General public conduct. The general public may address the commission except agenda items. The opportunity will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. You may address the commission for up to three minutes. I have one speaker card. We will start with georgia. Good afternoon. Thank you. I have learned that your survey is on the three year timetable, not two. I am here today because i want to refer to the mary brown sunset study. Her recommendation on page 118, which is conduct a focused Evaluation Survey of battle front mediterranean houses in the sun set district. There were few examples of this type of property in the survey area, it is the most commonly and uniform constructed style in the mid 1920s. By 1931 that style was gone. I have a particular interest in that because, one, i live across the street from an original from 1927. I think that statement from her study has application for the eastern neighborhoods as you go forward with your survey. I hope it is considered. Mediterranean revival is predominant per the page report for certain and maybe in other neighborhoods. Particularly, the battle front style is unique because it was just built in the very narrow window of time, and like the whole revival is a unique style to San Francisco. I want to show you a few examples if i may have the overhead, please. This is my street, and you can see it is a big hill. This is the house i am talking about. I did take it to the Planning Commission and board of appeals concerned about the retention. I didnt claim it was historic. I did think it has aesthetic value. Nobody said anything about it. There were other issues which i wont bore you with. It is perfectly original 1927. It is very nice. This is another one in the neighborhood. That was done by andrew burwick. This is in the neighborhood that is unique with the medallions at the top. There was no dr for this. Here it is underway and you can see what happened. Here is one that just recently sold, and they kept it, and you can see. It is interesting that was done by the same andrew burwick. That is my point. I want be to bring up mary browns study. I hope it is integrated in your survey and that you give consideration to this style. It is unique to San Francisco style architecture. It is nowhere else anywhere. That is all. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other member of the public wish to address the commission . Seeing none we will close Public Comment. Very good that is item one directors announcements. I dont have a report from the director. I have a couple announcements myself. I am pleased to announce we had some success in final throws of funding through the budget process and outside of the budget process. Through the budget process the bose triangle. 24,000 to finish their designation work, and more so the survey, which im sure you recall had been advanced to the board with a number of potential Funding Options that would have resulted in either current levels, the city wide Historic Survey taking six years and the most expedited request taking two andahalf years, and it is essentially that more expedited funding level achieved through two means. One, the Historic PreservationFund Committee contributed 200,000 to the effort and the board approved 250,000 a year for two years. In more detail we were seeking 445,000 each year to achieve that timing. We are fully funded for the first year, half funded for the additional staffing for the second year, and clearly in good position to otherwise leverage additional funding to fully fund the second year as well. Thank you and congratulations to the commissioners out there that did a lot of work attempting to advance that successful outcome. On another slightly unusual note, i want to draw your attention to a film in the theaters right now called the last black man of San Francisco. The reason i mention it here is that there are two lead characters in the film. I would argue the third is one of our historic resources. The film generally is a bit of a love letter and providing some insight into the current building of San Francisco. There is an interesting preservation component in a theater near you. That may be our first movie review. That is all i have. Item two. Review of past events of the Planning Commission, staff report and announcements. Commission matters three. President s report and announcements. No report. 4. Consideration of adoption of draft minutes for the Historic PreservationCommittee Meeting of june 19, 2019. Any member of the public wish to speak on the june 19th minutes . Closing Public Comment. Move for adoption. Thank you. On that motion to adopt the minutes for june 19, 2019. roll call so moved. That passes unanimously 50. Item 5. Commission comments and questions. I have a disclosure. This morning i had a conversation with the owner of 77d woolly and a member of the Mayors Office regarding the same issue. I had forgotten, yes, i talked to the Mayors Office as well about woolsey. Since the last meeting most of you know about the destruction of the murals at the high school. I think it is appropriate for the hpc to comment publicly, in my opinion, condemn the actions. That is my opinion. Ultimately because we dont have any bureaucratic means everylating to the board of education as we try to landmark the George Washington high school for the murals and architecture. We dont have any means to do that. I just read yesterday. John gallagher is working to prevent this action from happening for the bol ballot in 2020. I would like t like calendar sog so we could make a public statement. I have been getting emails. We have an update for you. I think we heard about this after the last commission meeting. We were told the board of education was going to meet the next day. President highland and i wrote the letter to the board of education and to supervisor fewer expressing our concern. To think about having a meeting with the president of the board to figure out what to do to meet with him and express our concerns andtic interest in this. I mean many people wrote letters. Clearly it fell on deaf ears. Is there something more public. Many people are emailing us saying the hpc should do something. Because of the structure of the city we dont have that opportunity. You have had these conversations. I dont know if there is a way the public can know we express our concerns and somehow get it to the public there are strangle holds that we have relative to the bureaucratic structure of the city. I am in support if you want to calder it. I dont know what we would do but make a public statement. We should calendar it. Before that if we could get a conversation or meeting with the president of the board. Part of that we can get an update on the status. What the action item they took would be informative. Commissioner black. I also want to disclose that i met with the developer at the site of 770 lindsey and i was contacted by the Mayors Office for the same project. Commissioner jones. I received an inquiry from the Mayors Office and i went out on my own and inspected the property. I might as well say i will be recusing myself for 77woolsey because we did the hre for the developer. I have a current relationship with them. It is an important project. Seeing nothing further we can move on to item 6 under your consent calendar. This is a consent calendar routine by the Historic Preservation commission. There will be no separate discussion unless a member of the public or staff so requested. At which time it will be removed and considered at a separate item at this or separate hearing. Item 6 for the fulton street adjacent to the asian art museum. Do you wish to take this off the consent calendar . Closing Public Comment. Any commissioners . That is a no. Motion to approve the consent calendar. Second. On that motion to approve item 6 commissioner black. roll call so moved that passes unanimously 50 placing us to the regular calendar for items 7a and performed. For 2018013697coa, 3500 jackson street. The Zoning Administrator will consider a request for variance. The item today is a request for certificate of appropriateness and variance request for 3500 jackson street. It is the landmark 56. It is listed on the National Register of historic places. Located on the northwest corner of jackson and locust streets. In 1909 they commissioned to build the house. Three stories with a basement and has slate covered cabled roof. The proposed project including demolition of an existing garage and construction of a newspaper larger garage. Expansion of the building at the west elevation. New stairs. Modification of the carriage way. Replacement of chimneys and replacement at all floors. They reviewed the project on mae modifications to the committees comments. Also, the minutes and landmark designation was left out of packets. I provided copies for your reference. Staff received one letter of opposition to the project. The first step is demolition of an existing garage constructed in 1982 that required a variance. It is located at the northwest corner of the lot. A new garage will be constructed in approximately the same location and will require excavation. It will have a roof deck and it will be clad in stucco and wood. The horizontal planter relates to the house. In response to arc the project sponsors proposed wood railings at the roof deck. Construction of the garage will require a variance. Finally, on this garage level a new door and window will be added and both are compatible with character. The next scope of work is expansion of the west elevation. The new mass will be the new balcony. They sent back the extensions so the view of the carriage way is geniallgene generally generay maintained. The existing windows on the house. The newest elevation stairs would remove a portion of the existing balcony to construct the stairs accessing the rear yard. It is compatible. The sponsors modified the railings to be more compatible with the rest of the house. Work in the area also includes a new set of french doors to replace existing windows at the first level. The profile has been modified to address comments and are compatible with existing window profiles. New window openings will be cut at this level to avoid destroying the half timbering. They are between the existing windows. Next is the intell at fourth floor to collect two levels. The shallow roof will be covered. The overall form of the roof is compatible and scale and proportion are min alley visible. They agreed to further analyze the visibility from locust street. Next is the port which will be modified with new steps accessing a new side entry. Columns are to accommodate the slope. New introduction of steps are compatible and project sponsors added additional steps to retain the existing flow. However, the decorative posts should not be destroyed. Staff recommends additional options. On the west the sloped concrete carriage way will be modified with new stairs. They will be less visible from the public rightofway and existing grade under the stairs. Three chimneys of concrete and stucco are to be removed to provide interior floor space. Two of the Three Chimneys have decorative claps. The third has a singular form. The chimney shaft to be reconstructed in maywood and stucco. It will be entirely reconstructed. They responded by providing a report evaluating the structure. It does retain a portion of the chimney and removes the historic fabric. Staff recommends a mockup before demolition. To receive interior alterations limited to the nonpublic spaces such as basement, kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom and avoid the decorative spaces of the public rooms such as foyer and dining room. It conforms with article 10. It is compatible with the character defining features of the property. Staff recommends approval with conditions. First work on the design of the changer way to avoid truncating the columns. Mockup of chimneys for staff approval. The project architect is here and i am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. I have a question right now. I have one quick question. You said the garage is larger. In what way is it larger . It is larger in footprint but not in height. One of the concerns of someone who wrote in was about the size. Of course, that is a variance issue. Thank you. Project sponsor have a presentation . Would five minutes be sufficient . We have a full agenda today. I am thomas, a partner. Thank you for considering this. Seeing some of you again and some new members of the hpc. We have made a lot of alterations based on the meeting we had in may, and i would like to take you through them. We also reached out to the neighbors to discuss the project since then. From locust street, no visible changes. Same from jackson street. As mentioned the major rooms you can see the public rooms are untouched. The great spaces will remain as is. You can see in the drawing this is the bulk of the house. The area we are going to change is the kitchen family area here. This is small, but you can see on the left is what is there currently. Here is what we would like to propose for the house to make it into a house for a modern family. This is the west elevation which is really mostly hidden from the street. This is the existing conditions. When we were here this did not mimic what is there currently. The new proposed elevation is here where we made vertical windows divided similar to what may back did with the original house. This shows the section of the stairs cutting down through thee port i co to the lower level. There is a place for the kids here. This is the triangle that connects the twoparts of the hold house together. Last we were here it was white stuck co. This is to maintain the profile of the existing roof. Just a closeup of the stair area coming through to the driveway. As mentioned the railings which were metal are now wood. We picked up on the proportions and detailing of may beck in the gothic type details. Those were metal before. A have you of the back of the house which is untouched. This is a section through the garage. On this drawing you can see the existing garage. This is the proposed garage with the brackets and this is now a tutor detailed low railing. The height of the garage comes down. A closeup of those details. Lastly, the chimneys, there are Three Chimneys we are going to modify for structural reasons. They will look the same. We hope to keep the existing and build a new place underneath it. We would make mockups to show you. Brackets arent stable. Since we wear h were last sheer one chimflee is back where it was. They the chimney is back where it was. One will remain on the Structural Foundation to the bottom as it is currently. This is a view of the back of the house. You can see it showing the chimneys. We are putting back what is there. That is what we are looking for. Thank you. You did it. Good afternoon, commissioners. Deputy director eric jacobs on behalf of the project sponsor in defense of the variance request. The roos is at the preservation and has extraordinary circumstances for alterations. The house and garage leave no location for off Street Parking or usable open space. The Development Pattern in the neighborhood i is homes on the multilevel. It was approved. This improved the parking by orients the garage towards locust street not in a manner to establish usable open space. This when create rear yard by transforming the roof to green extending to the bottom of the old jackson street carriage way. This provides the access to the garage. This will be built to fire codes and offer a compatible design. There is a clear precedent drawing from the subject properties and landmark designation. The extraordinary circumstances by the lot, lack of open space. Literal enforcement of 134 result in practical difficulty and hard ship. This predates the planning code and all improvements have been executed by previous owners. It the existing garage has 9360 cubic feet. The proposed is 7127 cubic feet. Overall reduction of 23 . The garage is viewed from the nortthe at the rear of 3505 pc avenue. It is the folks who wrote the letter behind their existing site wall. Thank you. Your time is up. We will open up for Public Comment. One speaker card. President highland, members of the commission, Historic Preservation commission. I am an attorney. I wrote the letter on behalf of the young family. They were unable to attend today due to a prior commitment. I am here to answer any questions on their behalf and to provide further clarification as to why we wrote the letter. There are two specific issues. One is that unfortunately the case report didnt include any information regarding the citys findings concerning the variance. We felt compelled to have to address the concerns that my client has regarding the adverse effect on the property because there was no information indicating why the garage needed expanded and why the retraining wall needed further excavated to the rear yard that is going to impact the property at 3505 jackson because they share the retraining wall. Those were not addressed. We felt compelled to address those comments for your consideration. The variance goes hand in hand with certificate of appropriateness. While i understand it is focused on the architectural features. We appreciate the applicants concerns to address the concerns. We are concerned about the impacts to add adjacent property and related impacts. With expansion of the garage. I understand it is not going to impact the height from public viewing, it is going to affect the property at 3505. I wanted to just clarify our comments relate primarily to the variance. I would request the Zoning Administrator consider the comments prior to your action. If you need further information you might want to continue to evaluate both together. The case report didnt address the variance aspect in connection with theser vivcat of appropriateness. The certificat