Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180106

SFGTV Government Access Programming January 6, 2018

Bobby wilson and rick swig. Deputy City Attorney will provide the board with any advice this need. Im cynthia goldstein. We have corey teague, assistant Zoning Administrator, who is here representing the Planning Department and commission. We should be joined shortly by senior building inspector joseph duffy. And perhaps somewhere in the room im not seeing is Amanda Higgins with San Francisco public works. If not, she will be here momentarily, representing their bureau of street use and mapping. The board requests that you turn off our silence phones or Electronic Devices and carry on conversations in the hallway. Rules of presentation are as followed. Appellants, permit holders and respondents have 7 minutes to present and 3 minutes rebuttal. People affiliated with the parties must be in the 7 and 3minute parties. Public members have 3 minutes each and no rebuttal. We ask that you please speak into the microphone. To assist the board, you are asked but not required, to submit a speaker card or Business Card to staff when you come up to speak and we have speaker cards on the mode yum for your use. We also have Customer Satisfaction surveys and welcome your comments and suggestions. If you have questions about reque requesting a hearing or rules, call us. Were at 1650 mission street, room 304. This meeting is broadcast live on sfgov tv and will be rebroadcast on friday on channel 26. There are dvds of the meeting available for purchase. Well swear or affirm all those who intend to testify. Any member of the public may speak without taking an oath pursuant to their rights under the sunshine ordinance. If you do intend to testify at any of tonights proceedings and wish to have the board give your testimony evidentiary weight, stand, if able, raise your right hand and say i do or i affirm. Stand now. Thank you. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth . Thank you very much. Vice president fung, two housekeeping items. First is item 10 ch. The parties have jointly requested that the matter be rescheduled to january 10, 2018, to give them more time to come to a settlement agreement. So moved. Thank you. Any Public Comment . Last time people were not aware that the case had been continued and waited for a significant amount of time. Want to be sure that they are aware that this case is up for continuance. 21 rosemont place will be moved it our january 10 calendar. Okay. On that motion from commissioner lazarus to move item 10, Vice President fung . Vice president fung aye. Commissioner lazarus aye. Commissioner swig aye. Commissioner wilson aye. And commissioner honda . President honda sure, aye. Motion passes and well move that item as requested. The second housekeeping testimony is 12, 17166, 100 and 122 rivoli street. That has been withdrawn. Item 1 there is general Public Comment, an opportunity for anyone here to speak on a matter within the board subject matter jurisdiction but not on tonights agenda. Any general Public Comment . Seeing none, we have commissioner comments and questions. Commissioners, anything . President honda i apologize for being late. I would just say that im truly saddened and heartbroken over the sudden passing of our 43rd mayor, edwin m. Lee. I would like to offer my condolences to the lee family, anita and their daughters. Its been my extreme pleasure to work with you and your administration and i will try to continue the dream for fairness and equality and i hopefully will not disappoint you. Because we were friends, i saw how tirelessly and dedicated you were. After 40 years of service in the city, this is not how i saw you riding into the sunset. I know in my heart that you are already at a tee box, so hit em far, hit em straight. Thank you. Anything else, commissioners . Is there any Public Comment on this item . Okay. Seeing none, well move to item 3, board consideration of the minutes of the december 6, 2017, meeting. Unless we have changes or deletions, may i have a motion . So moved. Thank you. Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none. We have a commission from commissioner lazarus to adopt the minutes. Vice president fung aye. Commissioner swig aye. Commissioner lazarus aye. Commissioner wilson aye. President honda aye. Adopted. This is to discuss and possible action to approve procedures for selecting an executive director of the board of appeals. I have informed you that i plan to retire next year and that i edge occ encourage you to takn the recruitment process and get someone in place to support you and the efforts and work of the staff at the departments office. I have some suggestions for now you can move forward with that process. And we also have Heather James here from the department of Human Resources who can answer any questions and go over a timeline that shes put together for what a recruitment effort might look like. My hope is that you will consider either adopting a draft Job Announcement or delegate the authority to me and or someone on the board to approve such a Job Description. And also the authority to have that Job Description published through the citys portal and through publication in newspapers and online sites that cater to the Legal Community and those individuals that mate be will be able to place those advertisements. Ive suggested to you also. That someone can act as a liason to move this forward and authorize the department of Human Resources to screen candidates and also to come back to you in january if they think that pool is sufficient or if additional recruitment efforts are required. If so, you could consider engaging the services of a firm. Theres a prequalified pool of recruiting firm that the city uses. You can engage the services of such a firm to expand the search and do more targeted outreach. Im not recommending that you do that at the out set because it would delay the process and im worried it would not give you an opportunity to have a candidate in place by the time i leave the seat. And then you need to make some decisions about how you want to conduct interviews and if you would like to have a panel peerreview panel. Sometimes departments will tap individuals from other departments, for instance, Zoning Administrator would take someone from building inspection. People that come to the board regularly to help with nonbinding advice to you about possible candidates that are in the pool. So some of those decisions you could make at a later date, but i would hope that you would discuss and take on some Decision Making tonight for the initial steps so we can get the Job Announcement out and start soliciting applicants. Heather, if you wouldnt mind stepping forward and walking the board through the timeline that you put together, which you should have with you. Im heather johnson. Im with department of Human Resources. Could you speak into the mike, please . Sure. Im heather johnson, department of Human Resources Client Services division. Im happy to answer any questions or get more information if you need it. So just running through the timeline that is was provided t you. Assuming some assuming the Job Announcement is approved shortly, this week or early next, we could get the job posted immediately. We would want today or in the notsodistant future, if we want to meet the timeline of mid march, to approve the timeline and decide on what steps to take as far as recruiting. The next thing to do is, like i said, post the Job Announcement. We can also decide where to post externally and if there is any other outreach that we would like to do. As far as your own networks, might want to reach out to people that would being interested in the position. Im happy to help with ideas for moving that forward. Through the start of the new year, i can review the applications, if you would like me to, for initial screening and come back to you in early january to let you know about how many applicants we have. How many meet the minimum qualifications and look like if theyre suitable candidates or if we have to take more time gathering applicants before we find someone. At that point, we can reassess our timeline and confirm whether or not you would like me or someone else to do a phone screening. And we can start scheduling interviews at that point in time. At that point, it will either move through another screening process or schedule interviews with the board. How long it will take to get a candidate depends on how difficult it is to get the board scheduled for interviews if you all want to participate in all the interviews and how many candidates we decide to take to an inperson interview. Any questions or anything you would like more information i would suggest that we dont close it. Never over until its over. Along those lines, if we get down to the date of ms. Goldsteins retirement and we havent found a suitable candidate, what happens then . Id have to check, but the board is responsible for choosing cynthias replacement so, wed have to work with you on what to do next, but its generally in your discretion as to cynthias replacement. Theres been times in other city departments where somebody sits temporary, deputy City Attorney, or someone else until the recruitment process is finalized. I dont think its a good idea to have a board official pushed into a decision thats not the right one. I would recommend we look at you have a range of dates. I would look at trying to hit the earlier ones because something always happens. Of course. Or cynthia will continue to stay on. Somehow thats not in the material presented here. [laughter] can anybody float a motion to deny retirement . Its occurred to all of us. That motion fails. [laughter] you didnt do a roll call. Can we run down cynthia, you have listed a whole bunch of things that we you would like us to consider tonight. Could you go over those for us slower people one by one so we can address each one separately to make sure that theyre all considered and commented upon . Yes. I would be happy to. The first thing is for the board to decide who among you wants to be involved and in what way starting with, do you want to pick somebody to be your point of contact, somebody that i can work with, that heather can work with, as we move forward with the process . As a board liaison . Yes. I would volunteer. Okay. I would also volunteer. If somebody feels strongly about it, you know, i will pass. Well, the good thing is, i think, Vice President fung, you have gone through this process during the change of guard at the board of appeals prior, havent you . Vice president fung i was going to make a statement saying i never expected that i would have to go through this process twice in my lifetime. Perhaps ive been here too long. I would defer to your experience and withdraw. Vice president fung let me state that the Decision Making and review process and Decision Making will be by the entire board. Its only acting as a liaison and perhaps a focus to make sure that it moves along. Thats how i see it. And one thing i would state is if you look at the job descripti description, the both in terms of experience and qualifications, this process is further along than we were the previous time. We were the Board Members were inventing things when we went through it before. Well, weve had the luxury of having excellent leadership over the last decade. Thats going to be tough some big shoes to fill. So board liaison is commissioner fung, since i defer to him. If you like, we can make a list of things and take a motion at that point. And next, Job Announcement. If you are satisfied with the draft or if you want to delegate to the Vice President and to finalize it or how you would like to finalize it . Commissioner lazarus i was fine with it. One minor edit, but i can convey that later to our liaison. Vice president fung i was fine with it, but if Board Members have any, bring forth your changes within the next day or so and well go forward. I read it and thought it was fine. Okay. Then approval to post the Job Announcement as described, win of would mean on the citys portal and also to engage the services of dhrs recruitment and Advertising Firm to place the Job Announcement in publications. That would be likely to engage people who are interested in this type of position. So that involves spending some money. And we can work with the Vice President to determine exactly which publications to use. The board does have sufficient funds to cover that type of an expense. May i ask a question this is a job that requires a legal degree . Yes, it does. And experience in land use preferably. Yes. And so may we ask the Human Resource department to place special effort in calling to the attention of the city departments who have people on their staffs that have legal degrees and also participate in land use to place extra emphasis or call the attention of those folks in the departments of the availability of this job . That was my only recommendation. Absolutely. And i think we will be doing some of that informally as well, you know, reaching out to various departments that have that type of population. And then the next item would be the authorizing department of Human Resources to do the initial screening of candidates, to decide who meets the minimum qualifications and report back to the board in january about the quality of that pool. There are other items that are later on in the process that we can decide now, authorizing the department to engage services of a recruiting firm, if deemed necessary, and that would be something that would either we could come back to the board with or we could have dhr and the Vice President , you know, look at to make a decision about whether additional recruitment is necessary. I guess would i like to have that maybe come back. Okay. I agree. Okay. And in terms of the interviewing process, whether we want dhr to do some initial screening by phone and or if we want a peer review panel. We can also have some of that decided in january if you would like us to come back with that information and then you can also make a decision then about who among you will participate in the interviewing process, if you all want to do it, and we can bring you some potential questions that you may consider asking. Does that sound like something to defer to january . I think that makes sense. I would ask all of the Board Members to participate if theyre able to. Okay. So i think that ticks the boxes. Maybe i can propose a motion for you to consider and we need to take Public Comment, but the motion would be then to delegate or nominate Vice President fung as the boards liaison for this process. To authorize the use of the draft Job Description with the minor revisions that commissioner lazarus has identified and then to authorize the posting of that announcement and the use of dhrs Recruitment Firm and Advertising Firm to place the announcement in some publications and authorize dhr to do the initial screening for minimum qualifications and come back in january with a report on the quality of the pool. I would make one comment and i think it supports what commissioner lazarus said. Lets stay focused and take advantage of the maximum time recommended in the timeline so we capture as many qualified candidates as possible, and so that the review of applications after initial screening would be between january 22 and january 29 and thats lets be very diligent and thoughtful and purposeful about this process and not rush into it, because there are huge shoes to fill. Weve been spoiled and we want to be sure that your successor is equal to the task. Okay. Thank you. Before we call roll on that motion, is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, then with that motion so moved. Thank you. On that motion then, as previously stated, Vice President fung. Vice president fung aye. President honda aye. Commissioner wilson aye. Commissioner swig aye. Thank you so much, commissioners. Item number 5, item number 5 is divided into two parts, part a and part b. I will call part a now and talk to you about what is happening. This is a boardinitiated hearing request possible reconsideration of denial of mobile food facility permit for 401 divisadero street, 17117. The board voted 311 to grant the appeal and overturn the appeal on the basis that the impact on parking in that area would be minimal and on the condition that the mobile food facility would comply with the parking restrictions in effect on fridays between 4 00 p. M. And 6 00 p. M. With no further motion made, denial of the 401 dividadero street was upheld by operation of law. This is being returned to you at the president s consent because the vote was 311. And because commissioner swigs lack of participation, his conflict, had to do with the other locati

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