Transcripts For SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 81115 2024

SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 81115 June 22, 2024

The office of aging. And want to bring to your attention upcoming Diabetes Program that the Senior Center is helping they have always scheduled and we have sent this information out and shared with daas contractors and the network. We wanted to let you know if you want to pass it on and share with your friends and network. I have hard copies on the table and you would like electronic copies, i can share with bridget and share with you. Hearing no other Public Comments, can i have a motion to adjourn. So moved. Second. Its moved and second that we adjourn the meeting. Thank you. Meeting adjourned. [gavel] good afternoon, i woul tacall to order the regular meeting of San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Today is tuesday august 11, 2015. Roll call, please president cane, here. Commissioner courtney, here. Commissioner kwon, here. Commissioner moran, here. Commissioner [inaudible]. Before you you have the minutes of july 28, 2015. Any corrections . Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none ill call fl vote. All in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. At this time im going to call for the Public Comments of any item not on todays agenda. Have any speakers today . Okay, moving on to the next item item 5 is communications. Commissioners any comments . I do have one speaker on item 5 d. Christine hanson. Could you come forward, please . I have 2. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is Christine Hanson and im speaking to you today as a member of the save ccsf coalition. I would thrike address the Real Estate Service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the Mayors Office to [inaudible] Housing Development at the bal bola reservoir. It is claimed on one end by the sfpuc and on the onet end city college is in deed still one parcel. The u. S. And history has been intertwined between ccsf and the Water Department for decades rchlt i document written by joans and stokes entitled common sequa mistakes [inaudible] to declare a parking lot full of car suhr plus is to [inaudible] with the common sequa mistake. When trying to assess the needs of the nearest neighbor, ccsf, youre dealing now with the changing state imposed administration that sspuc is resting on the word of Public Officials who guven the school when no public input was allowed. The current board of trustee meet rgz not video taped or broadcats to the community. How can you know the impacts of housing will be on the school. Another common sequa mistake noted by jones and stokes is failure to account for past, present and for seeable projects. This is a perfect discrepgz of Performing Arts Center slate frd the riz vore that the school has spent 22 Million Dollars in preparation to brildbuild. No mention of the project exists in the planning dwuments thus far. That project replaces the school odd torium raised in 195 saechb to build the current reservoir. As i said, city college and sfpuc are instwineed on the rez ver. The history is entwined and now the state of city college is grim and to base your development on the word of Public Officials that are not necessarily a part of the College Community is messy. Thank you. Thank you, very much. Any other comments from general public . Seeing none, the next item is other Commission Business. Other Commission Business. Adoption of resolution and supportf nominationf Kathleen Tiegs as president of association of California Water agency for the 2016, 17 term acwa is the Industry Association for public water agencies in california. In the last couple decades it started out as a aggregate District Agency over the last several decades it has done a good job i think och representing the state more evenly. It has also done a good job of trying to address californias major issues in a thoughtful and methodical and balanced way. It is the tradition to have the president of the board alter nailt between northern and southern california. The current term the president is john colman from east bay mud and in the next term it would naturally fall to southern california. Kathleen has been active in aqua since 2008. She is from cock monga water agency and my experience of her is she is thoughtful and approachable and very effective. She has spent the last term as Vice President and will be the nominee for president of the coming year, so i think her presidency would be very positive and it would be my pleasure to move our support of her for that position. Ill second that motion. Um, any other discussion, comments . Any Public Comments . All those in favor of the resolution . Aye. All those opposed . The motion carries. Any other Commission Business . Moving on to the next item, please. Item 7 is report of the general manager good afternoon commissioners. First would like to start off with the drought update. Steve, Ritchie Steve ritchie general manager for water. If we can have the slides. Well look at where we are in the drought. Some are familiar, the first is level of storage in the reservoirs and hetch hetchy is 88 percent full but that is dropping now. Water bank is above 100 thousand feed at 18 percent full so we are going through a relatively normal cycle now, hetch hetchy going down. We cant fill water bank as much in the past because there isnt enough water in cherry lake to do that so will look forward to hopefully a well winter. I havethis is state department of Water Resources puts out all the states reservoirs and major reservoirs and this continues to show. They are quite low, particularly [inaudible] is at 14 percent of capacity and there is controversy about how much water should be retained behind it versus released during the summer. [inaudible] which is merced irrigation is down 10 percent of capacity so it is extremely low now and don pedrois a third ow capacity. Precipitation, oddly nch in the last several weeks we continue to have more precipitation than normally. The month of june we had 4 times more than we usually get in the month of july. That number continues to creep up on the water year. As far as demand, our customers continue to do well. Of the 15 lowest percapita users in the bay area are [inaudible] all doing a great job and think you hear more from that when [inaudible] speaks on behalf of baus cu. Total demand picture, again we are below the level last year and well below the level we need to achieve to comply with state water boards requirements. It bumped up because we had heat and started to drop in the last week so we continue to do well on overall system demand. I would like to talk about state water board cur patement action and focus on june 30 is when we received a notice to [inaudible] points of diverse including [inaudible] july 6 we responded in the point of diversion not subject to state board notice and havent herd more from the state board after that correspondence. By the end of the week [inaudible] don pedro[inaudible] should exceed the natural flow of the [inaudible] river which is what the state board is measure success is maintaining the flow. I included a diagram which is different than what we have seen before. It shows the flow in cubic feet per second on the left acsss and the month along the bottom thmpt blue line is the full natural flow of the river if it weent diverted by us or the irrigation districts, so you see as the year has progress ed and run off flows, that lines coming down, the blue line. During the month of july it jumped around. It is movingwhat we typically do is go down close to zero below the yellow line. Because we had the precipitation it stretched out longer than usual. The red line is our release into the river. You see them coming down towards july and there is a bump in july as we start to generate more at home and put water in the water bank. We are releasing a fair amount of water in the water bank. The yellow line at the bottom is what is coming out of don pedroand that is about 100 cubic feet per second, 50 we volen tearly we wut in the river. The difference between the yellow and red line is what is going in the water bank so that is where that is important at this time of year that we are generating and the water we release is for our purmshsism we have a bump up with the ecpectation it will dry out and the blue line will dip into the yellow line so the release out of don pedrow will go into the system more than what the river puts there itself. At that point the question is a mute question because there is more water in the river than would already be there. The key thing to note is [inaudible] the water bank, that water the district holds so whatever we were told to do by the state water board is irrelevant because it is under control of the irrigation district. You can see the dealter. There is a lot in there but the basic message is the river is above the full natural flow level in 3 or 4 days and unless we get storms [inaudible] whautd are the next steps if the state water board comes back and they assert the opposite that is within their rights to restrict, what is our next step . It is a legal matter but the message is there is more water in the river so it doesnt matter. Legally we disagree with you and if we state that that is apologist choice to make. Can we continue our operations and await legal action . We continue operations because there is more water in the river than would normally be there so they have no basis to tell us to do anything. Thank you. Thank you. So the next update is cca. Barbara hale. Good afternoon commissioners. Barbara hale. I have a number of items to update you on. Lots of activity over the last couple weeks. August 3, mayor lee and some visor breed z mar introduced a resolution reaforming approval of the updateed implementation plan. That is the plan you adopted on july 14 and staff submit today the california Public Utilities commission for certification so it is now before the government audit and oversight committee. We have also been spending time on the 2 measures, ballot measures scheduled to peer on San Francisco november ballot. July 31, the supervisors held a special meeting of the board and at that meeting they modified the measure that supervisor breed had initiated in a manner that won over the support of the International Brotherhood of electrical workers. They will campaign for the supervisors measure and against the measure they had submit frd the ballot. The Ballot Simplification Committee convenes to draft the ballot digist and we staff activety participated in that effort and we are confident there will be a clear z accurate description of the measures cument composed for the voters. Today we published the anticipated request for offer to sploi energy to clean power sf program. We asked suppliers to submit bids to sploi the prac with 30 mega watts of electricity at launch with the opportunity to increase to 50 mega watts over the 6 month period. We asked them to provide firmed and shaped energy, so renewable and conventional power. We asked them to provide california renewable portfolio standard eligible bundled Renewable Energy. That is what is common referred to the bucket one energy, the more premium renewable lickticity product. We asked them to commit to pricing and deliveries starting marf 1 and continuing for 3 to 5 year. We told the sploiers we have a preference for projects in california and Even Stronger preference in the 9 bay area counties. That is our effort to get california project squz projects within the San Francisco region. We anticipate the program will serve residential and commercial customers ranging from 20 thousand to 70 thousand accounts. Are there questions on this item . The change of heart from ivw, was there an agreement . [inaudible] measure expressedat the root was kench that the San Francisco clean power sf program would rely on unbundled Renewable Energy credits and not have much of a economic incentive to develop and build projects, right . So, that was sort of at the root of their concern about the program. The board sponsored measure expressed concern about too heavy reliance on non Renewable Power on pg es sides oof the house and would require the department of environment to notify customers of the content of the power that pg e was supplying and making mention of the nuclear conitant. I understand that emphasis on disclose thg nuclear content was what was troubleicing. What the modifications did that brought all the parties together is eliminate the Nuclear Description requirements in the supervisors measure, requires the program that we implement at launch to rely onto not rely on unbundled Renewable Energy credits to a degree greater than allowed by state law. It met the ibew interest with the positive statement and by dropping the requirements to disclose the nuclear content in pg es power supply got them comfortable and support the measure no conversation about jobs or prevailing wages or nothing like that . Only on description . Those items do not appear in the ballot measure, no. Thats not to say there wasnt conversations about it, butthat is part of the interest ibw is bringing to the table is interest in jobs but neither measure spoke to jobs as they were initially drafted thank you today we have a action item on the agenda you mentioned that the anticipateation is cca goes out to residential and commercial custers and the Business Plan last meeting, we talked about the need to serve full serve commercial customers. Is one part of hetchy going to be in competition with cca or how does that relationship work . You know, i think there is potential for that competition. I think for the municipal. The public owned utility power, the bundleed power we supply, not all customers are Cost Effective to serve because of the Distribution System investments that need to be made. We are hoping we will be able to identify customers interested in receiving service from the city and identify those where it is most Cost Effective for them to be a cca customer or a publicly owned utility customer. We hope in the dialogue with the customer we will be able to best place them within the options of service from San Francisco. Thank you. Okay, so the next item i want to report on is the fact that we are going to be asking you today to act on a contract for the selection of the back Office Services provider for the cca program. Were asking you to award ongrument to noble amare cs to provide the administrative and Customer Services for the clean power sf program. Nobodyal amare cs would provide the meter data management, billing and Customer Care services. They will manage our customer enrollment process, tracking the customers who are opting out and establishing procedures and exchanging information about customer requests for pg e. Noble mare cs is a qualified provider and are providing to amu ren and sonoma and their cca programs. The action would amount to a contract not to exceed 5. 6 Million Dollars over the 3 year term and end in october of 2018. Under the contract noble will recover all costs by charging a per active meter fee for each month and in that way we wont incur any cost under the contract until we have customers. So youll have a opportunity to vote on that today as a regular agenda item. And then i wanted to put up our usual milestones slide. I have it on the overhead projector if we can get that up. Thank you. Im going to kind of try to focus it on the items that have changed. So you see we have listed today august 11, as the issue date for the request for offer, that is the first red item. We had target august 3, it is august 11 and we are a little late but none of the other schedule items are effected by that. I mentioned that today we have before you on the regular agenda are equest to execute the back office and Customer Care contract. I dont know how we missed this after presenting this so many times but listing sept29 where we precent the analysis. Im showing the next meeting date therewe will have that reflected properly in the future milestone charts. That concludes the update. We are still on track and moving ahead. Thank you. Thank you. Is there a couple comments . I know you would be here. Jason freed. I want to thank staff for doing a excellent job. I have in my hands the rfo for power pure cure want released today. Thank you fl hard work. I know this was more difficult than anticipated in getting done and they are able to figure how to get the calendar to work in a way that it is going out a few days later, they get back on track through the rest of the process so think that goes a lot to stay the staff and dissever congratuless on that. The timelinel just presented is the moving september 29 to october 13, i get why that occurs. We have started discussion about a joint meeting so if we get the meeting scheduled you could potentially move that item to the joint meeting and have approval of the risk analysis of whatever you are going to approve on that date. You can approve du

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