Directors report. Directors, happy new year. 2018 will be a very exciting year for the tbpa. My report today will include two presentations. First intention will be an annual year in review presentation that we present to you at the beginning of every year. It includes our accomplishments in 2017 and more importantly our goals in 2018. This presentation will also include the quarterly agreement reports, which you have a copy with you. Second item in my report will be the brief presentation on the Colliers International efforts for the leasing of the Transit Center. Lets go ahead with your report. About an hour. Your report is about an hour . Looks like were going to be shuffling the agenda around if thats okay with the board members. Okay. Well note that director kim has arrived, and with that, were going to go ahead were going to be losing quorum. So were going to be taking our regular calendar first so were going to be taking our regular calendar items out of order. Well come back to items 4 through 7 prior to going into closed session. Okay. With that, moving to your regular calendar, its also been suggested and concurred with the chair that we all items 8 and 9 together since they are related. It would make a lot more sense to present them that way. If there are no objections, questions, well go ahead ill call the item, so item 8 is authorizing the director to execute a universal agreement for unarmed Security Guard for the Transit Services with an option to extend the term by up to two oneyear extensions. And director, our chief Security Officer will present both items. Thank you. Good morning chair nuru and board members. The Transit Center security plan. Following an extensive review, the initial staffing plan was developed in consultation with local Law Enforcement and Security Experts as part of tgpas safety and security concept of operations. Over a period of several months, staff reviewed the proposed staffing with San Francisco sheriffs department, conducted a comparative analysis with major metro transit agencies, including Metro Atlanta transit authority, washington metro transit authority, and denver union station. Nearly 2017, the staff was Peer Reviewed by the National Association of transportation, which assembled a panel of Public Transportation leaders. The five peer reviewers spent three days onsite reviewing the documentation and familiarizing themselves with the facility. The panel concluded the plan represented the plan was adequate. They also recommended that we periodically reassess the periodic staffing plan to assure the Staffing Levels remain adequate. For scope of Services Following a multistep procurement process, tgp staff h doing business as allied universal Security Services. This contract will provide an experienced Security Guard presence for phase one of the Transbay Program including the sales force Transit Center, the bus ramp and the bus storage facility. They will fill security posts, roeving security and ambassador positions. Security staff will participate in training and exercise programs simulating real world daytoday operations and also train to respond in exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters or human caused events. On opening day, the Transit Center allied will provide unarmed Security Guard staff including stationary patrols. Theyll also have the supervisory management staff in place. In addition, the Security Operations staff will monitor and manage the Security Centers enacted at the hub for security transactions. Ill be an active part of the Security Team, which is composed of staff already mentioned. The tjp security staff will work cooperatively with the tjp asset manager staff and those managing the Transit Center, retail tenants, the department of emergency management, personnel from sfpd southern station and other federal state and local first responders. Tjpa staff completed a multistep competitive procurement process to select a qualified Security Guard contractor. On july 5, 2017 we advertised a request for qualifications for unarmed Security Guard services. The rfq was posted on the tgpa website and firms listed as safety act certified or designated on the department of Homeland Security website. Six firms submitted applications, and three firms met all of the qualification criteria and were invited to submit proposals. On sept 5, staff sent the request for proposals to the three firms. All three submitted proposals on october 3rd. The prices ranges from 4 million to 5. 1 million. Three firms were asked to provide a first year cost proposal based on the first year staffing plan in the rfp. It is brokendown into labor costs and other direct costs such as training, uniforms and equipment. Following the interviews allied received the highest score from the Selection Panel and also has the lowest price panel. Their price was based on a 19. 50 wage rate, a 13. 2 overhead for payroll cost, and a 3 profit margin, and the rates for the g4s in securitas is listed on this slide. So in the fy 1718 budget, we have just over 1 million, and this assumes those operations start on april 1st. Any delays to the start of bus operations will significantly reduce this amount in fiscal year 1718. In fiscal year 1819, the budget is 5. 2 million. Allieds contracted amount in fy 19, which was the first steady state period that we have to look at for 12 months is higher than their first year price proposal which was the 4. 4 million, because Ambassador Services were added during negotiations. The fy 2021 budget is 4. 4 million. The budget includes a not to exceed amount of 350,000 for Additional Services over the term of the agreement. Staff anticipates that 1u67 Additional Services will be required for special events and in the case of emergency. Tjpa anticipates recovering such additional costs from the event sponsor. The total not to exceed amount for the 3. 5 year term is 18 million. The budget specifies not to exceed amounts for the two oneyear option periods should tjpa elect to exercise that option. This agreement and the mou for sfpd to provide Law Enforcement services willen assure that tjpa has a security staff in place to manage security at the Transit Center. The staffs recommendations, to authorize the executor director to execute a professional Services Agreement with allied universal Security Services for a 3. 5 year term in an amount not to exceed 18,191,100, with an option to extend the term up to two oneyear extensions, and the staff recommends the board to authorize an mou with sftd at the new Transit Center and related facilities under the tjpas control for a 2. 3 million annual rate, escalated by 3 each year. Im happy to answer any questions. Yes. First of all, its great to see these items. Its obviously one of the most important aspects of the operation, so commend the staff for getting us to this point. Just a few questions. Kind of overall, we have a blended approach to security with San FranciscoPolice Department and private, which i think is a good approach. Its something obviously i think the board had endorsed last year. How will the joint training happen . How will they communicate on a daytoday basis . Can you give us a sense on how these two items kind of flow together in operations. So ill start with the Communications Part because the soc is really going to be the Communications Hub for both security and then anything thats going on in the center that needs to be broadcast to a large number of staff through various different organizations. Within that, sfpd, we will have communications directly with sfpd through the soc. Well have communications with allied, and allied has the two layers, so they have the Security Guards and the ambassadors under the same management structures, so that simplifies the control part of the unarmed security, and then allied will be monitoring the communications. And then, allied has guard tracking software, and that will allow the soc to be able to see where all the Security Guards and ambassadors are at any one time so theyll have an idea of where they need to send people if something is going on, and theyll also be able to let sfpd, their staff, if theyre needed, they can be quickly pulled in, instead of coming down from three blocks away. So will there be any kind of meeting surveillance, so that theyre aware of issues that theyre happening, people that theyre seeing, problems that are emerges. There are. Well have daily briefings, so were looking at midday when its Something Like that period between commute hours, and in that we will discuss operations and security so well have everybody on the same page. Theyll know whether theres events going on, sharing information with the neighboring businesses, so well know whats going on with their security and their operations. Because with sales force, we share a common area with mission square. And so we want to have Situational Awareness in the situation, both horizontallyvertically. Well share that information with our neighbors so they know whats going on. And then, sfpd, whatever information they want outside of the Law Enforcement unit at the Transit Center, then they will be able to get that information as well. And theres at least some of the Police Department staffing will be dedicated or consistent; it will be the same people . We still havent gotten into the details on that but were expecting that we will see a lot of different people. And frankly, we want to be the employer of choice for both sfpd and allied, so we want people to come to work at the Transit Center and request those jobs. I think the continuity in the relationships between the Police Department and the contractor will help a lot, whether its a dedicated sergeant i dont know what rank the senior pd person will be, but at least thats consistent. I know they change out every few years, but at least consistent over time and not a different person every day. And were expecting definitely on the lieutenant level that well be dealing with one person all the time and were already in communications with how were going to manage security and getting their input to various different rules and regulations, code of conduct. And will there be any joint training or training by the sfpd Security Teams in terms of how to deal with certain situations and when to engage sfpd . There will be. We havent gotten into the details on that. Weve just identified that thats something wed like to do and theyre willing to do. Were already going to do the training, so the day we turn on the lights, it will be another day at the Transit Center. And then with the contract itself, it seems weve been lucky in a lot of these where the highest rank is also the best the best cost, so our value of the one were selecting is significantly i just wanted to note they were the highest ranked, but the separate, by far, it seems they stood out by far. Its of benefit to the public to know that great news. And just my last question, the 350,000 for things that we havent foreseen and possibly which would just be support for thirdparty events. Its great to have in there. It seems over the term of this contract to be a pretty small number and if there are a lot of events where the event users need or we require them to have Security Services, it could even though its not our cost, it could chew up that allowance in the contract pretty quickly. I wondered how you got there, and if you all could figure outweighs which somebody having an event could rent directly with the Security Firm as opposed to our contractual mechanism and then up our cost. I think if it becomes a big enough event we would be looking for ways to do that. And i have done that before where we had the sponsor go directly to the same contractor. And i guess i hadnt thought about this before, but same with police. Rather than eating into our agreement with the Police Department, they could contract directly for ten officers. I just want you to think about that. Also gets you out of the middle of all of the administration of filling out an invoice. And in regards to we did some research. We think that most of the special events that would require additional security would be roof top events on the park, and so i got input from brb, how often, what size of events, what sort of work that they need. And then based on that, we just multiplied it by the hourly wage rate or the hourly rate we would be charged to get that number. And then if its Something Like a natural disaster, completely unforeseen. Thats something we would be coming back to the board for, and we would also be expecting that we would be reimbursed by fema for those costs eventually. Okay. Thank you. Yes. Just a quick question related to the sfpd mou, and the personnel available. The memo talks about ten shifts within the confines of the existing policing Community Efforts in the neighborhood. What does that translate into in terms of actual sfpd personnel committed to the Transit Center . Because the actual security plan is classified, i cant talk about it in a public venue, but were looking at getting the coverage that we need for the times that we have different activities going on in tin the transit park, becaue it will vary during the commuter periods. Once we get the mou in place, well be sitting down with sfpd and really getting into detail on who, what, where, when, how. Thank you. I i am unfamiliar with this ambassador security thing, and i dont know that ive been in a Transit Center that had ambassadors. Either theyre well hidden or this is something thats kind of new. What wheres is there anybody else, a major Transit Center thats that this is modelled on . Its not. Its actually modelled on the Community Benefit districts, and looking at what our unique issues are here in this city and what our neighbors concerns are, and so quality of life is huge. Its probably the densest part of the city or it will be when its completely built out. So we looked at fishermans whafsh, we looked at yerba buena gardens. The ambassadors are going to be a friendly, nonthreatening presence. Theyll probably be in polo shirts and khakis. We want them to create a relationship with the people that are coming into the Transit Center on a regular basis. If they need help from City Services or if they even just need help getting to their bus or wheres an event going on, so theyre going to be that friendly first face of the Transit Center that everybody will see. Theyll be very apparent by their uniform that they are, with the Transit Center in that theyre ambassadors. Our security people wont be armed . No. Law enforcement is armed. Security is the contract security. So im wondering why everybody cant look friendly . Its more the uniform. Yeah, thats what im getting at. And theyll be getting additional training as well on how to deal with people that may be impaired. I mean, if i think of the models that cities are now going through and have been going through for the last couple of decades, the ambassadors on your street are the cops. And the whole idea of understanding that the police force is something that the neighborhood has to come to integrate, accept, everything. And when i see this, where it looks like the ambassadors going to be a whole different thing from security, i wonder if were not taking a step backward in terms of what most cities have figured out. And there, youve got armed people that are trying to be your neighborhood ambassadors, right . So if ours if our security people arent armed to begin with, why cant we why cant they all integrate and be a separate why does it have to be two separate workforces . cause those ambassadors dont know how to be security and security dont know how to be ambassadors . Why not have a single thing with a single uniform and get everybody crosstrained on all of that . cause this looks like were headed off this way, which is what cities are trying to get away from. Were really looking at trying to have as many tools in our toolkit as possible. So we expect that the ambassad