We wont have a meeting in december so we can have a Holiday Party and its going to be on december 15th from 4 00 to 6 00 and at 11 1155 market, d its the Mayors Disability Council and rsvp by december 8 at mod ssfgov. Rog or 4155546789 but our next regularly scheduled meeting is next year on friday january 19th, 2018, from room 1 to 4 in room 400 in city hall so call the Mayors Office on disability for future information or to request accommodations at 14155546789, voice or by email at mod sfgov. Org and our guests need to speak slowly into the microphone for our captions and the interpreters and we thank you for joining us. Clerk and lets read out the agenda by the staff. Item one, welcome introduction and roll call. Item 2, action item. Reading of an approval of the agenda. Item 3, Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the m. D. C. And each speaker is limited to three minutes. Please approach the microphone or give your comment card to the m. O. D. Staff. And item 4, information item. Cochair report. Item 5, action item, voting on m. C. D. Amended bylaws and the amending sections of the byla bylaws. And item 7, information item. And an update on the current statewide discussion around disabled placard reform and potential state legislation in 2018. Presentation by kate breen, director of the governor of affairs and john knoxwhite, the directing manager. And the Public Comment is welcome. Item 8, information item. Assessability and safety and biking in San Francisco. Various aspects of safety and accessibility in bicycle lane design and planning will be discussed with opportunities for questions. Presentation by janice lee, advocacy director. San francisco coalition. Public comment is welcome. Break, the council will take a 15minute break. Item 9, information item. Potential measures to improve accessible ondemand Transportation Options and the advent of Transportation Network companies such as lyft and uber have added on but has not improved ondemand access for wheelchair users and those who need an accessible vehicle. How can we approve the taxi service that does provide ondemand transportation. And presentation by kate torren, with the transportation director, and with Taxis Division and crist an masar, accessible planner, for the San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Public comment is welcome. And item 10, vision zero assess and people with disabilities and miss werre will present on the citys initiative to eliminate the traffic deaths, its progress, and the date and activities to address the concerns of people with disabilities. Present by megan alwere, the program on health, equity and sustainability cochair. San francisco Vision Zero Task force. Public comment is welcome. Item 11, Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the m. D. C. , and each speaker is limited to three minutes. Please approach the microphone or give your comment card to the staff. Item 12, information item correspondence. Item 13, discussion item. Council member comments and announcements. Item 14, adjourned. Thank you for that reading of the agenda. I would like to make a motion for to pass the agenda. Is there a second . Second. All right, moved and seconded to pass the agenda, all in favor say aye. Aye. Any no . Abstained . Very good. Okay, so what i would like to do right now is to say that we have a new member of the council, i want to recognize him at this time and actually he was with us early on and couldnt remain but he is back. Alex, can you say a word about yourself . Thank you. I am back, i am alex, hall. That i just encountered today and im asking you to consider either communicating with the mayor or possibly building manager about this. The past couple years city hall is a site for weddings which means photographers and photographs of the whole Wedding Party in scenarios. And today when coming in and trying to use the center door i found out that the bride was in the area between the two doors and she was staging herself to come out for some sort of picture scenario. Didnt occur to her what those symbols meant. So she was standing there and i pushed the button to open up the outer door and she didnt step aside to realize the inner door was going to open behind her. If i hadnt said anything it would have come across our bridal train, possibly scratching or tearing it, but beyond that its not just me on the outside, if somebody on the inside had pushed a button, because theyre heading out and theyre looking into a sunny area and looking into the glare, and might not have seen her so the door might have opened and hit her, lets say, in the back. But it could also have run across her provida bridal train. Im suggesting that maybe photographers who if they get a permit or if theres some photographer association, city hall manager and the mayor to tell photographers dont use the Center Access door. Because otherwise somebodys gone igown is going to get tornr stepped on and possibly somebody will get tripped if they use that accessible door. So theres got to be some communication to the photographers or some means whether staff does it or whether you authorize something to the mayor, im just suggesting, please, stay safe and people able to get into city hall. Thank you for your comment. That was excellent. All right, we need the next person who has a speaker card to step up. Thank you very much, my name is arnold berlinger and im on the commission for disability in alameda. Im the vice chair there. And i just wanted to tell you a story. A year and about nine months a year and nine months ago i was going through alameda and i saw this new housing development, and i thought, whoa, im going to go in there and check out the models and even though they are three storeys tall, im going to go to see what the modern house has, and at least on the first floor. And when i went into the office, i was able to get in and talk to them about it and they would have been happy to take my money. But when i said, okay, can i see at least what it looks like on the first floor, they said, sir, you cant get in because they had the entry for every house, there was a step of four to six inches and there was a barrier keeping me from going in. And i went and found a word online called visibility and it means the ability to visit a place. For example, if you have if you bought one of these homes for, oh, a couple Million Dollars and decided to throw a party and said, arnie, come on over and well see the new well see the game on my new big screen and id have to say, well, youre going to have to rip that tv down off the living room or the den, wherever youve got it, and bring it out to the garage because thats the only place that i can visit. And now this itself entails three things, one is theres an entry way into the home where there is no barrier and two, a wide enough door. And three, a bathroom. And its not only for people on wheelchairs. And if you buy a home for that large amount of money youre going to want to buy all new appliances and maybe even a new refrigerator and when you buy that big shiny refrigerator, the double doors and all of that, is that telling me yeah, yeah, if you could quickly so visibility needs three items. And no barrier. And two, a wide enough door. And, number three, a bathroom that a person in a regular cheel wheelchair could turn around inside and close the door. And the city of alameda at the city Council Passed a universal design ordinance for alameda and 100 of all new residences will be visibile. Thank you very much for your input. So i need to check in with the control room. Where do we stand . Its fine. Okay, its going and i want to thank you, i cant see it, so i need people to let me know. All right. So i think that were moving on to item number 4. Cochairs report. And i just want to say that we have an Excellent Program today on transportation. I know that we have some excellent speakers and were also going to be dealing with safety and security for pedestrians and bikers and so were going to cover quite a wide spectrum. I think that youll be in for an interesting and informative time from our different presenters. So here we go. And item number 5 is the we wanted to make some changes, and make comaimpleg changes to the d its just a few changes and weve gone over it in executive council and we think id just like to move approval of the changes to the bylaws, is there a second . I second. Any discussion . All right. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Anybody opposed . My dog didnt oppose it so i think that were all right. Thank you very much. Item number 6, is the executive directors report, nicole bohn, welcome. Thank you, council member, and thank you everyone for being here today. My report has various items. So i look forward to todays conversation on the many state and local transportation and Street Safety initiatives that are impacting people with disabilities that were mentioned in my october report to the Mayors Disability Council. Please do not hesitate to recommend action items related to any part of this presentation today or related to other items discussed in this report. As followup to todays public hearing. Some of the activities that the Mayors Office on disability has been engaged with since the october Mayors Disability Council meeting are these first item, access to functional Needs Work Group. The department of Emergency Management or d. E. M. , held its first merged meeting of the m. D. C. Disability Disaster Preparedness subcommittee and the access and functional Needs Work Group on november 3, 2017. The group received an update on the city and county of San FranciscoParatransit Services and is exploring the possibility of how in the event of an emergency in the city paratransit may be more broadly deployed to all people with disabilities, including those who are currently not eligible or only intermittently eligible for Paratransit Services. The next item is an update on accessible voting. And the Voting AccessibilityAdvisory Committee or v. A. C. , met on november 7, 2017. And received updates from sloan consulting regarding their progress on the feasibility much the city developing a Voting System that incorporates opensource software. The v. A. C. Encouraged the consultants to consider both the accessibility and the usability as part of their report and it will continue to encourage the consultants to address accessibility concerns that stretch beyond the a. D. A. Compliance minimums. The v. A. C. Also received a presentation from democracy live which is a Software Platform that is being explored as part of the citys responsibility to implement a state mandated accessible remote voting solution for people with disabilities and military personnel by june 2018. And the v. A. C. Members expressed concern that the intent of the state legislation as well as the accessibility of the platform solution, especially pertaining to blind or low vision individuals, needs more discussion. The v. A. C. Will address these concerns in detail at the next meeting which is january 9, 2018 from 2 00 to 4 00 p. M. In city hall. Participation from the m. D. C. Or interested members of the public continues to be encouraged. And the next item for today is the Dignity Fund Needs Assessment survey and focus groups. The department of aging and Adult Services also known as doss released its Needs Assessment survey which can be found at www. Sfdas. Org survey. The survey is open now through december 8, 2017 only, and the results will help to plan the future City Services in supports for adults with disabilities as well as older adults. Participation in the survey by adults across the Disability Community including working professionals with disabilities, is much needed and is highly encouraged. To support this effort, the possibility of several inperson focus groups for people with disabilities is also being explored. M. O. D. Will send the focus Group Information with its distribution when it becomes available. The next item for update today is the Golden Gate Park j. F. K. Drive proposal. The recreational and Parks Department along with several partner and Community Organizations is currently exploring the possibility of extended weekend closures of j. F. K. Drive to vehicle traffic. M. O. D. Has received feedback about this proposal from active accord fators recognizing the fine arts museums and the academy of science and the member of the public with disabilities and as such is in conversation with the recreation and parks about accessibility and impacts with this effort. Its recommended that the Mayors Disability Council assist in monitoring the progress of this proposal and consider this for future m. C. D. Public hearing agenda item. The next item is an update from the Sheriffs Department. In response to Public Comment provided at the Mayors Disability Council at the july 21, 2017 meeting, m. O. D. Partnered with deaf counselling and Referral Agency to have training specific to Law Enforcement and the Sheriffs Department on cultural competencies related to deafness and committing with deaf individuals in emergencies and in other situations. This training was very well received and m. O. D. Will be working with the Sheriffs Department on any followup and implementation related to this discussion. And the final item for today in my report is an update on the supported home voucher program. The institute on aging with promotional support from supervisor yees office, dos, m. O. D. And others, continues to roll out its supported home voucher program. This program is designed to support people with disabilities who require home or personal care assistance, who do not qualify for Inhome Supportive Services because of income requirements. Support at home is now specifically aiming to support adults with disabilities, including working professionals and students, who are between the ages of 1859. Please spread the word about this valuable benefit program and more information can be found on the m. O. D. Home page, under supportive home pilot program. For questions or comments or to get involved or to provide feed back on any of the items in this report contact m. O. D. 4155546789. Or mod sfgov. Org and this concludes my report for today. Soirk thank you very much, nicole. All right, now were moving to information item number 7. Which is update on accessible parking and disabled placard reform efforts. We have two presenters, one is kate breen, director of Government Affairs,sfmta and john knoxwhite, planning programs manager, sfmta. Welcome. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Im kate breen, the director of Government Affairs for the San Francisco municipal transportation agency. And i have today here my colleague john knoxwhite, and john is not planning on making a presentation and hes here as a resource for any questions that your council may have. So the issue today is an issue that has a long history in california and the issue of accessible parking. Related to that, accessible parking isnt just about disabled placards but what you read about in the news typically and some of the Background Information that we share with you is really about the disabled Placard Program and how effective it isnt working as it was intended to, and that is to provide access for those who need it. So about four years ago, San Francisco launched its own effort, stakeholderbased effort, with a wide range of interested parties on this issue, including chaired, cochaired by the Mayors Office of disability then headed by carla johnson, and the m. T. A. , with ed risken as the cochair and that committee met for over six months and it was facilitated to look at deaf practices across country as it relates to accessible placards and accessible parking policy. Everybody started in a very different place in that work, but they ended up with a set of recommendations that they all agreed upon after recognizing that some of the initial thoughts, there should just be more enforcement or some other, you know, that your automatic first thought about what is wrong and how to fix it, that those had been tried in other places and that they hadnt worked. And so that work was advanced at the time, one of the recommendations included more information about when you can legally use placards. It also included a recommendation to increase the number of