Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

It comes to the lgbtq populations but we still have dealing with a lot of violents and discrimination in our own city. So we want to continue to lift up the voices of not just those folks who are here and surviving and being open and proud of being lgbtq but also folks that we have lost and we have lost a lot of community and we track a lot of death and a lot of violence again lgbtq of colour, and as you know by being on social media now, a lot of black trans women continue to be murdered and we want to lift those voices up and thank you for lifting our voice and celebrating the 40 years weve contributed to the change that is possible. And i want to also take this moment to just thank our staff and i dont know if anyone else wants to say anything but i want to continue to thank the folks that i work with and the tremendous hero work that they do and to our board and to our volunteers and to our supporters and to our donors, i want to say thank you very much and thank you, supervisor ronen. [cheers and applause] last but not least, our esteemed supervisor from district 11, supervisor safaye. Yes, thank you. Long anticipated. [ laughter ] we have to do what you did last time, president yi, and start with district 11 first next time. [ laughter ] but anyway, very, very honour and happy to be here today to honour a friend, lifelong devoteee to the Lgbtq Community and their causes and leader in district 11, mr. Steven currier. Steve, come forward. I want to give a little background on steven. At the age of 12, steven and his family moved to florida but he was born in New Hampshire in th. His fear wa father was in the m. He graduated from Dillon High School in 1976. Just a footnote, i was 3 years old at the time. Prior to graduation, steven participated what was similar to the jrotc, the apptitude battery of the services and received a perfect score and a perfect score in his sat exams and applied to the air force academy and all three turned himself down and he decided to follow into his fathers footsteps into the air force. In 76, he spent six weeks in san antonio, texas and was deployed to a altas, oklahoma ad in 1979, me was honourably discharged. It was a reminder of the injustices many of our lgbtq experience even before dont ask, dont tell. It was his tenure in the service, steven began to take College Courses and following graduation and getting the gi benefits, he ended up graduating from Oklahoma City university with a degree in vocal music. He moved to San Francisco in 1983 where he managed multiple law firms all over the bay area until his retirement in 1991 and thats when the real fun began for those in district 11. He was the president of the Outer Mission merchants and Residents Association from 1998 all the way to 2015. So any Department Heads left in the room or any elected officials will note that steven is a prolific email writer and he is very detailed in his analysis of things that are happening in the community and he holds everyone, including me, accountable. Steven along with omra, dealt with issues of quality of life, land use property, recreation and park, open space, playground issue and was heavily involved in saving the geneva car barn called the geneva barn house. It is on the slate to be demolished and two of Historic Buildings on the National Registry in district 11 and we are just about to open the first phase of that work, 15 million renovation this fall and we will have performing arts programming for youth, which was the overall vision of the Board Members of which steven was a part of. He helped also resurrect and put a lot of time and effort into balboa high, being one of the most soughtafter high schools in San Francisco and was deeply involving in cleaning and greening his area of the city. Steven worked closely with the San Francisco Police Department regarding upgrading the diversity and training and we saw some of that today, Community Policing and he was part of the Pride Coalition of the sfpd, working to upgrade with the budget during the years from 2004 to 2009 along with chief heather fong and captain jim link. Lynch. Teach volunteered with shanty, the aids Emergency Fund and served on several nonprofit boards, the st. Lukes episcopal church, the San Francisco girls choir, dignity of oakland and steven was appointed to sf Undergrounding Task force which were super excited about that we now have Bonding Authority at pc that will allow us at some point to get aggressive undergrounding in part of the city that hasnt experienced them. Im happ honoured to say we ape pointed hiappointedhim to the pn activistism and works with our office. Steven and his partner of 27 years, mr. Ken kaloni living in the Outer Mission neighborhood and have been homeowners for 26 years. Thank you, steven, for being an advocate, a friend and holding me accountable, for always fighting for district 11, when many have not chosen to. And i see friends in the audience today that are part and parcel of your advocacy, and also, this is something that wasnt here in my notes but i know from personal experience, all opening up your home to have a wonderful, wonderful Holiday Celebration which so many people from all over the neighborhood and Community Come and participate with and it is one of the highlights of the year. I think it was the first time in over a decade that i havent been to your house for the holidays. I know you all took a wonderful trip so were looking forward to that next year. Thank you for being here today. Ithank you for all of the wonderful things youve done for the city and thank you for being a part of this wonderful celebration. applause . It says on here two minutes and if anybody knows me, i cant even say hi in two minutes. Do your best. [ laughter ] i want to thank you and i want to thank the people behind me that are here to witness this and im humbled, humbled with the people that were honoured before p me becaus me because ia big drop if the bucket. But i was raised in florida, grew up in New Hampshire, and the only one in my family, including my mother, my father and grandparents, brothers and sisters that graduated from high school and let alone college with a higher degree and it was put upon me i needed to succeed and i needed to succeed not only on my own but to provide for myself and my family. I did move here from oklahoma and i picked up again yesterday, the mayor of castro, and read the whole thing yesterday again. And i recall, i was in Oklahoma City on november 27, 1978, when in this building two people were killed. One was mayor george masconi and supervisor harvey mill. I immediately moved to San Francisco after that happened, after i graduated from college and knew i wanted to do something big. But in the 80s, like you said, i volunteered for different aids organizations because we were inundated with men being sick. Even partners of mine who have passed away and i spent my years in the 80s working at law firms, 12, 14, 16 hours a day and taking care of people, including my former partner who died in 1991 a few months before, in july of 1991. And i retired soon after that because i was ill with something totally different and miraculously i had surgery and im here today and i metmy met e partner who has given me all of these opportunities to do all of the things ive done up to today. Theres a mentor in this room and he doesnt know im going to say this. But he and i worked closely together when we started and it was then, supervisor amos brown. [cheers and applause] who i looked up to and worked very closely with in this building, not only in district 11 because back then district 11 was not a district 11, but issued citywide. And in 2000, when we did have district elections, there were about 97 people running for 11 seats on the board of sou supervisors. One of the things i thought of in those passing thoughts was that dan white lived down the street from me and i thought it would have been full circle if a gay man won the supervisorship of district 11 with a person who had shot two people at city hall and he represented district 8 at the time. It didnt happen, but i continued to do what i needed to do and that was to take care of my neighborhood, to work with people like mary harris with the district 11 council and members of omar that are here, everything from cleaning and greening to going and angela would know how many board of supervisors meetings ive been to forever and ever and committee meetings. I did enjoy it. It was a long fight. With that knowledge that i have now, im able to help neighbors in issues that we were dealing with and one of them is supervisor safye brought to the planning commission, which is limiting the number of bedrooms in a house that were next door to me, a two and a half bedroom, one and a half bath that was bought and nine bedrooms were going in and we negotiated down. So it was with that advocacy that i have in my mind that im honoured, im honoured that you think of me. And two minutes are almost up. [ laughter ] but i want to thank you, supervisor. Youre a great friend and i love you to death. Thank you. Love you right back, buddy. [cheers and applause] thank you, everyone, for joining us and happy pride to all and congratulations once again to our honourees. I want to especially thank supervisor mamdelman for his opening remarks and helping us lead this joyous occasion. Madam clerk, lets go to number 43. Item 34 is a resolution to authorize the public works director to educate an agreement with various cities following a declared local emergency, to require reimbursement providing aid and affirm the determination. Thats item 43. I think the house has changed to roll call, please. There item 43. roll call . There are ten ayes. So the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, please call the next item. 44 is a resolution to determine the issuance of a type 21 offsale beer, wine and distilled Liquor License to prime now llc doing business as amazon prime now located at 888 tennessee street will not serve the public convenience and requesting the that California Department of alcoholic Beverage Control deny the issuance of the license. Ok. Roll call, please. roll call . This resolution a adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item number 45. A resolution to support California State Assembly bill number 1076 authored by Assembly Member fill ting to provide efficient arrest and conviction relief through the California Department of justice aautomating the process for those already entitled to record clearance relief under existing laws for those incarcerated persons, fair and earned opportunity to reintegrate into society. Supervisor brown. Thank you, president and madam clerk. Today, the First Reading of ab1076. Ab1076 is a sensible piece of legislation that will provide relief and advance the goals of Restorative Justice for 8 million californians. This will review databases to identify people eligible for dismissal or expungement or conviction records. The doj would examine all arrests and conviction records dating back to 1973, to find folks who are eligible for automatic relief. Current law does allow individuals to clear arrest and conviction records that are eligible for dismissal through the petitioning of the court. Yet, less than 20 of people who have a right to clear their records do so. Many do not know its an option. Others lack the resources to hire an attorney to file the petition and shepherd it through the court system and add as a result, many find themselves in prison for life. As a city, we have said to the world that we must do better at instituting Restorative Justice. Ab1076 moves the state forward on doing just that. Folks who have paid their debts to society must be able to access jobs, housing and other opportunities without encountering road blocks removed if they had the means to do so through the current system. It and i wani want to thank my s for cosponsoring this resolution. Thank you. I think the house has changed again, so roll call, please. roll call . There are ten ay session. This resolution is adopted with 100 vote. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 46, ordinance to amend the administrative code to expanded the displaced tenant prams to cover tenants where the units will no longer be restrict bid a regulatory agreement or other Affordable Housing restriction within five years and market rate rent and tenant buildings is more than 20 of the household income. Thank you, this legislation proposes to expand the displacement tenant preference that representative will increase to 40 of their income due to the loss of government issued affordable restrictions. This is only available for owner movein evictions or fire and gives applicants higher priority in many housing lotteries and has been highly successful. Mohcd has reported theres still room in this programme and this legislation will expand to protect tenants living in housing where affordable restructions expire, including Housing Developments that one, have affordability restrictions lasting until the tem of their r contract. As afford ability restrictions expire, they are no longer in a contractual requirement to maintain belowmarket rents. In recent years weve seen examples of these e expirationsn South Beach Marina apartments and 737 post in district three. In my district, affordability expired at the filmore housing. It will expire at finance projects an early inclusionary projects in this city. In some cases, the city and owners may be able to negotiate deals that permanently preserve affordability and in other cases, it will not be feasible. We need to make sure we are providing options for tenants facing loss of housing through no fault of their own simply because an affordability option will expire. This bill does that and i look to working with all of you. Can we take this item, same house, same call and without objection, this is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk, the next item. Item 47 been to appoint Patricia Webb and melvin beetle to the term ending march 1, 2022. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without o objection, this is approved unanimously. Item 48 is a motion to appoint elizabeth wyegrad to the child planning and council for march 2021. Colleagues, same house same call . This is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, let lets go to or committee reports, so please call items 4952 to get it first. Items 4952 were considered by the budget and finance committee at a special meeting on thursday, june 14 and forwarded as committee reports. I ask your patients the next four items will persevere together. Item 49 is an ordinance to appropriate approximately 28 millions of hedgy power and Revenue Bonds for the San Francisco public utilitys commission, sfpuc, Capital Improvement programme for fiscal year 20192020, decreasing the power and water revenue and increasing water and revenue bon sources by 21. 5 million and deappropriatate and reappropriatate 76 millions of the Capital Project appropriations for fiscal year 20192020 and deappropriatate 15 million street light funding in fiscal year 201819 and placing 28 millions of power and water bonds by project on controllers reserve subject to the availability. Amending 14218, to authorize and increase in the issuance of sale tax exempt or power Revenue Bonds or indebtedness by the sfpuc in an amount not to exceed 200 million. To finance various projects benefiting the power enterprise. Item 51 is the ordinance to amend 14318 to authorize an increase of the issuance and sale of tax exempt or taxable water Revenue Bonds or other forms of indebtedness by the sfpuc if an a aggregate principl amount, to finance water projects and item 52 is an ordinance to appropriatate a total of 26 millions of proceeds from Revenue Bonds and water revenues for the water Enterprise Capital programme for fiscal years 201920 at 26 million, to deappropriate and reappropriate approximately 34 millions of water system improvement for fiscal year 201920 and placing 20. 5 millions of revenue bond proceeds by project on controllers reserve subject to the controllers certification of availability for constructionrelated expenditures for projects and to adopt sequa finding for these projects. Roll call, madam clerk. Items never mind, same take cub sam, sale same call. Passedle unanimously. Item 53 was considered by the land use and Transportation Committee a. Item 53 is a resolution to approve and authorize director of property to execute a master Lease Agreement between the city and the conservancy for cityowned property and improvements known as the buena gardens at a rent of 1 through september 1 of 2061 and adopt appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin. This was sent from the Land Use Committee yesterday and there was

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