Them back and to provide the necessary supports and interventions to support students. In some cases, its a matter of available assessment data. Special for the basic especially for the basic skills set so students are eligible to reclassify. Graduation percentage by el classification. This breaks down by english only. Students who are initial flew went fluent. So, this is a threeyear trend data. We are noticing that more and more students overall by each classification are increasing in numbers and percentage for graduation. And significant increases for the english learner population. Linking the data we see and provide to the court to actual practice that happens in the classrooms and in the schools, these are some site based promising practices for Spanish Speaking els really with a focus. And its really based on the rpa conference data conferences they have with School Leaders, and some of the notes that they have captured in looking and reviewing the data with their Respective School teams. And they also reflect some of the next steps that as a whole district we need to be able to replicate at every school site that does have a significant population of Spanish English learners. The first one is really immediately identifying els who need the interventions and providing specifically additional Small Group Instruction with a focus on reading strategies. Reading and writing are the two domains that are often holding especially our long term els back. The next one is pretty suring clear expectations. Throughout the day despite any teacher transitions, often times that is one of the key components of why one year theres really strong eld and another year there isnt. Because there isnt that ongoing continued expectedation that eld must be provided for all of our English Learners. Weekly twohour block of grade Level Planning time for teachers to collaborate on addressing the needs of els based on the data. A lot of the teachers feel like they do need more planning time. That has to be part of their schedule and they find a lot of value in having grade Level Planning time. And sometimes that is one of the key reasons why it is holding them back to really identifying what the key issues and how to change the practice as a grade level team. The last one is School Leaders and side base coaches working with grade level teams to increase rigor and instruction by closely studying the state standards. And using focal student performance through out the school year. So, we do know that, you know, not studying the state centers and really understanding what the levelled expectations are for each grade level does hold back some of our English Learners because they are not being able to really receive instruction at a very high level. And, you know, we dont want them to have watereddown instruction. We want them to be able to have action to the complex text and instruction that we are offering are our students but in a but in a differentuated and scaffolding manner. There are some systems in place that we have periodically throughout the school year where school teams are looking at data. But we need to be able to create a system that prompts that more often and having those meaningful conversations so that its not just once a semester or even once a year that its actually ongoing and part of the conversation throughout the year. Wanted to let you know that this year is very exceptional. We have five english learner audit this year with a focus on English Development and parent communication and engagement. This year, we have two audits from the u. S. Department of justice. We just finished one last week. And theyre coming back in march and the reason is because this may potentially may be our last year and they are Digging Deeper to really make sure that were ready to be released from the consent decree. The bilingual council, which is the Council Members of the boards appoint, ther also going to be conducting an on site visit. They are very interested in really looking at eld and also the language pathway implementati implementation. We are required to have our own internal Oversight Committee audit and to do our own spotchecking to make sure we are following all the protocols necessary to support els. And then in april, were having this California Department of education federal Program Monitoring and i believe over about a dozen of our schools are receiving the audit for English Learners. So, lots happening. Thats all i have for you tonight in terms of the audit. Were open im open for responding to any questions that you may have. President walton thank you so much ms. Wong. Any questions . Commissioner maurase and commissioner sanchez. Thank you very much for the comprehensive report. I have two questions. One is in your data that you presented tonight, i noticed there were a couple of groups that were not reflected. For example native japanese speakers or native russian speakers. Are there students in those categories . There are. But the numbers are not significant. So we definitely have that data and we can provide the full data set to the Board Members. Thank you. And my second question is to what degree are recommendations or the findings shared with the bcc . So, the by lingual council received a similar presentation. We have been in discussion with them about our english Language Development. Next monday they are going to be receiving Additional Information around the status of the professional development that is being offered regarding english Language Development. And so, its an ongoing conversation that we have with the bilingual council. I would suggest we are seeing declining numbers. That our parents and our families may have Important Information that contributes to explaining why those trends are occurring. President walton commissioner sanchez. Commissioner sanchez thank you for the presentation. I have a couple of questions. So, the largest sub groups that are els are Spanish Speaking students and cantonese students and the results in terms of if you look at site seven for reclassification is much higher classification rate for cantonese speaking students as opposed to Spanish Speaking students. Assuming that all teachers across are similarly trained and committed to students, what would explain the difference between the results . There are many factors, but one thing that we have noticed is that the cantonese speaking staff in these pathways, there isnt as much turnover as the Spanish Speaking pathways. And were noticing that because there are more and more new teachers that we are working with each year to sort of bring them up to speed on how to provide english Language Development and also pathway language instruction. So, thats something that weve tried to provide. Through new teacher or yen take and during the orientation and during the pathway pd that has provided, the new program that we have within our school district. And the pathways priority is also really recruiting Spanish Speaking teachers as well. So, i think thats something that, you know, were very mindful of, of the turnover and that seems to be one of the significant factors. Commissioner sanchez so, under your recommendations, i dont see stabilization of staff for those students. So, the list of those are not necessarily just our recommendations. Those are actually conference data notes from a principal as theyre reflecting on steps their taking. I wanted to reflect data to the practice that is happening at the school sites. Commissioner sanchez but your recommendation would be definitely. Commissioner sanchez serving primary Spanish Speaking students in the pathway models. Could another explanation be and this is a sensitive topic but it is something i think people should be aware of and discuss is that in many of our chinese language pathway models, students in kindergarten are not touth thought 8090 in that language and that doesnt follow the districts recommendation for biliteral si pathways. If you are being taught mostly in english, would that affect your reclassification rate . The reclassification rate, a lot of it is happening at the upper grades. So, were seeing more reclassification happening at the middle school for the Spanish Speaking els. So, i think thats where in terms of the spanish instruction happening earlier and then increasing in english as each year goes by. Commissioner sanchez if you are following the model you would expect the students wouldnt be reclassified by fourth or fifth grade. Right. And some will actually be until sixth grade. So, there is a difference in terms of the implementation of the models between spanish and cantonese. Commissioner sanchez and then in terms of students that are el Spanish Speaking that are not in the models are outperforming the data shows that students har in the language pathway receiving instruction over time outperforms the Spanish Speaking commissioner sanchez but not in the elementary right. We are seeing a lot of reclassification that happens and the higher performance in sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Commissioner sanchez this is important to understand because the Elementary School teachers have pressure on them to reclassify by fifth grade, which is neither here nor there. But if the explanation is they are going to be reclassified in the middle school years because they have been in the bye bi biliteracy model, then they should be made aware of that. Compared to other districts, with latino students in particular, how do we compare in reclassification . The latino students. For latino students. I can find that out morement i broke it down by there is data that is around district by district or district compared to the state. But i dont know if i could try to find the comparison to Spanish Speaking els in other districts as well. Commissioner sanchez i think that would help us with the state average as well in terms of targets. Thank you. Yeah. Commissioner norton in the past it seems we have gotten data from long term. I wonder if i could share any data on the status of our long term English Learners because that has been an item of concern in the past. There are numbers of long term els over time have dropped significantly because we are trying to really zero in on these students that are stuck and providing them with the instruction. We still do have those numbers, but we are really making sure that they are on the road to reclassification and that theyre not continuing to be stuck at level three or four. Commissioner norton so, not tonight necessarily, but could you share information with the board on that that progress . I would like to make sure im monitoring that. Okay. Commissioner norton thank you. Commissioner haney thank you for this presentation. So, one thing here looks like over the course of just about two years weve almost doubled our at least increased by about 35 points that Graduation Rate of English Learners . Thats pretty extraordinary jump over two years. It went from just above 40 to just under 80. Is there anything that you attribute that to maybe that were doing differently at the High School Level . I mean, thats extraordinary. Well, one thing that we did talk about last year when we presented similar data and began to see the trend was that the California High School exit exam is no longer a factor. So, theres that part. And then also our college and Career OfficeReadiness Office really has expanded their extended learning opportunities. Especially our new students in els. So, theres not only extended learning after school, but then theres also summer programming as well. And i think that has played a really significant it is an opportunity for students, especially during the summer, to have Credit Recovery opportunities and develop their english language at the same time. Commissioner haney thank you. And kind of have some more stronger picture on how we did that because it just seems like a huge jump there. Some of the promising practices and i guess somewhat related to commissioner sanchezs point, is there a commitment on how to roll out some of these in a more extensive way and what does that look like in terms of a plan and funding . Is there something that, you know, were seeing promising practices district wide or were seeing them in some schools and as a result we want to make sure that we are budgeting to be able to expand some of these practices. I think the next step after the lau report and also looking at some of our other reports, the committee that meets monthly will be discussing a lot of these promising practices. And the two Priority Areas they have had this year and making sure thats actually happening and turning to our language pathways and how to make sure that the models are effective for all of our English Learners, but particularly Spanish Speaking els given the data. I think out of that, there may be some requests or some shifting of priorities at least in terms of addressing the needs of our English Learners. Commissioner haney and commissioner maurase raised this as well on the other languages. But is there a reason we dont fill out like vietnamese or how we look at this data on how theyre doing . Well, the way the data we could do this next time. I could provide by languages as opposed to language pathways. So, right now the data is sort of set up that way because in the past it was a strong interest to see how our els were performing in each of the pathways. So, thats why it is set up in that manner. Commissioner haney i think it would be interesting to see because obviously for stream these and arabic there arent the pathways. But to sort of see in more detail by language. It is right now broken up by language and then by pathway. That would be great to see as well. Thank you. President walton commissioner cook. Commissioner cook just on the point about other languages. Specifically with vietnamese and arabic. Can you speak generally to whats happening with students that are learning those languages . They have over the last four or five years actually performed quite well. Reclassifying at a higher rate than our other subgroups. So, that so far has been the trend. Commissioner cook thank you. President walton thank you so much ms. Wong. One thing i know commissioner sanchez actually made my point and asked the question just about with attributing to the achievement and with our cantonese speaking English Learners versus our spanish. So, thank you for insight on that and i just echo his sentiments in terms of how we move forward. And then secondly, when you get a chance, can you just give us a breakdown of what grades student reclassify as you have in the past . Sure. President walton thank you. Anieer questions or comments from colleagues . Thank you so much. Thank you. President walton next item, california dashboard local educators report. Good evening commissioners, superintendent. John burke from the Research Planning assessment office. Im here tonight in my nominal role as the california dashboard coordinator for sfusd and one of the things that as part of so, the california dashboard is the new accountability system for california. A new version was just released on december 1st and one aspect of it is that schools are asked to School Districts are asked to acknowledge that they have whether they have met or not met a number of local priorities. And the six local priorities actually four for the district and two additional ones for the county are listed on the page. If you notice they are all direct from the lcfs. They are part of the budget book and the lcap report and really the actions related to them are very well detailed in the budget. And so, any actions and data reported to them are there. As part of the accountability system, the state has asked us to perform use some selfevaluation tools and determine whether weve met or not met our progress towards these. So, im happy to report tonight that based on all my based on our use of these selfevaluation tools and thanks to all the different departments, budget department, curriculum instruction, sfusd, weve determined that weve met all of these and the selfevaluation tools though do show where we may have room for improvements and further actions related to any specific measure. President walton thank you. Any comments from colleagues or student delegates . Commissioner maurase. I noticed in the reflection tool that history and social science is an area that requires some attention. Can you talk a little bit about what plans are too address that . I may have to defer to brent, if hes here. Dr. Stevens. Good evening. Plan related to social studies include right now an engagement of teacher leaders around the district at all grade levels to begin reviewing the framework. It is a lengthy thousandpage document that articulates a new set of learning experiences for students. These teacher leaders are engaged in identifying inquiry concepts which will be a new approach to the study of history