Good afternoon and welcome to july 16th, 2019 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madame clerk, please call the. [roll call] please call roll call. [roll call] mr. President , you have a quorum okay. , we will get started in a second. I need to talk to our okay, we will get started in a second. I need to talk to our city attorney. Sorry about that. I think we cold will call already. Okay. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] on behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at San Francisco government television, michael and maja, who record each of our meetings and make their transcripts available to the public online. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Yes, i have a communication from the office of supervisor gordon mar. He is expecting not to be of the Board Meeting today and requests to be excused. Okay. Could i have a motion from supervisor stefani and seconded by supervisor. Without objection, supervisor mar is excused. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the june 11th, 2019 Board Meeting and the minutes from the june 13 th 2019 special meeting at the budget and Committee Budget and finance committee. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing then, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Motion made by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor brown then without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. Madame clerk, please call the first item. Item one is an ordinance to call and provide for a special election to be held in San Francisco on tuesday, november 5 th, 2019 for the purpose of submitting to the San Francisco voters a proposition to incur 600 million of bonded indebtedness for Affordable Housing improvements and to adopt the appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. Colleagues, as i mentioned it last weeks Board Meeting, it has been brought to my attention that even though since the days that a supervisor enacted legislation to have all of our general Obligation Bonds have 5050 passthrough his, indeed, in some cases, general Obligation Bonds are being passed through to tenants and all in all of our districts that are actually raising their rent. This did not make sense at first to me because the whole concept is that we are issuing as much debt as we are tiring, and our marginal property tax rate therefore is not going up, so presumably there should not be any increased passthrough his to tenants. But as it turns out, because, and our controller can give you his lovely graph, we have debt that preexists that 5050 passthrough. That is not always the case. And to that end, and because we want uniform support for this Affordable Housing bonds on our november ballot, i indicated last week that i would be introducing legislation that would include hardship provisions for tenants. This is very commonplace. It is commonplace on utility passthrough is, it is commonplace on operating passthrough his, and hopefully it will soon be commonplace for general Obligation Bonds. I have discussed this with representatives of the tenants community and the landlord community and hopefully this will be accepted by everyone and we will have uniform support for this measure. To that end, i have passed out each and every one of you members and amendment at pages ten and 11 to add a new section 18 which would read, landlords may passthrough to residential tenants under the rent stabilization arbitration ordinance, administrative code chapter 37, 50 of any property tax increase that may result in the issuance of bonds authorized by this ordinance. Here is the operative sentence, the city may a ordinances authorizing tenants to seek waivers from the passthrough is based on financial hardship. So i would like to make that amendment, continue this one week to a committee of the whole and then vote for this on second reading at our last meeting this month. By way of disclosure, this would make this measure the late measure. I want everybody to be aware of that going into this, and i hereby make that motion that i have described to item number 1. Supervisor brown . I would like to sign on, please. I will consider that a second you are just going to second . This is an amendment. Okay. There has been a motion made and seconded by supervisor brown. Roll call. [roll call] there are ten aye. Okay. Even though this will delay the final vote for the bottom measure it is a it is continue to a committee of the hole. I understand. I just want to Say Something. Is that okay with you . So the good thing is that we still have enough time to still put it on the ballot. So, supervisor peskin, you just made a motion to continue. I would like to make a motion to continue this to a committee of the whole for next week, july 23rd, please. Okay. Is there a second for that . Supervisor mandelman. Can i take this same house same call as amended . Okay. Motion passes to continue this item. That would be on First Reading, mr. President. Yes. Okay. Could we go to item number 2. Item two is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the cooperative living opportunities for the Mental Health loan fund and the program to finance the acquisition of Residential Properties operated as communal housing for people with chronic Mental Illness and or Substance Use disorders. Okay. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this is passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please go to items three through seven. Item three through seven comprised five ordinances that authorize settlement of the following lawsuits. Item three is settling a lawsuit filed by Joseph Alvarado against the city for 175,000, filed on september 6, 2018. It involves an alleged personal injury on city streets. Other material terms are a waiver of the San FranciscoGeneral Hospital lean and further appropriates the amount for the Public Utilities commission Wastewater Enterprise Fund balance. Item four, authorizes the settlement of the lawsuit filed by gwendolyn woods against the city for 400,000, filed december 11th, 2015 in the United States district court, lawsuit involves alleged civil rights violations. Item five settles the lawsuit filed by margo grant against the city for 175,000, filed on october 20th, 2017 in the United States district court, Northern Division of sand of california and involves an employment dispute. Autumns item six authorizes assessment through dixie against the city for 125,000, filed october 23rd, 2017 in San Francisco superior court and involves alleged medical negligence and item seven authorizes settlement of the lawsuit filed by general washington against the city for 40,000 from generally fifth, 2016 he San Francisco superior court. And involves an alleged personal injury sentences go General Hospital. Can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection, these ordinances are passed unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the budget items eight to 24. Eight through 24 beginning with item eight, is the budget appropriation ordinance to appropriate all estimated receipts and expenditures for departments of the city as of june first, 2019. Item nine is the annual salary ordinance. New positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for fiscal years ending june 30th, 2020 and june 30th 2021. Item ten is the ordinance to adopt the neighborhood beautification and graffiti cleanup. Item 11 is the ordinance to authorize refunding certificates of participation for multiple Capital Improvement project not to exceed 100. Item 12 is an ordinance to appropriate refunding certificates of participation for 160 million to places place these funds on rollers was there. I can 13 is the ordinance to amend the fire code to increase certain Fire Department fees. Item 14 is to amend the park code to permit the recreation and Park Department general manager to said guest docking fees at the marina small craft harbor. Item 15 is the ordinance to amend the park code regarding nonresident fees a certain specialty attractions. Item 16 is the ordinance to amend the park code for temporary surcharges at the japanese tea garden. Item 17 is the ordinance to amend the administrative code, eliminating fines for Overdue Library materials. Item 18 is resolution to approve the fiscal year 2019 through 20 budget for the office of Community Investment and infrastructure. For fiscal year 2019 through 2020 budget. Item 19 is resolution to concur with the controllers establishment of the Consumer Price index for 2019 and to adjust the access line text by the same rate. Item 20 is a resolution to concur with the controller certification item 21 is a resolution to authorize the Planning Department to accept and expend 625,000 from the California Department of housing and Community Development for a Planning Grant program fund. Item 22, resolution to accept and expend grants funds for the department of Public Health. Item 23 is a resolution to approve the fiscal year 2019 through 2021 expenditure plan for the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, and item 24 is a resolution to authorize the San FranciscoPublic Library to accept and expend an 808,000 grant of inkind services, cash money from the friends of the San FranciscoPublic Library. Supervisor viewer . Thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to speak a little bit about the budget and this budget process for 2019. I would like to first thank the board, the mayor, the Mayors Office, my fellow supervisors on the budget committee. He Office Clerks office, especially long advocates and community organization. I think in the beginning it was daunting. So many city budgets is only asks. In fact, over 400 million in community asks. I would like to especially thank Tracy Bullard who was the backbone of this process, working closely with departments , advocates, the Mayors Office in the offices of other supervisors. I want to appreciate my legislative aides were holding it down well we were deep in the budget stuff. And to thank all of the aids of the offices for their support. Chelsea and i both learned a lot during this process, but the biggest lesson was how dependent san franciscans are on a budget that serves them well and reflects the values of our city. I would also like to recognize cameron . Patrick for her hard work and collaboration, as well as sophia kittler, also our hardworking budges late budget legislative office and ever controller, and his team. It takes a team to deliver an astounding budget, and i was honored to be part of the team. Many thanks to john gibbon are for all those hours of public testimony and reading of the budgets to make sure that we were legally sound, and i would like to thank all the Public Servants, in particular the Department Heads for their honorable work that they do every day to serve the residents of San Francisco. Public service is not only noble employment, it is imperative to have Public Servants who deliver City Services to the residents of our city. You, the workers of the city and county of San Francisco are the machine that makes the city run every day. Thank you all again, and especially to president you for forwarding these opportunities to serve the city and this board in the capacity of budget chair. Inc. You. Budget chair fewer, i really want to personally thank you in public. I think more than that, just the process that you took us through was very smooth. I know it was a lot of work on your staff to make that happen, and there was open discussions, and there were a lot of needs, as you pointed out. At the end of the day, we were able to put a budget together that actually provided resources for many of the needs that we feel are very important to us and to our residents in San Francisco and i really also want to appreciate the Mayors Office and her staff, and ben rosenfield, and also harvey rose s b. L. A. s office. They sat with us throughout the whole process and im really glad that we got it done. Today we would not be able to vote on it, unfortunately because we have to continue our items, and so thank you very much, supervisor viewer. Now, these items are all related to the budget, and since we introduced it at the same time, even though some may not need to be continued, and im talking about items eight through 24, i would like to have a motion to continue all these items to week , two next weeks july 23rd meeting. There is a motion made by supervisor mandelman and seconded by supervisor brown. Can i take this same house, same call . Then we will continue all these items eight through 24 until next week. Madame clerk, please call item number 25. Item 25 is a resolution to amend the budget legislative Analyst Services contract to enact a threepoint 2 costofliving adjustment effective july 1st, 2019, to exercise a final twoyear option and increase the total contract amount to 18 million from genui, 2014, through december 31st, 2021. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Item 26 is an ordinance to retroactively approve an agreement between the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission and the California Independent system operator for Reliability Coordinator Services , for an initial 18 month term through july 6th, 2020, to suspend the administrative code section 21. 9 , subsection b. , to authorize automatic renewal of Contract Term in excess of ten years without returning to the board for authorization, and a maximum cost not to exceed 3 million. Okay. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. I just would like to note that i have been briefed as to the retroactivity by the department of the Public Utilities commission and understand and support the retroactivity in this item. Okay. Then colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madame clerk, hall the next item twentyseven is a resolution to retroactively approve the six amendment to the revenue agreement between public works and jc to co for an automatic Public Toilet and Public Service program to extend the contact Contract Term by 166 days and extend the termination date to june 30th, 2019. Can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Please call 28 through 30 together. Twentyeight through 30 are being called together. Item 28 as a resolution to provide for the issuance and sale of city general Obligation Bonds for the embarcadero seawall earthquake safety. Item 29 is a resolution to authorize the issuance and sale of 50 million in aggregate Principal Amount of city general Obligation Bonds and to make the appropriate findings for both items 28 and 29, and for item 30 , an ordinance to appropriate 50 million of this series 2019 be embarcadero seawall earthquake safety general Obligation Bond proceeds to the port of San Francisco in fiscal year 2018 through 2019. Colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection, these resolutions are adopted and the ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Please call item 31 and 32. Item 31 and 32 are two resolutions at approved agreements, item 31 a proves the cargo facility lease between China Airli