Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171120

SFGTV Government Access Programming November 20, 2017

Theres been a strong desire to see improvements in the area. Sponsor has indicated that they will be responsible for maintenance and liability of the proposed improvements. Proposed improvements would consist of public works standard materials and maintenance covenant outlined as part of the encroachment permit and specific work will be established. The city is exploring a Community Facilities district to provide maintenance operations. The exact terms are being developed. If a cfd is established, funding could be generated by an annual tax agreed upon by all properties. The sponsor has committed to participating in a cfd to provide additional funding for maintenance and improvements in oak plaza the planning department, department of public works, department 7 real of real estate and City Attorneys Office has reviewed it and weve provided rounds of feedback. Placement of trees on the north sidewalk, improving loading and passenger dropoff has been improved. The plaza has been reviewed at discussed at numerous public meetings. In may of this year, cac passed a resolution supporting the impact fee waiver and any eligible administrative and project management costs as to be determined. The proposed plaza has been reviewed by the arts commission, who approve the Concept Design in november, 2015, and schematic design. The sponsor is presented the plaza to numerous organizations and agencies. Its received 37 letters in support of the plaza. We receive 17 additional letters and i have copies of those with me today. Theres been no comments in opposition. Staff finds that the plaza is in line with the citys objectives and Eligibility Criteria specified in the commissions policy on inkind agreements. Its been envisioned high density, public ground and improvement to support transit and walking and biking. It sites underutilized streets and rightofway to create new public parks and plazas. Oak plaza is identified in the hub plan. Per the criteria from the planning commissions 2010 policy, the plaza would qualify as a complete streets project, which is an eligible category for improvements. Its not yet been exhausted. The project presents opportunities for Community Improvements and would be timed to coincide with one oak. And would utilize designers and construction, crews already working on site. Given that oak plaza is consistent with the citys priorities, undergone outreach and generated positive responses, we recommend the approval of the fee waiver. I would like to read into the record a clerical error. The law girl is gibson dunn. I will turn the presentation over to the sponsor, who will present in more detail and i will be available for more questions following the presentation. Thank you. Project sponsor, welcome. You have 5 minutes. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im jared press, Program Manager at build public. Were an independent 501c3 nonprofit. Our mission is to create great public spaces for all through creative publicprivate partnerships, just such as this, and were excited about a number of projects coming down the pipeline. We hope to be back here soon. Before we talk about the design, we believe that great public open spaces require an informed communityinformed design process. And this has been nothing if not that. Outreach has been incredibly extensive and were thrilled by the opportunity to create a front porch for the hayes valley and Civic Center Cultural arts district. Let me pass it off to discuss design. Commissioners, michael yarny, build and build public. Great to be here today. I will speak fast so we get through this. Our design is a public living room, as jared mentioned. We hope its a front porch for the city center, hayes valley arts district. Our goal is to take one is probably the least attractive corner in the city and make it an inviting place that you want to spend time in. There are some constraints. I want to talk about them. Our design tried to enclose. Its 20 feet wide. That was the negotiation with the fire department. We have a great building to our north that the entire ground floor is leased for 20 years to an organization that doesnt want to have active retail. One of our designs was activating that northern edge. We had a lot of utilities and sub sidewalk vaults. So where we place trees and planters has been worked over for about two years. And, finally, we had to respect we proposed originally the lovely muni elevator be moved, but that will not happen immediately, so we redesigned housing around that elevator and made it into something attractive. Our neighbor just to the west, where that red triangle is, we worked closely with them to preserve their dropoff zone. So there were some constraints on the site, but i feel like our design worked we develop. I want to talk a tiny bit about activation and eyes on the plaza. One of the things is the four micro kiosks. It cannot be activated itself any time soon. So we turned it into an opportunity. We were inspired by these on the level are micro kiosks on trinity place. This is at bush and montgomery. Its a lovely alley. Pikes place market. Why is that there . This is a little mini public market. We want to attract retail that is local and special. Bose flowers, which is a legacy business, she will be moving her floral business into one of these micro kiosks. Theres a coffee vendor and talk about having a ticket vendor. Heres an image of what they look like. Theyre a modern, removable addition. And what we went up with the combination of the kiosks, but the lobbies, you have a lot of eyes on the plaza. You have a highly activated, safe place with lots of users. As jared alluded to, weve worked with organizations and the plaza is designed to have small events. They want their students to perform out here and have venues for what could be more well organized, including a full closure, where you could temporary close the street and have a largescale performance. These are some renderings of what that future space will look like. The bart and muni metro are here, so we wanted a place that you can arrive at and feel comfortable with. We have the slow street, northern portion of the plaza. You can see the muni elevator where the Market Street brick is and we have two kinetic wind sculptures that will be implemented hopefully when we begin construction on the power. This is a view looking down to the intersection. I think the point is here is the scale. Its a public living room. The micro kiosks on your left and here on your right you can see the sculpture. And wrapping up, this is the end, our beautiful night view. We hope to make this a very well lit, safe place. And that retail space will support eyes on the plaza. Were available for questions thank you for your patients. Ted olson for Public Comment. Welcome, ted. If others would like to speak, line up on the side of the room. President hillis, directors, as you remember, im a thirdgeneration san franciscan, on numerous planning policy committees. As ive mentioned to you before, this is an important civic intersection. And while neighborhood input from the cac, from neighbors themselves, the hub, are important, the importance of the location as well as that of the hub area itself, belongs to all San Francisco citizens, rather like all improvements, along the waterfront today. The director can attest that i say this at every waterfront meeting, the five mega developments belong to the city. Its appropriate to note that while many moved to the neighborhood have benefited from the substantial improvements to the area while visitors and cultural subscribers enjoy them primarily while visiting. I would like to ask you commissioners to meet with your colleagues at the mta to get them to develop that subway entrance at the same time following supervisor digonce policy. I compliment you for the superb outreach in which theyve gone above and beyond almost every developer ive met in the decade working on these committees and i hope you will help them, as the initial developer at this gateway corner to inspire others. I really believe that they can be an example to all future developers because of their outstanding record. They have met, ill note, all hub goals. And, therefore, i think they really qualify as build represents an incredible example for others to follow. Thank you, mr. Olson. Any other public speakers on this item . Seeing none. Well good to commissioner comments. Commissioner any commission comments . Commissioner fong . Commissioner fong i dont really have any comments. Weve been watching this project for a while and this waiver fee seems natural. It seems like its natural that we have a good start for this building. This one hopefully is the capper on it. So im supportive. Motion to approve . Commissioner moore . Commissioner moore we are obviously not at all familiar how numbers are compiled. Im reading the report and im trying to understand the outreach in Public Comment and a number in that report and the total by which you are explaining how the numbers ultimately evolve into a larger number and perhaps you could explain to the public including myself how that works. Sure. Are you referring to the slide here with a tally of our outreach . Commissioner moore yes. Weve had a number of engagement meetings with the city, with planning, with public works, and the arts commission, and m. T. A. Additionally, weve had a total of 87 Community Engagement meetings, meeting with various representatives of the public. Of those meetings, 39 of those, as a subset, were with cultural stake holders, sf jazz, conservatory of music. Of the 87 Community Engagement meetings, we had a total of 342 people attend those meetings. Does that clear up your question . Commissioner moore no. Im trying to figure out how the numbers layer themselves up from 1,952,000 to 2,180,000. Give us an idea in terms of how many years and escalation oh, not the participation numbers. The dollar amounts. Im sorry. We didnt understand. Im happy i think that staff can actually explain that. We also could, but i think its more appropriate that staff does. So as part of the inkind agreement, the requirement is to do two cost estimates. Those are both in the packet. It includes hard costs and soft costs, as well as project management costs and takes into account 5 escalation over three years. Commissioner moore i am generally in strong support that this is being done seamlessly, with the same kind of attention of actual and public disruption costs building these things together. In many cases, we have finished projects and public improvement that lag years and years behind. Its a look at how long it took to find Common Ground and implementation. The only question im asking is, will you see the project through . Theres been comments by yourself or others, and theres gossip in this city, that you may sell the project. And thats where were a little bit uncomfortable because we know what sometimes handing over projects to others means and doesnt mean. Yeah, i think the most important thing is its not our intent to sell the project, but i cannot say categorically that its not a possibility because we have investors. And as a local developer, we have to listen to our investors. That said, its our intent to develop the project ourselves. Also, and i think this is really important and not just our intent, but as i understand it, its a binding obligation. Even if it wasnt us, the fee waiver comes with the obligation to build out the improvements. And in the event that if we were unlikely and lost control of the project, which, again, is not what we expect, the future developer with have to build it out, the improvements, or they would have to forego the waiver and pay the remainder of the fees. Director, you may be able to confirm that. But i think thats the most important part, kathrin, excuse me, commissioner moore, that theres no way to avoid the obligation. Commissioner moore there is obligation where money is concerned and theres an obligation about quality and thats very strong in your company, including the nonprofit, which is the brainchild of your organization. So being on the receiving end of the public, im asking, will the public component stay with the nonprofit or would it be automatically then managed and be sold to somebody else as a monetary obligation. Its a manager and comes from private development. So the nonprofit serves as Development Manager and forprofit the funding source. So the good news, were Building Three of the projects that you recently improvement. 650 indiana. Hopefully all the commissioners have had a chance to see it. Were very proud of the quality and the finish. Were in the process of building 1532 harrison. We will be building 830 eddie as well. Its our intent to build this project. I also know that the level of Design Review the staff have undergone with this project in the unlikely event that we lose control of the project, it would be up to the planning staff to ensure the implementation the plaza that reflects the projects. Commissioner moore it goes back to the discussion that we had earlier. Weve poured our heart into this. We have supported it. And brought the citizenry along to support high quality at a place of transformation and im seriously concerned, and it has nothing to do with my supporting you, but im concerned that we continue to be unable to attach obligation to farreaching obligations that are being approved here today, including a quality building and place making. Mostly, as we all know, when projects get sold, and i will have to use the word flipping, because thats kind of as projects get sold, its very difficult to keep them committed to the high quality, including the exact implementation and time weve all spent on it. What do you suggest . Commissioner, with this particular aspect of the project, which is in the public environment, weve a very high level of control over the quality. Because its in the public rightofway. And our colleagues at the department of public works have been looking over our shoulder every minute of this process. The process of selling entitled projects is going on a lot right now. The market is driving that, as are Construction Costs. And we cant the best we can do, i think, and i dont we cant prevent anyone from selling their project. The challenge is that the Construction Costs are keeping the projects from being built and thats an unfortunate reality of where we are in the market right new. Having said all of that, this particular project, the quality of the plaza, i think, is something we have a high level of control over, no matter who the developer is, because much of it is in the rightofway. And mr. Yarny is right, with this agreement, you approve this today and it allows me to sign the agreement. That gives us a high level of control and its transferrable to any future owner as well. Commissioner fong . Commissioner fong thank you, commissioner moore, those are good questions and ones that i had as well and had a feeling, but wanted to be sure that theyre binding and stay with the project and the land, whoever is the ultimate owner. I will make a motion to approve. Second. Nothing further commissioners, theres a commission seconded to approve the matter. On that motion, commissioner fong . Aye. Johnson . Aye. Commissioner koppel . Aye. Submissioner moore . Aye. And commissioner megar. Aye. It is passes. This is on number 18. 1196 columbus avenue. Conditional use authorization. On september 28, 2017, after hearing and closing Public Comment, the Commission Adopted to disapprove and continue the matter. November 2, after hearing and closing Public Comment, commission continued the matter to november 16. Commissioner melgar, you were absent on the second hearing. You need to acknowledge that you have reviewed the materials. Commissioner melger thank you. The last time we continued this was to have a sevenmember commission. Since commissioner hillis is not in this chair, i will ask to take a 5minute recess, so if we vote we have Seven Members very good. Good evening. Welcome back to the San Francisco Public Planning Commission for thursday, november 16, 2017. We left off on item 18. 2014002849cua, 1196 columbus avenue. Im filling in. The item before you is a rick west for conditional use authorizization to establish a hotel use doing business as ac hotel by marriott, 1196 columbus avenue. The project proposes the demolition of a singlestory commercial building and construction a fourstory hotel with 75 rooms. There will be bullouts for pedestrian safety. Its been heard by the commission twice. September 28, it was continued to november 2 with motion of intent to disapprove. Vote was 33. Item was continued to todays hearing for a vote with the full commission. The project sponsor is here. Our recommendation Department Recommendation is for approval with conditions. And the project sponsor is here to make a presentation as well. Thank you. So weve heard this a couple of times. I dont think the facts have changed much, but well take a 2minute presentation from the project sponsor and then Public Comment for 1 minute. 2 minutes . 2 minutes. Good afternoon. Thank you for your time today. Throughout the process, our project has been simple, be a Good Neighbor while executing our plan. Weve addressed issues, particularly the change to a more appropriate hotel brand. Today as i stand before you, im without any certainty for the grounds of denial of the project. Previous comments included land use and design. We fall in the c2 zone. Three months ago, a hotel was approved that was an apartment that burned down. Our project site has never been residential. And that hotel cup was approved, despite no labor Union Support and Significant Community opposition. We have garnered support. Were happy to report that as of yesterday, we reached a formal agreement to create a longlasting partnership with the organization. Its also been said that bay street is a dividing line thats not true. Other commercial uses exist to the south of bay street. I believe that

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