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Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024
Thinking they dont have any. Section a. ,
General Information
number 1. Accessibility information for the public, section two, teleconference information. There is none tonight. Section b. , opening items. As a heads up, i am moving up section h. Which is the discussion about the mural. I will give another notice at that time, but section h. Is being moved up. Lets see. Section b. , opening items, approval of board minutes, there is none tonight. Speaker cards for the regular agenda and for closed session are necessary if you wish to address the board of education. Members of the public are reminded that an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and presented present it to our executive assistant. Members of the public will have two minutes to address the board and or the time as set by the president , importantly, according to board rules and procedures, speaker cards will not be accepted for any item already before the board. Number 2, superintendents report. Dr. Matthews . Thank you. Good evening, everyone. I am pleased to announce that the acute e. E. A. Innovation award cohort of schools for the 2019, 2020 school year has been approved by the
Innovation Award
review committee. Ten out of 18 schools were awarded the opportunity to solve foreign equity challenge to ensure that each and every one of the students realizes the
San Francisco
School Districts
graduate profile. They will participate in any facilitated process to design, pitch, and implement solutions funded by the act over the course of the coming year. The awarded schools are, thurgood marshall, john mclaren early ed, galileo high school, el dorado elementary school,
Tenderloin Community
school, balboa high school,
John Oconnell
high school, cesar chavez elementary school, star
King Elementary Elementary School
and jose ortega. Congratulations to all of these schools. [applause] for almost 30 years, our district and our district program, the lgbtq support services have committed to transforming schools into cultures of affirmation and inclusion for our lgbtq students and families. Tonight, i want to acknowledge that the
San Francisco
Unified School District
, with 250 members of our district community, will march in the lgbtq pride parade this weekend to demonstrate our solidarity and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the stonewall riots. We believe that harvey milk once said, all young people, regardless of
Sexual Orientation
or identity deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential. Our participation in pride shows our ongoing commitment to create a society that acknowledges and celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender . Or and nonbinary people. All
San Francisco
unified schools will be closed on july 4 th. Have a great summer vacation, we will see you back for school on monday, august 19th, at the next board of education meeting will be august 13th. Have a great summer vacation. Thank you, dr. Matthews. Number 3, student delegate report, there is none tonight. Number 4, recognitions and resolutions accommodations, there is none tonight. Number 5, recognizing all valuable employees. Dr. Matthews . This evening we have one brave award special award winner this award goes to adriana vargas, she is a parent and
Community Coordinator
at the
Education Placement
centre and this will be presented by rosina tong who is the executive director. Good evening, superintendent matthews, commissioners, colleagues and friends. And executive director at the e. P. C. I am elated to present this award to adriana vargas. For the past six years, she has worked in the
Early Education
department and the
Educational Placement Center
serving each and every family with kindness, understanding, and care. Adriana warmly provides guidance and counciling to families around the
Student Assignment
process and school options. As the
Community Member
who nominated her stated, she has made a positive impact on people s lives. She understands how important childrens education is. She did everything for us to give the right information about the schooling, and the next steps that we should follow. Our district is fortunate to have an outstanding employee in adriana who communicates positivity and is professional in each and every way. In addition to supporting families well, adriana is also a helpful colleague. She steps into support her fellow team members when needed and is generous with her time and effort. Adriana, im so grateful to have you on our team. Congratulations on this very welldeserved award. [cheers and applause] [applause] thank you. Thank you. As i mentioned, we will be moving up section h. Mr. Steele informed me that the room is at capacity, so we have some people who are outside that signed up for
Public Comment
. So i will right a prepared statement before we get started and do we have. Section h. , special order of business. Number 1,
Important Notice
Public Comment
on item h. Two, recommendation to remove from public view the mural at
George Washington
high school. The board of education anticipates several speakers on this item in an effort to accommodate as many speak several speakers on this item. And it anticipation to address several speakers and the board will allow for one hour of
Public Comment
regarding agenda item h. Two, recommendation to remove from public view the mural at
George Washington
high school. The board will allocate one hour is public a
Public Comment
as follows. Thirty minutes of speakers in favor of keeping the mural in view, and 30 minutes for speakers in favor of removing the mural from public view. The board strongly recommends trailing her just speakers to collaborate and coordinate their messages in order to make the most efficient use of time. In the event that speakers do not coordinate the message, the board will call speakers individually and allow one speaker for up to 30 minutes per position as set forth above. Individual speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were submitted. The board of education will not accept speaker cards via telephone or email in advance of the meeting. Speaker cards on this item must be submitted in person. So we will be starting with names of folks in favor of not removing the mural. When you hear your name called, please make your way to the podium and you will have up to 30 minutes total and one minute per speaker. Lets see. [calling names] we will start there. If you heard your name called, please make your way to the podium. Be sure to hit the button when you start. This first letters from gordon knox, president from the
San Francisco
art institute. The stricken of art never advances dialogue and never should be risk misconstrued of revoking facts of human history. I hear the deep part of students and others faced with painful imagery. Artists can help us see our world in powerful and disturbing ways. The second letters from the
California College
of the arts. This is the president. The injustices the murals invoke are difficult to look at and discuss and reckon with. This is exactly where their greatest value lies within the context of a high school where students are learning to exercise the powers of critical assessment and discourse, a space that respects each student s history. To some it up, as the
George Washington
is a
George Washington
alumni board member, we know it is hard to look at, but we really believe in education and history, and that is why we would like to keep the murals up. Thank you. [applause] we just got news today that thomas campbell, director of the
Fine Arts Museum
San Francisco
has written thus to us , while i respect the concerns of the protesters and understand the problematic issues, i do not believe that
San Francisco
will be well served by the destruction of the mural series. The piece was originally intended to promote the whole discussion around these exact issues. And while intent does not allay impact, it could have incredible value as a teaching tool for the generations. Please listen to this. I would be happy to volunteer our staff to assist in the next steps following tuesdays meeting. Last week, they presented a reasonable defence for
George Washington
high school. A motion one today. Im shocked that the board is considering squandering public funds to cover over the murals. And i would expect the exact same point of view as the critics. The mural im further shocked at the board appears to lack the courage to rise to the occasion. Indeed i wonder how many of you actually have seen the murals. Please consider the sheer cost of the proposed solution. Dollars that could be invested in tutoring. Thank you. Teacher salaries, or native american center. Thank you. My mission neighbours are out [indiscernible] your time is up. [applause] next speaker, please. Thank you for the time. Every country has skeletons in the closet. I come from a country just like the
United States
that has genocide in its past. I come from turkey where
Armenian Genocide
happened and millions and millions of people have been decimated, but in turkey today, you cannot even say the word genocide. It is band. Anything that has to do with the armenians is band. Their art is band, the culture is band, anything, even in the states here when i am saying the word genocide, if i was in turkey, i would get 20 years because im outside of the country, i will get 35 years of prison for saying this. This is where it goes once the genocidal people start answering the art that depicts this history, depicts the genocide, depicts the killing of the people, and it goes down from there. Nothing thank you. Your time is up. [applause] the murals represent social history. It provides they provide us they provide an inclusive and truthful story of
American History
. They should not be removed. Removing them represents censorship, as well as reactionary a reenact reactionary moment in time. What i do recommend is that the school board establishes some kind of multimedia display in the entrance of
George Washington
high school that indicates the complexity and contradictions of
George Washington
, the extraordinary history of it and as well as a discussion about the role of them in the 1930s to try and provide an accurate environment for people in this country. Thank you. [applause] before we get started, i will read the rest of the names i have here. Please state your name for the record so i managed cards that i have appear. The remaining names that i have here are. [calling names] continue. My name is ben. I would like to have ten seconds of silence to recognize what the silencing of this mural sounds like. Im a projection artist based in
San Francisco
. Im a proud immigrant, citizen, an advocate of endangered euros. Advocated for californias oldest mural painted by artist in 1791 and were concealed in 1796. This board has made a deliberate effort not to consider alternatives to censoring the mural. I see a opportunity to animate and give context to the mural and i propose a feasible dynamic and inexpensive solution, a projected video artwork permanently projected onto the mural itself that will bring diverse perspective to the mural without adversely affecting his historic fabric. Figures inserted to the mural have thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Speaker, please the timer is continuing to go, if you continue to speak, youll be taking up from the people behind you. Thank you. Next speaker. My name is jack, i am a retired member of the longshore users. I want to address my remarks to the students because i want to use this as a teaching moment because apparently the school board hasnt done their job to teach the students what these murals are about. In 1934, there was a general strike in this town. I dont know if the students are aware of that, but what provoked the general strike was our union and siemens unions were striking to have a
Union Hiring Hall
for jobs, and the
Police Killed
two strikers. That provoked the general strike that lasted for three days and it changed the whole atmosphere in the city of
San Francisco
. It is what made
San Francisco
a uniontown. It was really a very violent clash because the police and the
National Guard
were called out. At the same time, in 1930 thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is michelle. I am scared. I have been an activist in the city and for people around the world my whole entire life. I am 66. It is a very complex issue. The issue of the mural, whether it stays or leaves and what the images mean because we are under attack by our president and by the climate in the world today. It is one which makes you question everything, so the tendency to revise what actually is his is right out there, and the sides that you get on are pretty clear, but i think its because of all that that its very complicated, and i feel like theres several measures that havent been exhausted to, like contextualizing the mural, which i think some people have attempted to describe today, when it was made, what its intent was, and how it exists today, actually countering a lot of the things that people are speaking up for now. Finally, i think that. Thank you. Well as a reminder, we have 30 minutes total allotted. Each speaker has one minute. Please state your name for the record. My name is robert. I want to remind you all that there are 13 separate murals. Your agenda item speaks of the mural. There are 13 separate murals that make up the life of washington. They are all historic resources. They all fall under ceqa. If you are going to make changes to any of them or all of them, by covering them with a solid panel, you will be removing them as historic resources. You need to file an
Environmental Impact
report if you are going to do this, and it should include a discussion of the alternatives that you have considered, and why you have rejected each of the alternatives. I have not seen anything to suggest that you have done any of that work, so i think it is premature to be voting on anything. [applause] my name is toby from the world socialist website. I strongly oppose any removal or painting over of the murals. It has nothing to do with social progress or writing past wrongs. The murals have important historic and current value. If people dont want to see unpleasant or potentially offensive images, they should just stop studying history altogether. Despite the justifications that have been presented, this is no better than book burning or other reactionary forms of repression and censorship. Ultimately, it is aimed at blocking the population from understanding american societys contradictory social
Development Something
which has been and continues to be nuanced and complex. The past must be studied and must be critically thought about , it must be understood in order to improve the present. Ignorance never helped anyone. We cant erase history and i encourage people who are interested in speaking to workers around the world and youth to contact me. Thank you. [applause]. [please stand by] there are other things that could be censored. You have more right to censor these murals. Now what the board has to do here is to stand with the majority and oppose the censorship of the murals, oppose the painting of thank you. [applause] next speaker, please. Please press the button. My name is dean. Im a father of two recent graduates of
Washington High School
, which is incidentally, the best school. Im speaking with regard to victor who is, of course, the painter of these murals. He was part of the communist party. They were all american champions of the black
Liberation Movement
they defended many individuals wrongly accused of capital crimes. He would have painted murals celebrating the lakers legacy of slavery and racial oppression he was a committed communist, and none of these are crimes against people of color. There is evidence of his commitment to antiracism. We got it. Thank you very much. [applause] excuse me, excuse me. My name is carol. I was an art teacher at
Washington High School
for many years. I always took my students to you to discuss the murals. So they could know about the wta many of you know about the wta, the depression, we talked about the depression, the contributions of artists who created these murals and the development of our young nation as well as the mistakes we made along the way. I have followup discussions that include the inhumanity of slavery and the cruel abuse of native americans. It is all in the murals. Our hollow points and our low points it would be unconscionable to destroy or cover up the washington murals for all the points i have stated above peak these valuable murals are companions of the murals in many other locations in
San Francisco
and the cities throughout our country. [applause] you turned your make off. Im james davis, i am no alumni of
General Information<\/a> number 1. Accessibility information for the public, section two, teleconference information. There is none tonight. Section b. , opening items. As a heads up, i am moving up section h. Which is the discussion about the mural. I will give another notice at that time, but section h. Is being moved up. Lets see. Section b. , opening items, approval of board minutes, there is none tonight. Speaker cards for the regular agenda and for closed session are necessary if you wish to address the board of education. Members of the public are reminded that an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and presented present it to our executive assistant. Members of the public will have two minutes to address the board and or the time as set by the president , importantly, according to board rules and procedures, speaker cards will not be accepted for any item already before the board. Number 2, superintendents report. Dr. Matthews . Thank you. Good evening, everyone. I am pleased to announce that the acute e. E. A. Innovation award cohort of schools for the 2019, 2020 school year has been approved by the
Innovation Award<\/a> review committee. Ten out of 18 schools were awarded the opportunity to solve foreign equity challenge to ensure that each and every one of the students realizes the
San Francisco<\/a> unified
School Districts<\/a> graduate profile. They will participate in any facilitated process to design, pitch, and implement solutions funded by the act over the course of the coming year. The awarded schools are, thurgood marshall, john mclaren early ed, galileo high school, el dorado elementary school,
Tenderloin Community<\/a> school, balboa high school,
John Oconnell<\/a> high school, cesar chavez elementary school, star
King Elementary Elementary School<\/a> and jose ortega. Congratulations to all of these schools. [applause] for almost 30 years, our district and our district program, the lgbtq support services have committed to transforming schools into cultures of affirmation and inclusion for our lgbtq students and families. Tonight, i want to acknowledge that the
San Francisco<\/a>
Unified School District<\/a>, with 250 members of our district community, will march in the lgbtq pride parade this weekend to demonstrate our solidarity and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the stonewall riots. We believe that harvey milk once said, all young people, regardless of
Sexual Orientation<\/a> or identity deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential. Our participation in pride shows our ongoing commitment to create a society that acknowledges and celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender . Or and nonbinary people. All
San Francisco<\/a> unified schools will be closed on july 4 th. Have a great summer vacation, we will see you back for school on monday, august 19th, at the next board of education meeting will be august 13th. Have a great summer vacation. Thank you, dr. Matthews. Number 3, student delegate report, there is none tonight. Number 4, recognitions and resolutions accommodations, there is none tonight. Number 5, recognizing all valuable employees. Dr. Matthews . This evening we have one brave award special award winner this award goes to adriana vargas, she is a parent and
Community Coordinator<\/a> at the
Education Placement<\/a> centre and this will be presented by rosina tong who is the executive director. Good evening, superintendent matthews, commissioners, colleagues and friends. And executive director at the e. P. C. I am elated to present this award to adriana vargas. For the past six years, she has worked in the
Early Education<\/a> department and the
Educational Placement Center<\/a> serving each and every family with kindness, understanding, and care. Adriana warmly provides guidance and counciling to families around the
Student Assignment<\/a> process and school options. As the
Community Member<\/a> who nominated her stated, she has made a positive impact on people s lives. She understands how important childrens education is. She did everything for us to give the right information about the schooling, and the next steps that we should follow. Our district is fortunate to have an outstanding employee in adriana who communicates positivity and is professional in each and every way. In addition to supporting families well, adriana is also a helpful colleague. She steps into support her fellow team members when needed and is generous with her time and effort. Adriana, im so grateful to have you on our team. Congratulations on this very welldeserved award. [cheers and applause] [applause] thank you. Thank you. As i mentioned, we will be moving up section h. Mr. Steele informed me that the room is at capacity, so we have some people who are outside that signed up for
Public Comment<\/a>. So i will right a prepared statement before we get started and do we have. Section h. , special order of business. Number 1,
Important Notice<\/a> regarding
Public Comment<\/a> on item h. Two, recommendation to remove from public view the mural at
George Washington<\/a> high school. The board of education anticipates several speakers on this item in an effort to accommodate as many speak several speakers on this item. And it anticipation to address several speakers and the board will allow for one hour of
Public Comment<\/a> regarding agenda item h. Two, recommendation to remove from public view the mural at
George Washington<\/a> high school. The board will allocate one hour is public a
Public Comment<\/a> as follows. Thirty minutes of speakers in favor of keeping the mural in view, and 30 minutes for speakers in favor of removing the mural from public view. The board strongly recommends trailing her just speakers to collaborate and coordinate their messages in order to make the most efficient use of time. In the event that speakers do not coordinate the message, the board will call speakers individually and allow one speaker for up to 30 minutes per position as set forth above. Individual speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were submitted. The board of education will not accept speaker cards via telephone or email in advance of the meeting. Speaker cards on this item must be submitted in person. So we will be starting with names of folks in favor of not removing the mural. When you hear your name called, please make your way to the podium and you will have up to 30 minutes total and one minute per speaker. Lets see. [calling names] we will start there. If you heard your name called, please make your way to the podium. Be sure to hit the button when you start. This first letters from gordon knox, president from the
San Francisco<\/a> art institute. The stricken of art never advances dialogue and never should be risk misconstrued of revoking facts of human history. I hear the deep part of students and others faced with painful imagery. Artists can help us see our world in powerful and disturbing ways. The second letters from the
California College<\/a> of the arts. This is the president. The injustices the murals invoke are difficult to look at and discuss and reckon with. This is exactly where their greatest value lies within the context of a high school where students are learning to exercise the powers of critical assessment and discourse, a space that respects each student s history. To some it up, as the
George Washington<\/a> is a
George Washington<\/a> alumni board member, we know it is hard to look at, but we really believe in education and history, and that is why we would like to keep the murals up. Thank you. [applause] we just got news today that thomas campbell, director of the
Fine Arts Museum<\/a> of
San Francisco<\/a> has written thus to us , while i respect the concerns of the protesters and understand the problematic issues, i do not believe that
San Francisco<\/a> will be well served by the destruction of the mural series. The piece was originally intended to promote the whole discussion around these exact issues. And while intent does not allay impact, it could have incredible value as a teaching tool for the generations. Please listen to this. I would be happy to volunteer our staff to assist in the next steps following tuesdays meeting. Last week, they presented a reasonable defence for
George Washington<\/a> high school. A motion one today. Im shocked that the board is considering squandering public funds to cover over the murals. And i would expect the exact same point of view as the critics. The mural im further shocked at the board appears to lack the courage to rise to the occasion. Indeed i wonder how many of you actually have seen the murals. Please consider the sheer cost of the proposed solution. Dollars that could be invested in tutoring. Thank you. Teacher salaries, or native american center. Thank you. My mission neighbours are out [indiscernible] your time is up. [applause] next speaker, please. Thank you for the time. Every country has skeletons in the closet. I come from a country just like the
United States<\/a> that has genocide in its past. I come from turkey where
Armenian Genocide<\/a> happened and millions and millions of people have been decimated, but in turkey today, you cannot even say the word genocide. It is band. Anything that has to do with the armenians is band. Their art is band, the culture is band, anything, even in the states here when i am saying the word genocide, if i was in turkey, i would get 20 years because im outside of the country, i will get 35 years of prison for saying this. This is where it goes once the genocidal people start answering the art that depicts this history, depicts the genocide, depicts the killing of the people, and it goes down from there. Nothing thank you. Your time is up. [applause] the murals represent social history. It provides they provide us they provide an inclusive and truthful story of
American History<\/a>. They should not be removed. Removing them represents censorship, as well as reactionary a reenact reactionary moment in time. What i do recommend is that the school board establishes some kind of multimedia display in the entrance of
George Washington<\/a> high school that indicates the complexity and contradictions of
George Washington<\/a>, the extraordinary history of it and as well as a discussion about the role of them in the 1930s to try and provide an accurate environment for people in this country. Thank you. [applause] before we get started, i will read the rest of the names i have here. Please state your name for the record so i managed cards that i have appear. The remaining names that i have here are. [calling names] continue. My name is ben. I would like to have ten seconds of silence to recognize what the silencing of this mural sounds like. Im a projection artist based in
San Francisco<\/a>. Im a proud immigrant, citizen, an advocate of endangered euros. Advocated for californias oldest mural painted by artist in 1791 and were concealed in 1796. This board has made a deliberate effort not to consider alternatives to censoring the mural. I see a opportunity to animate and give context to the mural and i propose a feasible dynamic and inexpensive solution, a projected video artwork permanently projected onto the mural itself that will bring diverse perspective to the mural without adversely affecting his historic fabric. Figures inserted to the mural have thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Speaker, please the timer is continuing to go, if you continue to speak, youll be taking up from the people behind you. Thank you. Next speaker. My name is jack, i am a retired member of the longshore users. I want to address my remarks to the students because i want to use this as a teaching moment because apparently the school board hasnt done their job to teach the students what these murals are about. In 1934, there was a general strike in this town. I dont know if the students are aware of that, but what provoked the general strike was our union and siemens unions were striking to have a
Union Hiring Hall<\/a> for jobs, and the
Police Killed<\/a> two strikers. That provoked the general strike that lasted for three days and it changed the whole atmosphere in the city of
San Francisco<\/a>. It is what made
San Francisco<\/a> a uniontown. It was really a very violent clash because the police and the
National Guard<\/a> were called out. At the same time, in 1930 thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is michelle. I am scared. I have been an activist in the city and for people around the world my whole entire life. I am 66. It is a very complex issue. The issue of the mural, whether it stays or leaves and what the images mean because we are under attack by our president and by the climate in the world today. It is one which makes you question everything, so the tendency to revise what actually is his is right out there, and the sides that you get on are pretty clear, but i think its because of all that that its very complicated, and i feel like theres several measures that havent been exhausted to, like contextualizing the mural, which i think some people have attempted to describe today, when it was made, what its intent was, and how it exists today, actually countering a lot of the things that people are speaking up for now. Finally, i think that. Thank you. Well as a reminder, we have 30 minutes total allotted. Each speaker has one minute. Please state your name for the record. My name is robert. I want to remind you all that there are 13 separate murals. Your agenda item speaks of the mural. There are 13 separate murals that make up the life of washington. They are all historic resources. They all fall under ceqa. If you are going to make changes to any of them or all of them, by covering them with a solid panel, you will be removing them as historic resources. You need to file an
Environmental Impact<\/a> report if you are going to do this, and it should include a discussion of the alternatives that you have considered, and why you have rejected each of the alternatives. I have not seen anything to suggest that you have done any of that work, so i think it is premature to be voting on anything. [applause] my name is toby from the world socialist website. I strongly oppose any removal or painting over of the murals. It has nothing to do with social progress or writing past wrongs. The murals have important historic and current value. If people dont want to see unpleasant or potentially offensive images, they should just stop studying history altogether. Despite the justifications that have been presented, this is no better than book burning or other reactionary forms of repression and censorship. Ultimately, it is aimed at blocking the population from understanding american societys contradictory social
Development Something<\/a> which has been and continues to be nuanced and complex. The past must be studied and must be critically thought about , it must be understood in order to improve the present. Ignorance never helped anyone. We cant erase history and i encourage people who are interested in speaking to workers around the world and youth to contact me. Thank you. [applause]. [please stand by] there are other things that could be censored. You have more right to censor these murals. Now what the board has to do here is to stand with the majority and oppose the censorship of the murals, oppose the painting of thank you. [applause] next speaker, please. Please press the button. My name is dean. Im a father of two recent graduates of
Washington High School<\/a>, which is incidentally, the best school. Im speaking with regard to victor who is, of course, the painter of these murals. He was part of the communist party. They were all american champions of the black
Liberation Movement<\/a> they defended many individuals wrongly accused of capital crimes. He would have painted murals celebrating the lakers legacy of slavery and racial oppression he was a committed communist, and none of these are crimes against people of color. There is evidence of his commitment to antiracism. We got it. Thank you very much. [applause] excuse me, excuse me. My name is carol. I was an art teacher at
Washington High School<\/a> for many years. I always took my students to you to discuss the murals. So they could know about the wta many of you know about the wta, the depression, we talked about the depression, the contributions of artists who created these murals and the development of our young nation as well as the mistakes we made along the way. I have followup discussions that include the inhumanity of slavery and the cruel abuse of native americans. It is all in the murals. Our hollow points and our low points it would be unconscionable to destroy or cover up the washington murals for all the points i have stated above peak these valuable murals are companions of the murals in many other locations in
San Francisco<\/a> and the cities throughout our country. [applause] you turned your make off. Im james davis, i am no alumni of
George Washington<\/a> high school, a lifelong citizen of
San Francisco<\/a>, and frankly, im embarrassed to say i may i am listening to this censorship. I was thinking of when i went to the legion of honor and saw the holocaust memorial, and i find that very distressing and difficult to deal with, but to take that down, for to erase the holocaust that has occurred, a much more mature response would be what a dr. Did in the 1970s, and there was a similar protest in the
Africanamerican Community<\/a> and they gather together and painted another mural which stands in
Washington High School<\/a> as a counterpoint to this mural. I would just like to remind you that i voted for most of you in the last election. Please show me that i did not make a mistake. I live in
San Francisco<\/a>, and i vote, and i will do my best to make sure that this discussion is made public to all the san franciscans that you really are oppressing free speech. Was pause. Good evening, my name is robert. I just wanted to make one comment first. I didnt appreciate being called a white supremacist because i am for keeping those murals up. Im speaking as an elder of a first nation peoples of oklahoma as i said last week, those murals are our visual history that genocide was there, it shows it in those murals. To take those down, you are taking a visual record away, and if you are thinking that to take those down based on their showing of white supremacy, it is just hard for me to fathom that, i am a first nation people , too, and i hear where these activists are coming from. I get angry when i see it, but i dont get offended because i get angry when i hear about what happened to my mom on sporting schools when she spoke a language. It helps to take me in a direction to strategize how we can overcome that. [applause] my name is harvey smith. I want to underscore a point i made last week and that is it is totally possible to put these murals in context. I did interpretive signage at the tower. You can do it here, too. I also want to speak as a former oakland teacher. When i was in oakland teacher, i taught a class called multicultural studies, and they were four units. We looked at the japanese american internment, the black panther party, native occupation of alcatraz, and the united farm workers. Along with other teachers, we did reach students, and we did have deep discussions about these issues. We took a look back, and i dont know whats going on here in
San Francisco<\/a>, it doesnt seem to be happening here. Also, i have done tours of murals all over the city, and i stood in front of murals with people, and we have had very deep discussions about what made what may be in the murals and what may not be in the murals. They always become a talking point and a beginning point. Thank you. [applause] my name is carol, and i am an artist who is experienced who has experienced censorship. When i first wrote to you, i offered to buy anyone of you or all of you a copy of this book about victor and the politics of art. It is really worth reading, especially in this moment. I really want to encourage you not to make a decision tonight, but to wait until youve had a chance to learn more thoroughly about the life of an artist who went out of his way to illustrate genocide, racism, and make sure his work was consonant with social justice. Thank you. [applause] many myths do. Hold this board and i hold this board and dr. Superintendent matthews responsible for this mess because why wasnt there any information about the murals for the students that came to this . Just watching it now, without understanding that, you are responsible for letting students know what this we are represents , you didnt do that. You set up the
Committee Without<\/a> any alternatives to provide the information about this mural. It is a committee that allows you to announce that you will vote to cover these murals, to censor them, to destroy them. Frankly, that will cost millions of dollars because people will sue and we will end up spending millions of dollars defending the taking down of these murals. Who is responsible for that . The money should be spent on teachers, building a cultural native
American History<\/a> centre at the school that provides this so every student at
San Francisco<\/a>
Unified School District<\/a> should be required to go to the murals to get an education about this history, this great art that shows the history of the
United States<\/a>. Thats what we should be doing. [applause] joel britton. I am opposed to censoring the mural. The board should vote to not painted over, cover it up, or anything else. Leave it be. This antiracist, and i genocide mural could not have been painted if it had not have been for the working class upsurge of those times. The
San Francisco<\/a> general strike , the minneapolis teacher strike of 1934 paved the way for the industrial reunions in this country. It was a tremendous development. It made it possible for the artist to paint this historic fresco. Dont painted over, dont cover it up. [applause] dont paint it over, dont cover it up. Next speaker, please. We have about ten minutes remaining. My name is gene. I am a citizen of
San Francisco<\/a>. This reminds me of a cliche for people my age one mark twain debated they debated whether mark twain should be taught in schools because he referred to africanamericans, slaves that one of his characters was with, by the name that was used at that time, and it was horrifying to some people. It remains something that we are all ashamed of, but the idea of taking down mark twain because he was painting the picture of the way the south was then, the idea that that should not be taught and we should never know what those words were is absurd. I think it is frankly ignorant, and im glad that mark twain was never censored. I hope you will not censor this painting. It has profound implications and it portrays an aspect of our history we are embarrassed about and ashamed about. Some of the aspects, in a portion of the mural, but i certainly hope you will never take it down. [applause] is that it . Speaker, please. I called all the names with the cards, im taking all the speakers and i will close
Public Comment<\/a>. If you hear your name called and you are not limed up, please make your way. If you are not lined up, please make your way. Excuse me, my name is leo and my name wasnt called. Your name wasnt up there, go ahead. Thank you. I am a graduate from
George Washington<\/a> high school, class of 1961. Theres a craze going around the country, it is spreading like wildfire across america to take down statues, monuments, and religious artifacts. Where did our country go wrong . We must preserve history so we as a society do not repeat it again. The only thing i have to say is this. Of
San Francisco<\/a> school board decides to destroy the murals, why dont you also rename
George Washington<\/a> . He was a slaveholder,
Thomas Jefferson<\/a> was a slaveholder. [cheers and applause]. Please, stop the timer. Why dont you rename
George Washington<\/a> tupelo see high school . Im sure nancy will be thrilled to have her name on the school. Thank you. My name is kathryn. The artist had the guts enough to paint something against
George Washington<\/a> at the
George Washington<\/a> school. The reason is that he really wanted students to know not the rosy picture of
George Washington<\/a>s history, but the reality. The real history of the u. S. American government. And that is why he wanted to do it with that period, and this founding father of
George Washington<\/a>, i dont know what the people think of him, but the reality is not that rosy. Thats what he really wanted students to learn by looking at the painting. Thank you. [applause] i am the
Vice President<\/a> of
George Washington<\/a>
High School Alumni<\/a> association. We stand with many in preserving the priceless murals at
George Washington<\/a> high school. I asked you last week to consider delaying this vote. It could be a death sentence if you decide to do what youre talking about, and i just want to make sure that before you do anything that you all take a technical tour of the murals. I recommend the videos that i was not allowed to show last week, that you review those, and the audio shows that many participated. I ask you to follow, whatever you decide to do, i ask you to follow all the sequel protocols, capital protocols and other protocols. And que. Thank you. My name is lydia and after being accused of being a white supremacist, i am here to fight for the humanity for everyone who spoke before me and is in support of the mural staying up. I said theres a better world that has collaboration and compromise. A world that looks to honor all cultures and all peoples, not by destroying them. Last week i talked about my father who was a civilian survivor of a forced labor camp during world war ii with the nazis. He came here to give me a better life. I was born here, i am a native, but the symbol that stayed with him is that not see his him. I dare not say anything other than this experience is evoking such deep pain and i am hoping we can honor all people, provide it says my heart is smothering in its own blood. I ask you, collaborate, compromise, seek a solution that honors all people. Thank you. [applause] i will now read off a list of names of people that are in favor of removing the mural. When you hear your name called, please make your way to the podium. Again, we will allow a total of 30 minutes. Each speaker will have a total of one minute per speaker. Lets see. [calling names] we will start with those please begin. Good evening. My name is paula. Just one second. Please start your time, please. Good evening. I am the
Program Coordinator<\/a> here for the
Indian Education<\/a> program for sfusd, a proud member of the pit pitt river nation of northern california. Representation matters. It is not a matter of censorship , it is a matter of human rights. The rights to learn without hostile environments. Even the best intentions do harm ones intent does not do gate all the lived experience that we live every single day of our lives. You are not with our children, you do not see how they carry themselves every day, how they are attacked, targeted, hunted, sent to places that were meant to destroy them. Continuing every day that trauma and expected to smile and be okay about it. The tides have turned. The world is not how it once was thank you. [applause] [cheering] [please stand by] one thing i know, is that
George Washington<\/a>, after he became president , is to kill all indians, men, women, and children within 200 miles after he became president. In the
United States<\/a>, very soon, theyll be a minority of occidentals and majority of people of color. We are on a direction of change. Lets hope this board does that, also. Hello. My name is jasmine harvey. I am strongly for painting it and covering up for good. Our children need positive images and encouraging images every day that they enter school. Like i said, its already hard enough for them to go to school, and to see oppressive images is bad. My father has a cleaning business, and theres no way it can be that outrageous amount, not even a quarter. So i feel that needs to be relooked at, too, and yes, paint it down. Like i said, more to say, but paint it down. Hello. My name is sher long, and i think this painting, its offensive, the thing ive heard about how its hurting them instead of helping them. I dont believe its erasing history, its just, you know, doing the right thing. Like, its obviously not, you know, really you know, doing anything positive, so im just for taking it down. Thank you. Hi, board of education. My name is karen, and ive just graduated galileo high school. I didnt need a mural to know that genocide happened to the
Indigenous People<\/a> in this land. Everyone knows that
George Washington<\/a> is a controversial figure today. I understand that when my
Community Tells<\/a> me they need me the most, i must listen. Today, you are the ones with power to decide the outcome of this resolution, so please listen to the students who need it the most. Please paint it down. Hi, commissioners, my name is lu, and i am here today to implore, please, just listen. I know i know youve heard of so many different sides. I am a chinese american, a chinese american who is a settler on this land. I know when people talk about the right to create, where was the right to create, where was the right of the
Indigenous People<\/a>, the black folk, to decide how they wants their history, the they wanted their history, the humanity . This is the smallest thing you can offer to a community who needs it so much. For maybe some people, this is will sensorship, but about sensorship, but this is about reparations. Paint it down. [applause] my name is rachel, and i speak with the chinese american association. Im talking about paint it down. First of all and foremost, this is a wellresearched topic. If you all want to educate yourselves, read stories of indian chiefs, of warriors, of indian princesses. Im here today because im for things, like, these students i hear things like these students are ignorant. 80 of curriculums do not cover
Indian History<\/a> past the year 1900, and 62 of people who live","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/27\/items\/SFGTV_20190628_190000_Government_Access_Programming\/SFGTV_20190628_190000_Government_Access_Programming.thumbs\/SFGTV_20190628_190000_Government_Access_Programming_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}