Transcripts For SFGTV CCII 81815 20240622 :

SFGTV CCII 81815 June 22, 2024

Extension of the present Artist Community of nearly 300 artist there today. On this illustration you see the 7 buildings that artist are in. Approximately half of the artist in building 101 which is the building that is retained and the other half of the artist are in several buildings on partial b which is sth next partial of development. All existing buildings [inaudible] to make room for future housing and the artist with studio space will be accommodated to be constructed new Artist Studio building next to building 101. On thislide you can see the location of the future artist building next to the existing building 101. If you look that existing conditions of the site you see the new artist building will be relocated where building 110 currently is and therefore it requires the [inaudible] building 110 has several stud wroe spaces in the past but all the artist have been accommodated in vacant buildsings and others until the replacement studios are ready. The only remaining building is [inaudible] commercial kipen operator on the shipyard for many many year jz whos client base include 60 Small Businesses who use their facility to prepare their products. [inaudible] is treated as part of the Artist Community for location purposes and will be in the replacement kitchen located at the other end of building 101felt also replacement facilities are constructed by lunar in fulfillment of phase 2 [inaudible] requires all artist and [inaudible] all shipyard tenant be rolocated on site and not require today leave the shipyard. The dda also requires that relocation efforts allow for a smooth transition for the artist specifically allowing as many artist as possible to remain in their studios until the new artist building is available so allowing them to move directly. In the event that interim facilities are required the dda suggested [inaudible] current approach to rolocating is in full compliance. All artist in 104, [inaudible] without any interim accommodation squz all the building 110 artist have been temporarily accommodated, most in building 101 but retain the right tooz move into the new artist building. Also the commercial kipen is relocated in their separate relacement kitchen so we are in full compliance of all the requirements that were outlined in the dda. In addition to the great benefits that are provided by lunar, there are certain legal requirements that apply to relocation that occur as a result of projects that receive public funding as is the case. For the shipyard relocation, we have 2 legal frameworks, one is dda is the other is the federal uniform location [inaudible] ill refer to both of these laws collectively as relocation law. Relocation law calls out Certain Services [inaudible] also includes other notices such as notice of eligibility, notice to vacate, they are all required under rolocation law to make sure tenants effected by rolocation are kept informed. Rolocation law also calls out Advisory Services and moving expenses and appeals process through which the agreements can be addressed. All of this has been addressed in the relocation plan. Relocation planning started several years ago when we hired [inaudible] opc started with a survey of the existing facilities to inform linars [inaudible] started designing the buildings and [inaudible] with extensive input from the Artist Community and the scumatic design if the kitchen were approved in 2014 and the replacement Artist Studio were approved in may of 2014. At the time oof the design approval we informed the commission that a handful of artist may experience Financial Difficulties transitioning from the old space to the new space because of rent increase and [inaudible] to date [inaudible] raised 10 thousand dollars for the artist fund. There will be potential additional benefit frz some of these artist if they qualify as a sknz ill talk to that in more detail. There were u78 numerous check ins with the artist. H mostly in the form of artist meetings or workshops at the shipyard. [inaudible] also have regular check ins with [inaudible] the next step in the chain of relocation is the release of the draft relocation plan. [inaudible] june 2 to announce the june 3 plan release. [inaudible] 30 day Public Comment period in accordance with relocation law and in order to make it easiest for the artist to get answers for the questions [inaudible] june 11 at the shipyard where opc answered all the questions the artist had. Those questions as well as additional questions received in writing by the july 3 deadline are included in the final version of the relocation plan you have before you today and those questions and answers are included in attachment 5. I want to highlight the most important elementoffs the relocation plan. For example the plan establishes eligibility date for relocation assistance. The agreement would be june 2010 which is within the dda was executed but because there was turn over befween then and the relacement studio design that fs customize frd the artist at the shipyard at that point recollect oci extended the date to may 20, 20s 14 which is the date the replacement studio Building Design was approved. The relocation plan points out the [inaudible] begins with receiving notice of eligibility. [inaudible] artist who leave voluntarily not connected to the future relocation or development on the shipyard prior to receiving a notice of eligibility are giving up their space and relatement studio build{they are informed by the landlord before they move out. The relocation plan outlines [inaudible] which includes being available to answer questions, distributed information [inaudible] relfs to offset replacement spaces which is only needed if a artist decides to move off site. In that case they will still be eligible for relocation benefits to move into another studio, not the relacement building t is the artist choice to do that. As part of the Advisory Service the relocation consultant will be planning the actual move logistics. The relocation plan describes benefits that are available for artist and for the commercial kitchen [inaudible] oci will hire movers and will move the artist positions from the current build toog the new. If artist take advantage of that they will not incur out of pocket expenses. They have the choice to either conduct a self move or hire their own mover or specially mover in which case they go through the regular relocation benefits process which means submitted reimbursement. Businesses are eligible for additional benefits which are required to reestablish [inaudible] the expenses in the reestablishment category can total up to 25 thousand dollars and include increased rent cost for up to 2 years. So, as i mentioned before there are a hand full of artist who may experience financial heartship moving from the currents to the new space and some of them will qualify as businesses. If that is the case then the first 2 years of expenses or increased rent expenses will be covered through the relowication budge squt the funds that [inaudible] will kick in after year 2. In order to qualify as a business certain documents need to be provided including a business license and tax returns that show the business contributes to the income of the business, owner and opc will collect all this information to inform us which artist will qualify as a business and receive additional benefits. In addition to our request that the xhilsh approve the plan recollect we request approval of the process used to assign studios. The process is facilitated by star [inaudible] ill ask marty mu key who is kars president to speak to that process. Good afternoon commissioners. Marty mu key for shipyard trust to the arts. Just one correction rsh we have 15 thousand in our artist [inaudible] for had first year we have 2 year tooz fund raise covering the first year of the move for the artist at the new rent jaet the fund now is at 15 thousand dollars. The studio reassignment frauz, shipyard trust to the arts is operating as subcontractor to opc and wree pleased that we were brought into incorporated into this part thorf process because it is a place the artist have a say in their future. They are losing studios and paying more rent but at least they get they are losing their studios and paying more rent but at least they get a chance to paraticipate in where they end up in the new build{to many artist that is a big deal. So, basically there is 140 artist moving into 130 studios. Beyond the question of a doubt it is like herding cats to get this accomplished. We tried to design something simple and straight forward. The mechanism is the studio sizes are broken into Cluster Groups. For example, if you want a studio of 250 square feet you would fall into a group of other artist who want a similar studio and your group has a range of say 230260 and that is the Cluster Group. There are approximately 12 Cluster Group of the 140 artist and there are some excluded because of specially activities that we are doing so lets say there are 12 Cluster Groups of 120 artist, and what we are planning to do is bring those artist that we set up meetings and bring the artist together and showing them the model that lunar built of the new artist building and also we have documentation from ibi who is lunars architect so artist can look at the plan jz the model to tell exactly what studios are available in their group and then well let them sit down and talk to each other. If they can determine among themselves who wants what studio, then they pick their studio, if everyone agrees they sign a document and at the end of the day they get a studio they want. We hope they can reach a consensus. If they cant well use their siniority date and start oldest to newest and oldest picks first thmpt only alternative is have ocii say you are going in this space and you are going in this space. I feel this process gives some pow er to the artist, so that is it in a nut shell. It is very straight forward. For the Group Meetings we require 75 percent of the artist in the cluster are present fl the meeting. The issue was brought to the artist and voted by the artist, it wasnt a mandate set by star. We asked do you want the whole cluster to be there or are you willing to have 75 percent. We are willing to have aortartist represent them if they cant be there. We feel we have done everything we can to bring them into the process so they can choose and hope it goes by consensus. That is it in a nut shell. Questions . Thank you marty for describing the process. The first tenants to move is the nob [inaudible]. They will be relocated into the replacement kitchen as soon as the building is constructed. Most of the Kitchen Equipment will be new to allow for a transition with minimal business interruption. We recognize the number of Small Businesses that rely on [inaudible] will be impacted and we are working hard to insure any description will be as short as possible. Ocii lunar and [inaudible] has also commenced lease negotiations [inaudible] to insure [inaudible] continued success at the shipyard. And nob nab is a business and eligible to receive the rent off the payment up to 25 thousand as mentioned earlier. In a Chronological Order the next step is the following, [inaudible] receive a notice of eligibility and a 90 day notice to vacate with a november move date. Closer to the move, [inaudible] also receive as 30 day notice to haveicate which will have the same move date or adjusted date. Can only be a later date. As soon as the kitchen is complete lunar hires movers to rolocate the business. Lunar is open to a phased move [inaudible] inconvenient [inaudible] muchbed out of building 110, the building will be demaunshed to make room for the relacement Artist Studio building. For the artists, the next activ ty will be studio assignments. That will happen this year or it will start this year and then next year lunar will be buzzy constructing the relacement studio building and oci will continue to refine Management Structure for the artist complex. As soon as the building is completed which is expected to be in early 2017 the artist can move into the new building. This concludes my presentation and im available for questions. Thank you. Dwoo ehave any speaker cards . I do have one speaker card, mr. Scott madison. Yes, to the secretary. Good afternoon commissioners president loro rosales [inaudible] Scott Madison from [inaudible] here to say we support the adoption of relocation plan for the artist and eccollectic cookery. We cumind lunar team for involving and respond toog the design process over several years. Lunar [inaudible] seemless transfrigz us and our customers is greatly appreciated. The cookly opened in building 110 in 1984. We are the olds est largest food [inaudible] hundreds of businesses have begin in our facilities but we do not provide formal Technical Support but devote a great deal of time to prospect squz clients. [inaudible] running our own and make relfs to service providesers. We aim to retain clineants and help them succeed. Our pricing can be lower than lakachina. For customers with good prospects who have hit a rough patch we offer payment plans. We sometimes cancel debts. [inaudible] we look forward to having a beautiful new facilities but worried such good fortune may be the end of us. Our future and that of the clients are dependent on lease terms. [inaudible] as as is well known current shipyard rent is reasonable. We expect the rent to increase substantially. We do not now pay rent on common areas in 110. On the new kitchen we will pay ren on the entire building. We dont pay property taxes and [inaudible] maintenance is the landlereds responsibility. We may become responsible for that. The new facility is smaller than present. We worry paying higher rent for square foot adding taxes, insurance and 100 percent of maintenance with reduced income generating space will jeopardize our business. Our client operate on tight margins and the fees are effected by our rent. With so few businesses like [inaudible] most client price [inaudible] also operating on tight margins losing client could kill our business. [inaudible] provides a unique service and industry with minimal barriers other than finding a place to work. We ask for the commissions support for lease terms that allow [inaudible] in San Francisco. Thank you. What i handed out is information about the cookery operation and services for our clients and so on next i have marty mickey. Thank you. Marty mickey wither shatyard trust to the arts. I want to address 2 different issues than the studio relocation. First of all, i want to thank ocii management and staff and the staffer that is no longer here for including the artist in this process in a significant way. It has made a big 2ci6erance in a transition that the artist are lucky they are not losing their space, it is great rent but it is a change and more rent and inclusion of the artist has made it go much smootherment we hope as the Management Agreement gets under discussion we will be very much a part of that as we intend to submit a proposal with the founders. Secondly, the shipyard trust to had arts supports the cookery as part of the entire arts shipyard arts complex. We understand it is different business model, but the artist are receiving rents base ond the cost of sustaining the building, many of those artist are businesses and some are hobbyist or whatever, but Scott Madisons business, the only reason we are here today is because Scott Madison started shipyard trust to had arts many years ago as a advaes organization to save Small Business squz artist. The artist will be okay. Between subsidies we a able to rent and the fact is t is below market rent i think the artist will make it but want to make sure scott is a part of the community and make sure his business continues on and the clientele they serve that is so important. Thank you. Thank you. Caryn slater. Caryn slatejure also on the star board. I had a studio at the shipyard since i think 1997 and i have been following and involved in the reDevelopment Process for more than 10 years. I want to recognize the exceptional actions that have come about to preserve the affordable studio space for artist at the shipyard. It is extraordinary thing the city of San Francisco Redevelopment Agency has done for the long term cultural and economic benefit of San Francisco really. A lot of that is a result of the perseverance of individuals at the shipyard as well as city staffers over the years, redevelopment staffers and especially have to talk about scott because high served on the cac board for more than 20 years dedicating personal time to insure the studios and businesses remain. The nob many Small Businesses and the production from current high rents in San Francisco is so important to maintain and i believe that was anticipated and recognized in all the agreements that were made with lunar and the city that the rents needed to remain below market in order to continue this community, which brings a lot to San Francisco. We hope both the artist and cooks can rely on the process to provide fair replacement spaces at reasonable rents as everybody has agreed to in all the documents that were approved. Thank you. Thank you. James gleesen. Good afternoon commission. My name is james gleezen and artist from parcel b. I just like to say that im very grateful to occi as well as lunar for the relocation plan. The meetings were very clear and informative and kept the artist informed as to what was going on. Also the new studio assignment, im grateful we are not being displaced in a time when a lot of artist are. Besides an accommodation that you provided for the move for the artist, there was also really really clea

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