Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180119

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180119

Youre setting up. Okay. Let me know. Okay. Id like to welcome all of you to the january 19 meeting of the Mayors Council on disability. And i had a welcome letter that i usually read and somehow on this device that i have i couldnt find it, so i and i know that usually denise reads it. Shes on the bridge line. But let me let me just say that our meetings, i can paraphrase, are held on the third friday of every month. Today its the 19th and in february it will be on the 16th. Our meetings are accessible to people who are in wheelchairs at the polk and van ness entrances. I believe on the one of the entrances its wheelchairlift only and thats on the goodlet street side. We would appreciate it if you would not use if you could turn off your cell phones and any pda equipment so it would not interfere with any of the equipment here in the room. That would be greatly appreciated. If you are on the bridge line and need some assistance, please let the staff know and they will be glad to help you. When it comes time for people to speak in the audience, if you would just step up to the microphone, that would be great. If you need any assistance during the meeting, just let our staff know that. So we would like to officially welcome you to the meeting. Its very special today. Lets go forward and have the roll call. And i believe thats done by heather. Yes, it is. [roll call] Denise Senhaux is participating via the bridge line today. [roll call] okay. I believe that does it for the council. Lets move forward to the reading of the agenda. Item 1, welcome, introduction and roll call. Item 2, action item. Reading an approval of the agenda. Item 3, public comment. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Please approach the microphone or give your comment card to staff. Item 4, information item. Cochair report. Item 5, information item. Report from the Mayors Office on disability. Please note that the directors reports can be found in the whats new section of mods website. Item 6, information item. Cochair elections in accordance with the Mayors Disability Council bylaws, article 3, section 1. There should be two cochairs to serve the council. Officer terms shall be one year. Cochairs may serve no more than two consecutive terms unless by vote membership allows the cochair to serve beyond the twoyear limit. Item 7. Home care subsidy Pilot Program. Increase awareness of san franciscans 18 years or older who have unmet home care needs of the home care subsidy Pilot Program and eligibility requirements. Presentation by jane caruso. Public comment is welcome. Breaks. The council will take a 15minute break. Item 8, healthy saturdays overview. Overview and discussion of healthy saturdays, partial closer of j. F. K. Drive and Golden Gate Park. Presentation by gary mccoy. Policy and Community Affairs manager, San Francisco recreation and parks department. Public comment is welcome. Item 9, ceremonial item. The late mayor edwin lee, councilmembers, and members of the public are welcome to share thoughts, stories and memories of the late mayor, edwin lee. Item 10, public comment. Items not an todays agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Please approach the microphone or give your comment card to the mod staff. Item 11, information item correspondence. Item 12, discussion item. Councilmember comments and announcements. Item 13, adjourned, in honor of the late mayor edwin lee. Okay. Thank you very much for reading the agenda. I appreciate that. Is there a motion to approve them . I move to approve the minutes. Second. Motion moved to accept and seconded. Those in favor, say aye. Any opposed . Okay. Its done. Number 3, public comment. Items not on todays agenda, but within the all right. If there is anyone who would like to do we have any speakers cards . We do not. We do not. Okay. Is there anyone from the audience who would like to make a brief comment thats not on todays agenda . Theres no one. No one, okay. Then were moving on to number 4. And thats the cochair report. Well, this is the beginning of a new year of 2018. And id like to just give a brief report on what we did in 2017. We brought on a number of us, a number of us were brought on as new people in february, appointed by mayor the late mayor ed lee. And i think weve been very active. Just so outline a couple of things. I think it was in late summerearly fall, the issue of concerns about bart came up. And we had some lively discussions about that. As a result, we sent a letter to the leadership people in bart. There was someone that had that was deaf that brought to our attention that theres some accessibility issues in particular when it comes to being on the platform of bart. And so in our letter, we outlined those concerns, as well as the elevators. Sometimes theyre not always accessible. Theres some cleanliness issues in the elevators and in some bart stations. So we sent that off to bart and we hope to engage them in dialogue. Second letter, the council that was sent out, had to do with employment. In october, in our meeting that was specifically related to employment, it was a lively discussion. It was great. Sent a letter to mayor ed lee. And talking about the ace program. Some of you were here in october, you know that ace is access to city employment. We briefly discussed that in our letter and asked the mayor that if we could be in conversation about expanding the ace, improving it, and looking at other avenues of bringing disabled persons into employment in San Francisco city government. There was another letter sent out to department of rec, recreation. And someone brought to our attention that they would like to see more swings on the playgrounds for children and we addressed that issue as well in terms of equipment. So those are three letters we did send out. I thought you ought to know about that. And those are some of our accomplishments. Going forward, we want to do a lot more. And you will be hearing about that as we go forward. So that concludes my report for today. And now were going to have our next information item is a report from the director, nicole. Its all yours. Thanks so much, councilmen brachsten. Hi, everybody. Thank you for being here. So im going to highlight some items from my written report, which, as mentioned, you can find on our website following this meeting in case you missed any details that you would like to go over again. So i look forward to todays conversation on access to Golden Gate Park and the supported Home Voucher Program and our public remembrance of mayor ed lee. As always, please dont hesitate to recommend any action items as they relate to our discussion today. The december, 2017, engagement of the mdc, was a successful holiday meet and greet. Here are some of the opportunities and things that mod has been engaged in since the last time we met in november, 2017. The first item i want to talk about today is the accessible business entrance program. Information about the accessible business entrance ordinance, which was legislation passed by the San Francisco board of supervisors in 2016, to help ensure that all primary entrances of San Francisco businesses and places of public accommodation are accessible to people with disabilities, was distributed to San Francisco Property Owners last month. And the Mayors Disability Council is encouraged to add this as an update or update item from the program as an agenda item from the hearing. Next item for today is an update about accessible voting. Voting Accessible Committee or v. A. C. , highlight ed that we really need timely feedback. The california secretary of state office of Voting Systems Technology is looking for usertesting of two votebymail systems. Theyre specifically looking for people with disabilities that may provide feedback from any home or other computer system, where you have web browsing capability and Internet Access during the week of january 22, which is next week. To sign up, please call the secretary of state office of Voting Systems Technology assessment at 9166951680. Or voting. Systems sos. Ca. Gov. Second, the San Francisco department of elections seeks feedback on the implementation of remote accessible vote by mail as well as accessibility of San Francisco voting and Election Services by next friday, january 26. This timely response will help the department of elections incorporate feedback in time for publication of their materials and other critical deadlines. You can get a link to the survey by visiting the mod homepage or contacting the department of elections. The next item for today is an upcoming at t park evacuation exercise. The San Francisco giants in collaboration with San Francisco department of Emergency Management will be holding an evacuation exercise following fan fest on february 10, 2018, and theyre looking for volunteers with disabilities to participate in the evacuation drill. Volunteers will receive a giantsbranded gift and special entry into fan fest and will have opportunity to provide valuable feedback about at t parks evacuation plan. Please subscribe to the mod email news feed at sfgov. Org mod for updates on how to register for this. The next item is the bay area arts collective. Theyre introducing their Community Spotlight series, which engages Community Members with disabilities in accessible design of the museum experience. The next workshop, which is on february 8, will focus on museums for inclusion, which is a program at the California Academy of sciences, that targets the employment of persons with museum settings. You can look for the title, museums for inclusion. My last item for today is a note that ed roberts day is tuesday, january 23. Mod will be marking the remembrance of the birthday of ed roberts, who many consider as the father of the modernday Disability Movement through a retrospective of his career and commentary on his impact. Please look to your mod email subscription and facebook feed next tuesday for this. Once again as mentioned, this report posts to the mod homepage following the meeting. For questions or comments or to get involved or to provide feedback on many of your items mentioned in the report, contact mod at 4155546789. Or mod sfgov. Org. Thank you very much. Thank you, nicole. We appreciate that. All right. Lets move on to our next item, which is the cochair elections. As noted in the reading of the agenda, we have to have these elections about once a year. However, in discussion with staff, i dont think theres enough of the councilmembers here in person to have an election. In fact, i had a discussion with denise, my cochair partner. And we agreed that it would probably be better to hold off these elections until february when everyone will be here. Let me ask the council, is that in agreement with you . Fine with me. I agree. You agree, kate . Orkid . I agree. Carlos . Alex. Sorry. Its fine. All right. Lets move on to item number 7, which is the home care subsidy Pilot Program. And the presentation is to be made by jane caruso. Please welcome to the mike. Wed love to hear from you. Thank you. Please let me know if i should slow down or repeat anything. Can you speak up a little bit, please . Thank you. Is that better . Yes. Okay. As jim said, im jean caruso. I also go by jeannie. And im the director of the Pilot Program funded through department of aging and adult services. Its a financial subsidy for home care for adults in San Francisco age 18 and over. Its from may, 2017, through april, 2019, and the goal is to serve 175 to 250 clients. And there will be pre, mid and post evaluations throughout the program. Eligibility requirements besides being a resident of San Francisco county is to have a need assistance with two activies or two instrumental activities of daily living and income up to 100 of area Median Income, assets up to 40,000 excluding one house and one car. Information about the program foundation, our goal is to have 50 of our clients be adults age 18 to 59 and 50 older adults, 60 plus. The providers will make 15 an hour. There is a client copayment, which is on a sliding scale, and a client orientation. And then in the independent provider mode, theres a mandatory, independent provider training. There are two provider modes. The first is agency mode. At this time, weve contracted with Compassionate Community care and ioas home care program. And then theres independent provider mode, where someone finds their own independent provider and enrolls as the employer of that provider through a Payroll Service that weve contracted with called home work solutions. This an overview of the enrollment process. First, someone is referred to support at home. Referrals are take through ioa connect team, either over the phone or through our website. If theres a determination of eligibility at that initial referral and that comes to me for review for whether theres room for assessment, if theres room, then theres an assessment by one of our assessment coordinators and thats done in the home. Thats a financial and functional assessment. While we are confirming eligibility after that assessment, the client is asked to finish go through the client orientation. And then if eligibility is confirmed and orientation is complete and they would like to enroll, we go out for another inhome meeting where they sign a service plan, which determines their copayment and Voucher Amount and the total amount they have to spend on home care. I mentioned that theres pre, mid, and postevaluation. Weve contracted with uccf to do those evaluations. Heres how you would make referrals. Ioa connect is at 4157504111 or at our website, web form submission, www. Ioaging. Org. I think i have some time for questions. All right. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. So first of all, what id like to do is open up any comments or questions to my fellow colleagues who are councilmembers. If any of you wish to speak, just let me know and well let you go. I have a question. Okay, sally and then alex, i think. And orkid. All right. Everybody. Everybody. Kate . Yes, kate, too. Let me start with sally. Is this selfreferral or referral from a doctor . Both. People can refer anyone that they know or people can refer themselves. And how many people are eligible how many people is this Program Eligible to help . The goal is to serve 175250 clients. Because the copay is and the vouchers are at different amounts based on peoples financial and functional need, thats why theres a large range of clients we may help depending on who applies. What are the vouchers . The financial subsidy that comes at support at home. The client contributes the copay and support at the home the Voucher Amount and thats the total amount. I will go next. Okay. Go. Can you please talk to us, is it inhome support services . Can you touch on that . Of course, yeah. So it looks in many ways similar to ihss, where there are two provider modes, but were a separate Pilot Program with a similar model in which we to have two provider modes. One other difference is ihss is based on hours and then people have to have medical and ours is a subsidy. So once theyre eligible, they get this subsidy and get to spend it however they want. And if, lets say, someone has inhome supporter er ier e services can they access the program or the program can access to the inhome support servic services . Thats a good question. The lower limit of eligibility is if someone is eligible for another subsidized program, for instance, ihss with no share of cost. There are instances, though, that someone may be eligible for ihss with a high share of confident, where they would decline that and apply for support at home. Thank you. Orkid, youre next. So suppose that this is a Pilot Program and we have a deafblind individual, do we have providers that can sign for them or access because there are a wide range of client and client needs. Understand. Great question. The staff will go out with interpreters, translators. We dont find the independent providers, but the agencies have committed to have various language and different accessibility capabilities opening their staff. Does that answer your question . Because it is a Pilot Program, i know that some people will be interested, but theyre working with private, nonprofit organizations. So its a good and useful program to support their financial needs. Im not confident that i understood the question. Okay. Well try with the other interpreter real quick. Im just wondering, regarding nonprofit organizations if you have a client that is deaf or blind thats established with these organizations or has multiple disabilities and theyre working, for example, with the private nonprofits in San Francisco and will these organizations im wondering how they would coordinate with your service snz is there a financial portion that needs to be considered . What else is there . I think i understand better. We are working closely with the clients consent with whatever organizations or advocates that theyre connected to, one that helps us communicate better. And also allows us to most efficiently use these city dollars.

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