Music doesnt change. [laughter] last one. When we were at the project level we tried to develop multilingual materials, that we did last year. On your left you will see our vision zero safe spot posters that are currently being sold right now. They started last weekend and should be complete this weekend and are in 150 different locations throughout the city. On your right you will see examples of our materials from our postfatality outreach cards from our Crisis Response team and also the memorial posters that we install. When we are at community events, farmers markets, libraries, sunday street these are the multilingual materials we have. Sorry. On your left, you will see comment cards in spanish and chinese that were developed specifically for the communities these cards are not available in english. I also wanted to give you an update on our chinese focus campaign which is part of our deliverables and our action strategy. Here are pictures of us in partnering with chinese hospitals in chinatown at their healthcare. Speaking with our patients in getting more information. We will also be working with our department of Public Health partners to see how we can get even more information to create a culturally Relevant Campaign that speaks to the chinese population. With that i will turn it over to my colleague at the department of Public Health who will speak to you about safeties for Seniors Program. Thank you. Come on up. Thank you for the introduction. Good afternoon commissioners. I am the Program Coordinator for safety for seniors at dph. Im going to present on safety for seniors how we reach out to the seniors, particularly the multilingual seniors. Im excited to hear what the committee has been doing on outreach. I am happy to reach out after to see how we can Work Together on outreach. Our dph is educating seniors and Service Providers on vision zero and gathering feedback and bringing back to our agencies. Our staff conducts multilingual presentations in the outreach to seniors on the Service Providers on vision zero and how to enroll in business zero and how to stay safe. Our Program Starts april 2015. Since then we reach out to over 2000 seniors and staff at 62 locations. Also our program is responsible for organizing local neighborhoods and Community Based organizations to work on safety through the whole city. The funding profits will be given to the underserved neighborhoods and special populations at risk. In the fiscal year 152017 and 17 to 18. The 15 communitybased organizations, and the current physical year, 1819. We have seven communitybased organizations and by our neighborhood focus. They include walk sf, senior disability action group. Chinatown Community Development centers in the south family connections. Tenderloin Community Benefit districts, lighthouse for the bright and visceral and visually impaired. Some of them are here today. I would like to say thank you for all of the great work they have done. Also, as i mentioned, our staff will go out to the different neighborhoods and Senior Centers to do the educational presentation and outreach. There neighborhood including multiple neighborhood located including chinatown, bayview, mission and tenderloin. Our audience we reach are very diverse and nonenglish speaking. And then the presentation, the presentation is translated in cantonese, mandarin and spanish to address the language barriers in the community. At the same time during the presentation, we take the feedback from the community and then share that with our city Panel Agencies such as mta. Here is a picture of our staff talking to the seniors at their safe streets for seniors and tenderloin. [inaudible] also, our safety for Seniors Program educational materials, one for safety for seniors brochure, i believe everybody has one in your hand. Also, our senior outreach card and both of them are translated into foreign languages. We give this out to the seniors during our presentation, and community panels. The seniors really love them, because [inaudible] the people say they feel much safer and helpful as they go out. I also have the sample i brought here. If you feel and feel free to reach out to me for more if you need it. Here is my presentation on our program. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Any questions . Just a real quick one, i noticed on your presentation you have high injury neighborhoods that you are covering for your presentations and outreach. Are you doing any at all lives matter one the sunset or ocean avenue area. The sunset area we have several presentations before. We dont have the main focus there. We have one scheduled july 11 with our group called senior power. That would be another presentation in the sunset area. We would also like to schedule moore one the area. Thank you. If you need help in my district anyway, district 7, there is quite a few senior programs and i know, you look at the stat over the last two years, even though sometimes you dont consider high injury area. You look at the stats and see how many seniors are actually being killed and you will see that it is pretty high, relative for everything that happens in the city. I think that is something we shouldnt ignore. I could rattle off exactly where they were killed. Thank you for the comment and we will followup. Thank you. Any Public Comments on this item . Educational outreach. Mr. Wright. The program that you are reaching out, i would see like to see you reach even further than that. You have a city College Situation here where students can go to college for free. It seems like a good program that you demonstrated the negative gas flow. I would like to see reach out to the board of supervisors, all of them in order to get legislation for people that is economically disadvantaged and families of all nationalities including asians that are on your welfare care not cash program. In order to receive those type of benefits you are not permitted to go to college its unconstitutional. Its a violation of the 14th amendment pertaining to due process and equal protection under the law. You have a situation enjoyed by one set of people that can go to college for free and another set of people that cant go to college and educate themselves and for free as well. I would like to see you outreach to the board of supervisors, to see if you can get some legislation for people debtors seeking not only disadvantage, not only in your own nationality of asian people, but all nationalism nationalities of people here in San Francisco and on the economically disadvantaged program. By the same response, this chancellor i believe is very scandalous. He says he find me 50 million asking for a 50 million bond plus a 2. 5 million additional bond, and you claim that youre going to be with a surplus. The truth of the matter is you are in debt and youre getting 2. 4 million so you increase the debt up to 52. 4 million in debt. He is scandalous. First he told us he was 11. 5 million in debt. Turns out it is 32. 5 million. You can outreach like that. Thank you. Next speaker. Come on up. Good afternoon commissioners. I am from curry senior center. I am one of the vision zero grantees. In here there are letters that we have drafted, and on the letters it says dear city, in San Francisco, half of all pedestrian deaths resulting from deaths is persons 16 and older. Make industries of the tenderloin safer for pedestrians. We urge you to address the issue listed below in a timely manner so we as older adults and adults with disabilities can safely utilize the sidewalks and crosswalks in our neighborhood. By making the intersection at leavenworth a pedestrian scramble to lessen unsafe sidewalk congestion at the corners. By stopping left hand turns on Church Street. In leavenworth with red lights and by posting speed limit signs to post traffic. Addressing these issues should be a priority for any cd leader that values the lives of older adults making these changes now will allow us to live longer and healthier lives. Thank you. Any other Public Comments . Public comment is now closed. Mr. Clerk call item number nine. [reading items] good afternoon. My name is victoria truong i am one of the Program Planners at the safe streets Evaluation Program which takes a look at some of our key bicycle, pedestrian projects. I want to showcase some of our highlights of the program specifically 15 new projects as well as a few citywide safety treatments. We just released our year end reports, this may, and i have some copies here if youre interested. We talked a lot about our safety proposals and plans to projects. How are we doing generally on those projects . Overall we are performing well in locations where we made upgrades we have Lessons Learned. People feel safer and more comfortable walking and biking in locations where facilities were upgraded. Vehicles are traveling at safer speeds with the reduction of a traveling and traffic measures. More people are biking on streets with newly upgraded bike lanes specifically protected bike lanes and Lessons Learned include the mixing zones generally help the conflict but dont necessarily solve the problem. Following the implementation of folsom street where we put in a protected bikeway along with other pedestrian amenities. We did a survey with people on the corridor and we saw that people walking felt generally more comfortable and i think its also important to note that to people even driving either felt more comfortable or had no change at all which was about 88 . Specifically on seventh and eighth streets we saw 16 decrease in in vehicle streets on seventh street and a 9 decrease in vehicle speeds on eighth street. Even a small reduction in speed can dramatically increase the probability of surviving a crash. On Church Street this is a great example of a new bike facility that has led to a lot of success in bike counts. We saw a 287 increase in bike counts in the evening commute time. Also a large increase as well in the morning commute. With folsom street we also saw 80 of people driving yielded to bicyclists at mixing zones. We saw 4 of observations at mixing zones resulted in close calls or near crash instances. I will talk a little bit more about alternatives later in this presentation. Aside from large corridor project we also looked at localized spot improvements and tools that improve safety. Specifically we did look at tainted safety zones, flashing beacons and daylighting. Generally we see when it comes to making pedestrians and feel safer, painted safety zones work. Flashing beacons increasing yielding to pedestrians in San Francisco with a lot of pedestrians do not use them. Daylighting improves visibility and reduces collisions between drivers and pedestrians specifically in tenderloin. For painted safety zones we saw that motorists are generally turning at slower speeds. They are yielding to pedestrians more often and they are also turning out a further distance from the curve on the sidewalks. At rapid rectangular flashing beacons we saw 16 increase in vehicle yield rates, 13 decrease in close calls and we have also seen the average use was only about 84 . Over the next year we will be evaluating more flashing beacons as we install more on the different types of roadways in San Francisco. Lastly, for the localized tools we also saw for daylighting specifically in the tenderloin district we saw 14 fewer collisions within the tenderloin district. On top of that we have been leading the way and continually looking to innovate our street designs over the last year, or past years we have implemented a number of parking protected bikeways. We installed the first protected intersection at night on division street that was well received by the community and also a number of separated bike signals to improve that movement at mixing zones. For parking bikeways we saw 88 fewer loading violations on Church Street compared to the prior position. On 910 division st. We saw vehicles are generally yielding to bicyclists as well as pedestrians and also turning at a speed either below or under the speed limit. For separated bike signals we have looked at two so far and we will continue to look at them as they are implemented. We see 86 of bicyclists comply to signals generally vehicles are also complying to the signals and the close calls compared to mixing zones are almost reduced to only one in those instances where we saw that. The bike signals themselves or reducing the likelihood between bikes and signals. Lastly we have a couple of before and after shots of seventh and eighth street here where we have reduced a vehicle lane and implemented a protected bikeway. 17th st. Where we removed the parking and installed a protected bike facility. So that people on bikes and wheelchairs were no longer getting stuck. A folsom street we implemented a protected bike facility as well as Curve Management to work with the merchants in the general area. As we continue on with our evaluations we will likely come back again at another time to report back on the different types of improvements we are making in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any questions . Icing on. As we implement more and more of these daylighting situations, i dont know if you have the capacity to study more areas in which we will be implementing in a systematic way. I think we will be looking into yes evaluating daylighting, as we do moore one the city. The young lady that came up for Public Comments, before, mentioned leavenworth and turk. I noticed in your presentation you talked about some other places that was of interest to improve in the tenderloin but did not mention that particular intersection leavenworth and turk when they are making lefthand turns. Is that something you can look into. I actually would love, there is a bunch of petitions here, not sure who to give it to, maybe mta could look at that corner to see if we could have a lefthand turn signal there. Okay . Thank you. Any Public Comments on this issue . I will be brief. I really want the law of this last section, i think daylight assessment taken. I would like to ask in addition to that, one comment, daylighting; some of you who have been here for a long time may remember, in the past it was 10 feet from every intersection was already day lit and then we passed the law that eliminated it and then the cars were parking up to the curb. This is not a new idea. This is going back to a safe idea that worked for decades. For that very reason i think it shouldnt be something that needs to be justified. It worked very well at that time. The second thing is, one of the pictures showed a picture of taking away the parking on a roadway that had tracks on the middle, one of the most Dangerous Things as a bicycle is a parallel tracks in case you have to cross a particularly if they are wet. Extremely dangerous to try to right next to those tracks. If there could be a General Program to try to do that everywhere that those tracks are there, it would make a big difference in safety. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comments on this item . Public item is now closed. Please call item number 10. [reading items] yes, talking about daylighting, is something we passed recently at the board of supervisors to implement programs that would make it easier. I dont know what the words are. I was asking mta to daylight as many intersections as possible to come up with a plan to intersect daylight how many was at . I asked her daylighting in a year. Was it 500 corners . I dont remember. Good afternoon, chair e. It was 500. We wanted to make sure that we could commit to something we could actually get implemented. Are aspiring to at least that. We are limited by resources and capacity i did not great i just could as we saw with the tenderloin project it, in did we will get at least that type of result, if not better. I since that there would parking is impacted. You know, it would personally respond to people that think it is better dave parking spaces. The point is here on the future, for a future item that strategy be read this committee. On tuesday, the board of supervisors passed which expanded telematics vehicles is an advanced x speed baking and so forth. With the significant buffets including increasing safety. Since 2017, more than 40,000 of our cities, telematics will be expanded to nearly 1000 Public Safety vehicles requesting a banana and audit and have the safety benefits presented to this committee in the future. For introduction . I add and elect comments on introduction i would like to have you add to the new item of a possibility building Affordable Housing around the particularly focusing in on the who sleep and use that facility has a shelter because they have nowhere else to go the income and your reservation systems are yet have you address that, because where they consistent. I would also like will to the millions of dollars the target you never see multimillion being addressed advantage people in San Francisco. I would like to have you include that in your future plans and organizations, have these house rehabilitation locations where the behavior all can provide permanent locations for these people who live and have treatment at the same respectfully. Any other Public Comments is not a clerk, lets call the next item. Item 11, general public comment. Comment. Okay. Working for the city and county of San Fran