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Third part of this law, because the tenant is occupying a unit not authorized for residency. This part of the ordinance posed a big safety risk to the tenant. If an inlaw is illegal, its most likely due to safety problems. Therefore, by not allowing those owners to evict the tenants and if the tenant decides to stay, they will live in a dangerous environment. If this ordinance passed, it will allow the people staying in their illegal units. The process of legalizing i think it should be an option of owners choice. Overall, i think the ordinance has good intentions, but there should be a better way to support the course. Today we heard so many stories and i think we need to set some laws that could balance both tenants and the landlords. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is jim. Im a small Property Owner. I came here as a teenager with 10 in my pocket and paid myself through college and now i have a job that i can afford to support myself. The problem is that i saved my money. It took me ten years to pay my college loan and another ten years to put money down for my house. Now i manage and support myself with that money and all that, but this law is onesided and its going to make the landlords job very difficult. A few years back you changed the law so we had to pay for parking spaces. I know the same board, most of the people on the panel here agreed on putting tax on top of property tax we have to pay for parking fee and Business Registration and renting out a parking space. To make this law, it will make it very difficult. We already pay enough taxes and trying to keep up with it. It would be very expensive for us to upkeep the building so its nicely habitable and safe for everybody. Thanks. Thank you. Next speaker. Translator i oppose this i demand our city to also consider homeowners. Property tax go up. Why our rent cannot be up . This year property taxes went up a lot. We cannot afford the property tax. We need to get equivalent increases. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, supervisors. My name is im a small Property Owner in San Francisco. I say no to this law. In San Francisco, bad tenants are much more than the bad landlords. How come supervisor dont make the law for the bad tenants . When the tenant move on without cleaning or paying the water bill, the owner those pay for them. The other counties dont have that requirement. [speaker not understood] the owner spends 500 to 1,000 to trim the tree each time. All small Property Owners are working hard for their mortgage and property taxes. Some work two, three jobs and dont qualify for ssi, only tenants can. Dont touch this law. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. . Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is sonya and im a small Property Owner. Today, the small Property Owner are attending this public hearing because the small Property Owner makes money to pay for the property and the house we pay. When the Housing Market Less Properties on the market, you know why . Because of the ridiculous law scares Property Owners. They are afraid they have pay their own money to hire the lawyer, but tenants have free lawyers to help them. It makes the citys housing crisis worse and worse. We pay for the bonds and everything, but we dont have any right. The rentcontrol make the tenants if they are trouble, they can get a lot of money from the small Property Owner. You know, in San Francisco, enough with this ridiculous rentcontrol law. Next speaker. My name is tom ray. Im a native san franciscan. I live in the mission district. I encourage the supervisors to pass the eviction protections 2. 0 ordinance. Many San Francisco tenants have been living in their homes for years with no complaints from their landlords. Now peoples homes and apartments have been turned into investment properties, not homes. Because of marketrate greed. What was acceptable in the past by landlords and Property Managers have been turned into frivolous complaints to evict tenants in order to make an obscene profit during the current goldrush real estate and property boom in San Francisco. My friend rented a place in Haight Ashbury and has been there over 25 years and the landlord really harassed everybody else out and the people upstairs are paying 5000 a month rent. So this greed is becoming a virus in this city. I mean, i can feel for the small Property Owners, but these big Property Owners are buying the small Property Owners and this is a problem. This is a big problem. This whole greed factor from Big Developers and wall street. So i think this ordinance is a good start and it helps create a more far, due process for evictions. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker phoning, please. Good afternoon, i am a small Property Owner. [speaker not understood] thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I didnt think it was possible, but to drive a bigger wedge between landlords and tenants this legislation does it. First of all, your numbers, you can cherrypick five years ago. If you want to show an accurate picture, show all of the numbers. I appreciate all of the human relation stories that running back espoused. Just from one from the other side, i must be the best landlord in the city, because i have a tenant that own a 9unit building a block from the Fairmount Hotel who prefers to live in my building rather than hers. If you want to do something creative to the rentcontrol ordinance, which has been changed hundreds of times, and by the way, stakeholders, Property Owners, do not understand the full ramifications until they actually this stuff hits them in the face. Hundreds of times have been changed since 1979, including when it was first passed. Four units or less werent even in the ordinance. So it changes. It changes over time this. Is bad law. Its bad precedence. If you want to do something creative, why dont we meanstest everybody . So Everybody Knows what were getting . And we help the people that need the help, and to tell you the truth, it looks to me like if we tagteam tenants from google, were going to have people in these apartments for decades. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Im here today because im concerned that this legislation will hurt both tenants and landlords and make the housing problem even worse. First the legislation regarding irl legal inlaws punish and scare away from those who encourage inlaw rentals that the city needs. There are nonrentcontroled single homes in the city, but the threat of any rentcontrol will scare away further develops of inlaws. Second i hope our elected officials and elected leaders keep a balanced view and protect right of both tenants and landlords. It seems very popular and easy to vilify landlords, but please remember that the small landlords are also regular middleclass people. They are retired teachers plumbers and nurses that somehow even in the 80s about Interest Rates were 1516 , they managed to keep their homes. The current eviction process exists to protect both tenants and landlords and this bad legislation ensures that if the landlord follows the law and goes through the court process, and wins the eviction case, he or she will still be punished with rentcontrol. Finally, we live in one of the worlds most exciting and innovative and Creative Cities , but sadly our rental laws and building codes and ideas have remained stagnant. Why is it donald trump and bill gates decided to move to a twobedroom apartment in the richmond, they could still benefit from rentcontrol . We need Better Regulation s to protect both tenants and landlords. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is Howard Epstein and im the Vice President of the small Property Owners of San Francisco. And were here to oppose this bad law. A couple of things that havent been mentioned i dont want to go over everything that has been mentioned last hour or so, but something that hasnt been mentioned is the fact when people sign leases, leases are, in fact, contracts. And according to this legislation, it says contracts are no good in San Francisco. If you say were going to have two people move in, and you cant have anybody else, and you consenting adults sign the lease, this says that is no good. You can move anybody else in you want. Some of the other ramifications are, again somebody earlier mentioned the number of vacancybychoice units. This will skyrocket that number, because we, the landlords and i have been a small Property Owner it will be 30 years in december and im getting about fed up with all of this. As it keeps coming in and coming in and coming in. The people are not going to take it anymore, and that will happen, but more than that, as i mentioned before, the contracts are no good. Attorneys are going to have a field day with this. Suing the city, and the city is going to pay their legal charges afterwards because any court in the world that looks that the is going to say its illegal. Thank for your time. This legislation or ordinance actually we have rentcontrol ordinance as it is. I am not against limiting increases in rentcontrol to a reasonable amount. I am not a greedy landlord, but this seems to punish small Property Owners that are good landlords because of the few bad ones and i totally sympathize with all of the cases that came up today, and the landlords that just bugged the people and harassed them. That is not right. But adding these additional ordinances does not solve our problem. It only, in my view, gives the tenants more rights and as Property Owners who have bought the buildings some at times that nobody was buying because the economy turned down and we were fixing them up. It punishes up because we have no rights against our tenants. They have all of the rights and we have none. Please, i beg you, relook at this issue and do not pass this ordinance. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. My name is mary. I own seven units. Its been in the family 100 years. I consider myself a very good landlord. I am facing now 100000 plus retrofit, which i will gladly do. It makes everybody safe, but all of these changes that you are going to make is going to make it more and more difficult for me to hang on to this lovely building, that has been in the family 100 years and i take great pride in it and i have wonderful tenants. I am a goodwill good landlord. There are a lot of us in San Francisco. I am a native here believe me. Thank youch thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am with united food commercial workers local 648. Im here because i was born and raised in San Francisco. My mom has lived in the same apartment and rented for 45 years. I have seen what a big time landlord can indirectly and directly bully a tenant. We also live across the street from silvia smith, who you mentioned earlier and her dealings with her new landlord. I can see what a landlord like that can do to a family. I am here to support tenants. I think the piece of legislation that you have put forward is wonderful and great. And i support it. My union supports, and its time that tenants fought back the abuse, and fight the evictions. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisorses. My name is angela and im a Small Business owner and my parents dont speak perfect english and i will here to represent them. I will note on the proposed ordinance to residential the rent stabilize and arbitration ordinance and im deeply troubled by the four areas of the ordinance. Notch 1, the new base rent equal to the time at vacancy means that if i have vacated a unit in 2009, but supervisor kim will limit me to set the rent at 1000 still. So the question is who is the owner of my property, you a renter politician or me, the Property Owner . Who gets to decide the marketrate . You, the supervisor, or the Real Estate Market . Who works his or her butts off to save a down payment and pay bills for the unit, he or she, renter or Property Owner . In other words, if the tenants do drugs, conduct prostitution or make dynamite in the unit, i, the landlord cannot evict them . Three, if the tenant being evicted for nuisances or damages, it must be ongoing at the time that the notice is served. In other words, if the tenants are having a drug party i the landlord must wait there and serve the 3day notice . In sum im strongly opposed to supervisor jane kims ordinance because with you and supervisor avalos, supervisor campos and supervisor mar have been biased to the landlords thank you. Just as a reminder, asa courtesy to your fellow public commenters, please adhere to the 2minute limit, so that everyone has an opportunity to speak here today. No one message is more important than the other. Good afternoon, supervisors and everybody, i am the coowner

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