Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171126

SFGTV Government Access Programming November 26, 2017

Good morning, commissioners. Im sorry, im under the weather. Im shawn smith, native of San Francisco. Ive lived in the valley communities since 1993. I got started through this program for the don King Senior Center when the seniors operated the garden. But when they were too old to participate in it, i decided to volunteer and keep the grass cut for them and but they had moved from the center that was across the way, up to raymond street. As time went on, they aged on and they were unable to part pate in the gardens, so one of my main things was to find out who can help me and bring the Community Together and actually helping kids along with seniors to have an active Community Garden. Since it has been neglected for so long and now they have more beautification and renovations coming up. This is something that we would like to see in our Community Garden, we would like to actually ask you for the funding for the Community Garden and we thank the program, when youre talking about the vision program, for bringing this up to par. I would like to thank everyone from alexis, jake, fran, everyone involved in it. We also would like to add that in the future, if you can see that most of our children will grow older and as our children grow older, they can be taken care of because as we know, San Francisco is turning into a large city that has very, very small condensed area, so if you please, just give a little consideration to the children and to the seniors that are here in our city. Thank you very much, and take care. President buell thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, my name is rehn, im excelsior resident and daily park user. I support the plans except for the trails and path portion. I also want to be sure that the park is clean. We voted for 2012 bond called the clean and safe neighborhoods park bond, but no specific amount of money is set aside in the plan for keeping mclaren clean and there is no articulated plan to addresses trash and garbage in the park. I do want to give a shoutout to daniel choi, but the gardeners should not be picking up trash. Throughout the vision process, the community has been stone called and manipulated by a plan. The community does not want large areas of the park restored to arbitrary point in native plant history. We do not want pesticides, we do not want healthy trees cut down and trails closed and socalled natural areas closed off to the public. We want the money spent on repairing the asphalt path system. We want all, not some to be safe. When using a paved path, we expect it to be usable for the elderly, families with strollers and people with mobility issues. The trails in mclaren do need attention, but we dont want the bond money to go toward the natural areas plan, its not what we voted for and not what we discussed in the envision plan. 949 people have signed a change. Org petition supporting this view. They cant all be here today, but they signed onto that, so please, the whole plan is great except for the 3. 5 million. Next speaker. Ace, im here to speak on another matter, but i would be remiss if i didnt speak on something that im up here to talk about is the black africanamerican, however you want to call us in the city by the bay. Fran has been diligently working for africanamerican community. I am appalled only one brother got up here to speak, and he use the community. Im here to say, there is a difference what this city calls community and black community. Because the black community is down were almost im just getting emotional. Let me calm down. Im appalled, you got a master plan for the park and rec up in sunnydale . Well, all the while black folks been there for many years and you dont think about doing nothing in the years there. Theyve been killed and now theyre replace. This place like you did in the fill more. Public housing, all the parks there for years, you all didnt do a damn thing and now the blacks we almost gone and you do this urban renewal. You bring in all of the other things in here. And then you come in here and you put everything good. How many years has that park been there by sunnydale, but now communities going to be sad because theyre going to lose their pads, but youre going to make it beautiful now. You got a master plan like for the fillmore. Im appalled. This is going to be one of my stops now, because you got all kinds of parks in the fillmore, you didnt do a damn thing until you got rid of us. I went there the other night, i didnt see anybody up there looking like me, everybody all there running around, after you all kicked us out. Now you going to the public housing. This is so embarrassing to be part of this city and county by the bay. President buell thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you, commissioners, thank you general manager, my name is chris, i want to acknowledge our last speaker as well. Im here on two accounts, biking and hiking. But im a native and i support his view, we dont want to kick out, we want to include. So i tip my hat to you as caucasian. Tree fox, we work with kids all over the city, 25,000 strong. Our motto is to get out and get dirty. Im a cyclist, biked across the United States as a college kid and worked for back roads for many years leading trips across alaska, tuscany, france and i support any way we can get out and get people connected to the outdoors. Biking is one of the most significant ways to create freedom in a childs world. We want them to feel safe out there, biking and hiking on their own. If we widen the trails, which i sport the master plan, i think well do just that. I believe that the native restoration is key to connecting our children to the red tail hawks, great blue herrin, there is nothing more miracle than watching a prey in action and blood and guts in front of you. The witchs water tower, kids can collect and hold them on their own. We want them to go anytime they want to and feel safe. Its starting to be reclaimed by more affluent people, but as chuck and i can tell you, we were scared to go to mclaren park, especially if we were white, because we didnt want to get our behinds kicked. We want to have a educational program. Ive taught at the middle school and had to break up fights with girls bigger than me and avoid getting punched because theyre engaged in other activities. Nature is calm and focused. Seek nature out. Future forward. President buell thank you. Next speaker, again, if anyone wants to speak, please come up now. Thank you. Hi, im matthew, part of urban riders, the Mountain Bike advocacy group, contributed hours in mclaren park, running volunteer events, bringing hundreds of people to the park who never heard of it and loved it. Im here to talk about the trails part of the plan. Someone made a comment, there is a survey, the number one response was more Mountain Biking trails and were thrilled that the plan recognizes Mountain Bikers, thats great. I want to comment that the 8 miles is really only 3. 6 miles, but we recognize why there is a compromise between the different user groups. So the main thing i want to talk about today, one of the goal is environmental, social and economic trail. I want to talk about the trail. You heard from Many Community members, theyre concerned about widening trails in the park and were also. Its news to me that the only expected users of the park are beginners. Were not looking for giant jump lines, but different types of trail. That was recognized in the plan, which was a surprise, but the trail issue is unfortunate, because 5foot trail versus 3foot, if you cut into the hillside, its 2. 5 times material that and loses this feeling of nature. Narrow trail gives you intimate feel. Why it calms you. And only 30 seconds. I want to mention that its not necessarily the best practice. Narrow trails slow bicycles down. Reduce conflict. Theyve moved to a contact sensitive, the latest trail was two feet wide, not five feet. We urge the commission to approve the plan, slo long as the 5foot restriction is removed which will satisfy all users of the park. President buell thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Im katy strange with the Park Alliance. Im here to speak in support of the whole plan. We are aware this is a city gem and its a wellloved park as we can tell from the people who have come to speak today. And like many wellloved places in the city, we see abundance of passionate individuals, park users, community members, trail users and while its not easy to find consensus among passionate individuals, we are excited and glad to see the department and staff work and spend their time and resources to go out and listen to the community and hear what they have to say. And we believe that the plan is, as a result, is a quality and inclusive plan. We look forward to this much needed plan and next steps and the opportunity to partner with the department and the community. Thank you. President buell thank you. Come on up. Im a neighbor of the park, i walk the park every day. My Favorite Places to walk are the narrow path of the philosopher trail and i encourage that they are kept that way. There are plenty of wide trails, i think the most important place to use the money are the asphalt paths. Theyre dangerous. Even i trip on them. And im a pretty avid walker. So, i do support the plan, except the widen organize of the paths widening of the paths and this thing of not using money for the asphalt paths. Thank you. Anyone else who would like to make Public Comment on this item . Good morning, im sean, i live half a mile from the park, ride this park, 23 days a week, 150, mainly on my Mountain Bike. I love this park, i love the trails. The proximity of my house, i dont have to get in my car to get in the exercise i need due to, im highly involved in a mountain series called the california series and because of this year and this park and all the riding i get to do, this is my reward. This is my Yellow Jersey i earned this year, for riding the california series. We go to a lot of places, hard terrain. I look how this park offers me the opportunity to do different terrains and the technical features that are involved and help out in the training. Currently, you can see a lot of the red, its going to be pointing to the trails that are going to be close down. Im going to show to you, red at the top. Blue ive ridden a couple of times. A lot of the red, is something ive ridden a lot. And a lot. So mainly this section, we can zoom in on, this is mclaren park. You can see ive ridden every trail in the park. I like the park the way it is. I am for paved paths improvement the all the other trails do not need be widened. I run into people all the time, kids, parents with kids, i help activate these kids in skill sets. Im here to help people. I love the training that i do in the park and i like the park the way it is, please dont change too many things in the park as they are. Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to make Public Comment . Being none, Public Comment is closed. President buell thank you, commissioner anderson. Commissioner anderson with respect to how the money is spent on trail improvement, i believe that melinda from the rec and Park Department made it clear this was about approving expenditures, but that it would return to use in terms of what the trails are going to look like, whether some are going to be closed or not, widened or not, could we have a little more color commentary on that, melinda and dawn . Sorry, didnt mean to pick one or the other. Commissioners, that is correct, so the trails Improvement Project will come back to the commission for Concept Design approval. And we have committed at a site walk that we did with about a dozen community stakeholders, many of whom are in the room today, as well as in a written fact sheet and email, that we would have additional Public Notice Community Meeting before we finalize the Concept Design and likely a site walk. It turns out with the roads and topography its easier to understand the site at the park than looking at the maps. Commissioner anderson its not a foregone conclusion what is going on with the trails specifically, and youve been here listening to the Public Comment and youre going to take the consideration into mind and have more Community Input . Thats correct. And i wanted to mention we had three focus Group Outreach event for the trail. We had a site walk with over 50 people attending. We had a first workshop in april with 40 people. And workshop in june with 3040 people. And we did show the four priority project areas and similar item scope and they were well supported at that time. Commissioner anderson thank you. That was my first question. The other question i have is to confirm or dispel concerns about whether, not the bond money is being spent appropriately . I saw a photocopy of a column and i want to address concerns. Absolutely, commissioner, im happy to do that. Just a little bit of history is helpful. The 2008 bond program, so the one that precedes this, there was a Trail Program and at that time the trails program was restricted, exclusively to natural areas. With the intent of promoting access and also helping to improve access and restore habitat. And it was explicitly focused on the Natural Area Program. As we implemented the program and went into 2012, we got a lot of good feedback, how it was it would restrictive and proved to be divisive. What we did in 2012, we have a trails program, it is described as being for trails, paths and overall connectivity in Golden Gate Park and mclaren, where the 2008 plan was at ma 2008 plan wd focus on the natural areas. It does not specify at the ordinance level what the split of the 4 million for trails should be, but only that the 4 million should be spent between Golden Gate Park and mclaren park. I worked the city during the write of the language. The section title is trails. Its not sidewalks, its not about roads. Its to promote a cohesive coherent trails network and many of our trail sections do include a mix of earthen trails and then asphalt keckers. And connectors and maybe sending someone on a sidewalk or street. The peaks to creek trail through glen canyon works similarly. Thats why we brought in the language. It is not limited to the natural areas program, but just to mclaren and Golden Gate Park. Now, the mclaren funding, the ordinance also says 10 million for mclaren park including all the kinds of normal improvements you might want to see at a park. But we do have a bond report that came to the commission as well as the board of supervisors, was approved by all bodies and we used the bond support how to implement the ordinance. So nothing in the bond report is in conflict with the ordinance, but it provides more detail, including things likes allocating 1. 5 million of the 10 million in mclaren for natural features. And thats really important. Its not natural areas. Its for natural features and habitat restoration. Whether its in the Natural Area Program or not. The four Priority Areas weve identified today, kind of zig and zag through the area. There are some areas in the program, some outside of it. The focus is on increasing access to nature, not limiting the expenditure of funds to only improving the natural areas program. That bond report also specifies this process happened. It outlines the entire process for the Community Opportunity fund. It set up the letsplaysf Playground Task force. So the characterization that the bond report doesnt matter, is especially its frustrating for me, because weve certainly spent a lot of time trying to follow it closely and i think weve relied on it as policy guidance, not just the commission, but the board of supervisors when we returned to the document on what to do next and how to move forward with improvements. The trail money allocated in the ordinance must be spent on trails. We dont have an option not to spend the money. You could make argument about whether or not you wanted to allocate evenly between Golden Gate Park and mclaren. I dont know we want to do that. But that money is very clearly called out for trails. We dont have an option not to spend it at all. We have to spend it eventually. And i think weve done the most work that weve ever done to date in trying work a workable framework that strikes compromises. In addition again, i would say that the feedback we have right now, i think a lot of the tensions are around the path width, but so far, we have received good feedback and consistent feedback that the four Priority Areas outlined as the focus for this first set of investments, has received widespread support. That those are the four areas that it will make the most difference to improve. And our hope is that as we go through a planning process, we can walk through with folks on a fairly specific way. What the improvements would be that would make the most difference. Just to follow up with commissioner andersons question, is the expenditure of the 3. 5 million on the trail restoration in compliance with the 2012 bond ordinance . Yes, its in compliance. Thank you, ok. President buell commissioner mick mcdonnell. Commissioner mcdonnell on the Community Voices and the conclusion there was general acceptance of the four Priority Areas, more specifically was there general acceptance of the trails portion and elements, whether that was width, number of closures. What was the quote, unquote, Communit

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