Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171203

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171203

opportunity to go out to the pu? or would you prefer to actuallye this item into our january meeto give you time to do public outrh around this? >> i appreciate that concern, bi know that we had a workshop thae members of the public were in tm and were able to see things fle. but in the interest of transpari think it would be beneficial inr that we have a public workshop,n we could finalize any decision n january. so perhaps we could continue thm that we would schedule, we ask r or -- we could ask staff to scha public meeting and i could perhg in a facilitator to work with uk at the items we've discussed ane them even further so that when n work next year, that staff -- se an idea of how we might direct n scoping the projects out. >> supervisor fewer: are you maa motion to continue this item unr meeting? january to allow for a time to c transparency? >> i would. then also included in that, i we to direct staff, if it pleases e chair, to schedule the meeting r december for a public workshop. >> commissioner ronen, do you hy comments on that? >> supervisor ronen: this wouldt you? >> not a special meeting of laft an opportunity for me in my capn a public seat that i would engae members of the public so we coua broader input that we would brik to this body. and i would present to this bode vote on future agenda items in . >> supervisor ronen: that woulde fantastic. >> supervisor fewer: that is wol for you to do that. i believe there is a motion on r to continue this item until ourg in january. i think you made the motion. >> i did. >> second. >> this is moved by commissionek and seconded by commissioner ro. without objections, the commiss- sorry, that we will reschedule m to be heard in january. thank you very much. >> to the chair, just a word abe meeting in january. does this body have an inclinato when in january they would likee january meeting to occur? or is that something i would woh the chair on? >> call of the chair. >> thank you. >> then on the date certain meei can work with the chair on whatt date would be. okay. thank you. >> supervisor fewer: so without objection, the commission authoe meeting to be at the kawflt chai mean, this item to be continuede call -- next meeting which is ie call of the chair. thank you very much. madam clerk. would you please call item six. >> clerk: discussion of possibls for on e obtaining executive ofr services for the commission ande direction of staff. i believe we have a brief presen from teresa strickler and our a, is that correct? >> through the chair to the commissioners, angela calvillo. i am the interim officer, admine officer and clerk of the board. at our last meeting, you heard m teresa stricker our legal counct brought to you an option in yout today. there was a memo associated to e you options. in addition to that, since the t meeting, we have looked at an alternative to those options whh comprise a request for qualifics which would bring to you optionf individuals once we said what ts or minimum qualifications would. once they qualified and metropoe mqs, then a group of individualr agency could come before you anu could determine which to choose. you wouldn't be subjected to a e that an rfp is subject to per t rules. points could be granted if thera subcontractor involved. so the option is we essentiallye the scope of services and contrt duties similar to what you havey in the rpf. we can provide that document tor the chair if the panel wanted te the chair the authority to makee decision on the mqs and contract duties, you have them buff. -- you have them before you and we could loh teresa's legal council. it could get out on the street a matter of two weeks. so it is an opportunity that yod utilize today and it could get u thinking about a group of indivs who might meet the qualificatior the chair or the commissioners e from after the holidays immediay beginning in january. so available for any questions. >> are there any questions? >> i do have a question. when you mentioned the minimum qualifications, you're talking t what's in the draft rpf which ce an rfq on pages 4 and 5? >> yes, commissioner. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer: okay. commissioner ronen? any comments or questions? >> supervisor ronen: no. >> supervisor fewer: let's openp for public comment. >> i'm jed again. my only comment is i'm not suree timeframe for these options. we have a strong interest in mae that cca matters are being moniy lafco staff in the manner that e been for a number of reasons. one is public education in termf happenings. liaison role between the publice puc. i would say that having gone tof sfpuc meetings, the commission e good analysis on the presentatim their staff from the lafco staf. as you heard from mr. brooks, ts aggressive legislation that is p every session at this point. and we didn't even mention in an to regionalization, there was sc cca-killing legislation that tha folks are working on. but it would be great to have ty and county in this capacity of o monitoring as they previously d. if there is some way to both isr kind of long-term actual plan fn executive staffer as well as sod of short term stuff getting in e right away and fill in3me the o make sure we're not missing somn january when bills are getting introduced. i think that would be advantage. >> supervisor fewer: thank you y much. >> good afternoon again. eric brooks san francisco green. our city, californians for enere clean energy advocates. i wear a lot of hats. i would second what mr. holtsmad which is that we need somebody n hopefully in january. i hope that would be a permanent executive officer. based on where this lafco seemse headed, what you need is a gene, not a specialist. and i think that the cal lafco r said something to that effect ie workshop. you need someone like former exe officer fried who has the abilio encapsulate all the issues as a coordinator, then hire out to specialists for a specific contt needs for things like cca 2.0, y choice 2.0 and that kind of thi. i want to reiterate, i think nol do you need a generalist, we net only do you need a generalist. we need that generalist soon. and one more, because it looks s is not going -- from what i've , this is not going to be a union position. that is unfortunate. we need to figure out a way thas bid process is not a lowest comn denominator bid that ends up has hire someone for low pay that it appropriate and we should try ta prevailing wage for this type o, for this job and maybe more to r benefits. >> supervisor fewer: thank you y much. you be public comment is now cl. commissioner pollock, do you haa comment? >> i have a question for miss c. given we have a short and long f things we'd like to correc dire, what does the timeframe look lio issue an rfq as proposed in the? what would be the timing being f we were to have the chair work u and then send it out versus porr details here? >> through the air. angela calvillo, interim office. i believe we could have the find rfq once the legal council had n opportunity to review for publit on the streets essentially next. number one. then it would be up to the chaie length of time she's interestedn having that rfq out for individo see. we could do kirc different type. there are lots of opportunitiess to determine and work with yorks on where the noticing should go. if it's out there for two or ths or shorter or longer, it's your. once we get -- yes, chair. >> supervisor fewer: that is a h quicker process than an rfp, ist correct? >> that's correct, yes. once we get the qualified indivs back, it's a matter of time of,u know, making just reviewing thoe individuals who have met the mqd your determination of the lengte that is necessary to share withr commissioners. we could make a presentation att lafco commission or we could eml the chair to make that decisiond bring that individual here to tt meeting for destruction if she's empowered to make that decision. it will could be as long or shoe manner that i have described itd be. >> and just so i understand, ife this option, then it would be as person would be an independent contractor, that we would specie length of time. then if we chose for th the lonm solution to this issue, to issue full rfp, this person could plyr that, but it would be under the independent contract rubric or n that we have in these options. >> that is correct. >> commissioner ronen. >> i believe there is a two-year component. going out for a longer term rfpa good idea. >> so i think -- do you have any comment? >> so if i understand correctlye could direct the chair to work u in terms of figuring out the lae for the rfq, and also to put thq out, and then to work with you a designated hiring staff to hiret person. for the contract not to exceed two years. but i would say maybe that we sd think about until end of fiscalr that we have funding for. would you need to know from thiy today, the minimum qualificatio? or could we have the chair worku on that as well? >> this commission for the chain work with us. >> and so chair fewer could undd the budget and not to exceed rad be part that have decision thatd ask her to do. >> supervisor fewer: we could ds today and agree on an amount noo exceed. >> i would feel comfortable notg today. because then it gives you the flexibility to work with our administrative officer so we dot choose -- you know, that it woue consistent with the work that we looking at and we wouldn't go or under. >> it sounds as though there isa decision being made today whetht we'd like an rpf versus an rfq. does the attorney have any infon she wants to add to that? >> the rfq process would be a qr process. it allows you to implement fastd move forward faster. i see no downside to that. you would need to, as i'm under, i have not looked at the rfq qualifications, but as i undersm miss calvillo, there would be ar limitation, but that gives you f time to do something more permad you may want to do that anyway. i would say in terms of how quie can get it out, a little bit oft will depend on the schedule of r if you are de delegating. but window could do a legal revd be ready to go if the chair is g to get it out next week. in terms of how long you want it there, you have holidays coming. there is oftentimes a strategy h making deadline before the holid if that fills too quickly, not g the second or third of january e it falls off the radar. if you're going to get through e holidays, i might recommend goie friday before the new year's hoo people can have time to finish . that may add an extra week, buty give you a broader selection of candidates. in terms of moving forward, it e the pleasure of the chair how mh authority -- plebber of the comn to find out how much authority o delegate to the chair whether io screen down and bring forward te commission perhaps one or two candidates, even three candidatr whether you want your chair to t selection for -- to do selectio. if you want to pick the finalisd have a hand in that, we can do t way. >> i think that -- i want to be conscious of time, we must adjos meeting by 1:30. so i would like to ask that we a motion, i think what i'm hearing consensus on is tha we'd go forq instead of an rfp because it's . i think we would need to make an on that decision. so i think i'd like to make a mn that we would accept and go witq instead of an rfp for the selecf our executive officer. >> i would have a friendly ament that that rfq does come empowere chair to work with council and administrative officer to scopee the person identified for the r. >> thank you. do we have a second? okay. i think -- so this is moved by i have to -- do we have to approve amendment? or can we have that as one moti? >> clerk: the motion hadn't beee yet, so she was adding to it. >> supervisor fewer: is commissr pollock making that motion or m? >> clerk: should be one or the . >> i'm happy to make the motione an rfq and empower the chair tok with the legal council and exece officer to create a process andn individual for the position. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. moved by commissioner ronen secy commissioner pollock without ob. the commission authorizes the cr to -- this motion passes. madam clerk, please call item 7. >> clerk: public comment. >> supervisor fewer: are there y members of the public that woulo speak? seeing none, public comment is . i'd like to thank everyone and u all happy mol days. >> clerk: we have item 8. item 8 is future agenda items. >> supervisor fewer: any futures that commissioners would like td calendar to discuss? no. public comment. seeing none. public comment is now ended. >> that concludes our business. >> now happen holidays and a haw year to everyone. >> we have to adjourn. >> okay. [gave >> good morning. welcome to the personnel committee of the san francisco transportation board. i'm commissioner peskin. next to commissioner tang, and our clerk is steve stamos. >> clerk: approve the minutes of the minutes. >> public comment is closed. is there a motion to approve the minutes for the personnel committee? commissioner? >> yes. approve. >> okay. motion to approve the minutes. we'll take that with -- out of objection. and next item please. >> clerk: item three, closed session item, evaluation of public employee performance and recommended approval of the performance agenda for 2018. >> as far as this is a personnel matter. we are going to go into closed session on this item. is there any public comment on item number three? miss >> good morning, everyone and thank you for coming my name is rosy form treasurer of the united states and the form of empowerment 2020. >> yeah. >> empowerment 2020 is an initiative to durnl encourage a million women we 2020 to go in leaders positions it is request quality day and the one hundred year of the 19 amendment that give woman the right to vote joining me on stage a margo the ceo of ma tell. >> (clapping.) >> 74 percent have been girls in middle school express interest in office only girls are expressing an interest in computer science 50 percent less graduating are for girls than thirty years ago i've spent 8 years of the treasurer of the united states to have a portrait on the photo in our public engagement process there were one hundred of women overlooked in the history of our country many tops will be discussed and empowerment 2020 conference everything there empowering young women and girls to be the future leader to encourage women to get into stem education and getting into nasa and google and making sure that they are part of tech economy. >> the second part of empowerment 2020 is women money and power to put women in so and so positions for the corporate fleet and elected office the third part of empowerment 2020 are the conferences their action oriented women have flatlined at 20 percent on that percentage one and 20 percent women a in congress that is stagnated if we get up to thirty percent fabulous 80 percent would be amazing that conversation is equality will be something we're used to as pair the culture i'd like to that that will be done like to that that will be done >> all right, good morning everyone, what an exciting day in san francisco. let me begin by introduction myself, i am the san francisco public works director muhammad. we're here today to break grounds on the second street improvement project and project that will change the look and feel of this busy corridor in the south of market area. it's not every day that we get to rethink a street, to figure out how it can better serve the people who use it and most importantly, make it safer for everybody. through smart planning, strong partnerships among multiple city agencies and funding from the federal and local sales tax revenue, and community support, we're able to move forward with the second street improvement project. it will turn in to a stretch that better serves our city for the 21st september -- century. at the end of the construction of this project we will have upgraded sewers thank to our san francisco p.u.c. and a smoother road and most importantly a safer and more attractive neighborhood. but before we get started, and we'll hear from all the several agencies that are involved in this project i want to take a moment to thank the project team who worked on this project together so this point, first i would like that thank project led by our city engineer john thomas sitting out in the crowd there. [applause] we are a number of project managers, christina o'neil, mike rigor and richard from engineer ing and we have steve lee, jackie ying, michael smith and jane ko and from our last division who had work to do with the trees and street furniture and the designs that will come john dennis and david folig and robin welter and from streets and highway kim chang and from our communications rachel gordon , the very best. now i'd like to bring up our mayor ed lee. mayor lee is someone who knows the importance of improving our neighborhoods and making our streets safe. he has been a big supporter and champion of street scape improvement throughout the city and we are very, very pleased to have him here today to help us kickoff the second street project. please welcome our mayor ed lee. [applause] >> well thank you, good morning giant's fans! we're here on second street that's probably one of my favorite corridors to walk down and get to the giant's game and if we were reminded what this street is all about probably a couple of days ago when the water main broke right there at second and harrison it was a good reminder of the fragile infrastructure that we have particularly when pipes that have been touched for over 150 years and so when you saw that water, those are the exactly the water system that muhammad would mention with that the p.c. will replace for this corridor going north and south. i want to sank supervise or kim foreign inviting us to her district it's the eastern soma neighborhood and also a neighborhood that i know that has been working with public works and all our transit or m. t.a. is here, county, transportational authority and all of the different agencies including planning and others for probably over five years and working together they've been able to really plan out what will be a two-year project and i know muhammad was celebrating a vision for its finish but for the next two years i want the media to know. please don't blame me for everything that goes on for the next two years we've broken this up in to four phases trying to mitigate all of the construction that will happen but we have the walking folks that are advocates , we have the coalition working with us and we have pedestrian avenue vow kits that ultimately want to embrace all of the goals here along with the small businesses that are willing to suffer a little bit with everything from reduced parking because they're going to ultimately gain a safer street, a street that is hundreds of thousands of people use not just during giant's games but if you notice even during the offseason as a well traveled corridor and so it's an effort to make it safer and to make it more pedestrian friendly and make it more bicycle friendly and make it more walking friendly and to allow more people to use this in the safeer way including cars and trucks. soy want to thank all the agencies for working together on this and there will be an effort to mitigate all of this by breaking it up in to segments so that it doesn't interrupt everybody who wants to get to the giant's games or also the next concert here but also to frequent all of the wonderful restaurants and bars and entertainment that's what makes this street so popular and all the businesses as well so we all as a city have to understand that construction does interrupt a little bit in order to gain something more valuable and it's both beneath as well as above and on the streets and in fact, someone to figure out how to underground all the utilities all along this way that's another maiming or contribution that the residents and the businesses have strived for in this detailed collaborative effort so i want to thank everybody for their years of working together and getting everybody's goals in to this project and making sure we did it and that it's all not going to happen overnight but will happen in segments to respect as much as we can the activities going on here so, that is my way of saying thank you to everybody for your patients and as we go on and please be safe when you are traverseing this corridor because i don't think any of this is going to stop people from use particular but we just have to be more safe and appreciative that the end goal will be beautiful trees, sidewalks that are widens, bike lanes that are protected, street and traffic signals that are respective for a higher level of vision zero or safety for everybody and less breakage of the water system that's beneath that's over 150-years-old. with all of that i say thank you to everybody let's get on with this project and i'll blame you if anything gets delayed. thank you! [applause] thank you, mayor lee. give him another big hand for his leadership under his leadership we're doing so much great work. next we've the supervisor from the south market and other neighborhoods here in the south of market area and jane has been a huge champion of the second street project and she's been there with us at all the community meetings zester years ago she attended them and she helped us secure funding and has made sure that we have met the community needs and particularly safety for people who walk and bike in this area and that all those needs will be met and she was also welcome jane kim. [applause] >> interview: when i first got here someone thanked me for coming to the ground breaking and i had said i would not have missed this for the world and for those of thaw have been working on this project, this is something that i have been working on almost since the beginning when i started in office and end of 2011 and beginning of 2012 and this was probably the first major vision zero project victory that we had in our district and i really worked with a lot of people in the community and public works and all of our agencies to fight to make this a reality and it's a big project and it's a complicated project and i'm so proud that we're able to make it here today and i want to thank a lot of people that were involved in the years of planning and community out reach that it took the south market hasn't always been a residential neighborhood, it was commercial and production and manufacturing and as the people in the neighborhood change our streets didn't and the sidewalks are narrow, we have multiple lanes made for big trucks and cars that are commute ing from their offices downtown and to their homes all around the bay area and many of our residents were unfortunately the victims of the neighborhood that we have been building and second street was really the corridor that we had intended to be our neighborhood corridor and one that our residents could bike and walk down safety. like first street and third and fourth that are meant for cars and second street was the corridor that was for our residents and our small business owners and it's exciting to be here today as we work ok protected bike lanes on follow com -- follow so many street so we have streets dedicate for our pedestrians and psyche lists and i want to thank public works in particular christine and you really ran some of the best out reach meetings i have seen with door-to-door knocking and really large turnouts which is very difficult to do by the way and also i want to thank michael rig or as well for your work, many years of planning but of course, to our neighborhood residents because as much as we need a corridor for us this is still a major change for our residents and katie liedel who heads our south beach rincon mission bay association and alice rogers who is part of our south park improvement association who hads fought for it finally this year we were able to cut the ribbon on the beautiful new playground and park at south park and bruce part of our trance bay committee and patrick valentino who often came and were maybe the only voices or were minority voice saying we need wider sidewalks and protected bike lanes even if that meant loosing parking spots and loosing lanes of traffic onto the bridge and i'm excite inside is finally happening and this is the corridor that our neighborhood deserves and millions of dollars have gone to this both from the san francisco county transportation authority as well as other granting authorities so i want to thank them for working to make sure that we were able to make this again this promise a reality for our neighborhoods so congratulations and i look forward to working with everyone during the construction process and i know the construction process is often the toughest part so we want to make sure we support our small business owners during this time but it's going to be a fabulous corridor and i have to recognize of course the san francisco bike coalition brian we'dmire is here and also to leah sheaham who is here during the time we were advocating for this. thank you for sticking with us and being strong making sure we got the core dough we wanted, thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. next we have the sfmta who is a key partner in the remaking the second street this project is part of the city's san francisco bicycle plan and the vision zero initiative to make the streets safer for all of us. let's welcome district or race kin from the sfmta. [applause] >> thank you. good morning everyone, it's great to be here because second street is such an important part of the city's transportation network and it's a unique street in some ways and it connects from the ballpark to market street and it has proximity to the freeways because of its ta possible ra fee it's a street -- topography it's good for taking the bus, it gets a lot of car and truck traffic and because of the vibrancy and the great mix of increasingly residentss but a great number of small businesses , and larger businesses it's a very vibrant street so it attracts a lot of people on foot and it also has the dubious distinction of being part of the city's high injury network which means it's one of the 12% of the streets that are responsible for more than 70% of the city's serious and fatal traffic collisions. as muhammad said, this is a vision zero effort, vision zero being our goal in san francisco to eliminate traffic deaths by 2024 and by redesigning streets such as this one that are host to a dis purchase -- disproportionate amount and it has been a very long and challenging process redesigning completely transforming really a street is very challenging and so it's been a great partnership between tractor-trailer -- our partner agencies and our neighborhood partners the residents, the neighborhood association, the local business association, working together got us the point where when we brought this forward for the sfm ta board of directors lead by our chair to legislate these changes we were able to do so with the support of the local community with the support of the supervisor with the support of the mayor and that is what is necessary to get these projects done and i want to acknowledge a couple of our folks from the agency worked on this project but i want to acknowledge specifically ellen robertson and matt lasskey working with jamie parks on on the leadership of louise montoya in concert with ricardo ola working together with all of our agency and community partners to make this happen but, also, i want to finally again thank the leadership that makes this happen and when i sit down with mayor lee, he is always asking me how can we get these projects done better and faster and supervise supervisor kim we dragged muhammad and i in our office and said we need to get this project on track and get it done because it's important to the people that she service and our chair who ultimately are those who have to make these tough trade off calls of parking versus safety versus all the other things and always leading with safety and putting safety first to make this project happen and i want to acknowledge the disability community which was an important partner. part of the trade offs making sure this would work for the small businesses in terms of parking and loading making sure it will work with people with disabilitys as we're doing new and different designs it's a important consideration and working together to make the street better and fix the instruct under and above to make sure it will be last and something we can enjoy for generations to thank you to everybody who has been working on it and we're starting the next difficult phase and we have work with the mayor and to do what best we can to minimize disruption so we can all be smileing and just as happy when we're at the prib on cutting a few years out so thank you and congratulations to everyone. >> interview: thank you, as you heard this project is a huge project and it's from king street all the way to market street that is about eight city blocks it is over $20 million that will be spent to make it safe for everyone as part of our partnership in securing funding, the san francisco county transportation authority provided tax funding in the range of $1.5 million for the project which was needed to match some of our federal grants we had to support this project let's hear from tilley chan the director from that agency. [applause] >> interview: thank you so much, good morning everyone and thank you. to all my name is tilley chang and on behalf of the 11 members of the transport agency led by supervisor kim we want to congratulate the community, public works, the city family and all the neighborhoods who had the vision and stuck with that vision for second street to make today a a lot. they were pleased to provide matching funds in the form of our half cent transportation sales tax but importantly to program federal funds that are nine or ten million dollars of one bay area grant fund programs that are allocate by by the metropolitan transportation commission when kim serves as a commissioner so we're very grateful to the region for providing key fund withing our legal matching funds one-third of the project in recognition there are many folks here who had already been living here customers visitors, families as well as many more people who are coming new workers, new families coming to this area this rapidly growing part of our city and the purpose of the one bay area grant program funds and when they passed prop k was to provide community serving infrastructure to help make sure our streets are serving all users and safer liability way throughout the city and in fact when we programmed the second street project, many years ago, it was together with a few other vision zero and transit first projects i'll mention where we had a wonderful ground breaking earlier this year and still to come broadway street scape so let's keep it going and congratulations to everyone thank you all for the partnership and there's an honor to help deliver this project let's keep improving san francisco one street at a time. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, tilley. tilley talked about those great projects in the works all over town and those projects do not happen without the involvement of our planning department and our planning department is at forefront of a lot of these projects they conduct public out reach and they shape the concepts of what these designs should look like and they were heavily involved in the second street redesign and making sure we dove tail to the other projects especially those in the east and let's hear from our planning director john ram. [applause] >> good morning, everyone, it's great to be here on this beautiful day and you know, we've been an advocate in the planning department for a while looking differently how we operate and design our streets and it's important this project is a perfect example of how with all the agencies working together we can make sure it works for everyone and i want to reinforce a couple of things the mayor and supervisor said it's important to remember one is that this is a classic example of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts it's not just a bike lane project and water line replacement project it's not just a sidewalk widen ing project all those things could have happened independently and it would have been disruptive in the end and thanks to the leadership of the mayor the supervisor and some of the neighborhood residents we realized that by combining efforts we get a better project in the end it takes a little longer to organize and for that collaboration but in the end we end up with a much better and safer and importantly a safer street and secondly i think supervisor kim's comments they are changing dramatically and the land uses here it's a mixed use neighborhood than it used to be and many more residents and businesses many more office jobs and so on and it has forced us to think differently how we operate and design our streets and these streets were designed to drive through as opposed to being a neighborhood street so it's important for us to look holisticly at that and as the supervisor said, second street is becoming the kind of main street of this district and there are streets what we're going to have to maintain as kind of through streets to get to the bridge or whatever but this is an important street to think about as our main street and the street that is not only works for cars and buses but for bicycleists and pedestrians and businesses and for people just to hangout and i want to thank the mayor for his leadership and the supervisor for pushing us on this and my colleagues and all the agencies and staff of my department for getting us to this point and making this project happen. thank you, all. [applause] so outside of the city agencies there are many community partners that also joined us in creating division for the improvements to second street and many of the other city projects brian widener from the san francisco bicycle coalition will be here to say a few words but brain is an advocate for making the streets safer and not just for psyche lists which he represents but for all users he has been a partner with many of the city agencies and we meet with him and his group on regular basis and his job is to hold us accountability so he is a partner also and his goal and what he sets out is to make sure that the vision is set out for the bicycle plan that they invisioned that has been brought to reality. let's hear from brian. [applause] >> at least, many people have been waiting many years to see this day come i want to thank mayor lee and his administration for your strong support of thepe it and we don't have a stronger champion for the kind of streets that people who walk, bike and take transit need and deserve in san francisco and also the city department has represented here director raskin and we have great partners in sfmta and public works and planning to make projects like this happen and to pull them off. as director mentioned where we are standing at second street and king is part of the high injury network and what that means is that right here on second street, and actually on king street as well, we know that people are being hit and injured or worse and what that means for us at the san francisco bicycle coalition and our 10,000 plus members is that we as a community and as a city have a responsibility to do something about that and projects like the second street improvement project are a step in the right direction to providing safe streets for people walking, biking, taking transit and driving. i am really excite today see this project break ground and it's my pledge on behalf of the bicycle coalition that we will keep our members in informed about and patron eyes along second street and make sure and a safe way to get where they're going which is the ball game and as our city gross and in particular someone that lives in soma, this neighborhood continues to grow and these are the street project we're going to need to make sure we're accommodating that growth and if everybody that moves here to work and live and rides and you're an a list and it's the gridlock we experience in this neighborhood will only worsen we have to encourage people to get out of their cars and to walk and bike and take transit and only way we'll do that is if they feel safe doing so and so i hope second street is a start and i want to see the improvements projects and this is exciting day and thank you again to everyone that is here so much. >> one more speaker but the most important speaker for this event is we are all here to say it takes a develop edge and there are so many partners in this but to return people out and bring people out to all the meetings to make sure the community is really part of the design and that we hear what their concerns are so that we can design to meet their is katie ladel, she serves the mission bay neighborhood association and from all my experiences and everything that i know of katie she is a >> they listened to us and thank you and there were a lot of contentious meetings and i know it wasn't easy but christine and her team and mike all continued to listen so we are very, very grateful to the exercise kim to public works and to the mta for supporting the process and listening to us and making second street a better place to live, to work, and to come and visit the giants so thank you very much. >> thank you, katie. so you haired from the mayor when he spoke the next two years could be a little rough but you know, work with us and we're going to do our best to make sure that every step or everything that is happening in the neighborhood that we get enough information out to the people who live and work on the street so that they know what is happening and the end result is great from past projects, fisherman's war of and some of the other projects we've heard great reviews of the project that's been completed so i'm looking forward to this project really today and it is in four phases and they have been worked out very, very carefully and we're going to accommodate the giant's games and accommodate everyone and you know, we'll get through it so i am excited and this will conclude our press part of it and we have a ceremonials shovel-kind-of event and we'll let the contractors go at it and thank you for coming out and let's go second street improvement! [applause] >> 3, 2, 1! >> perfect timing. welcome. welcome, everyone. welcome to the commission on the environment. our meeting tonight has very many interesting item, and i hope that all of you had a

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California , United States , San Francisco , South Beach , Californians , John Ram , Patrick Valentino , Jane Kim , Kim Chang , Ellen Robertson , Teresa Strickler , Tilley , Brian Widener , Tilley Chan , Jackie Ying , Rachel Gordon , Steve Stamos ,

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Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171203 :

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171203

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opportunity to go out to the pu? or would you prefer to actuallye this item into our january meeto give you time to do public outrh around this? >> i appreciate that concern, bi know that we had a workshop thae members of the public were in tm and were able to see things fle. but in the interest of transpari think it would be beneficial inr that we have a public workshop,n we could finalize any decision n january. so perhaps we could continue thm that we would schedule, we ask r or -- we could ask staff to scha public meeting and i could perhg in a facilitator to work with uk at the items we've discussed ane them even further so that when n work next year, that staff -- se an idea of how we might direct n scoping the projects out. >> supervisor fewer: are you maa motion to continue this item unr meeting? january to allow for a time to c transparency? >> i would. then also included in that, i we to direct staff, if it pleases e chair, to schedule the meeting r december for a public workshop. >> commissioner ronen, do you hy comments on that? >> supervisor ronen: this wouldt you? >> not a special meeting of laft an opportunity for me in my capn a public seat that i would engae members of the public so we coua broader input that we would brik to this body. and i would present to this bode vote on future agenda items in . >> supervisor ronen: that woulde fantastic. >> supervisor fewer: that is wol for you to do that. i believe there is a motion on r to continue this item until ourg in january. i think you made the motion. >> i did. >> second. >> this is moved by commissionek and seconded by commissioner ro. without objections, the commiss- sorry, that we will reschedule m to be heard in january. thank you very much. >> to the chair, just a word abe meeting in january. does this body have an inclinato when in january they would likee january meeting to occur? or is that something i would woh the chair on? >> call of the chair. >> thank you. >> then on the date certain meei can work with the chair on whatt date would be. okay. thank you. >> supervisor fewer: so without objection, the commission authoe meeting to be at the kawflt chai mean, this item to be continuede call -- next meeting which is ie call of the chair. thank you very much. madam clerk. would you please call item six. >> clerk: discussion of possibls for on e obtaining executive ofr services for the commission ande direction of staff. i believe we have a brief presen from teresa strickler and our a, is that correct? >> through the chair to the commissioners, angela calvillo. i am the interim officer, admine officer and clerk of the board. at our last meeting, you heard m teresa stricker our legal counct brought to you an option in yout today. there was a memo associated to e you options. in addition to that, since the t meeting, we have looked at an alternative to those options whh comprise a request for qualifics which would bring to you optionf individuals once we said what ts or minimum qualifications would. once they qualified and metropoe mqs, then a group of individualr agency could come before you anu could determine which to choose. you wouldn't be subjected to a e that an rfp is subject to per t rules. points could be granted if thera subcontractor involved. so the option is we essentiallye the scope of services and contrt duties similar to what you havey in the rpf. we can provide that document tor the chair if the panel wanted te the chair the authority to makee decision on the mqs and contract duties, you have them buff. -- you have them before you and we could loh teresa's legal council. it could get out on the street a matter of two weeks. so it is an opportunity that yod utilize today and it could get u thinking about a group of indivs who might meet the qualificatior the chair or the commissioners e from after the holidays immediay beginning in january. so available for any questions. >> are there any questions? >> i do have a question. when you mentioned the minimum qualifications, you're talking t what's in the draft rpf which ce an rfq on pages 4 and 5? >> yes, commissioner. >> thank you. >> supervisor fewer: okay. commissioner ronen? any comments or questions? >> supervisor ronen: no. >> supervisor fewer: let's openp for public comment. >> i'm jed again. my only comment is i'm not suree timeframe for these options. we have a strong interest in mae that cca matters are being moniy lafco staff in the manner that e been for a number of reasons. one is public education in termf happenings. liaison role between the publice puc. i would say that having gone tof sfpuc meetings, the commission e good analysis on the presentatim their staff from the lafco staf. as you heard from mr. brooks, ts aggressive legislation that is p every session at this point. and we didn't even mention in an to regionalization, there was sc cca-killing legislation that tha folks are working on. but it would be great to have ty and county in this capacity of o monitoring as they previously d. if there is some way to both isr kind of long-term actual plan fn executive staffer as well as sod of short term stuff getting in e right away and fill in3me the o make sure we're not missing somn january when bills are getting introduced. i think that would be advantage. >> supervisor fewer: thank you y much. >> good afternoon again. eric brooks san francisco green. our city, californians for enere clean energy advocates. i wear a lot of hats. i would second what mr. holtsmad which is that we need somebody n hopefully in january. i hope that would be a permanent executive officer. based on where this lafco seemse headed, what you need is a gene, not a specialist. and i think that the cal lafco r said something to that effect ie workshop. you need someone like former exe officer fried who has the abilio encapsulate all the issues as a coordinator, then hire out to specialists for a specific contt needs for things like cca 2.0, y choice 2.0 and that kind of thi. i want to reiterate, i think nol do you need a generalist, we net only do you need a generalist. we need that generalist soon. and one more, because it looks s is not going -- from what i've , this is not going to be a union position. that is unfortunate. we need to figure out a way thas bid process is not a lowest comn denominator bid that ends up has hire someone for low pay that it appropriate and we should try ta prevailing wage for this type o, for this job and maybe more to r benefits. >> supervisor fewer: thank you y much. you be public comment is now cl. commissioner pollock, do you haa comment? >> i have a question for miss c. given we have a short and long f things we'd like to correc dire, what does the timeframe look lio issue an rfq as proposed in the? what would be the timing being f we were to have the chair work u and then send it out versus porr details here? >> through the air. angela calvillo, interim office. i believe we could have the find rfq once the legal council had n opportunity to review for publit on the streets essentially next. number one. then it would be up to the chaie length of time she's interestedn having that rfq out for individo see. we could do kirc different type. there are lots of opportunitiess to determine and work with yorks on where the noticing should go. if it's out there for two or ths or shorter or longer, it's your. once we get -- yes, chair. >> supervisor fewer: that is a h quicker process than an rfp, ist correct? >> that's correct, yes. once we get the qualified indivs back, it's a matter of time of,u know, making just reviewing thoe individuals who have met the mqd your determination of the lengte that is necessary to share withr commissioners. we could make a presentation att lafco commission or we could eml the chair to make that decisiond bring that individual here to tt meeting for destruction if she's empowered to make that decision. it will could be as long or shoe manner that i have described itd be. >> and just so i understand, ife this option, then it would be as person would be an independent contractor, that we would specie length of time. then if we chose for th the lonm solution to this issue, to issue full rfp, this person could plyr that, but it would be under the independent contract rubric or n that we have in these options. >> that is correct. >> commissioner ronen. >> i believe there is a two-year component. going out for a longer term rfpa good idea. >> so i think -- do you have any comment? >> so if i understand correctlye could direct the chair to work u in terms of figuring out the lae for the rfq, and also to put thq out, and then to work with you a designated hiring staff to hiret person. for the contract not to exceed two years. but i would say maybe that we sd think about until end of fiscalr that we have funding for. would you need to know from thiy today, the minimum qualificatio? or could we have the chair worku on that as well? >> this commission for the chain work with us. >> and so chair fewer could undd the budget and not to exceed rad be part that have decision thatd ask her to do. >> supervisor fewer: we could ds today and agree on an amount noo exceed. >> i would feel comfortable notg today. because then it gives you the flexibility to work with our administrative officer so we dot choose -- you know, that it woue consistent with the work that we looking at and we wouldn't go or under. >> it sounds as though there isa decision being made today whetht we'd like an rpf versus an rfq. does the attorney have any infon she wants to add to that? >> the rfq process would be a qr process. it allows you to implement fastd move forward faster. i see no downside to that. you would need to, as i'm under, i have not looked at the rfq qualifications, but as i undersm miss calvillo, there would be ar limitation, but that gives you f time to do something more permad you may want to do that anyway. i would say in terms of how quie can get it out, a little bit oft will depend on the schedule of r if you are de delegating. but window could do a legal revd be ready to go if the chair is g to get it out next week. in terms of how long you want it there, you have holidays coming. there is oftentimes a strategy h making deadline before the holid if that fills too quickly, not g the second or third of january e it falls off the radar. if you're going to get through e holidays, i might recommend goie friday before the new year's hoo people can have time to finish . that may add an extra week, buty give you a broader selection of candidates. in terms of moving forward, it e the pleasure of the chair how mh authority -- plebber of the comn to find out how much authority o delegate to the chair whether io screen down and bring forward te commission perhaps one or two candidates, even three candidatr whether you want your chair to t selection for -- to do selectio. if you want to pick the finalisd have a hand in that, we can do t way. >> i think that -- i want to be conscious of time, we must adjos meeting by 1:30. so i would like to ask that we a motion, i think what i'm hearing consensus on is tha we'd go forq instead of an rfp because it's . i think we would need to make an on that decision. so i think i'd like to make a mn that we would accept and go witq instead of an rfp for the selecf our executive officer. >> i would have a friendly ament that that rfq does come empowere chair to work with council and administrative officer to scopee the person identified for the r. >> thank you. do we have a second? okay. i think -- so this is moved by i have to -- do we have to approve amendment? or can we have that as one moti? >> clerk: the motion hadn't beee yet, so she was adding to it. >> supervisor fewer: is commissr pollock making that motion or m? >> clerk: should be one or the . >> i'm happy to make the motione an rfq and empower the chair tok with the legal council and exece officer to create a process andn individual for the position. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. moved by commissioner ronen secy commissioner pollock without ob. the commission authorizes the cr to -- this motion passes. madam clerk, please call item 7. >> clerk: public comment. >> supervisor fewer: are there y members of the public that woulo speak? seeing none, public comment is . i'd like to thank everyone and u all happy mol days. >> clerk: we have item 8. item 8 is future agenda items. >> supervisor fewer: any futures that commissioners would like td calendar to discuss? no. public comment. seeing none. public comment is now ended. >> that concludes our business. >> now happen holidays and a haw year to everyone. >> we have to adjourn. >> okay. [gave >> good morning. welcome to the personnel committee of the san francisco transportation board. i'm commissioner peskin. next to commissioner tang, and our clerk is steve stamos. >> clerk: approve the minutes of the minutes. >> public comment is closed. is there a motion to approve the minutes for the personnel committee? commissioner? >> yes. approve. >> okay. motion to approve the minutes. we'll take that with -- out of objection. and next item please. >> clerk: item three, closed session item, evaluation of public employee performance and recommended approval of the performance agenda for 2018. >> as far as this is a personnel matter. we are going to go into closed session on this item. is there any public comment on item number three? miss >> good morning, everyone and thank you for coming my name is rosy form treasurer of the united states and the form of empowerment 2020. >> yeah. >> empowerment 2020 is an initiative to durnl encourage a million women we 2020 to go in leaders positions it is request quality day and the one hundred year of the 19 amendment that give woman the right to vote joining me on stage a margo the ceo of ma tell. >> (clapping.) >> 74 percent have been girls in middle school express interest in office only girls are expressing an interest in computer science 50 percent less graduating are for girls than thirty years ago i've spent 8 years of the treasurer of the united states to have a portrait on the photo in our public engagement process there were one hundred of women overlooked in the history of our country many tops will be discussed and empowerment 2020 conference everything there empowering young women and girls to be the future leader to encourage women to get into stem education and getting into nasa and google and making sure that they are part of tech economy. >> the second part of empowerment 2020 is women money and power to put women in so and so positions for the corporate fleet and elected office the third part of empowerment 2020 are the conferences their action oriented women have flatlined at 20 percent on that percentage one and 20 percent women a in congress that is stagnated if we get up to thirty percent fabulous 80 percent would be amazing that conversation is equality will be something we're used to as pair the culture i'd like to that that will be done like to that that will be done >> all right, good morning everyone, what an exciting day in san francisco. let me begin by introduction myself, i am the san francisco public works director muhammad. we're here today to break grounds on the second street improvement project and project that will change the look and feel of this busy corridor in the south of market area. it's not every day that we get to rethink a street, to figure out how it can better serve the people who use it and most importantly, make it safer for everybody. through smart planning, strong partnerships among multiple city agencies and funding from the federal and local sales tax revenue, and community support, we're able to move forward with the second street improvement project. it will turn in to a stretch that better serves our city for the 21st september -- century. at the end of the construction of this project we will have upgraded sewers thank to our san francisco p.u.c. and a smoother road and most importantly a safer and more attractive neighborhood. but before we get started, and we'll hear from all the several agencies that are involved in this project i want to take a moment to thank the project team who worked on this project together so this point, first i would like that thank project led by our city engineer john thomas sitting out in the crowd there. [applause] we are a number of project managers, christina o'neil, mike rigor and richard from engineer ing and we have steve lee, jackie ying, michael smith and jane ko and from our last division who had work to do with the trees and street furniture and the designs that will come john dennis and david folig and robin welter and from streets and highway kim chang and from our communications rachel gordon , the very best. now i'd like to bring up our mayor ed lee. mayor lee is someone who knows the importance of improving our neighborhoods and making our streets safe. he has been a big supporter and champion of street scape improvement throughout the city and we are very, very pleased to have him here today to help us kickoff the second street project. please welcome our mayor ed lee. [applause] >> well thank you, good morning giant's fans! we're here on second street that's probably one of my favorite corridors to walk down and get to the giant's game and if we were reminded what this street is all about probably a couple of days ago when the water main broke right there at second and harrison it was a good reminder of the fragile infrastructure that we have particularly when pipes that have been touched for over 150 years and so when you saw that water, those are the exactly the water system that muhammad would mention with that the p.c. will replace for this corridor going north and south. i want to sank supervise or kim foreign inviting us to her district it's the eastern soma neighborhood and also a neighborhood that i know that has been working with public works and all our transit or m. t.a. is here, county, transportational authority and all of the different agencies including planning and others for probably over five years and working together they've been able to really plan out what will be a two-year project and i know muhammad was celebrating a vision for its finish but for the next two years i want the media to know. please don't blame me for everything that goes on for the next two years we've broken this up in to four phases trying to mitigate all of the construction that will happen but we have the walking folks that are advocates , we have the coalition working with us and we have pedestrian avenue vow kits that ultimately want to embrace all of the goals here along with the small businesses that are willing to suffer a little bit with everything from reduced parking because they're going to ultimately gain a safer street, a street that is hundreds of thousands of people use not just during giant's games but if you notice even during the offseason as a well traveled corridor and so it's an effort to make it safer and to make it more pedestrian friendly and make it more bicycle friendly and make it more walking friendly and to allow more people to use this in the safeer way including cars and trucks. soy want to thank all the agencies for working together on this and there will be an effort to mitigate all of this by breaking it up in to segments so that it doesn't interrupt everybody who wants to get to the giant's games or also the next concert here but also to frequent all of the wonderful restaurants and bars and entertainment that's what makes this street so popular and all the businesses as well so we all as a city have to understand that construction does interrupt a little bit in order to gain something more valuable and it's both beneath as well as above and on the streets and in fact, someone to figure out how to underground all the utilities all along this way that's another maiming or contribution that the residents and the businesses have strived for in this detailed collaborative effort so i want to thank everybody for their years of working together and getting everybody's goals in to this project and making sure we did it and that it's all not going to happen overnight but will happen in segments to respect as much as we can the activities going on here so, that is my way of saying thank you to everybody for your patients and as we go on and please be safe when you are traverseing this corridor because i don't think any of this is going to stop people from use particular but we just have to be more safe and appreciative that the end goal will be beautiful trees, sidewalks that are widens, bike lanes that are protected, street and traffic signals that are respective for a higher level of vision zero or safety for everybody and less breakage of the water system that's beneath that's over 150-years-old. with all of that i say thank you to everybody let's get on with this project and i'll blame you if anything gets delayed. thank you! [applause] thank you, mayor lee. give him another big hand for his leadership under his leadership we're doing so much great work. next we've the supervisor from the south market and other neighborhoods here in the south of market area and jane has been a huge champion of the second street project and she's been there with us at all the community meetings zester years ago she attended them and she helped us secure funding and has made sure that we have met the community needs and particularly safety for people who walk and bike in this area and that all those needs will be met and she was also welcome jane kim. [applause] >> interview: when i first got here someone thanked me for coming to the ground breaking and i had said i would not have missed this for the world and for those of thaw have been working on this project, this is something that i have been working on almost since the beginning when i started in office and end of 2011 and beginning of 2012 and this was probably the first major vision zero project victory that we had in our district and i really worked with a lot of people in the community and public works and all of our agencies to fight to make this a reality and it's a big project and it's a complicated project and i'm so proud that we're able to make it here today and i want to thank a lot of people that were involved in the years of planning and community out reach that it took the south market hasn't always been a residential neighborhood, it was commercial and production and manufacturing and as the people in the neighborhood change our streets didn't and the sidewalks are narrow, we have multiple lanes made for big trucks and cars that are commute ing from their offices downtown and to their homes all around the bay area and many of our residents were unfortunately the victims of the neighborhood that we have been building and second street was really the corridor that we had intended to be our neighborhood corridor and one that our residents could bike and walk down safety. like first street and third and fourth that are meant for cars and second street was the corridor that was for our residents and our small business owners and it's exciting to be here today as we work ok protected bike lanes on follow com -- follow so many street so we have streets dedicate for our pedestrians and psyche lists and i want to thank public works in particular christine and you really ran some of the best out reach meetings i have seen with door-to-door knocking and really large turnouts which is very difficult to do by the way and also i want to thank michael rig or as well for your work, many years of planning but of course, to our neighborhood residents because as much as we need a corridor for us this is still a major change for our residents and katie liedel who heads our south beach rincon mission bay association and alice rogers who is part of our south park improvement association who hads fought for it finally this year we were able to cut the ribbon on the beautiful new playground and park at south park and bruce part of our trance bay committee and patrick valentino who often came and were maybe the only voices or were minority voice saying we need wider sidewalks and protected bike lanes even if that meant loosing parking spots and loosing lanes of traffic onto the bridge and i'm excite inside is finally happening and this is the corridor that our neighborhood deserves and millions of dollars have gone to this both from the san francisco county transportation authority as well as other granting authorities so i want to thank them for working to make sure that we were able to make this again this promise a reality for our neighborhoods so congratulations and i look forward to working with everyone during the construction process and i know the construction process is often the toughest part so we want to make sure we support our small business owners during this time but it's going to be a fabulous corridor and i have to recognize of course the san francisco bike coalition brian we'dmire is here and also to leah sheaham who is here during the time we were advocating for this. thank you for sticking with us and being strong making sure we got the core dough we wanted, thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. next we have the sfmta who is a key partner in the remaking the second street this project is part of the city's san francisco bicycle plan and the vision zero initiative to make the streets safer for all of us. let's welcome district or race kin from the sfmta. [applause] >> thank you. good morning everyone, it's great to be here because second street is such an important part of the city's transportation network and it's a unique street in some ways and it connects from the ballpark to market street and it has proximity to the freeways because of its ta possible ra fee it's a street -- topography it's good for taking the bus, it gets a lot of car and truck traffic and because of the vibrancy and the great mix of increasingly residentss but a great number of small businesses , and larger businesses it's a very vibrant street so it attracts a lot of people on foot and it also has the dubious distinction of being part of the city's high injury network which means it's one of the 12% of the streets that are responsible for more than 70% of the city's serious and fatal traffic collisions. as muhammad said, this is a vision zero effort, vision zero being our goal in san francisco to eliminate traffic deaths by 2024 and by redesigning streets such as this one that are host to a dis purchase -- disproportionate amount and it has been a very long and challenging process redesigning completely transforming really a street is very challenging and so it's been a great partnership between tractor-trailer -- our partner agencies and our neighborhood partners the residents, the neighborhood association, the local business association, working together got us the point where when we brought this forward for the sfm ta board of directors lead by our chair to legislate these changes we were able to do so with the support of the local community with the support of the supervisor with the support of the mayor and that is what is necessary to get these projects done and i want to acknowledge a couple of our folks from the agency worked on this project but i want to acknowledge specifically ellen robertson and matt lasskey working with jamie parks on on the leadership of louise montoya in concert with ricardo ola working together with all of our agency and community partners to make this happen but, also, i want to finally again thank the leadership that makes this happen and when i sit down with mayor lee, he is always asking me how can we get these projects done better and faster and supervise supervisor kim we dragged muhammad and i in our office and said we need to get this project on track and get it done because it's important to the people that she service and our chair who ultimately are those who have to make these tough trade off calls of parking versus safety versus all the other things and always leading with safety and putting safety first to make this project happen and i want to acknowledge the disability community which was an important partner. part of the trade offs making sure this would work for the small businesses in terms of parking and loading making sure it will work with people with disabilitys as we're doing new and different designs it's a important consideration and working together to make the street better and fix the instruct under and above to make sure it will be last and something we can enjoy for generations to thank you to everybody who has been working on it and we're starting the next difficult phase and we have work with the mayor and to do what best we can to minimize disruption so we can all be smileing and just as happy when we're at the prib on cutting a few years out so thank you and congratulations to everyone. >> interview: thank you, as you heard this project is a huge project and it's from king street all the way to market street that is about eight city blocks it is over $20 million that will be spent to make it safe for everyone as part of our partnership in securing funding, the san francisco county transportation authority provided tax funding in the range of $1.5 million for the project which was needed to match some of our federal grants we had to support this project let's hear from tilley chan the director from that agency. [applause] >> interview: thank you so much, good morning everyone and thank you. to all my name is tilley chang and on behalf of the 11 members of the transport agency led by supervisor kim we want to congratulate the community, public works, the city family and all the neighborhoods who had the vision and stuck with that vision for second street to make today a a lot. they were pleased to provide matching funds in the form of our half cent transportation sales tax but importantly to program federal funds that are nine or ten million dollars of one bay area grant fund programs that are allocate by by the metropolitan transportation commission when kim serves as a commissioner so we're very grateful to the region for providing key fund withing our legal matching funds one-third of the project in recognition there are many folks here who had already been living here customers visitors, families as well as many more people who are coming new workers, new families coming to this area this rapidly growing part of our city and the purpose of the one bay area grant program funds and when they passed prop k was to provide community serving infrastructure to help make sure our streets are serving all users and safer liability way throughout the city and in fact when we programmed the second street project, many years ago, it was together with a few other vision zero and transit first projects i'll mention where we had a wonderful ground breaking earlier this year and still to come broadway street scape so let's keep it going and congratulations to everyone thank you all for the partnership and there's an honor to help deliver this project let's keep improving san francisco one street at a time. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, tilley. tilley talked about those great projects in the works all over town and those projects do not happen without the involvement of our planning department and our planning department is at forefront of a lot of these projects they conduct public out reach and they shape the concepts of what these designs should look like and they were heavily involved in the second street redesign and making sure we dove tail to the other projects especially those in the east and let's hear from our planning director john ram. [applause] >> good morning, everyone, it's great to be here on this beautiful day and you know, we've been an advocate in the planning department for a while looking differently how we operate and design our streets and it's important this project is a perfect example of how with all the agencies working together we can make sure it works for everyone and i want to reinforce a couple of things the mayor and supervisor said it's important to remember one is that this is a classic example of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts it's not just a bike lane project and water line replacement project it's not just a sidewalk widen ing project all those things could have happened independently and it would have been disruptive in the end and thanks to the leadership of the mayor the supervisor and some of the neighborhood residents we realized that by combining efforts we get a better project in the end it takes a little longer to organize and for that collaboration but in the end we end up with a much better and safer and importantly a safer street and secondly i think supervisor kim's comments they are changing dramatically and the land uses here it's a mixed use neighborhood than it used to be and many more residents and businesses many more office jobs and so on and it has forced us to think differently how we operate and design our streets and these streets were designed to drive through as opposed to being a neighborhood street so it's important for us to look holisticly at that and as the supervisor said, second street is becoming the kind of main street of this district and there are streets what we're going to have to maintain as kind of through streets to get to the bridge or whatever but this is an important street to think about as our main street and the street that is not only works for cars and buses but for bicycleists and pedestrians and businesses and for people just to hangout and i want to thank the mayor for his leadership and the supervisor for pushing us on this and my colleagues and all the agencies and staff of my department for getting us to this point and making this project happen. thank you, all. [applause] so outside of the city agencies there are many community partners that also joined us in creating division for the improvements to second street and many of the other city projects brian widener from the san francisco bicycle coalition will be here to say a few words but brain is an advocate for making the streets safer and not just for psyche lists which he represents but for all users he has been a partner with many of the city agencies and we meet with him and his group on regular basis and his job is to hold us accountability so he is a partner also and his goal and what he sets out is to make sure that the vision is set out for the bicycle plan that they invisioned that has been brought to reality. let's hear from brian. [applause] >> at least, many people have been waiting many years to see this day come i want to thank mayor lee and his administration for your strong support of thepe it and we don't have a stronger champion for the kind of streets that people who walk, bike and take transit need and deserve in san francisco and also the city department has represented here director raskin and we have great partners in sfmta and public works and planning to make projects like this happen and to pull them off. as director mentioned where we are standing at second street and king is part of the high injury network and what that means is that right here on second street, and actually on king street as well, we know that people are being hit and injured or worse and what that means for us at the san francisco bicycle coalition and our 10,000 plus members is that we as a community and as a city have a responsibility to do something about that and projects like the second street improvement project are a step in the right direction to providing safe streets for people walking, biking, taking transit and driving. i am really excite today see this project break ground and it's my pledge on behalf of the bicycle coalition that we will keep our members in informed about and patron eyes along second street and make sure and a safe way to get where they're going which is the ball game and as our city gross and in particular someone that lives in soma, this neighborhood continues to grow and these are the street project we're going to need to make sure we're accommodating that growth and if everybody that moves here to work and live and rides and you're an a list and it's the gridlock we experience in this neighborhood will only worsen we have to encourage people to get out of their cars and to walk and bike and take transit and only way we'll do that is if they feel safe doing so and so i hope second street is a start and i want to see the improvements projects and this is exciting day and thank you again to everyone that is here so much. >> one more speaker but the most important speaker for this event is we are all here to say it takes a develop edge and there are so many partners in this but to return people out and bring people out to all the meetings to make sure the community is really part of the design and that we hear what their concerns are so that we can design to meet their is katie ladel, she serves the mission bay neighborhood association and from all my experiences and everything that i know of katie she is a >> they listened to us and thank you and there were a lot of contentious meetings and i know it wasn't easy but christine and her team and mike all continued to listen so we are very, very grateful to the exercise kim to public works and to the mta for supporting the process and listening to us and making second street a better place to live, to work, and to come and visit the giants so thank you very much. >> thank you, katie. so you haired from the mayor when he spoke the next two years could be a little rough but you know, work with us and we're going to do our best to make sure that every step or everything that is happening in the neighborhood that we get enough information out to the people who live and work on the street so that they know what is happening and the end result is great from past projects, fisherman's war of and some of the other projects we've heard great reviews of the project that's been completed so i'm looking forward to this project really today and it is in four phases and they have been worked out very, very carefully and we're going to accommodate the giant's games and accommodate everyone and you know, we'll get through it so i am excited and this will conclude our press part of it and we have a ceremonials shovel-kind-of event and we'll let the contractors go at it and thank you for coming out and let's go second street improvement! [applause] >> 3, 2, 1! >> perfect timing. welcome. welcome, everyone. welcome to the commission on the environment. our meeting tonight has very many interesting item, and i hope that all of you had a

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California , United States , San Francisco , South Beach , Californians , John Ram , Patrick Valentino , Jane Kim , Kim Chang , Ellen Robertson , Teresa Strickler , Tilley , Brian Widener , Tilley Chan , Jackie Ying , Rachel Gordon , Steve Stamos ,

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