Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

Delivery, and then we are on the second and third level, our restaurant is on the second and third level. And the terraces are in view of the hotels . It is not an ocean view, but it is not a bad view. The terrorists or patio only exists on the third floor. Im looking at this poor sound. Not. The application did get revised to say the entertainment would be during hours of operation, potentially until 2 00 a. M. Thank you for that. So were just trying to get it out there. You can do it until 2 00 a. M. So we just wanted to see. Thank you for that clarification. Going back to the amplifier, you dont know yet, i guess we will give you a sound check. Welcome to seven cisco. Thank you. This talk about steak is making me really hungry. I all i wanted to ask you about your programming. Are you hiring how are you bringing in talent . Is a local artist or people you want on the regular . It is not the bully our purview but theyre looking for more places to perform. We have an agency out of las vegas called steve buyer productions. They actually assist us with our Talent Acquisition and compensation for all of our locations. Our plan is to have auditions with a lot of our senior team, including the steve buyer Productions Team in the middle of august, and they will be inviting local musicians. We might have the opportunity to bring some of these musicians from our existing locations to assist us that sort of know our program and are very familiar with our culture to help us in the opening process. I have heard there is a tremendous amount of talent in San Francisco, so i expect our auditions to be really entertaining and we will be looking to pick the best of the best. We will you will see us having talent that you are hearing on the radio, i dont know. Typically if they are on the radio, theyre not looking to play a steakhouse five nights a week. We have had musicians leave us to go tour and they make it big, but, you know, i am not sure you will know the arches unless you are familiar. I certainly hope that we will represent some local artists in San Francisco on our roster or schedule. Great. That answers my question. I think part of my thinking was, are you actually having different performers each night of the week or are you having a regular inhouse . It really depends. We like to see repeat performers last week in malibu, there is a lot of rotation, but then in this location we had someone for individuals wednesday through sunday. I like to see some consistency and again, i am open if all of you on the Entertainment Commission no individuals, i freely give you my Contact Information to send them to me and i can get them in touch with steve buyer productions and we can have them come audition for us. Great, thank you. Hello. Thank you for coming in. In the events there is a complaint from one of your neighbors or hotel guests, what would be your policy and procedure to address that . We are very diligent on guest resolution. And if that person is we have the support of our corporate our Corporate Office in houston. Involving Law Enforcement or legal, i hope it wouldnt get to that point. We typically, just like you spoke about earlier, our management would want to speak to that person directly. We have actually had that situation occur in our Newport Beach location. We invited that person in for dinner and he became one of our regular guests. That is how we would deal at it on the facetoface basis and find out specifically what the complaint was and how it was generated and why and just like you spoke about earlier, once you are facetoface with somebody, the resolution has pretty much begun and i am very proud that what started out as a complaint and it up as a guest for life. That would be my approach to that situation. You will have managers on site who will make decisions . Absolutely. We have that situation in boston where we have very strict decibel levels they are in milliondollar condominiums. We are very used to responding and adhering to any rules that are being imposed upon us, but we will have general manager who is in training right now in our existing locations, and four managers where we will have two security on site seven days a week. Working the door and rotating through the guest area to make sure things are being handled inappropriate fashions. Thank you. Welcome to the union square neighborhood. Thank you. I would like to make a motion i think that you answered our questions very well up to this point, but i would like to move to approve with the Good Neighbor policy. I will second. You can have a seat. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you. There is a motion with a second. Before we do that, i would like to see if theres any Public Comment on this agenda item. Commissioners, just a brief history, that used to be the International House of wine, which was a liquor store and then they and they had fine wines. This group is made of has made a large financial commitment to the improvement of the space, so i think if they are making that kind of commitment, i think they will Pay Attention to detail. I will say this. The closure of the last place, it looks like it is for lease to be a retail space, not going to be an intricate it is an entertainment venue that we lost biscuit blues is kitty corner to this space, right now it is close because there is some internal problems with the tenants, but just a general area , all those hotels are putting considerable investment in their spaces, tenant improvements, but the people who come here, you know, they only have options a lot of their options to go out to eat for their entertainment. We need spaces like this one, like the cliff was years back, where you can go in and have a nice dinner and then you can go here some live music, quality entertainment in a nice venue, in that particular area. So i am all for it. I just hope other people follow suit and there that pocket could have quality entertainment because it gets c. D. Down there right now at late night and that is concerning. Thumbs up for these guys. All right. Seeing no more Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. [roll call] congratulations. Thank you for coming in. Please follow up with our Deputy Director for next steps. Thank you that was my time thank you. That was my time. Moving along. Okay. The next permit application is for place of entertainment and change of ownership for dimples cocktail lounge. The new owner intends to keep the Business Operations exactly as they are, a small karaoke bar a small bar with karaoke rooms. They received a letter of support from the president of the japan town Merchants Group as well as signatures of support from the neighboring businesses, which are included in your file. The new manager worked at dimples under the previous ownership so she is very familiar with the operation. Northern station approves this permit with no added conditions. Here to tell you more is the owner. Parker is the owner, mr. Parker. Good evening. I am the new owner for dimples. Dimples is a bar that has been around, i have heard about 30 years and it has gone through several changes over its time. I believe it started as a piano bar at some point, early in its existence and it has changed ownership a couple of times. The previous owner, to me, i have known her. She has owned the bar for about 18 years, 16 or 18 years, and she has developed the bar into what it is now, and im pretty much taking over as is with not much changes planned. Of course, you know, this is a new experience for me. I have never been a Business Owner before, but i have attended bars tended bar as before. I am still trying to get my feet under me. It has been a hectic three weeks since we have had the bar, but it has come a long, and i would appreciate your consideration for the entertainment license. So, you know, to get that bar is you are lucky. To get places like that these days are not easy, and are you planning to do any new promotions, or just keep running it the way it is . You know, i have my ideas for the future. I would actually like to talk to the gentleman who was here before. This is a small venue, a very small bar. Eventually i dream of upscaling its a bit and getting maybe two or three piece, maybe one guy singing, a keyboard, that kind of thing. Right now we have a jukebox. It is a really nice jukebox, but maybe on a slow night, maybe if it might enhance some business, try to get some Live Entertainment in there, and also , in that vein, once i get to this point to start developing that part of it, once again, i would be looking for local artists, honestly. I already found a couple. Ive got their cards. I said, hey, be ready. Maybe here in the near future and might have room for some you dont plan to changes sound system . The sound system is existing jukebox. It is a good sounding system. The customers like it. And then the karaoke rooms, there are a couple of speakers that are not performing so well, but i have to change those. Same power, just replacement. Yeah. Thank you. As far as i know, the bar has never had a complaint from any of the neighbors. The previous owner has told me that i have never had a complaint and we are a basement bar, and it is pretty well isolated from pretty much anything around there. Thank you. Thank you for coming in. Part of the requirements is for you to do some Neighborhood Outreach and on your application , it says no, i do see you have a letter from japan Town Merchants Association and you have a thing here with four or five signatures. I was wondering, what was your experience like in talking with some of your neighbors about this . My manager and i, we walked around to the Different Things around businesses. Some just didnt care. They just signed it. This bar has been around and they know dimples, and some i just couldnt get a hold of the owners or the managers so i left this sheet with them. Some of those i just couldnt get back. I did have a couple of sheets with other signatures on them but i have lost them, so youve got the one with the immediate neighbors around us, but i really didnt know what else to do, not having much experience in this, so i talked with the owners and i also reached out to the japan town Merchants Group because i knew that they would have experience in this, so i have talked with him and i will become a member with them and try to contribute. I just hope that based on what you have heard with the last two applicants that you will reach out to your neighbors , whether they are complaining or not, and be a Good Neighbor and really find out how you can be a Good Neighbor to the residents. I plan to. Thank you. Thank you. I have seen dimples a lot on post street, i have never been inside so im actually really curious. I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming a new Business Owner. I am just curious also. In terms of how late do you think the general i guess, traffic of your guests that are coming into your bar because post street doesnt seem to be that active in the evening. It is hit or miss. I have been a patron of that bar in the past. It is hit or miss. Sometimes, obviously on the weekends it is a lot busier, but just one sometime things sometimes a get a huge crowd going in. Until we start shoving them out. The karaoke rooms, a lot of times they are just not used or people are more interested in listening to the jukebox. It is kind of a lowkey, it is a pretty relaxed atmosphere bar. The music is pretty good from the jukebox. You can find any song that you want, but we do get groups in that want to sing and that is what the karaoke rooms are there for. It provides a Revenue Source for the bar. That is great. Congratulations. Thank you. I just had a couple quick comments. Congratulations, again. I know the excitement of owning a new bar, is really fun. Just because you are a little new to the business, i will caution you against a couple things that could get you in trouble with us. The first is using outside promoters. It is totally your right to do it, but sometimes promoters can bring people in and they kind of act with impunity and it gets you in trouble. I would just be very careful on nights where sometimes people promise to bring in 1500 people, it is very enticing to do that, but sometimes that can also lead to Serious Problems and at the end of the day, it is your problem, not the promoters, in some promoters know that and they prey on Small Businesses because they know that they can act with impunity. It is just one thing to consider what you mean by a promoter . Promoter can be anything, but generally it is someone who promises to bring a bunch of people into your bar for a cut, and sometimes you will say, this night is really slow, and somebody says, i can bring in a hundred people, and if you have a d. J. License, and they bring in people and they are not your normal crowd and they cause trouble and you can trouble for it, so that is one thing. The other thing is when doing anything life that you are talking about for the future, i would just encourage you, you dont have to, but i would encourage you to have your own sound system that you personally control. When a d. J. Comes in, d. J. S are not great at turning their music down. They actually like to go the opposite direction, usually in our experience so you have to have control of it. You dont have to buy that also can get you into trouble. Thank you for the advice about promoters, i hadnt thought of that. It could come up sometime down the road. Have it in the back of your mind a lot of the issues we have our with promoters. Summer motors are fantastic, but some of them can cause serious trouble. I have been a fan of karaoke for a long time. Not that im good, but do you like to sing. I used to be a karaoke d. J. , as well. I didnt quit my day job, though i know about sound systems, and of course, i would have my own sound. That is good. You should have led with that, you buried the lead. I dont think anybody else has questions, so you can have a seat. We will open it up for Public Comment. Thank you for coming in. Is there any Public Comment on this agenda item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. It is kind of a nobrainer. The places been around for a long time. Jay town is a mecca of karaoke bars and there is a couple in the building, actually, but i want to move to approve this payment. I second. Commissioner perez [roll call] congratulations, you permit has been granted. Please, sometime in the near future, followup with our Deputy Director for your next steps. Thank you very much. The next permit applications are for a limited Live Performance in billiard earlier just parlayed permit for st. Marys pub located at 3845 mission street. The bar is coming into compliance by applying for these permits with the planned to plan to continue having live d. J. S perform if granted. The neighbors living above the bar contacted the Deputy Director with concerns, which you can find in your files for reference. And response, the owner, maria, sat down with the neighbors to discuss their concerns and solutions. She listened to the volume of the music inside their unit and she gave them her cell phone number, and she plasterwork with an engineer to explore potential sound abatement. She personally reached out to the community and immediate neighbors and received six letters of support which are in your file. Ingles i station approved this permit with no added conditions. Here to tell you more is the owner, maria davis. Hello. So st. Marys pub is a legacy business that has been there since 1933. It is the oldest post prohibition bar in San Francisco we are the classic neighborhood dive bar. We are more of like family. Everybody that comes in, most of them live in the area, and so in applying for this permit, i have talked to everybody that has come in about it, and all those surrounding businesses, and we have gotten a lot of support. We have had some issues with the upstart the upstairs neighbors have had some complaints, so i sat down with them and listened from their unit, we have moved the speakers , and we are going to have a sound metering tomorrow, is that what it is called . Sound testing, just to continue to work with the make sure that we are all copacetic and nothing is going to disrupt anybodys living situation, and we are happy to continue to accommodate to make it all work. I have a question. When did you take over this legacy bar . 1933, im kidding. About eight and a half years ago and did you have music then . Or is this something new . We have had d. J. S, which i didnt realize that we needed a permit for, but we have had it is a small bar, we have just had people playing records. It is not like a club, not really dancing or anything. So it has just been recently he started you started getting complaints . Yes, but we have had complaints on the upstairs neighbors, so it was sort of like that there was noise after 2 00 a. M. , so i sat down with the staff, we have had lots of meetings about it and about after 2 00 a. M. It takes some time to close the bar, so there will be some noise , but they are not allowed to turn on the music. And then the speakers and the sound has been there for the last eight years. Yes. Where did you bring in new stuff . It is all the same . Yes. So either the volume has gotten louder, or people have gotten more sensitive since you moved into the buildings. Yeah, im not sure. Have you done any soundproofing at all in the ceiling . I took over the bar, there was a drop ceiling, but it was just this thin layer of tiles that were moulding and rotting, and then there was just the ceiling, i took that out and put in a layer of sheet rock, and then put acoust

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