Nominated by the Senior Engineer and the outstanding work on the warrior stating project and with the Initiative Liability and complete deduction for the projects demanding timeline. And nominated by james zahn and dbi supervisor mechanical Planning Engineer who noted they had been twice as productive as other engineers in turning around electrical plan reviews required on Major Construction projects in quarter four and is exceeding the departments strategic goal target. And the commission extends the enthusiastic congratulations on the outstanding performance in quarter three and four. With that, we have one more. Finally, the Employee Recognition committee has select ed Kevin Edwards as dbis employee of the year for 2017. Well done, kevin. Kevin was the winner of the employee of the quart er and meeting staff and customer staff request for data and reporting. In short, kevin is the goto guy with dbi mis group which sun suddenly requires an accurate statistic on dbi programs and permits. When the committee considered the quarterly winners this year, they selected kevins performance as the most outstanding. Congratulations and thank you for an outstanding support from 2017. That, madam secretary, concludes my president s announcements. U. N. Ing that thank you. Would all the members come forward and the members that nominated them. Would all the me forward and the members that nominated them. You have the certificates and everyone can come forward. Thank you to james zahn for having me at dbi and thank you to my teammates who made it a wonderful experience for working at dbi and continues to do so. I would like to thank the Electrical Inspection Division for welcoming me since my arrival in 2015. And that i can to the bic and thank you to the bic. Nk you to. I am usually not a public speaker, but i would like to also thank my team members who have helped me work on the warriors project. Steven and joseph, and also my former supervisor mark walz who initially entrusted me with that project and its quite an honor to be recognized for as employee of the quarter. Thank you very much. [applause] obviously, part of congratulations and congratulations to all the no, maam niece and well done. The congratulations to all the nominees and the department appreciates thenominees and the appreciates the work you do. The department of rec director has given us how many tickets . Six ice skating rinks for two different ice rink tickets. So we want pictures. On top of that, so thank you to park and rec for giving us that. Well done, again, and congratulations. [applause] thank you. Congratulations, again, to all the employee quarter winners. Is there any Public Comment on the president s announcements . Si seeing none, item 3, general Public Comment. The bic will take Public Comment on matters within the commissions jurisdiction that are not part of the agenda. Good morning. I was told that dbis policies to treat every permit applicant equally and enforce the code equally and fairly. It turned out to be untrue because dbi has repeatedly paid favor to owner of 265052 high street. And not enforce the code on his project. Dbi approved his most recent permit ending 0940, but did not require him the permit applicant to describe the scope of all work to be performed and allow him not to disclose that. We will construct a large dormer and remove soil from rear yard which is adjacent to our property, etc. Dbi placed mhe in that application and told me that this is due to the applicants response of no, stating that there is no disturbance of at least 50 cubic yard of soil. He is neither architect nor engineer and without calculation, he does not know how many cubic yard he is removing from an excavated area. Dbi did not require him to produce any supporting documents. Dbi has full knowledge that greenwood has submitted an inaccurate application repeatedly in the past when he did not have a garage, he claims that he has one and used big machine to remove soil without calculation that caused our building to shift. He also state he would not remove soil, but it turned out he removed 296 cubic yards of soil which is not including the amount he is now removing. Dbi know this subject is fourstory building and the basement as a story, but dbi allowed him to continue to claim it is a basement as a threestory building. And complying with the earthquake retrofit to help him to save thousands in that area and dbi issued the architectural plan and which requires him to have written responses and clearly, concisely and comprehensively toed a just the comments and enforced the project anyway. With the written responses and costs and he and his team have claimed they have a connection with dbi officials and that turn out to be the case again. If you allowed when you allow dbi to proof of permit, and you are subject. And i ask the dbi issue the same extent of practices to each and every other permit applicant that do not have a connection with dbi. The code is the law. The code should not be used to play favoritism to Certain Property owner. Thank you very much. Can you submit it to us . Can we get copies . Copies, but we cant comment. That is fine. I dont have a copy you can leave it at the department and i will get it to the commission. Thank you. Thank you. I have a document, too. Do you want that . Everything. Give it to the secretary and she will get it to them. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, i item four madam secretary, before we go on to four, point of order. Item five, if there is no objection, which we would like to continue this to the january calendar again. And if there is no objection and commissioners, are all commissioners in favor of that . Okay. That is fine. Okay. Then item four. Four. 4a is inquiries to staff. At this time commissioners may make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policies, practices, and procedures, which are of interest to the commission. Commissioner walker, please . A yes, i would like to put on the agenda for a future meet in just an update about the Housing Inspector hiring and possible discussion about what we look for and what the requirements are, that type of thing. Its been brought to our attention this might be some changes. I think that we have enough issues around tenants and these type of projects that we heard earlier that it helps to know where were at. Just as an agenda item for an update. Just a point of clarification. Kind of our policy and procedures on hiring and what the qualifications have have been changed and updated, is there new policies, that kind of thing. Exactly. Who would give a presentation . Would that be Human Resources . Director of housing or somebody. Perfect. An any other commissioners have items . Inquiries . Item 4b, future meeting and agendas. At this time, the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a special meeting and or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the building inspection commission. The january meeting will be on january 17, 2017. Is that okay with everybody . Okay. Thank you. That is all for items 4a and b. Is there any Public Comment on items 4a and b . Seeing none, we go to item six. Discussion regard iing accessib business entrance program. Good morning, commissioners. Bill strong. I am speaking on behalf of Deputy Director sweeney who unfortunately is not able to be here today, but essentially Deputy Director has been chairing an Interdepartmental Group at the directors direction that includes dbi as well as planning and its historic review, the public works department. The Mayors Office of disability and the Mayors Office of Small Business. And this all is part of what is called the Accessible Business Entrance Program that i think we have mentioned here, but we before a few months ago we brought up the fact that supervisor tang had passed an ordinance actually in 2016 that essentially calls for making commercial spaces more available for accessibility purposes and also if unable to modify the building for accessibility, then possibly finding ways to provide those goods and services so that, again, we would be meeting both the spirit and letter of the local, state, and federal jurisdictions. So we have had a number of meetings internally about that. We have developed the flyer that i believe i have passed out to you before. And this is essentially a mailer that went to 12,400 thats okay. May not be over at any rate, i can make copies of this available to all of you again. It went out to about 12,400 Property Owners and it essentially covers what our mis folks were able to identify as 27,000 Property Owners and may present as part of this program. And director sweeney is estimating up to 1 3 are already exempt because they have made modifications for the business entrances. However, that still leaves a program thats significantly larger than our existing mandatory soft Story Program which as you may wall with 5,000 Property Owners. This is a program set up in four different phases and with different timelines and supervisor tang in consultation with us and the other departments recognized that we needed a little more time to fully present this program and make people aware of it to start the process. So we have now until may 23 of 2018 before the first compliance documents are due. And between may 23, 2018, and november 23, 2019. And also in the process of setting up the series of workshop briefings and hoped to have one about a week ago and given the crazy nature of the holidays to say nothing about the shock we have had from the past week with the mayors passing. We didnt get responses for that, so we are now putting this initial presentation workshop about the program until january 24. And that will be held at dbi in our 2001 conference room. We hope to attract 30 or 35 Property Owners with whom we can walk through and give and understanding and the detailed information and already on the website and the initial mailer that i just showed you. With the detailed guidelines and Property Owners and the dedicated staff at window eight on the ground floor of 1616 mission is already prepared to deal with questions. And waiting from public works for a compliance and checklist and we hope to have that by this january 24 workshop. There is a hotline number that is part of the notification announcement. That people are using at 4155586128. To date we have had about 11 calls asking some questions in our actually cast certified staff are going to be getting back to those folks to see if we can clarify the kinds of questions that they have. So i would say that we are off and running. The director has two San Francisco county conference and one to an organization to provide briefings on how this program is going to go. And our Communications Plan we have a Communications Plan that we have put together for this. And it will be to have these types of workshops for Property Owners and especially Small Businesses about every month or every second month depending, again, on how much interest and response that we receive from the public. Yes, maam . Commissioner walker, please go ahead. You might do a little outreach to the business organizations. There is a lot of local neighborhood business organizations because i know there is a lot of businesses in my area who always worry about accessibility, making sure they are or what is the monthly meetings and that might be helpful to go to those. Ill do that. Thank you very much. Following up on that, there is also an Organization CalledSan FranciscoCouncil District merchants association. And i know they would be very happy to hear a presentation. We indeed will be contacting them. Thank you. So sorry, mr. Strong. Basically, though, i think the fairest thing would be you said on the 24th you are having a gathering of Small Businesses. Offering a brown bag presentation to have people come in to answer questions and walk through the basics of the program. I mean, i remember when this was presented back early last year, was it, by supervisor kitty tangs office. And we were all very supportive of it and i think really at the end of the day it was somebody stepping forward to kind of help out with these driveby losses that the Small Businesses were going through. It was a solution. But with that solution, what does it mean to implement and i think were at that door right now. So i think its probably fair and if i could request another presentation on this, and i jotted stuff to ask of staff to get clarification on. One of the things that i think we need to because its such a Robust Program here, right, and crosses over so many lines, and i guess the outreach in regard to the abe and so now what you have is you have to hire an abe. You have to hire help me out here, commissioner. Certified access, casp. Is that what you call them . And architect or engineer. It doesnt have to be necessarily only a casp certified because we recognize there is a limited number of casp certified in the immediate bay area. Given the volume of this program, it could be having access to a regular engineer and architect will broaden the availability of expertise for the public. So does that mean everybody has to come into the department then and kind of individually and take a day off the business to come in and do that . How are we addressing that . There is as part of the program thats already posted on the website, there is a way to see if you may be exempt. And you can selfcertify and send in an affidavit saying that the property is exempt. And that form is already on the website and can be filled out and sent to us and would not require coming in. There will be many cases where there are unknowns that having consultation with an engineer or architect and our staff going through our screening form process and will be necessary. And it just strikes me as a lot of responsibility for a mom and pop outfit to come in and do that. Was there a more simpler process to offer particularly when they are first of all, i was thinking about what is emerging around the neighborhood before trying to talk to the mayor, trying to go around each district. The major district i am concerned is with chinatown because they have more sloping area. But to answer your question, they are exempt, and they can start with the form right away. And we will be certified and then they are okay. Except we have one stamp that will be first and target bay on them and second stamp and some invisible to review, and then go through the appeal process. But we trying to do both ways. And for talk and also reach out to the neighborhood ourselves. And a few of the times i walked with the mayor and supervisor and in different districts. We are talking about the Outreach Program. We do recognize that it takes a lot of repetitive outreach efforts to both make people aware that theyre building may, in fact, be in the program, and therefore, they need to take some steps. So toward that end, we are going to do some paid advertising in the First Quarter of the new year to try and increase that awareness level for people. And also to your point, we are definitely trying to simplify and put as much on the web so that people can get the forms, fill out, and take themselves out of this if, in fact, they are able to do that. And based on Deputy Director sweeney has said at our meetings, these are very much case by case situations. One size does not fit all. And working cooperatively and collaborativerily with the Property Owners as we can because we want everybody to succeed here. And finally to your initial point t supervisors intent was clearly a way to try and slow down or prevent a lot of these driveby shakedown lawsuitlike situations. And with the program like this, and enough of a formal structure and many judges looking at these kind of situations and may be more inclined to put aside the litigation aspect for people who think they can exploit the situation and instead give us and the Property Owners sufficient time to work through coherent plan. That is really the intent of the program is to do this as rationally as possible. No one says it is going to be an easy one because it does involve a lot of very diverse property. The Small Business owner, the small this is a cumbersome process. You can have a great facility at the department with all the right people, but the communicating part of that before they come in is a big part of it. And just go to commissioner lee here and with the Small Business department and shoulder to shoulder and is very much part of the planning and execution and we have the full cooperation from the Small Business commission and will continue to work with them, along with actually the Mayors Office of disability as well. Maybe they could come back when youre kind of closing the dots there. And commissioner lee, hope i didnt take too long there. Okay. I dont have a store front or anything like that, but i also know th