wants to see everything to we want this to be a space for everyone. Yeah. We partnered with the pavement to Parks Program and so we had the contract for building 236 blot Community Garden it start with a lot of jacuzzi hammers and bulldozer and now the point were planting trees and flowers we have basketball courts there is so much to do here. Theres a very full program that they simply joy that and meet the community and friends and about be about the lighter side of city people are more engaged not just the customers. With the help of Community Pavement to parks is reimagining the potential of our student streets if you want more information visit them as the pavement to parks or contact pavement to parks at sfgovtv. Or chair mandelman all right. Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the july 25, 2019, special meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. I am supervisor rafael mandelman, chair of the committee. I believe supervisor walton will be joining us. Supervisor stefani will not be here, but supervisor fewer will subin. Our clerk is john carroll and i want to thank those on staff for staffing this meeting. I should make a motion to excuse supervisor stefani and we can continue. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes, make sure youve silenced your cellphone and any electronic devices. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 3, 2019, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. The office of the board has received two president ial action memos. One is them for supervisor fewer replacing supervisor stefani and the other is to begin at 10 45, supervisor will be attending in place of yourself. Clerk agenda number 1 is hearing to consider that the issuance of at type42 onsale beer and wine public premises Liquor License to nunovi, llc, doing business as ora, located at 1519 polk street district 3 , will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of San Francisco. Chair mandelman is the alu here . Good morning, members of the board of supervisors, officer solomon. You have before you pcn report for ora. They have applied for a type42 license and this would allow them to sell beer and wine. There are two letters of protest and one letter of support. They are in area 45 which is a highcrime area. The Northern Police department has no opposition. The liaison unit recommends approval on the following conditions. Number one, the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premise is prohibited. Two, petitioners shall actively monitor the area under their control in an effort to prevent loitering of persons on any property adjacent to the property. Number three, no noise shall be audible at any nearby residence. It shall be noted that as of 7 24 19, these conditions were agreed upon by the applicant. Chair mandelman great, thank you. And the applicant is here. Come on us. Hi there. Im sabrina. I am nunovi llc, this is what we were just talking about, the abc conditions which i was told to bring in total, i did sign. Totally, totally fine. We currently have a restaurant over in the financial north beach area. Weve had it for 7. 5 years. Its a tapas, wine bar, restaurant. We run it ourselves and we tend to do the same thing over at ora. We want to bring something to that neighborhood where people feel welcomed, where everybody is invited. I dont im not looking for chaos either. I want it to be a very welcoming and inviting place, and that is what i do, which is what weve done over at basque. All the conditions that we were given, we are totally fine with. Were just ready to open. Chair mandelman great. Thank you. Supervisor fewer. Chair fewer yes, what are your hours of operation . At this point were playing with hours, but during the week we could do 4 until midnight, maybe 11 30, depending on what traffic is like, foot traffic. Also during the weekends id like to be open until 1. Its just beer and wine. I dont want any hard alcohol. I dont want all of that that comes with it. I think thats yeah. Thank you. Chair mandelman any members of the public wishing to speak on this item . I dont see any. Then Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, i understand supervisor peskin is supportive of this application, so unless there are comments, questions, or concerns, i think we can direct our clerk to prepare a resolution finding that this application meets the public convenience and necessity and then i will make the motion that we forward that to the full board with a positive recommendation. Thank you very much. Chair mandelman mr. Clerk, please call the next item. Clrks agenda item number 2 is the hearing to examine industry practices, policies, and protocols regarding the installation of new wiring, maintenance of existing wires, inspections of abandoned wiring, and the condition of utility poles; and requesting pacific chair mandelman the floor is yours. Supervisor fewer have you tetch. Colleagues, thank you for hearing this item today. I have heard about the sca get tee webs on poles on streets all across the city. We know utility poles both publicly and privately owned holding matrix electrical cables, communication wires, slat cables and more. To the naked eye our utility poles seem to becoming increasingly burdened with stuff and drop lines to homes and buildings. I hope todays hearing will help decipher all the stuff we have overahead. I come to this hearing with supervisor stefani so we can take a look at industry poles and actual practice inspecting wiring on utility poles. Today we have some experts who will walk us around the safety and integrity of their poles and wires. As we talk about overhead wires, it is also helpful that we consider this in a context in a vision for underground utilities we will also be considering the underground study update. If its okay, i will start calling some speakers. Thank you. Today for a first presenter we hear from the california puc lee palmer who is director of enforcement and division. Welcome, mr. Palmer. Thank you. Can you see it on your screen at all . Are you guys able to see that . Supervisor fewer were doing this right now. Well, good morning, supervisors, ladies and gentlemen. My name is lee palmer, and im the director of the California Public utilities commission, safety and enforcement division. Thank you for being able to speak to you about overhead electrical facilities supervisor fewer excuse me, mr. Palmer, do you have a copy of your overhead for the Board Members . Yes. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Colleagues, do you have one . I dont think they have one either. Thank you very much. So you should have three documents. One is the actual presentation. One is a pamphlet put together by the puc on the history of poles, and the other is a copy of our annual report. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, mr. Palmer. Please begin. During the presentation i will briefly review the regulatory rule of the puc while highlighting the structure of sed as well as discussing some topics of Interest Rates by interested parties. The commission is broken up into several divisions that regulate particular industries throughout the state of california, some of which include communications, water, energy, rail, and transportation. One of these divisions is the Safety Enforcement Division which serves as a commissions regulatory enforcement arm and has the authority to issue notices of violation, directives, and citations to regulate utilities who potentially violate a Commission General order. Within sec we are divided into four branches which include both gas and safety. This diagram can be used to explain items that are on poles and the various companies, energy versus communications. Just as a quick note, this schematic includes transmission, which you trls would not find on our distribution pole. In the supply space, a transformer steps down the distribution power to 120 or 240 volts, which is then transmitted to service drops to the customers homes and businesses. The poles might have other equipment, such as lighting or service reclosures on them. This schematic does not show wireless antennas or other supporting equipment. Antennas can be attached to the top or the side of the pole in the communication space as long as it doesnt inhibit access for the electric company. Antennas require auxiliary equipment include a power meter, a power cabinet, amplifiers, shutdown switch. The auxiliary equipment is attached below the line. It should also be noted we only allow registered companies to attach to a pole and they are subject to go 95 supervisor fewer excuse me, i have one question here. Just for clarification because this is the first time i actually have seen this diagram, so when you mention the Communications Space, there is nothing ever below the Communications Space here on a pole; is that correct . The only thing that could be below the Communications Space is, yeah, the ancillary equipment which could be i believe the shutdown switch, but i would have to confirm that with the communication providers. Supervisor fewer so the california puc actually regulates what is on these poles; is that correct . We regulate the pole load which im going to get into in the presentation. So each pole had a safety load for go 95, that determines what can be on the pole weightwise, so it doesnt topple, fail or otherwise become defunct supervisor fewer got it. When we were looking at phase, a phase, c phase, d phase, those are all where Utility Companies might have their lines, is that correct . So generally speaking not generally. The way you always have the pole you have all the communication lines and data lines and anything nonelectric is going to be actually below the distribution lines, the power lines themselves, theyre always below it supervisor fewer okay. Got it. Thank you. Yeah. The cpc adopts general orders which contain rules that apply to a class of companies such as electric utilities and Communication Companies. The one specifically related to poles are go 95 which contains rules on construction and maintenance of overhead facilities and go 165 which contains rules on electric utility inspections of their facilities. Go 128 contains rules for construction of underground electric supply and communication facilities. Just as a note, the term undergrounding is often used to mean converting overhead lines to underground. So go 128 does not address that topic and ill get to that later on in slide 14. This slide is meant to be an overview of what the cpcs role is regarding poles. When it comes to the overhead facilities, our primary concern is the safety of the pole and the attached equipment in terms of the people and buildings around it. The cpc has several methods of ensuring regulated utility poles follow the commissions orders. This includes conforming to go 95, conducting audit of maintenance and inspection records, investigating reportable incidents and following consumers concerns. Just what an incident includes, there are three factors a fatality or hospitalization due to something that happened with the facility, 50,000 or more in total Property Damage and that can be on the utility side or private property, or theres significant public attention or media coverage. Under any of those cases, the utility is required to file an instant report and that will lead to investigating that incident. Supervisor fewer excuse me, once again. So the cpuc is your purview is about the enforcement and compliance of those poles, is that correct, the oversight . It sounds as though then its by customer complaint or certain things trigger why you would do an investigation on a particular pole; is that correct . Theres a couple ways. So the utility is required to report if it meets one of those instant incidents. So if a car runs into a pole and the pole falls down, 50,000, the utility is required to report and we will investigate did the pole in any way do cause that accident or fail. The other way is through customer complaints and concerns which consumers can launch on the website. You go on the website, there is a complaint, and that will generate through the cpuc hotline a message to sed and well investigate supervisor fewer you dont do onsite or random inspections . Very limited. Supervisor fewer have we done any in San Francisco . Yes, and actually supervisor fewer you have that chart. Thank you very much. So now ive reviewed the framework of the cpuc regulatory role. Im going to bring up topics of interest brought up. In regards to the mapping, its the responsibility of the regulated utilities to maintain awareness of the s