Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171217

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 17, 2017

Untimely death of mayor ed lee. [ inaudible ] our love and our prayers go out to his family during their time of need. [ inaudible ] as has been announced the past few meetings, members of the public are advised if they wish to address the board of education, they can fill out a speaker card and present it to the assistant. Speaker cards will not be accepted for an item already before the board. Item 2, recognitions and resolutions of commendations. Superintendent matthews. Tonight, we are recognizing the Lincoln High School girls volleyball team. [ applause ] tonight, im excited and proud to recognize lincoln highs school girls volleyball team. This year, they took third in the division iii state title match. They are the first San Francisco section team to reach the state volleyball championship, first ever. [ applause ] in fact, they became the first San Francisco Public School team to even win a norcal match, and they won four. This is quite an accomplishment and something to truly be proud of. They closed their season with a record of 36 wins and only nine losses. Congratulations to all of the players and to coach tang. Lets give them a big round of applause. [ applause ] we have certificates for the entire team, and wed love for the team to come forward and stand over here so the board president and any Board Members can get a picture with them, and coach tang, would you like to see aay any words. You would. I wasnt really appropriated to make a speech, but i would just like to thank everyone for their support. We got a lot of recognition throughout this entire state playoff which was really a cool experience for us being a small San Francisco school, playing some topnotch competition, so thanks to everyone who supported us throughout this entire process. [ applause ] [ applause ] as we take our seats again, i just want to reinforce our congratulations to this volleyball team. Again, going to the state meet is a big deal. We should not take it lightly, and give them another hand. [ applause ] and now, we will hear our subje superintendents report. Dr. Matthews . Thank you. Tonight, we mourn the untimely loss of mayor edwinly. His leadership helped build the relationship between our district and sales force which provided 26 million in funding to the mayors middle Grades Leadership Initiative over the past five years. His Office Partners with my brothers and sisters keeper program, and finally, you put had moti he put in plans to thank nickly fergman for presenting to us. Next week, the scc will be presenting a powerpoint and given advice for our understanding of improvement to synergy. We would like to thank dr. Matthews and sarah ashton for giving us the opportunity. Lastly, the scc also held a hearing on student achievements, and the sac wants to continue supporting African American students emotionally and academically, and today we received from their representatives and peers proved to address a lot of the issues in our community, and we hope to continue helping out our students and peers. Our next meeting before on december 15th in the board of ed room. If you would like a copy of our upcoming fac addendum, please contact our supervisor, mr. Sala salvador lopez barr. Thank you. Thank you, and study hard and get ready for finals. Now, we have Advisory Committee report by the parent pac. Good evening. Good evening, commissioners, superintendent, and president walton. On back of the pac, wed like to extend our condolences to the lee family and the city of San Francisco. Were really sorry for their loss. We all acknowledge the works of the mayor, and he will be truly missed in our hearts. The role of the Parent Advisory Council is to empower parent role and perspectives. This report provides an update on the pacs areas. In november and december, pac member rebecca page and elsie and Program Coordinator Georgia Williams bradford met with the ucsf coordinators fellow to gather feedback from the various stakeholders will School Transportation opportunities and challenges to address. There in our initial meeting, the pac had the opportunity to share the concerns of families raised during our Community Conversations over the past two years about transportation and its impact on School Choice tardiness, chronic absenteeism, as well as students and family engagement, and the ability to participate in after School Programs and school events. Its important to raise these issues again, particularly since the conversation about Student Assignment has started for the year with the Ad Hoc Committee meetings on this topic. These two systems are intricately linked in identifying problems to solve with one requires consideration of the other. Additionally, we shared considerations and ideas that pac heard from the community which we brought before the board and district leaders last february regarding transportation, urging actions to address the limited Transportation Options for Family Living on Treasure Island and its impact on School Choice, truancy, student and family participation in after School Programs, activities and school events. We also want to urge the actions to consider creating central pick up and drop off zones that align with existing sf with existing District School bus routes to maximize service and increase ridership, particularly for families living on Treasure Island. We want to work with the city officials to explore increasing the number of schools and students served by the city bus school trippers, expanding the service of the ten most popular city bus lines during school hours, as well as increase the number of city bus lines that augment their bus services during the city school hours beyond the ten that are already identified. In turn, she shared some basic goals established to measure transportation outcomes and ideas to increase green sustainablity options for district families. She also noted emerging things gather from her research and her views in data collection. Miss via corta will use this to draft district Transportation Plans and will Seek Community feedback on the proposal in march and april 2018. Once revised to reflect community input, the plan will be presented to the board of education for approval later this spring. Misvia corte is also overseeing the design of a transportation website specifically designed for principlals. The pac would like to see a similar resource created for families and made available in multiple languages. As one of our areas of focus this year, the pac is committed to collaborating with her and is willing to support her work in the following ways. Wed like to connect her with families on Treasure Island to gather these questions, ideas and concerns about the very limited Transportation Options and its impact. We want to participate in a Community Review process in the spring of 2018 to inform the Transportation Plan and help spread the word about opportunities, parents, families and other Community Members will have to provide feedback. We also want to help modify the content from the principal designated website to make it family friendly, usable and accessible and ensure it is available in multiple languages, as well. So another area of our work this year focuses the aalignment of supporting prek third grade and supporting Early Education out comes. To support this, were also supporting Early Education in the School Office to look at how to improve the enrollment process. Well be facilitating two conversations to focus groups, one in the bayview and one in the mission in january february to gather input from families, to how to reduce the process, including options for office hours that accommodate working families, as well as looking at how to improve the overall experience. Well have more of that information after we conduct those focus groups. On december 1st of this year, five pac members participated on a parent panel for the San Francisco teacher residency program. Pac members share varying perspectives regarding their experiences with Home School Communication and forming strong partnerships with their childrens teachers. They also addressed questions from the cohort of 21 residents, teacher residents, who are working as apprentices in several of our districts. This year marks the he have beenth year that pac has collaborated with the teacher residency programs to explore strategies that foster successful home and school partnerships. The pac values the teacher reside residen sorry. Over the next two weeks, pac members will be participating in skype interviews for the San Francisco used School Districts Website Redesign project. It is reassuring to know that the designers made it a priority to seek diverse user perspectives, including nonenglish speaking users and participants who may have a disability. We look forward to seeing the result when the project is completed. Our next pac meeting is 5 30, tomorrow, and we will be meeting in this building, on the fifth floor. Thank you so much. Are there any questions for parent pac . Once again, we thank you for your work and your continued commitment. We know this takes you away from family, so we truly appreciate you being here and doing the work with the rest of the district, so thank you. Any appointments to committees from Board Members . Seeing none, section c, consent calendar, can i get a motion and second on the consent calendar . So moved. Second. No Public Comment on consent ite items . Any items corrected or withdrawn by superintendent . None. Any items removed for First Reading by the board . None severed by board and superintendent. Role call vote, please, miss casco. Clerk [ roll call. ] sticks ayes. Thank you. Section d, no items. Section e, as announced by the superintendent, this was withdrawn im sorry. Section e, 17523a1 was withdrawn. 1703 a, offered by commissioners mark sanchez and stevon cook, this was moved and seconded october 7th, 2017. Reports have already been given. Commissioner sanchez and commissioner cook, its on you. All right. Victor, do you want me to read half of it . All right. Ill do the first half. This is a this is a resolution thats down to some iterations that curriculum committee. Its been modified, and this is actually a substitute resolution, and it was changed enough that we just substituted the resolution before us tonight and that made it through correct you lurriculum and through this body. Assessments. And whereas these assessments included but are not limited to, the reading inventory, the benchmark assessments and performance tasks as well as prekindergarten assessments, and whereas due to ongoing feedback from critical sites, the schools number of assessments have been interim d by formal classroom teachers, and whereas the united educators of San Francisco have determined that district mandated assessments are a major concern in that they fail to ensure that the teachers meet five of the standard stps for the following reasons. The assessments are inadequately aligned to review, administer a score and post the entire program of assessments required by the district does not allow educators the adequate time to reflect thoughtfully on the outcomes and subsequently form instruction. Students lose other valuable School Resources which become dedicated to standardized testing, including computer lab or computer use, Lab Resources or teachers who are dedicated to ensuring adequate following of the test, and where educators have been wary that assessment out come data can be us evaluated should not be directly or indirectly utilized by sfusd to evaluate educator performance, and be further resolved that the and the union and the district shall form a committee of equal representation of the District Union and parents and guardians to explore the use of formativd until the end of the 201718 school year, and be it further resolved all board and administrative policy on the matter of term assessments. Thank you, commissioner sanchez and commissioner cook. We do have one speaker signed up for this item. Aaliyah fisher. Good evening, commissioners. Good evening, superintendent. At this time, i start my Public Comment by saying thank you very much to commissioners sanchez and cook for raising this issue and thank you very much for your continued dialogue. I appreciate that youve taken a lot of Parent Feedback into your changes and been willing to work with us to modify the resolution and so thank you for the assessment. The cac would like to see a few other additions. First, were excited to be invited to the table as part of the committee that will review. A couple of clarifications wed like to make. One, we hope that the committee will complete its work, regardless if it takes just a em enter, which will bring it to the end of the 20172018 school year. Wed like to see that the assessments that are currently implemented at the district will continue to be implemented until the committee finishes its work. We also believe that one of the recommendations wed like to add would be a fit criteria for determination, making sure that we meet state and federal law. We think thats an important criteria for the committee to consider, and also, at thesub committee meeting, we had discussed the fact that this is based on some previous verbiage. Wed still love to review that policy potentially as part of the committee, but thank you so much for this amended resolution. We appreciate it, and again, the Parent Feedback that was considered is is appreciated by more than just the cac, so thank you. Nina blanc. Good evening, commissioners, public, superintendent. I wanted to say how appreciative i am that this is coming before the board, that the board responded in a very thoughtful manner when it first came to the sub committee. There was knowing that there was very strong feelings, almost across the district from educators, with different nuances from different divisions and very strong opinions and feelings voiced by the parents, and rather than kick the can down the road, as often happens, i feel the board took on the challenge of finding a way of addressing the need that was being was incorporated into the initial resolution. And the usf looks forward to working hand in hand with the district and parents, and this is i think its going to be a its not the first time that this is happening, but its perhaps the first time its happening in a consistent way that deals directly with curriculum, and i agree that the work a piece of the work will be done in the spring and if theres more work to be done, well take that up as well. I think this is an important really good next step. Its all about increasing the quality of education for our students, increasing learning time, and giving educators the feedback they need so they can give they can inform their teaching and also keep parents informed of their students progress, so thank you everybody for giving us your feedback, and once again, thank you for the board for moving this forward. Thank you. Thank you. Any comments from colleagues . So i want to commend the authors on this resolution. I think, you know, when you when it was first introduced, i had a number of concerns. We talked about those in curriculum. You did some significant outreach to the community, and i think we ended up with with a result that, as miss blanc just said, really reflects both the concern on the part of educators around the amount of time in the classroom thats being devoted to assessments and the concern that we heard from parents about the need to really understand how their students are doing, so i just think, you know, it was a good process, thank you, and i am happy to support the resolution. Commissioner haney . I also want to just thank the authors and the folks in the district and the usf parent leaders who gave input. I think its a district. We have a responsibility to ensure that whatever we are doing is directly related to the success and the Educational Attainment of our students, and were hearing again and again from the people who are in the classroom with the students every day, that the way were doing it could be better, and that we could improve on how much assessing were doing and what type of assessing, and that their ability to deliver what we need them to do for students is really challenged by the amount of assessments that were doing. I think it becomes a matter of trust to listen to our educators, and i really appreciate the way youve done it. There is a lot thats required by state and federal laws, but if we can do it in a way thats most informed by the people who are doing the work with our students every day, i think were going to get to a much better place and be able to serve them better and also

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