I didnt know we did that. That is good to know. The board of supervisor board bs know this is place for fires. They will not be surprised. The purpose is so they are not surprised. They were aware of the mutual aid . We had to do this by a certain time so they are not surprised. We are not going to exceed the overtime budget as a result of this at this time. The chief has been reported on over time to date. The numbers look very good. As we approach the end of the year, this particular mechanism was intended to better safe than sorry, make sure we have the fund this is the budget to cover ourselves to the end of the fiscal year and this was an unexpected cost for sure. It sounds like what you might be asking is the process of mutual aid whether or not the board of supervisors are aware mutual aid is a thing. It is over time and were they aware of it. It i wasnt aware of it. Iit is good to know. Thanks. Happy to take other questions. Do we need Public Comment . Yes, we do. Moved do we have a second. Moved by mizzouca and seconded by hirsch. Public comment on item 3. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. All right. Item number three is moved by commissioner mazzucco and seconded by hirsch. We have approval on the budget modification, director mcguire. Thank you, commissioners. I seem four discussion and possible action to approve sfpd20182019 Budget Discussion and possible action. I am here this evening to talk through the fiscal year 1819 Budget Proposal we will submit on february 21st. The things i will discuss tonight i will give you a refresh on the budget process for any of you that are new to the city and the budgeting process. It is complex and thorough. I will give you a budget overview what we intend to submit including Airport Service growth, vehicles that we will be requesting through the Mayors Office, Information Technology projects, capital projects, and i will give you an update on the Police Staffing analysis that are underway in the department. Begin with today, we are seeking your approval to move forward with submitting the Budget Proposal to the Mayors Office which occur os february 21st. We will submit the proposed budget at that time. That is a charter mandated date. No flipping. During the period of march through may the controller and the mayor work on the budget, meaning they add the mayor adds his initiative and the controller balances the budget. They also they meaning the mayor in par netter ship with the partnership with the committee on Technology Add funds to Department Budgets to fund those projects as well as for equipment and vehicles. Then any new positions or new project funds requested by the department are considered at that time and included in the Budget Proposal that goes then to the boar board of board o bon june 1. During the month of june we work with the department to support and justify the budget and defend the budget, as appropriate. Finally, the board budget and finance committee of the board has hearings in late june at which time we will reach a budget agreement with the budget and legislative analyst budget and be approved by the budget and finance committee to go to the full board to approve if final balanced budget. The fiscal 1819 budget is coming in currently at 611 million. This slide represents the sources side of the budget. We are primarily general fund. Almost 481 million of the budget is general funds. That is pooled money shared by the entire city, sales tax and things like that. We himself have 523 also have 52 million in state revenue we receive as a result of the Public Safety sales tax. The combination of state allocations and grants for various Public Safety programs. We have a very small one tenth of 1 that is 744,000 in federal revenue that is really our products enforcement and Crime Lab Testing and pedestrian safety. Additional revenue and i will skip Inter DepartmentMental Services because i have a separate specific slide on those funds. Other revenue is represented this is from city reserved to Fund Planning for the 2020 bond and it is a Target Corporation grant of 10,000. We received fines and fees and charges for services totaling if the form of municipal code permits and licenses and that totals 4. 1 million. This is is in the fees fines and charges the total is 8 million. The fees and fines are for fingerprinting and that is about 1 million we also receive funding at 1. 5 million and 10b administrative charges to the tune of 1. 4 million. Finally, the Airport Enterprise Fund is a is for the Airport Bureau and that is nearly 61 million. Then we are looking at the other side of the formula, a balanced budget talking about the expenditure side of the funds. As you all may know, 86 of the budget is people. Salaries and benefits. That totals up to math on the fly well in excess of 500 million. So professional services is our things like rents and litigation costs and training and copying and printing. We have other smaller costs for not smaller but annual it budget for Software Licensing and support is in excess of 1 million. It doesnt cover what we need. Other small costs here include software and equipment maintenance for special system os fingerprinting and id machines and that sort of thing. In the materials and supplies line, we the bulk of these funds are in crime lab supplies. Office supplies and actually by far the largest expense here totaling about 2 million is uniforms and safety equipment. We have a large increase this year in Capital Outlay as a result of the Forensic Science division bills out and furniture and didnt necessary to move into the building. We have to set it up and make sure it is validated to open the crime lab when the building is ready for occupancy. That is 6. 5 million. We also in this line have 3. 5 million for body cameras and 4 million set aside for replacement cars as a result of the last year budget. Two year cycle they included 4 million there. Then finally the department charges services paid to the department. We perform services for some departments and accept funding from them. In this case we actually familiar services for other departments, im sorry we receive services from other departments, and the bulk is workers compensation. Department of technology and Telephone Services and infrastructure maintenance and vehicle maintenance and fuel charges. Going back to the people, as i mentioned 86 of our budget is people costs. Our Staffing Levels or funded position levels in fiscal 20172018 total 200093 people. 574 of which are civilians. The vast majority of our staffs is sworn ftes. Of 2419 sworn ftes, 178 are dedicated to the airport. The city, meaning our downtown costs, are 2,171 ftes and Academy Recruits and city funded recruits each being 20 and 50ftes respectively. On the civilian side we have 188 airport civilian and 386 general funded ftes. So as you can see as we move into fiscal year 20182019 we increase the sworn number of ftes at the airport by 40. Im sorry. The sworn changes is going to fund more Academy Class in the new fiscal year. I can go to the next page to show you what that represents. The airport wants to add over 150 positions to the budget. They add funds to the budget and they add positions to the budget. Then it is paid for by the Airport Enterprise Fund. There is no we dont have to ask the mayors offers for office for general money to cover the cost that is a general fund request. The intent is to add two Academy Classes in the two fiscal years. The positions will come starting in fiscal 1920 into the budget. We have two separate work orders, one for Academy Classes and one for the positions in the budget with active members at the airport. Going back to the services we provide other agencies this is correct is an accounting of what we have in our budget to the airport being 61 million of that and then you will see that second line separate for airport funded Academy Recruits in fiscal 20182019. The nta provides money, the port, library, human services. Treasure island, etc. Which brings us to vehicles a loved topic. I want to slow you all what and i think you are are well aware of the dire situation in our fleet. We have had i want to point out in 2012 we had 330 patrol cars. We are now at 309 because we keep retiring cars because they are so beat up or totaled or not functioning any more such that we are retiring them faster than we can replace them, and not to mention that 32 of patrol cars are over 10 years old and 32 are over 100,000 miles. You go to the unmarked cars and we are even worse off. 82 of our unmarked fleet is over 10 years old. It is kind of unheard of in other Police Departments to have cars running this long. Specialty vehicles again 74 of our fleet is over 10 years old. We are requesting 169 vehicles as an order of magnitude, we received 70 in the budge net the current fiscal year. We are asking for a lot of cars. It totals 10. 4 million. Moving to the technology request. We have requested funding for Case Management systems and these are all enhancement goes to the crime data warehouse. We have two portals that will be Additional Information for that sits outside of Case Management system. The Crisis Intervention Team portal and transparent data portal. We already have renewed funding for citations and websites. We asked for additional funding for our website project as well. Which brings us to capital needs. As you all know, there has been an accelerated timeline to move out of the hall of justice. The costs associated with that are in part budgeted by the mapping committee. We discovered that much of the technology that exists in the building, the infrastructure surrounding the fiber needed to carry the fingerprints over fast connections is not available. Well, we will have to create that infrastructure wherever we move there. Are three locations to which we are moving. We have to ask for additional funds to make sure we can install that technology in the new locations. Where are we moving. Tentative plans. The board of supervisors can approve or deny the leases. Two building, 777 brannen and 350 rhode island. 777 brennan will house our property unit, then 350 rhode island will house investigatio investigations. Then we still have some need. There is multiple other units in the hall of justice we are trying to find locations for. The third building is our Forensic Service building that is slated to break ground and open in 2020. That will be the final from the hall of justice our Traffic Company will go there. Again, we have to make sure the technology is available at all three of those locations. So i wanted to give you an update to some of the staffing work we have been do anything the department and the analysis. Some of this will inform our budget request and the conversations we have with the Mayors Office. You will recall the budget and legislative analyst. You may not remember this. The office had requested well the board of supervisors requested the office to perform staffing audit of our department. That is underway. They are due to complete that in may. We have been back and forth with them about they have had a lot of requests for information to which we have responded, and the additional you may remember this one that did come before you. The supervisor requested the task force of staffing Analysis Task force so in order to review the methods and propose method and levels by which we would staff the Police Department. We have broken that effort into two phases. The first being the board of supervisors had requested a report from the office about the right method. They said workload based is the best way to calculate the need. One of the most critical and sort of uniformly accepted methodologies on the patrol side is to review calls for service to derm how much time you want the officers to spend on the calls for service. It is community demand base demand based metric. We dont have control over that. We have to respond to every call for service that is how you derm what your staffing level needs to be. It is constant. You want to set a certain level to derm what your staffing level is. That is something the Controllers Office is working on. It is sector patrol only. They will be really seeing the releasing the findings in the coming weeks. If you decide you would like them to come and present on those findings, they are happy to do that. They offered. Second phase is everything else. A functional analysis that is taking a look at our department, comparing us to other jurisdictions and what are the functions we perform versus other departments and determining kind of where the gaps are for us. It also includes looking at special operations that arent sector patrol and other support functions such a forensic, fiscal property. That is a lot. We are underway in trying to we are starting the procurement process to get a contractor to do the analysis for phase two. And for phase one those findings are eminent. This is just a recap of what i had indicated earlier that the esr2 bond will fund the Forensic Services building which is due to open in 2020. I am happy to take any questions. I know it is a lot. Commissioner malarra. Where do you factor in the cost of tasers since we are scheduled for implementation in 2018. We will submit a request for the Mayors Office to include those as well. Mr. Mazzucco. Thank you. This is excellent as always. So the public is not confused we are talking about adding Police Officers to the San Francisco airport and Academy Classes. That means they dont go straight from the academy to the airport they go to the street and more Senior Officers transfer to the airport. That is correct. Some of the cars look terrible. Iit is a Public Safety issue. One district station heavy the cars are out of service right now. The age of cars, it is a safety concern for the officers. Is there anything we can do to make sure we dont have three officers in a car and half the cars are down in the district station. We have cars for officers to drive to respond to calls for service. There is a lot of new cars in the Public Safety. Can we do anything to get the cars out on the street for the officers responding to the calls . Commissioner, we are juggling with the cars. That is one of the considerations. We have redeployed some of the cars. Thankfully, with the budget from last year and the car from the budget the previous year, about a third of the fleets will be replaced from moneys allocated. We hope to get support on the budget this year. How many marked units are waiting to be put on the street . Do we have cars sitting there now . I believe all of the cars purchased are out in the field. The next batch of cars from last years budget have to be purchased. Thank you. I appreciates it. The cleave has been cleave has been on top of this, too. On page three i didnt follow something. You have 61,100,000,000dollar figure. In positions all expenditures of 623. Is that attributable to the airport . The total is 623 million. The total growth of 12 million in year one, then 10 more Million Dollars in year two. That is part of it. That is a result of a 3 cost of living increase for all positions and Inter DepartmentMental Services and it is a onetime budget increase of 6. 5 million for the new crime lab opening. You are asking this commission to approve the 611 figure . So, no, i believe we are asking you approve 623 million. I have a question for commissioner dejesus. Are you going to bring a separate request fortessers or is it in the 623 million . It will be in the february 21st submission. That is part of this budget . It is not in the slides. We have had so many problems with the Budget System as it connected to the financial system. We didnt have these reports ready to go and there are just a few tweaks here and there and this is one of them that we get the entries done between sometimes between now and then. Can you give us an idea how much for the tasers . 500,000 for Information Technology integration and 3 million to make the purchase over a number of years for all of the equipment that is necessary. Thanks. Any other questions for director mcguire . Director, you need approval from us, dont you. All right. Do i have any discussion or appropriate motion on this item . I move we accept the budget as presented. Second that motion. Public comment. On the budget item. Speaking of budget you said the word. That is what im here for. How is everybody doing. This is black History Month. I am here to talk