Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171207

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 7, 2017

Lake and this is the entry way of Golden Gate Park and we invested money into doing a study at lincoln and ninth so that we can look at making that entryway to Golden Gate Park which is heavily used by so many folks all over the city and we want to make that definitely more safe and we also want to make it a nice entryway and look at signage and ways in which we could improve the experience and the ease of getting around in Golden Gate Park. So thats a whole other conversation. But ultimately, i think that just dialing it down a little bit, the bigger vision of making the changes, and the peace plaza which we talked about and doing work there which is a great Tourist Destination and is in need of repair. But dialing it back just a little bit and i want to talk a bit about equity and talk about access. And i just remember, again, i keep going back to my childhood because when we were growing up the park was right across the street, hayward playground, and wed walk to the park and we could rely on the Lunch Program and we could rely on the ability to go there anytime after school and there were always just people there and there were field trips, there were people to help you with things and recreational stuff, and, you know, and we we didnt have the money to pay for it. And i dont remember applications and all of that other than the field trips that we had to get permission to go on and to be able to participate in the Lunch Program, but ultimately now everything is electronic. And its been a little bit challenging and somewhat i guess confusing for some families to try to sign up for the program and i think that you made some changes to that, so the things they want to know about, number one, you know, are the programs still free to Public Housing residents . And what improvements have been made to the outreach to those residents so they can know . Because i think that theres still confusion and they think i know that theres been parents in the past that have paid and then theyre like well i was told they had to pay and things like that. And just outreach to help them to understand that its free and then, secondly, just the process and how much easier has the process gotten . Because let me just back it up a little bit, my grandmother was not going to walk down to hay regard playground hayward playground and i had to take the stuff back and i want to do this and i couldnt always explain it so you have children who may have grandmothers and may have people who have limited englishspeaking skills who need their child to be the one to explain. So whats going on with that program . And highway does that work . How does that work . Thats a great question. So everybody has visions of what it was like when they were a kid and what i want to kind of put you at ease to a little bit, yes, things change, but theres a lot of the Core Principles for how our system operates that actually is very similar. Yes, we have programs that you need to register and we have things like Mountain Biking and skateboarding and kind of new and evolving or Digital Media types of activities that may not have been as robust when you were a kid, supervisor, but we still have neighborhood camps where you can kind of drop in and hang out. We have a lot of our programming is a mix of structured and unstructured and you register but theres a lot of unregistered type of program and its a mix of things that you pay for and a mix of things that you dont and, frankly, our fee model is designed we have a very, very core principle which is that everybody has access to our parks and programs regardless of the ability to pay. And we deliver on that. Again, a million and a half we do track a little bit more so that we can kind of share with you how were going about the thing that you want to achieve. Yes, housing folks in Public Housing can use all of our programs and are enrolled in our camps for free and i think that our outreach has improved and its one of the areas that i want to continue to drive and part is resource intensive. And in response to your question and dovetailing on a piece of supervisor fewers question, the only way to sign up is not online. When we do our big registrations, every facility that hosts the program, you can walk in there and meet with a live body and meet with someone that is most likely to speak your language at the facility. And sign up. Our Scholarship Program is very simple, it is modeled after the School Districts free and reduced Lunch Program. And, frankly, where people have trouble, you know, kind of documenting or filling out forms, either our staff takes care of it or youre just in and its a very human operation. And we care about kids and we care about families and we care about seniors and we want them to be in our programs. And so a lot of that still remains. Yes, weve evolved and some of our Business Practices have evolved, by the way, for gotted. And you gave us a lot more money general fund support in the days when your park system was operating. So we have captured for people who can pay and should pay and were able to capture a bit more revenue or at least track or account for it with those accounts practices were probably not as good back then. But the core essence of what we do, of being able to show up at a park or at a rec center and enjoy it, i think that it very much remains. Supervisor breed thank you. I know that were talking about capital related issues as well and piggybacking on supervisor fewers request for a review of the Strategic Plan for Golden Gate Park. Im hoping, again, that that would include just the entryways. I think that we should come up with a vision to redesign those entryways and you know my dream of making it a very active, specifically with alfred lake, and making it a very active space and we have done a great job together with the bikes and with the red umbrella and the skateboarders and those kind of things, and so the parks are meant to be used and not abused. And the parks are meant to be enjoyed and we want to make sure that people feel welcomed, of course, no matter who you are but we also want to make sure that people feel protected and safe in our parks because thats another thing that is a challenge and when we activate, you know, the space, it just really makes a real difference. You know, i think that maybe you know, whenever, you know we all think that the right time is, by the way, Golden Gate Park turns 150 on april 4, 2020. Thats its 150th anniversary and its a good time for us as a city to think about its past, its present, and its future. And we have recycled water coming to Golden Gate Park in 2020 which is pretty exciting and well hopefully cut a ribbon on the golden Gate Tennis Center and our Tennis Learning Center program. You spoke about some of the capital work, supervisor, and i think that you said on the citys capital you sit on the Capital Planning committee as well and were slated for a bond in 2018 and we have figuring out to do and what were hearing from all of and you what we have heard from the community and numerous groups theres a lot of pentup demand. So while weve done a lot of good theres a long way to go and we have jean friend which is one of our busy whyest an busies that needs a recreation and you and i have talked about the pavilion and the edge. And mclaren lodge, though it just houses staff, is a pretty important building and the most seismically unsafe building in San Francisco. Theres a significant amount of evolving need of the projects that are kind of big and gnarly and so in the next year or so the work will begin to think through how were going to, you know, what are going to be our priorities and you talked about the japantown peace plaza and theres a lot of pentup need for some pretty tricky, complicated projects. We have done a lot of work and we have done some of the smaller projects over time but particularly with rising costs of construction escalation and, you know, a whole host of things, you know, were now in the realm of some very significant work that still needs to be done and, yes, that includes Golden Gate Park. Supervisor breed thank yo you. Supervisor kim okay this is really fun for me, by the way, i like talking about parks. Supervisor kim good, im glad that youre having a good time doing that. Supervisor breed as you remind me every time we talk, the 150th anniversary of Golden Gate Park is coming up. Supervisor kim what originally spurred this hearing was the civil grand jury report and one of the questions they had asked us to forward to rec and park was about its three standalone comprehensive plans and one of their feedback or comments was that it was very difficult to understand how the Strategic Capital and Operational Plan worked together because a number of the plans didnt crossreference each other and it was noted that only the Operational Plan referenced the capital and Strategic Plan. And so there was a request that theres a way to simplify the way that an average layperson could understand what the recs and parks overall plan is. And perhaps a way to kind of align or consolidate these concepts together. I know that it works from the perspective, staff have three separate plans, perhaps, but for the average resident voter who just wants to understand our p. D. S and longterm vision and a way to reference them together and also to make them easy to find online, one. And, two, to align them into a singular document that is understandable. Yeah, and so well continue to kind of improve our reporting, but to be clear, that one document exists. Its the Strategic Plan. There is nothing that is in our capital plan or in our Operations Plan that is not provided for in our Strategic Plan, which is very visible online. We have hard copies. I think that i will work on trying to translate hard copies and we have a translatable online in response to some of the issues that came up in this conversation. But the Operations Plan and the capital plans are pieces of the Strategic Plan which is sort of a longerterm document that were working on and i thank we can we will figure out some strategies on how to crossreference it and that can for the average reader make it even more confusing. But the way they were designed and if i go back very briefly hold on, well the me see if i can find it if we can go back to the presentation, if you go to page sort of the planning framework, you have our larger Strategic Plan that has our strategies and objectives and our initiatives over a fiveyear period. And we refresh these were refreshing these every year, which were not even required to do in any of the statutes. I want this plan refreshed and i want to be able to track and measure what were doing so were doing this on a refreshing them on an annual basis. And the operation plan and the capital plan, there heres thek that well do in the next twoyear budget cycle and, again, that is intended to help to feed and to support the preparation of our budget. But so thats how they interact with each other, supervisor, but i will we will work on how we can maybe certainly crossreference back to the Strategic Plan in each of the documents and, you know, figure out a way to continue to make them, you know, increasingly userfriendly. Supervisor kim that would be great and i also want to go back to one of the previous slides that you had included on the g. O. Bond. Sure. Supervisor kim and i know that you have completed six of the i think six of the 15 . 15 projects that were enumerated that means where construction is actually completed, correct. Koim so six of the projects are supervisor kim six of the projects are completed and theres only two colors. So green is done. All right . And this slide looks to me like it might be a bit dated so i apologize issue green means that the project is done and yellow means funding for the particular project has already is either is already encumbered and is being spent. And blue is where funds remain in the 2012 park bond for those for that project. Im a little confused as to why theres a blue top at West Sunset Playground which from my perspective is done. Theres a tiny bit of savings from the project so the project came in under budget. We are in the process of bringing to you the issuance of our third and final bond sale for the 2012 parks bond. Which will allow us to access basically all of the blue. And the big one there you can see is Margaret Hayward. Supervisor peskin can i ask a question. It looks like blue, if we can go back to the slide, are already issued and that means that you have sold them. So theres another ones not shown here at all . Youre right, theres four categories, thank you, supervisor. And taylor systemson behind me because she can clearly do this better than i a i can, but whate heck im in it. And so green is done. Supervisor peskin issued and expended. Yes, funds issued and available and then there are theres funds that are encumbered and theres one more traunch that is coming your way, right . It came your way last month. So its already before you. Hows that . So where we are is that were 90 complete of all of these projects and we have a few big ones that remain in construction but then we have another amount of money that is Community Opportunity projects and the lets play s. F. Projects and the money for Golden Gate Park and some of the money for mclaren and those are in different funds and not specific Neighborhood Park projects and that is you know, thats how we can trail money and thats how we complete the 2012 park bond which we think will be, you know, all of it will be hopefully encumbered by 19 and not spent by 19 which is consistent with how we did the 8 bond and shows that our bonds are actually spaced pretty leand that were relatively in the big picture, you know, pretty close on schedule. There have been challenges and, by the way, were beholden to a lot of other parties in this Capital Project delivery. And first and most importantly is the community. And supervisor peskin knows that the Community Process, planning process, for Something Like portsmith square is robust. And delores park, long completed, 50 Community Meetings and smaller projects maybe fewer. But once we complete that and we do Concept Design then we go through a process of Environmental Review and an entire Regulatory Framework before we have a project for which we can actually develop construction documents which takes a significant amount of time itself and then we go through the bidding process and then construction. So, you know, from from the minute that we actually start a project to the time that we have cut a ribbon, it depends on the project but its definitely a multi multiyear endeavor and i think that is frustrating for people, but i think we also have to recognize that were trying to build these parks for generations and generations and we want to get it right and we really want to do it with the community. Supervisor kim so does it mean that the nine other parks and playgrounds are all in construction right now . Lets go through them. Can you help me to just look at this and i can tell you i can tell you for sure that glen Canyon Rec Center is done or is like 99 done. And its probably in partnership with public works, one of the more beautiful projects that weve completed and would love you all to see it and joe dimaggio is done and west sunset, brandnew baseball and soccer fields and new levels of accessibility completed. And Mountain Lake completed. And willie woo woo wong begins construction in summer 2018. So that design is done and we have construction docs and then out to bid. And balboa pool is in construction and lets go from left to right, rossi is designed, completed. And it is going okay, thank you, going out to bid. Why dont you take us through these. This is our acting Capital Project manager. Got to delegate there, mr. General manager. Its very impressive but you cant know everything. Supervisor kim starting with garfield . Okay, so garfield is in design. And its going to be going out to construction in summer of 2018. Just christopher is still if design and gillman is complete and glen canyon is complete. And hyde turk is going into construction in summer 2018 also. Supervisor kim is the design complete because i havent seen it . Hyde turk mini park. Hyde turk is in design, yes, detailed design. And then joe dimaggio is complete. Margaret hayward is in design and it will go out to construction in fall 2018. And musconi rec center is in construction and Mountain Lake is complete and petria hill will go into construction in the spring of 2018. Sunset is complete and willie woo wong as i say will go into construction in summer 2018. Hyde turk, supervisor, we just had a Golden Gate Park<\/a> and we invested money into doing a study at lincoln and ninth so that we can look at making that entryway to Golden Gate Park<\/a> which is heavily used by so many folks all over the city and we want to make that definitely more safe and we also want to make it a nice entryway and look at signage and ways in which we could improve the experience and the ease of getting around in Golden Gate Park<\/a>. So thats a whole other conversation. But ultimately, i think that just dialing it down a little bit, the bigger vision of making the changes, and the peace plaza which we talked about and doing work there which is a great Tourist Destination<\/a> and is in need of repair. But dialing it back just a little bit and i want to talk a bit about equity and talk about access. And i just remember, again, i keep going back to my childhood because when we were growing up the park was right across the street, hayward playground, and wed walk to the park and we could rely on the Lunch Program<\/a> and we could rely on the ability to go there anytime after school and there were always just people there and there were field trips, there were people to help you with things and recreational stuff, and, you know, and we we didnt have the money to pay for it. And i dont remember applications and all of that other than the field trips that we had to get permission to go on and to be able to participate in the Lunch Program<\/a>, but ultimately now everything is electronic. And its been a little bit challenging and somewhat i guess confusing for some families to try to sign up for the program and i think that you made some changes to that, so the things they want to know about, number one, you know, are the programs still free to Public Housing<\/a> residents . And what improvements have been made to the outreach to those residents so they can know . Because i think that theres still confusion and they think i know that theres been parents in the past that have paid and then theyre like well i was told they had to pay and things like that. And just outreach to help them to understand that its free and then, secondly, just the process and how much easier has the process gotten . Because let me just back it up a little bit, my grandmother was not going to walk down to hay regard playground hayward playground and i had to take the stuff back and i want to do this and i couldnt always explain it so you have children who may have grandmothers and may have people who have limited englishspeaking skills who need their child to be the one to explain. So whats going on with that program . And highway does that work . How does that work . Thats a great question. So everybody has visions of what it was like when they were a kid and what i want to kind of put you at ease to a little bit, yes, things change, but theres a lot of the Core Principles<\/a> for how our system operates that actually is very similar. Yes, we have programs that you need to register and we have things like Mountain Biking<\/a> and skateboarding and kind of new and evolving or Digital Media<\/a> types of activities that may not have been as robust when you were a kid, supervisor, but we still have neighborhood camps where you can kind of drop in and hang out. We have a lot of our programming is a mix of structured and unstructured and you register but theres a lot of unregistered type of program and its a mix of things that you pay for and a mix of things that you dont and, frankly, our fee model is designed we have a very, very core principle which is that everybody has access to our parks and programs regardless of the ability to pay. And we deliver on that. Again, a million and a half we do track a little bit more so that we can kind of share with you how were going about the thing that you want to achieve. Yes, housing folks in Public Housing<\/a> can use all of our programs and are enrolled in our camps for free and i think that our outreach has improved and its one of the areas that i want to continue to drive and part is resource intensive. And in response to your question and dovetailing on a piece of supervisor fewers question, the only way to sign up is not online. When we do our big registrations, every facility that hosts the program, you can walk in there and meet with a live body and meet with someone that is most likely to speak your language at the facility. And sign up. Our Scholarship Program<\/a> is very simple, it is modeled after the School Districts<\/a> free and reduced Lunch Program<\/a>. And, frankly, where people have trouble, you know, kind of documenting or filling out forms, either our staff takes care of it or youre just in and its a very human operation. And we care about kids and we care about families and we care about seniors and we want them to be in our programs. And so a lot of that still remains. Yes, weve evolved and some of our Business Practices<\/a> have evolved, by the way, for gotted. And you gave us a lot more money general fund support in the days when your park system was operating. So we have captured for people who can pay and should pay and were able to capture a bit more revenue or at least track or account for it with those accounts practices were probably not as good back then. But the core essence of what we do, of being able to show up at a park or at a rec center and enjoy it, i think that it very much remains. Supervisor breed thank you. I know that were talking about capital related issues as well and piggybacking on supervisor fewers request for a review of the Strategic Plan<\/a> for Golden Gate Park<\/a>. Im hoping, again, that that would include just the entryways. I think that we should come up with a vision to redesign those entryways and you know my dream of making it a very active, specifically with alfred lake, and making it a very active space and we have done a great job together with the bikes and with the red umbrella and the skateboarders and those kind of things, and so the parks are meant to be used and not abused. And the parks are meant to be enjoyed and we want to make sure that people feel welcomed, of course, no matter who you are but we also want to make sure that people feel protected and safe in our parks because thats another thing that is a challenge and when we activate, you know, the space, it just really makes a real difference. You know, i think that maybe you know, whenever, you know we all think that the right time is, by the way, Golden Gate Park<\/a> turns 150 on april 4, 2020. Thats its 150th anniversary and its a good time for us as a city to think about its past, its present, and its future. And we have recycled water coming to Golden Gate Park<\/a> in 2020 which is pretty exciting and well hopefully cut a ribbon on the golden Gate Tennis Center<\/a> and our Tennis Learning Center<\/a> program. You spoke about some of the capital work, supervisor, and i think that you said on the citys capital you sit on the Capital Planning<\/a> committee as well and were slated for a bond in 2018 and we have figuring out to do and what were hearing from all of and you what we have heard from the community and numerous groups theres a lot of pentup demand. So while weve done a lot of good theres a long way to go and we have jean friend which is one of our busy whyest an busies that needs a recreation and you and i have talked about the pavilion and the edge. And mclaren lodge, though it just houses staff, is a pretty important building and the most seismically unsafe building in San Francisco<\/a>. Theres a significant amount of evolving need of the projects that are kind of big and gnarly and so in the next year or so the work will begin to think through how were going to, you know, what are going to be our priorities and you talked about the japantown peace plaza and theres a lot of pentup need for some pretty tricky, complicated projects. We have done a lot of work and we have done some of the smaller projects over time but particularly with rising costs of construction escalation and, you know, a whole host of things, you know, were now in the realm of some very significant work that still needs to be done and, yes, that includes Golden Gate Park<\/a>. Supervisor breed thank yo you. Supervisor kim okay this is really fun for me, by the way, i like talking about parks. Supervisor kim good, im glad that youre having a good time doing that. Supervisor breed as you remind me every time we talk, the 150th anniversary of Golden Gate Park<\/a> is coming up. Supervisor kim what originally spurred this hearing was the civil grand jury report and one of the questions they had asked us to forward to rec and park was about its three standalone comprehensive plans and one of their feedback or comments was that it was very difficult to understand how the Strategic Capital<\/a> and Operational Plan<\/a> worked together because a number of the plans didnt crossreference each other and it was noted that only the Operational Plan<\/a> referenced the capital and Strategic Plan<\/a>. And so there was a request that theres a way to simplify the way that an average layperson could understand what the recs and parks overall plan is. And perhaps a way to kind of align or consolidate these concepts together. I know that it works from the perspective, staff have three separate plans, perhaps, but for the average resident voter who just wants to understand our p. D. S and longterm vision and a way to reference them together and also to make them easy to find online, one. And, two, to align them into a singular document that is understandable. Yeah, and so well continue to kind of improve our reporting, but to be clear, that one document exists. Its the Strategic Plan<\/a>. There is nothing that is in our capital plan or in our Operations Plan<\/a> that is not provided for in our Strategic Plan<\/a>, which is very visible online. We have hard copies. I think that i will work on trying to translate hard copies and we have a translatable online in response to some of the issues that came up in this conversation. But the Operations Plan<\/a> and the capital plans are pieces of the Strategic Plan<\/a> which is sort of a longerterm document that were working on and i thank we can we will figure out some strategies on how to crossreference it and that can for the average reader make it even more confusing. But the way they were designed and if i go back very briefly hold on, well the me see if i can find it if we can go back to the presentation, if you go to page sort of the planning framework, you have our larger Strategic Plan<\/a> that has our strategies and objectives and our initiatives over a fiveyear period. And we refresh these were refreshing these every year, which were not even required to do in any of the statutes. I want this plan refreshed and i want to be able to track and measure what were doing so were doing this on a refreshing them on an annual basis. And the operation plan and the capital plan, there heres thek that well do in the next twoyear budget cycle and, again, that is intended to help to feed and to support the preparation of our budget. But so thats how they interact with each other, supervisor, but i will we will work on how we can maybe certainly crossreference back to the Strategic Plan<\/a> in each of the documents and, you know, figure out a way to continue to make them, you know, increasingly userfriendly. Supervisor kim that would be great and i also want to go back to one of the previous slides that you had included on the g. O. Bond. Sure. Supervisor kim and i know that you have completed six of the i think six of the 15 . 15 projects that were enumerated that means where construction is actually completed, correct. Koim so six of the projects are supervisor kim six of the projects are completed and theres only two colors. So green is done. All right . And this slide looks to me like it might be a bit dated so i apologize issue green means that the project is done and yellow means funding for the particular project has already is either is already encumbered and is being spent. And blue is where funds remain in the 2012 park bond for those for that project. Im a little confused as to why theres a blue top at West Sunset Playground<\/a> which from my perspective is done. Theres a tiny bit of savings from the project so the project came in under budget. We are in the process of bringing to you the issuance of our third and final bond sale for the 2012 parks bond. Which will allow us to access basically all of the blue. And the big one there you can see is Margaret Hayward<\/a>. Supervisor peskin can i ask a question. It looks like blue, if we can go back to the slide, are already issued and that means that you have sold them. So theres another ones not shown here at all . Youre right, theres four categories, thank you, supervisor. And taylor systemson behind me because she can clearly do this better than i a i can, but whate heck im in it. And so green is done. Supervisor peskin issued and expended. Yes, funds issued and available and then there are theres funds that are encumbered and theres one more traunch that is coming your way, right . It came your way last month. So its already before you. Hows that . So where we are is that were 90 complete of all of these projects and we have a few big ones that remain in construction but then we have another amount of money that is Community Opportunity<\/a> projects and the lets play s. F. Projects and the money for Golden Gate Park<\/a> and some of the money for mclaren and those are in different funds and not specific Neighborhood Park<\/a> projects and that is you know, thats how we can trail money and thats how we complete the 2012 park bond which we think will be, you know, all of it will be hopefully encumbered by 19 and not spent by 19 which is consistent with how we did the 8 bond and shows that our bonds are actually spaced pretty leand that were relatively in the big picture, you know, pretty close on schedule. There have been challenges and, by the way, were beholden to a lot of other parties in this Capital Project<\/a> delivery. And first and most importantly is the community. And supervisor peskin knows that the Community Process<\/a>, planning process, for Something Like<\/a> portsmith square is robust. And delores park, long completed, 50 Community Meetings<\/a> and smaller projects maybe fewer. But once we complete that and we do Concept Design<\/a> then we go through a process of Environmental Review<\/a> and an entire Regulatory Framework<\/a> before we have a project for which we can actually develop construction documents which takes a significant amount of time itself and then we go through the bidding process and then construction. So, you know, from from the minute that we actually start a project to the time that we have cut a ribbon, it depends on the project but its definitely a multi multiyear endeavor and i think that is frustrating for people, but i think we also have to recognize that were trying to build these parks for generations and generations and we want to get it right and we really want to do it with the community. Supervisor kim so does it mean that the nine other parks and playgrounds are all in construction right now . Lets go through them. Can you help me to just look at this and i can tell you i can tell you for sure that glen Canyon Rec Center<\/a> is done or is like 99 done. And its probably in partnership with public works, one of the more beautiful projects that weve completed and would love you all to see it and joe dimaggio is done and west sunset, brandnew baseball and soccer fields and new levels of accessibility completed. And Mountain Lake<\/a> completed. And willie woo woo wong begins construction in summer 2018. So that design is done and we have construction docs and then out to bid. And balboa pool is in construction and lets go from left to right, rossi is designed, completed. And it is going okay, thank you, going out to bid. Why dont you take us through these. This is our acting Capital Project<\/a> manager. Got to delegate there, mr. General manager. Its very impressive but you cant know everything. Supervisor kim starting with garfield . Okay, so garfield is in design. And its going to be going out to construction in summer of 2018. Just christopher is still if design and gillman is complete and glen canyon is complete. And hyde turk is going into construction in summer 2018 also. Supervisor kim is the design complete because i havent seen it . Hyde turk mini park. Hyde turk is in design, yes, detailed design. And then joe dimaggio is complete. Margaret hayward is in design and it will go out to construction in fall 2018. And musconi rec center is in construction and Mountain Lake<\/a> is complete and petria hill will go into construction in the spring of 2018. Sunset is complete and willie woo wong as i say will go into construction in summer 2018. Hyde turk, supervisor, we just had a Third Community<\/a> meeting, because i saw it i saw it advertised so hyde turk, were close, but Concept Design<\/a> has not been approved and thats not come before the rec and Park Commission<\/a> yet. Supervisor kim yeah, i know, we have been meeting on turk hyde since 2013. So im obviously very eager. Supervisor kim eager, thank you, thats the right word. Is it challenging that you have one, two that youre going into construction on at least one, two, three, four, five parks next year . It is. I mean, it is supervisor kim i only ask because, of course, i want to see turk and hyde move forward in the summer of 2018 and not be delayed but im concerned because theres so many parks going into construction in 2018. Right. The construction bidding climate is very tight and theres a lot of demand. And so the more projects that we have in construction at once, you know, the tougher it is. And i think that were resourced to project manage the construction and were not doing the construction ourselves, so from that standpoint were ready to go. My concern is that we have, you know, a healthy supply of contractors and subcontractors that can do the work, because the bids are coming in significantly over the engineering estimates which is a problem for us. To back up a little bit, when we do phase this work and part is because, yeah, we can only launch so many planes off the runway at once and different projects present different types of challenges and sometimes the Community Process<\/a> takes longer and sometimes the Environmental Review<\/a> takes longer and sometimes theres other regulatory issues if weve got an Historic Preservation<\/a> issue and so we try to kind of stagger the projects and, by the way, the size of the projects really matter because we want to spend down on our bonds in a way that reduces the carrying costs and interest rates. So its a mix of, you know, big projects because, frankly, its the same amount of planning for a 20 million park renovation and a 2. 5 million playground renovation. And so we we have a mix of big projects and Small Projects<\/a> and, by the way, this slide is not all of the 2012 parks bond, just to be clear. Supervisor kim these are the enumerated parks . Theres other pots of money and were trying to drive those processes and theres the lets play s. F. Playgrounds and thats the one that Sergeant Mccauley<\/a> is in. Supervisor kim i understand all of that and im going to be very, you know, be very point blank which is that i just want to see hyde and turk go forward in summer 2018. I have heard that. Supervisor kim and see the parks going into construction next year and im concerned that our park will get delayed and im not saying to prioritize us over willie woo woo wong or Margaret Hayward<\/a> with my other supervisor sitting next to me, im just concerned and i dont want us to get to summer 2018 and youre like we had delays because of construction parks and we have five parks, you understand what im saying . I cant guarantee that there wont be delays but it wont be because we wont be able to go. Remember, that theres a lot of regulatory steps along the path. But i hear you and were so proud of our investment in the tenderloin, quite frankly. We really are. Starting with bodecker and civic Center Supervisor<\/a> kim bodecker is amazing and Sergeant Mccauley<\/a> will be amazing and then hyde turk. And that is a community that so desperately needs the space. Its not lost on us. Supervisor kim thank you so much, mr. Ginsburg. And supervisor peskin and then we have a number of Public Comment<\/a> cards to get to. Supervisor peskin i will be exceptionally brief and i wanted to just this is specific to willie woo woo but may apply to the projects and willie woo woo is not a 2 million project so thats just a portion from the 2012 bond . Correct, correct. Is willie woo it looks like, thats odd to me because i think that the portion from the 2012 parks fund is more its what has been issued so far. I think that willie woo woo,. Supervisor kim that was confusing because turk mini hyde park looked like it was getting five dollars. It may not have been the best chart. Supervisor kim thank you so much, mr. Ginsburg and because we have members of the public waiting since 10 00 amy want to call those cards. And to save comments and questions for later. I have jane wheel, casey asberry and chad houston and phyllis dees, and leslie strong, and Patrick Roddy<\/a>, and drew becker, and ellen, and mark elliott. And you can line up on the other side of the podium, even if i do not call your name, please feel free to line up on this item and i see miss wheel has walked up to the front so lets get started. And thank you for serving on our committee and being a vigorouso advocate for open space in district 6. Well, thank you, to the other supervisors my name is jane while and i represent district 6, and i thank you, supervisor kim, for reappointing me. I live on Mission Street<\/a> between seventh and 8th in the heart of midmarket and tenderloin and so im here to speak on behalf of the most open space deficient part of the city. I just have to commend our park and rec staff, our city is blessed with amazing parks and open space and they ring the city and the park and rec staff do an amazing job overall and theyre dedicated and hard working. The biggest problem is that theyre understaffed and underfunded. So let me just emphasize my two main points green space circles the city and park and rec is underfunded and understaffed. Midmarket in the tenderloin are the densest part of the city as we have said and the largest concentration of lowincome seniors and children and yet we have practically no open space. We have been begging for the acquisition of a small half acre parcel to serve our neighborhood but were told that theres no money in the Acquisition Fund<\/a> because the funds have been used for parks in other districts that are richer than we are in open space and the grand jury report observes that the acquisition priority is for high needs areas defined as high density and a High Percentage<\/a> of seniors and children and lowincome households that have have short space and yet were told that we cant have a park in midmarket because theres no money. Where is the equity metric . S our neighborhood is poor and we dont have the wherewithal to privately Fund Maintenance<\/a> and staff like other districts and the grand jury report states that property should not be given priority based on the funding of the purchase. We need to require any open source that we can in the center core and stop circling the core. And the proposed park. Supervisor kim you can finish your sentence. The 11th street park is wonderful and tell serve the hub neighborhood coming and the proposed 5th and brian park is wonderful and it will serve the neighborhood over by the tennis club but theres nothing in the center for us. The little parks that we have have not been maintained well enough and theyre understaffed and theyre underfunded and once again the equity measure is not being implemented. We have the highest concentration of poverty and need and yet we need we need double the maintenance of other areas and yet were actually being left. So if other districts refuse to carry their share of the burden of the poor housing the homeless and providing services and yet at the same time increasing density, we need more green space in the center for healthy living. So i just want to say i dont think that theres equity in our park, acquisition, or maintenance. And i think that we need to rectify this but at the same time i do want to congratulate park and rec staff. I think they do a fabulous job. Thank you very much. Supervisor kim thank you, miss wile. Good afternoon, supervisors, my name is mark, and im a resident of San Francisco<\/a>. Volunteers with the San Francisco<\/a> Bicycle Coalition<\/a> completed a 2. 5 month survey of bike parking in sa San Francisco<\/a> parks and we went to 285 parks and there were 30 of us and looking for parking spots and the kind of parking that was available. And 20 of those parks were rec and parks parks. So theres a balance for that and open spaces. The big surprise from this is that 60 of the parks in the parks and recs and Park Department<\/a> jurisdiction are without bike parking at all. So 60 , no parking. Needless to say this lack of secure parking is an impediment for people wanting to ride to the parks and to park there. So im here to ask that the department develop a comprehensive plan for being able to install secure bike parking throughout the city and that this plan should be part of the next round of funding. Thank you very much for your time. Cloip thantime. Supervisor kim thank you so much. Hello, my name is chad houston and i work with local 261 and i cant speak to the majority of the Strategic Plan<\/a> that ginsburg presented but i can speak to strategy 5 which was inspired by how much our members like working with parks and rec. And also just the workforce in general and the different programs that we have with Workforce Development<\/a> and we have free apprenticeship programs that we partner with the parks to provide Career Pathways<\/a> for the working class, its dwindling in San Francisco<\/a>. And its really important that we keep that program going, which we are doing, in that we continue that partnership so that we can create workingclass jobs. Weve had a longstanding relationship with the parks and we are happy to continue that. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you so much, mr. Houston. Good afternoon, supervisors, and colleagues. Friends from recreation and Parks Department<\/a>, you guys really do an amazing job. Im casey asberry, a resident of the t. L. And the director of the demonstration gardens at u. T. Hastings and im speaking on behalf of the d6 sustainable open space plan in the rec and department Strategic Plan<\/a>ning. Its being developed in a network of support for increased access to healthy green space and the t. L. And soma where the residents organized in friends of parks groups, including bodecker park and turk and hyde, the fountain at u. N. Plaza and d. M. V. And were looking into the grand jury report and reviewing the rec and parks Strategic Plan<\/a> and we need to elevate d6 concerns commensurate with the density of Vulnerable People<\/a> in our district. Here we have the highest concentrations of seniors, children, people speaking other languages other than english and formerly incarcerated people, disabled and drug addicted people and its notable that in general manager ginsburgs talk that the gaps that were identified are none seemed to be in our neighborhoods and yet we know that they are. We know that the gaps exist there. The 6,000 hours of programming that he cited are theyre not it doesnt show in the catalog that our neighborhood is being represented in that. Were asking for increased investment in residentled activations and maintenance and increases of staff and facilities, acquisition, as jane said, and innovation, we want to support a Green Space Development<\/a> on lot d6 before construction and our plan talks about how that can be done so we have specifics and we know it because we have been activating these places and we want to inform the process. Supervisor kim thank you so much, miss asbury. Hi, i am will douglas and i work for the st. Francis Memorial Hospital<\/a> foundation. Four years ago we started the Tenderloin Health<\/a> Improvement Partnership<\/a> which is a collective Impact Initiative<\/a> to improve the health in the tenderloin. Working with the Community Partners<\/a>, with whom i have the privilege of working on a daily basis, and i just want to honor the hard work of many people who have been working to advocate for parks and green spaces in the tenderloin neighborhood before i ever got involved in this. And im here today to talk about the importance of Community Partnerships<\/a> and aligning resources and making the tenderloin parks safer, healthier, active and pore vibrant for more vibrant for the community. As we have mentioned and noted, 33,000 residents live in the proximity of three parks in the neighborhood and its its one of the densest neighborhoods but has only 9. 5acres of park space. So in terms of the equity measures that were looking at, were not even as positive as some of those in the catalog here. And in terms of peoples perception of safety in the neighborhood, something that weve been researching with the Community Partners<\/a> is the lack of safety and perceived safety that folks feel as we see as a barrier to accessing parks. In the case of bodecker park with a collective impact approach weve been really, really successful and actually reducing or improving our perception of safety in that park. What we have note side that 50 of the people feel safe walking in the tenderloin during the day, according to various research. However, in tenderloin, 95 of the people feel safe there. And we believe that its because theres a commitment and a sustained commitment from many different partners and the key to that success has been accountability, partnership, active programming, and commitment over time to ensure that this is going to continue to the parks. So youll hear a bit more from additional Community Partners<\/a> about their experience working in that park as a model for the other parks in the neighborhood. Darsha supervisor kim tha, mr. Douglas. Supervisor breed are we in morning or afternoon . Supervisor kim its officially afternoon. Good afternoon, my name is pat somora and im the area director for boys and girls clubs of San Francisco<\/a> and we are the current Master Tenant<\/a> at bodecker park and i also chair the bodecker Park Advisory Committee<\/a> and im here to really underscore the need for the commitment to the ongoing dedicated resources to ensure that tenderloin parks continue to, you know, to be safe, active and accessible for all Community Members<\/a> beyond the Capital Improvements<\/a> and working with bodecker park, people always ask what is the secret sauce . And it has really been this collective impact model and that no one organization can do it alone and that our strength is in our neighbors and in our unity and also working with the mr. Ginsburgs staff and they have been dedicated and theyve always gone the extra mile in working with us and with supervisor kims office, and some of the Community Anchors<\/a> that, you know, ymca and safe passage, glide. We have so many different partners that are stewards of the park and eyes on the park as far as safety. And so it really is a different model and just really the people make the difference because when we talk about equity, safety is a big issue because we have mothers, immigrant mothers, children, a hundred children use the park a day from the school. We have a large yemen populati population. Monolingual seniors and theyre all in the park and its very safe but its because we do a lot of the background work and connecting so that we can have this space and so i just want to really thank you for your support. Please let us know how we can help to be successful in supporting other parks as well that will be renovated in the upcoming year. So thank you. Supervisor kim thank you, and i have to say that the boys and girls club, in partnership with many of our communitybased organizations and with tenderloin and done a tremendous job with bodecker park and the city put in money to renovate this park but many of us were worried that we would not be able to maintain bodecker as a safe park that was activated but this it would be a beautiful park but not necessarily a safe park and the work that the community has done to activate this park every day is outstanding and i think that its beyond anyones expectations. Thank you. Hi, good afternoon. And rec and park. I am leslie trong with the central ymca and we are called an anchor organization at bodecker park and i wont repeat a lot of the statistics that my partners and the colleagues have stated but i do want to just give a bit of perspective from a main programming partners perspective on how bow decker park is transformative for the community but also how i hope and the y hopes that we can see similar models take place in the tenderloin. In the ymca offers, over 50 50 hours a week of free programming and we hope that by doing this we can increase access for, you know, folks in some of the most vulnerable population in the city of San Francisco<\/a>, and we want our intent is to be inclusive alongside our partners with the types of programs that we offer so not just for youth but also for seniors and adults. And, you know, we have been in conversations, you know, with partners that have been working to activate the turk and hyde mini park and so we are excited to see, you know, plans moving ahead. We have participated in some activation activities and i wanted to speak that on behalf of the y that we are excited to partner, continue to partner, in the tenderloin to help activate other positively activate other areas in the tenderloin. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you. Good afternoon, i am Patrick Roddy<\/a> im the site director over bow decker park and i work with boys and girls club and a lot of the colleagues have given you stats and stuff and my big thing is what is actually happening at the park. You come in the mornings and you see seniors do thai chi and theres no programs but they decided to do it one morning and theres a group of seniors that i have to remind to leave the doorway clear because they like to do line dancing. This is the activity that we like to see in the parts of the tenderloin, especially the mini parks and we have been hosting the planning meetings about the turk and hyde mini park and Mccauley Park<\/a> as well. And so with the concerns that im receiving at the park is that a lot of it feels like the parks are on an island. Theyre isolated. And so what i would encourage is some sort of connectivity, some sort of programming and were working on that as well with the wellness trail and trying to connect the parks as bright spots in the tender lin tenderle these are great spaces and theres extra work with stewardship and programming and what is happening to make sure that space stays safe throughout the day. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you so much. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am drew becker, San Francisco<\/a> Park Alliance<\/a> and i just want to say thank you for this great ability to hear all of the great things that are happening in the San Francisco<\/a> rec and park world. I want to reiterate something said at the top of the presentation is that the San Francisco<\/a> rec and Park Department<\/a> is actually and it should not be missed is that its one of the top rec and park programs in the country. Im a founding board member in ththe 1990s and we never really talked about San Francisco<\/a> and now everybody wants to talk about San Francisco<\/a> and whats going on here and whats happening in the Capital World<\/a> and what were building and how we do our programming and i think that is a testment to the supervisors and also the leadership under phil and the Leadership Team<\/a> of the rec and Park Department<\/a>. I want to specifically talk about this type of leadership also brings funding and thats another thing that cant be overlooked here is that a lot cannot happen without private funding and the ability for the rec and Park Department<\/a> and ourselves and other organizations to leverage that this organization actually gets projects done on time, under budget, and is the ability for us to go out and sell this project to philantropists and private individuals to help with the capital budget. With that, lets play initiative we have 11 million that were committed to for 13 playgrounds throughout the city and i think that one of the things that i wanted to talk about here really quick is that we have engaged almost 2,000 people in Community Meetings<\/a> for the lets play initiatives over the last couple months and we are working with the rec and Park Department<\/a> to really figure out a great new mix of having different meetings at different times, morning, afternoon, evening, weekends and were focused on bringing kids and getting the understanding of what these playgrounds should be and playing with numbers, so that people dont have an open checkbook when they design their playgrounds and they have numbers and figure out the budgets and we bring the budget into the planning process. So with that being said, i just want to again to reiterate the partnership here is is a beautiful thing. We love working with rec and park and the other city departments to make San Francisco<\/a> the greenest, most beautiful parkfriendly city in the country and we couldnt do it supervisor kim thank you, and supervisor peskin appreciates it in his district. Supervisor peskin as well as the fundraising. Good afternoon, im phyllis and im a 30year resident in my home with an extensiv extensiven and im aware of the effects of Climate Change<\/a> and particularly Global Warming<\/a> on my garden. So my question today is, could we hear a little bit more about what the park and Rec Department<\/a> is doing in turns of Strategic Plan<\/a>ning for the protection of the botanical gardens, that is 55acres of extremely rare and expensive planning and theres no doubt that its getting extremely warmer and i would like to see how were going to protect that. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you so much, miss deets. And seeing no further Public Comment<\/a> on this item i am closing Public Comment<\/a>. And i do want to thank all of the members of the public who came out to speak on the rec and park Strategic Plan<\/a> and also in particular to the residents of the district 6 for coming out and i feel incredibly fortunate to have an actively engaged neighborhood around our open space in our parks and the success of bow decker park would not be possible without the tremendous organizing of both of our residents and the communitybased organizations like the y and the boys and girls club and tenderloin, and the collaborative and the others and the tenderloin c. B. D. Who was here prior on item number one with their report back and their daily afternoon activation at the mini park at turk and hyde and we are also fortunate to have lower c. B. D. Who is overseeing Sergeant Mccauley<\/a> playground in the afternoons as well. But that work was funded because of the tremendous organizing that happened in our neighborhood to ensure that we are putting our resources and eyes on the park and i thank the rec and Park Commission<\/a> staff for working so closely with our District Residents<\/a> to ensure that were not only improving our parks but also activating them so people feel safe utilizing them. I think that at this time i just want to appreciate, mr. Ginsburg, for coming in and answering many, many different questions and we all care so much about our parks and open space so it was great to actually have this presentation and update. And also to get a sense where rec and park is moving on the equity metrics and plan that this board had requested in 2016, under supervisor john ovolo as we move forward with a set aside for rec and parks, ensurinsuring that we adequateld our parks and open space that were also ensuring that we have an ecwitdy lens on how we do that because we know that certain neighborhoods have less parks, fewer parks, but much more Public Safety<\/a> issues which inhibit our residents ability to enjoy their recreational spaces. And thank you again to Parks Alliance<\/a> and rec and park has done a tremendous job in developing private Public Partnerships<\/a> to improve our parks and we could not do it without the organizations that help us to raise money and help us to convene our neighborhoods which is also important as well. I know that this is going to be a continuing interest to this committee but at this time im going to entertain a motion to file the item, but im sure that we will have other hearings with rec and park and i do just as a plug for my own just look forward to hyde turk mini park moving forward because this is a playground that i have been asked to really prioritize since 2010 when i first ran for supervisor so i really look forward to the shovels going into the ground this summer. All right, supervisor peskin, any closing comments . Supervisor peskin i wanted to thank you for scheduling this hearing and i thank the general manager and members of the public who came out and who are invested in the stewardship of these 216 parks and most particularly i want to acknowledge the working men and women of the recreation and Parks Department<\/a> for their work day in and day out. Thank you. Supervisor kim thank you. And i did hear from the community, we are going to make sure to push along with you the funding for the activation of bow decker park and thats a concern as money is winding down for that programming and our office will be advocating along with you and so we have a motion to file and we can do that without objection. Mr. Clerk, any other items before this board . Clerk no further business. Supervisor kim meeting is adjourned. And thank you to everyone who came to attend today. [music] San Francisco<\/a> city clinic provides a broad range of Sexual Health<\/a> services from Stephanie Tran<\/a> medical director at San Francisco<\/a> city clinic. We are here to provide easy access to conference of lowcost culturally sensitive Sexual Health<\/a> services and to everyone who walks through our door. So we providestd checkups, diagnosis and treatment. We also provide hiv screening we provide hiv treatment for People Living<\/a> with hiv and are uninsured and then we hope them Health Benefits<\/a> and rage into conference of primary care. We also provide both prend post exposure prophylactics for hiv prevention we also provide a range of womens reproductive Health Services<\/a> including contraception, emergency contraception. Sometimes known as plan b. Pap smears and [inaudible]. We are was entirely [inaudible]people will come as soon as were open even a little before opening. Weight buries a lip it could be the first person here at your in and out within a few minutes. There are some days we do have a pretty considerable weight. In general, people can just walk right in and register with her front desk seen that day. My name is yvonne piper on the Nurse Practitioner<\/a> here at sf city clinic. He was the first time i came to city clinic was a little intimidated. The first time i got treated for [inaudible]. I walked up to the redline and was greeted with a warm welcome im chad redden and anna client of city clinic even has had an std clinic since all the way back to 1911. At that time, the clinic was founded to provide std diagnosis treatment for sex workers. Theres been a big increase in std rates after the earthquake and the fire a lot of people were homeless and there were more sex work and were homeless sex workers. There were some Public Health<\/a> experts who are pretty progressive for their time thought that by providing std diagnosis and treatmentsex workers that we might be able to get a handle on std rates in San Francisco<\/a>. When youre at the clinic youre going to wait with whoever else is able to register at the front desk first. After you register your seat in the waiting room and wait to be seen. After you are called you come to the back and meet with a Healthcare Provider<\/a> can we determine what kind of testing to do, what samples to collect what medication somebody might need. Plus prophylactics is an hiv prevention method highly effective it involves folks taking a daily pill to prevent hiv. Recommended both by the cdc, center for Disease Control<\/a> and prevention, as well as fight sf dph, two individuals clients were elevated risk for hiv. I actually was in the project here when i first started here it was in trials. Im currently on prep. I do prep through city clinic. You know i get my tests read here regularly and i highly recommend prep a lot of patients inclined to think that theres no way they could afford to pay for prep. We really encourage people to come in and talk to one of our prep navigators. We find that we can help almost everyone find a way to access prep so its affordable for them. If you times we do have opponents would be on thursday morning. We have two different clinics going on at that time. When is womens Health Services<\/a>. People can make an appointment either by calling them a dropping in or emailing us for that. We also have an hiv care clinic that happens on that morning as well also by appointment only. He was city clinic has been like home to me. I been coming here since 2011. My name iskim troy, client of city clinic. When i first learned i was hiv positive i do not know what it was. I felt my life would be just ending there but all the support they gave me and all the information i need to know was very helpful. So i [inaudible] hiv care with their health about a quarter of our patients are women. The rest, 75 are men and about half of the men who come here are gay men or other men who have sex with men. A small percent about 1 of our clients, identify as transgender. We ask at the front for 25 fee for services but we dont turn anyone away for funds. We also work with outside its going out so any amount people can pay we will be happy to accept. I get casted for a pap smear and i also informed the contraceptive method. Accessibility to the clinic was very easy. You can just walk in and talk to a registration staff. I feel im taken care of and im been supportive. All the information were collecting here is kept confidential. So this means we cant release your information without your explicit permission get a lot of folks are concerned especially come to a Sexual Health<\/a> clinic unless you have signed a document that told us exactly who can receive your information, we can give it to anybody outside of our clinic. Trance men and women face really significant levels of discrimination and stigma in their daily lives. And in healthcare. Hiv and std rates in San Francisco<\/a> are particularly and strikingly high were trans women. So we really try to make city clinic a place that strandsfriendly trance competent and transwelcoming everyone from the front desk to behind our amazement there are completely knowledgeable. They are friendly good for me being a sex worker, ive gone through a lot of difficult different different medical practice and sometimes they werent competent and were not friendly good they kind of made me feel like they slapped me on the hands but living the sex life that i do. I have been coming here for seven years. When i come here i know they my services are going to be met. To be confidential but i dont have to worry about anyone looking at me or making me feel less a visit with a clinician come take anywhere from 10 minutes if you have a straightforward concern, to over an hour if something goes on that needs a little bit more help. We have some testing with you on site. So all of our samples we collect here. Including blood draws. We sent to the lab from here so people will need to go elsewhere to get their specimens collect. Then we have a few test we do run on site. So those would be pregnancy test, hiv rapid test, and hepatitis b rapid test. People get those results the same day of their visit. I think its important for transgender, gender neutral people to understand this is the most confidence, the most comfortable and the most knowledgeable place that you can come to. Onsite we have condoms as well as depoprovera which is also known as [inaudible] shot. We can prescribe other forms of contraception. Pills, a patch and rain. We provide pap smears to women who are uninsured in San Francisco<\/a> residents or, to women who are enrolled in a statefunded program called family pack. Pap smears are the recommendationrecommended Screening Test<\/a> for monitoring for early signs of cervical cancer. We do have a fair amount of our own stuff the day of his we can try to get answers for folks while they are here. Whenever we have that as an option we like to do that obviously to get some diagnosed and treated on the same day as we can. In terms of how many people were able to see in a day, we say roughly 100 people. If people are very brief and straightforward visits, we can sternly see 100, maybe a little more. We might be understaffed that they would have a little complicated visits we might not see as many folks. So if we reach our target number of 100 patients early in the day we may close our doors early for droppings. To my best advice to be senior is get here early. We do have a website but its sf city clinic. Working theres a wealth of information on the website but our hours and our location. As well as a kind of kind of information about stds, hiv,theres a lot of information for providers on our list as well. Patients are always welcome to call the clinic for theres a lot of information for providers on our list as well. Patients are always welcome to call the clinic for 15, 40 75500. The phones answered during hours for clients to questions. Next speaker, please. Im speaking concerning item 21 the continuance for that. Im opposed to the project and i notice some flaws that i sent in email to the commission about and sorry, right new were only taking testimony on the continuance itself. I dont support continuing because its the second day ive taken off work to come and speak on this. I dont know if i have time on my schedule to come again to come to this meeting again. They keep continue to ask to push it back. Also, could youep","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/35\/items\/SFGTV_20171207_070000_Government_Access_Programming\/SFGTV_20171207_070000_Government_Access_Programming.thumbs\/SFGTV_20171207_070000_Government_Access_Programming_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240630T12:35:10+00:00"}

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