Supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Supervisor ronen please call item number 1. Excuse me. Agenda item number 1 hearing to temperature the issuance of a Liquor License to the gum hua lee business located at 915 stockson street will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Im officer patrick mack from the San FranciscoPolice Department and you have a pcm report for gum hua lee and they have allied for a license and this would allow them to sell beer, wine. There are zero letters of protest. Zero letters of support. They are located in plot 148 considered a high crime area. They are in census track 113 which is a high saturation area. And Central Station has no opposition and alu approves with no recommended conditions. Supervisor ronen any questions, supervisor fewer . No. I understand that the applicant is here, would you like to speak . No . Ok. Is there any Public Comment on the item. Public comment is now open. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Would you like to make a motion, supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer id like to make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Supervisor ronen this is passed. Can you read item number 2 . Clerk an ordinance directing the Arts Commission to erect a statue of maya angelou at the main library. Including building names, street names, be women. Amending the administrative code to create a fund to accept gifts to pay for the design, construction, repair to public art depicting historic women on City Property and affirming the relevant findings. Supervisor ronen on behalf of the sponsor i would like to move to continue this item to the call of the chair . Without objection clerk that would be in order after Public Comment is taken on the item. Supervisor ronen youre right. I would like to open the item up to Public Comment. If any member would like to comment on the item, now is the time to come forward . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Like to make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair . Without objection, that motion passes. Can you call item number 3. Cochair item number 3, ordinance amending the health code to ban the sale in San Francisco of animal fur products. Thank you very much, supervisors, colleagues, so today we have before you a legislation that would ban the sale of fur in San Francisco. And i will have a couple of amendments that i have passed out before you as well, so there will be a few changes such as the operative date. But i wanted to share that i know this is a topic that can arouse a lot of emotion. I know that there are many folks in the room who have done a lot in terms of Animal Welfare and i want to thank all of you, there are so many different organizations out there doing this work. I was inspired after seeing that the city of berkley had passed a similar legislation after West Hollywood had done the same as well. I think it is really important because a lot of times you know we talk about fashion and apparel and this is what the legislation would impact specifically, apparel and accessories that contain fur. We dont know how the animals are actually treated, what kind of conditions theyre living in. Throughout the world, you know, fur has become such a popular product. And not just for apparel, but for so many other things. And fur farming has just gotten to the point where animals are again living in cramped spaces. They are electrocuted, some of them. There are so many different methods, i dont want to get into it how they are treated to obtain the fur. I dont believe we should be profiting on the backs of animals. Literally. So, one of the things that were trying to do here is really to send a strong statement here in San Francisco, which is that we find it unacceptable to be selling fur, or manufacturing fur here in the city, so i know that there are some businesses that do carry products that contain fur and certainly that will be something well be hearing from some of the businesses today as well. But i do think it is important for us to take the stand here in San Francisco. So, some of the folks that i want to thank here, direct action everywhere, who has been working on this, compassionate bay area, the coalition for animals. For free West Hollywood, free berkeley, and peta and so many other organizations. I know that a lot of times people say these Animal Welfare organizations are extremists, right . I will say without them, people going into fur farms and so forth, we wouldnt know the conditions the animals live in. I wanted to speak up on their behalf. Its no secret i love animals. With that said, colleagues, i wanted to share some amendments ill be making today. So we did amend some of the findings, so youll see that throughout the beginning of the legislation. We are changing the operative date to january 1, 2019. Youll find that on page 4, line 14 as well as on the last page, i believe, last page 6, line 19. We are removing the exemption for nonprofits and thats on page 4, line 7. We are amending legislation to specify that sale of used products and manufacturing from used fur products is included as part of the legislation and thats on page 4, line 1314. So, colleagues, im hoping we can adopt those amendments today. From my understanding through the City Attorney office those amendments require that this legislation be continued to another hearing. So with that, im happy to take any questions. I did want to also mention because i got a lot of questions about this, leather is not part of the legislation, its just fur here. So with that, i know a lot of people want to speak on the item, if its ok with the chair, id like to open it up for Public Comment. Supervisor ronen is that ok, supervisor fewer . Ok, i have a few speaker cards, richard, stanley and deborah. Anybody else who would like to speak, line up on this side of the room, that would be great. Please come forward. Each member of the public will have two minutes. Thank you, supervisors, ladies and gentlemen, my name is richard and a very long time ago i was chair person of the San Francisco animal control and Welfare Commission which reports to this board. In the year 2000, october 11th to be exact, the Commission Recommended at this very same board the ban of fur sale products within the limits of the city of San Francisco. There was a less than enthusiastic response from that board. However, this issue has not changed. The fur industry is still based on cruelty rather here or abroad. This issue was brought to the commissions attention bit sale of coats by the sale of coats that were trimmed in mongolian wolf lair, but it turned how the to be dog hair because there was no way to check. And either was appalling to be used to trim jackets. To my shock and dismay, currently fur is making a horrible comeback, you see it from the fashionable designers and celebrities wearing and promoting fur. Make no doubt, its the same old cruel industry and there are plenty of furfree alternatives. To borrow from my friends and colleagues at peta, there is no need to be cruel to stay warm and look cool. Its a horrible thing to do. I would like to thank supervisor tang for bringing up the issue and i strongly urge everyone to contact their Board Members from their district and pressure and urge that supervisor to vote for this long overdue piece of legislation. Thank you very much. Supervisor ronen thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im the owner of west coast leather. Former general manager and assistant designer of north beach leather. Ive been in the Leather Industry for 32 years. Yesterday i came back from being sick and got an email from the bid association that i might want to be commenting on this hearing today. And i was not aware of the legislation, or notified, questioned, any research possibly done that would involve west coast leather. We are the largest retailer, like a department store, of leather and we do carry fur. All different categories of leather. So, when you examine a business, like a Small Business like west coast leather, there are sales that are generated which fur and fur trim and fur accessories would be a part of our business. And if there was a ban on every type of fur, that would lose 10 of my business at a significant negativity towards the small retailers surviving. I spoke with the supervisor this morning, she was very polite and listened to my concerns. I also notified all the other Committee Members that i was very upset that i wasnt made aware of this prior to the legislation. And just for an example, over the 18 years ive owned the company, weve generated over is million in sales tax through the sales of our store. So, its difficult [belling ringing] supervisor ronen sorry, there is a time limit for public speakers, everyone gets two minutes. [inaudible] supervisor ronen its a Standard Practice on committee that each speaker has two minutes. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good morning, my name is deborah, im with west coast leather. One of the tenets of the United States constitution is freedom of expression. If a woman makes a choice to wear a short skirt and go braless she was the constitutional right to do so and has the right to wear fur and leather. Both men and women have that right. As american citizens we have many First Amendment rights including the right to bear arms, the right to eat meat and the right to wear fur. The choice to wear fur is an individual choice in our constitutional right. Just as i may want a steak, i may want to wear my furtrimmed Leather Jacket on a cold day. Again its my choice. Vegans dont have the right to tell me what to eat and this ordinance should not tell me what to wear. We are one of the leading purveyors of custom made fur around the world. Some of these customers have been coming for 40 years. Were a Small Business operating in union square, a momandpop shop. We have a staff of eight people. Those eight people depend on us for salaries and family to get by. A ban on fur is going to decimate our bottom line sales, making it difficult, if not impossible to meet our obligations please, were asking you to not pass this ban. Supervisor ronen thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im here on behalf of compassionate bay with fellow organizers and here to voice my support of the ban and urge you all to do the same. I am sensitive to the concerns brought up today and ive spent a lot of hours over the past days and weeks talking to San Francisco residents about this ban. And the support has been overwhelming. We have collected almost 500 letters from San Francisco residents in support of this ban as well as tens of thousands of signatures. And i feel like as we evolve as a society, people want to shop in places that align with their ethics. I know for myself and my fellow organizers we would be happy to support Small Businesses that are transitioning away interest fur. This is from fur. This is not the only option. There are so many alternatives out there better for the environment and better for animals and will not hurt Small Businesses, especially given that we have more time to allow the businesses to transition. I want to speak on behalf of the animals who like katy said are not here today and need us to speak up for them. Some of the footage of the fur industry, some of the most disturbing footage in my years as animal advocate. These animals should have rights to their own bodies and lives. I want to say thank you to everyone for considering the ban and thank you for being a leader in progressive issues, for speaking up for the animals, protecting our environment and making San Francisco and the bay area a place im proud to call home. Thank you. Supervisor ronen next speaker, please. Hi, my name is wayne, im a lawyer and cofounder of the animal rights. Im coming here speaking on behalf of hundreds of members in San Francisco, thousands across the bay area. This is a deeply personal issue. Ive lived through some of my most horrible experiences of my life investigating these facilities, where you find dogs and cats, sitting in their own feces, languishing in cages, gnawing their own limbs off, sometimes cannibalized each other. 10 of the foxes raised in fur farm die from cannibalism because they go insane and go mad living in a cage with one partner. Not all the fur animals are raised on these farms, they say. This is the way the other 15 killed for an fur day. A leg hold trap is inhumane. If you play with this trap, i cannot pull this open with all my strength. Coyotes, fox, dogs and cats accidentally trapped, they starve to death, die of dehydration, e cruciating pain, bones are fractured and separated from their children. One of the most horrendous things that happens, the mothers sometimes gnaw their own legs off in a desperate attempt to try to get home. While i empathize with all the Small Business people who may have to make transition, weve data showing this can be done in an economically viable way. West hollywood continues to flourish and we would be happy to work with the Business People in making supervisor ronen thank you so much. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is ashley burn. My colleague nickie and i are here on behalf of the ethical treatment of animals and there are 6. 5 million members and supporters worldwide, including thousands here in the city of San Francisco. We respectfully request that you support supervisor tangs proposal to ban the sale of fur apparel in the city. Such a ban would help prevent extreme cruelty to animals, like what youve been hearing about already today. For decades, peta has exposed horrific cruelty on fur farms in the u. S. And around the world. The industry is the same today as when we first investigated it. Our investigators have witnessed and documented that foxes are electrocuted, dogs bludgeoned, rabbits scream as theyre electroshocked. As you may know, the movement to end the use of fur is growing all over the world. Earlier this month norway became the latest country to introduce a total ban on fur farming. Joining croatia, germany, japan, the United Kingdom and other countries that have taken steps to shut down fur farms. Hundreds of major designers and retailers, including Luxury Brands like bcbg, gucci, michael kors and gap and the north face have banned instead for opting for faux options that are better for the animals. San francisco will be the first major city to ban fur sales. This is a progressive city, so lets show this by taking this step and inspiring other cities across the country to take similar actions to protect the animals. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Next speaker. Hi, my name is sonya, im the bay area director of the Factory Farming Coalition and i fully support this ban. Freedom of choice is important, but shouldnt there be limits to choices when they hinder the agency of these animals . Ive seen several investigations of fur farms, its one of the most disturbing things ive ever seen. Cruelty is not fashion, nor is it beautiful. Nor are profits more important than the wellbeing of animals when there are plenty of furfree alternatives. Thank you. Supervisor ronen is there any other member of the public who would like to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you, Committee Members, again, thank you everyone else who came out and working on the issue for years and years and years. As someone had mentioned, it certainly is an issue that hasnt gone away. I hope through our legislation it will inspire other cities, maybe even our country, for the 50 million animals that are violent killed each year for their fur. So, with that said, colleagues, id like to see if we can take a motion to adopt the amendments and then if so, to continue the item as amended to your next Committee Meeting . I make a motion to adopt amendments and continue this. With that objection, that motion passes. Thank you so much. Thank you, supervisor tang. Can you please call item number 4. Hearing to explore the development of good Food Purchasing policies for key city departments. Supervisor fewer thank you, chair ronen, ive been looking forward to this hearing and want to thank the members of the public for being here today. As a former member of the San Francisco board of education, i was proud to author the good Food Purchasing policy for the San FranciscoUnified School District which has begun to be implemented and im glad to highlight their work. The good Food Purchasing program focuses on developing standards for food procurement in five areas. Animal welfare, nutrition, environmental subject and local economies. It is