Not the feeling thats the floor and we can continue to decrease the jail population i refuse to accept a oneonone ratio we know that kamgz are not humane and not the solution and dont create integrity and health and to answer supervisor tangs question about the Current Populations that is 51 percent of jail capacity of the jail system is 12 thousand plus you didnt get a direct answer but asked we went to a number of hearings that were presented on this application process we asked about outdoor space specifically that he they said theyll reject a proposal not within the regulations those other facilities that were built under different rehabilitations were built in different years and to follow up on that not having outdoor space is go back to represent cat the solidarity confinement to outdoor space and air is torture by the United Nations the california thank you thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. clapping. good afternoon, supervisors i came here for another topic were here youve heard a lot of good feedback about this jail ill read a little bit frtd history from the farmers registrationer 1837 on the management of slaveries from the marijuana in which masters treat their slaves theiring for the right of the folks the most common arrow unestimating to learn theyre very grateful for great treatment and if authority is keep over them in the management of negroes to give them a sufficiency of food and the next is the slaves holdings huge log cabins 16 by 18 makes it comfortable and the old go fashioned cabins confined by logs keeps the gun floors wet im sure that is one thing that termed in negro consumption it is hierarchical effective that the dirt floors should be raised the huge log cabins out last 3 sets of housing 1837 were in 2015 and things dont change very much pursue pagers and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Mr. Can you identify yourselves. Im fernando im here to support my friends of the jails thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im with critical resistance and the western regional project i think a lot of the things i want to say have been said by other people a lot of the things about the health of people in the jail and putting more facilities more resources into putting Health Care Inside the jail it is absolutely ridiculous the Biggest Health care concern is the jail and that no matter what you put inside the jail the jails are a health care conditioner and create Mental Illness issues for people i also want to say that i know that part of plan to put a transgender pod in the new jail will help to keep transgender people save as a transgender woman i want to say that will not keep us safe what keeps us save is access to community and things outside of jail jails will not keep us safe. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im Harriet Davis a member i appreciate you giving mia chance to speak first, i wanted to say wes we dont need an increased space for the jail part waive we need is increased services for youth and prison to School Pipeline i want to say im an person of color and our family a people of color we know our jails are filled up with people of color as well as many formally incarcerated people are attacked by racism and oppression leading to homelessness and instead of increasing the jail facilities some of the programs will include Substance Abuse and housing and training and i think we could better use our money for that im also a registered nurse had to go to court to advocate for members of my family and community would how Substance Abuse problems and have gotten into programs instead of going to jail that was what the District Attorney and the counties were trying to put into so i ive seen perp how those prediversification programs have helped thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im kamal i want to kind of pout how the narrative is drown drawn in the city about a weeks ago a black person overheard the chief of police say that was the sheriffs fault for why the woman was killed along the pier that was a 15 minute conversation im pretty southern certain it was intended to be approve that man stood there and talked about how the sheriff is responsible for the pier and Hillary Clinton said this is a sanitary city any friend said anyone involved in the jail site is for the jail other than the sheriff she tell me no there are a really big disconnect about what is going on in front of us and the rest of the city the fact that the place is vibrant we shouldnt be a sanctuary city we need 4 hundred more cops which they turned around and gave to the police chief that cant solve a single crime and now apparently the sheriff is responsible for solving crime and not the sheriff that is going to make us save i want to point out how that narrative is being drawn and the whitesupreme itself. Hello, im angela scott ive been a citizen of the bay area my whole life and angela District Attorneys office wrote in her book in our society if we are progressive we have some prison and jails obsolete we have to imagine this word. Society can provide without things institutions like this that house people that dont rehabilitate people shovel people of color and transgenders and people with disabilities into boxes and leave them there and cause the society to foresight about p them we dont know how people are treated inside thats not how i want to deal with people in the society that have been hurting and hurt we need to prevent those hurts and heal our communities i oppose this new thank you. Next speaker, please. clapping. good afternoon, supervisors farrell supervisor tang and supervisor mar i work and pay taxes in San Francisco im as a policy director with parents with childrens and seek to mitigate those harms having lived in San Francisco for years i know that the public dollars are needed for the public survivors e Services LikePublic Healthy and through the presentation the option presented for constructing a new jail range between quarter billion dollars and over half billion dollars i know from living and working in San Francisco we need that money to educate our children and provide health care for our families i understand from the presenters here today the city budget includes millions of for jail construction but more needs to be allocated and theres a deadline next month to provide for corrections for 80 million more in order to rebuild the county jail im here to ask the board of supervisors not approve the jail construction project this committee not refer this item to the full board of supervisors or that we refer the item with a negative recommendations to encourage the board of supervisors to the to approve the jail rebuild in total and ask that we reserve those scarce resources for the tax dollars for the services that San Francisco needs and not spends that money on a jail construction project in San Francisco residents have openingly opposed we look forward to further discussion with the board of supervisors tomorrow for the alternatives and thank you to the board. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hi, im rachel im also a citizen of San Francisco im also here to oppose replacing the unsafe parts of hall of justice with a new jail i think the reality is rear clearing that is stated that we dont need more jail cabinet in San Francisco whether 60 or 75 percent whatever the number there is not a full jail right now why create for i appreciate supervisor mar and supervisor kim for asking about the Mental Health and speaking about jail reform to get people to afford bail this is an opportunity what the San Franciscobased programming to solve our social projects problems we dont need more jails and police so i also time to say quickly i moved back to San Francisco i was in another place and county with resisting theyre new jails especially in Northern County that makes it difficult for mothers to see their families so on california we know the solutions for the community and it is not jails were opposed. Thank you. Next speaker. And im jose perlz we dont need more jails you should put to money for affordable and support housing so, please support more housing we dont need more, more are jails. Anyone else wish to comment on item 2 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor mar i just wanted to allow chief friedman to respond to questions about the outdoor exercise area in title 24 the states rentals under title 24 i saw facial expressions but there is not an outdoor exercise ore era that was proved by the commission how to make sure there facilities. What i can tell you supervisors im at architect and not prepared to explain in detail exactly the form i can tell you bans the Extensive Research the jail team did and all the conversations weve had are the corrections the plan weve proposed to them weve advised them how we will build the recreation space for the inmates in r d f will go forward and the rfp will not be deretailed but what were proposing at all. Sir. As additional note key issues the access i believe to proper have you been to air and the project is not fully designed an opportunity to recalculate and we believe there is an opportunity to provide the proper ventilation within the context of the project as currently proposed and designed. No Outdoor Recreational space and there will be access to natural ventilation with the multiple Story Building difficult to have an outdoor yard open to the sky. Thank you. Thank you. Okay colleagues any firefighter questions or comments on item number 2 . Okay. I would first of all, i want to thank from my prospective thank you to you all the members of the public that spoke in Public Comment and otherwise and for staff i think obviously there is a lot of discussion around the jail and building that and so forth i know there is more hearing well have a ceqa appeal next week in this is the steps along the way i think ill save my broader comments around the jail when we start doing ceqa and other things Going Forward ill say from my prospective today doing on application to get additional funding from outside the city of 71 San Francisco is a no brainier we should do this on all projects ill be very much support this resolution and cumber my supervisors to do the same and supervisor tang pursue i want to thank everyone for in their comments actually, i plan a lot of a agreement with Public Comment i absolutely agree with the pretrial diversion project and the need for more Substance Abuse services outside of jails and more Housing Services need to build for the future Community Based on alternatives however, we fundamentally disagree with the need for more jails we need to house people that pose a danger to the community that is where we are different i appreciate we have brought the numbers down and we will be creating for space for rehabilitation for the people whether their inspiring currently in or exiting the jail is there any Public Comment system that provides an opportunity to provide the facilities for those who need it the most i agree with a lot of the comments but the reality is we need to move forward with the building so i know we have a ceqa appeal before us as well id like to recommend we send out the resolution without recommendation to the full board. Thank you supervisor mar. Thank you. I wanted to say ill be casting a dissenting vote to my colleagues im in total all the time with the coalition and feel that our city needs to putdown more effort into looking at alternatives to incarceration i see he need to rebuild and renovate the facilities but in support of community and in addition to the sheriffs and other dpsz were rep but ill be casting a dissenting vote. A motion pie supervisor tang ill second that roll call vote. Supervisor tang supervisor mar no supervisor farrell there are 2 is and one no. The motion passes. Madam clerk call item 6 please. Item 6 ordinance authorizing the sale by public competitive bids of city owned property on van ness avenue for not less than 87 million thank you, madam clerk. Staff and members of the public we please leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for iteme please leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for item please leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for itemplease leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for itemlease leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for itemae leave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for itemleave the chambers we have mr. Updyke for item 6. Thank you for your patience supervisor farrell while we address technical issues john updyke director for releasing were here to present the sale of thirty van ness shot of building there at the corner of van ness and math the current city owned and current city utilized property a one hundred and 80 square feet building built in too phases the first in 1908 and 3 stories on top of 4 stories a fascinating structure we have the opportunity here for a number of potential great things to happen the Transit Oriented Development the market octavia area plan Death Penalty some years ago about the market crashed which provides entitlement to 4 hundred Feet Development and a revision this building has reached nearing the end of its ill have life with significant Capital Improvements if we continue to occupy the building in 2012 this give us a sense of the dynamics 43 and a half Million Dollars well speak about the numbers were talking about today it gives an indicator of the rapid acceleration of the marketplace our objectives are manyfold we heard loud and clear in the hearing not too long ago regarding in property the desire to maximize wherever possible the hours yield we have an overarching goal related to a strategy to find alternatives Office Locations it is Affordable Housing issue weve been working or able to blend into this project were pleased with well get into those details an opportunity to take advantage of the transit ordinary opportunity here at margaret and van ness to create better connections with the van ness station and the proposers recognize that we see great potential. Its a chance to maximize the value of this asset were at the peak of the marketed we feel that and this is the time to sell this proposed if ever a time and as i mentioned weve got a building that is really at a critical juncture with critical money that is invest here or elsewhere this is a Long Term Strategy were deploying so i want to speak briefly about a way why way to compare that property with the my name is articulated the fact well not building hundred percent affordable units project not in their portfolio or brings the efficiency, however, weve asked users if it was an Affordable Housing project sole hundred percent what would be thats roughly 2 hundred units in the project that is a highrise but not to the extend o stent so we want to provide you that comparison what does it project bring to the table before you today. What could that alternative the choices the city is making as you can see the costs involved we have debt onion the property we have to acknowledge that we owe 32 million we have to pay off the note were in occupancy well detail later the departments with the department of public works hard at work staff you saw with the public works is housed at that location this is where we build our facilities that is the duplicate department of Public Health is located we have to replace that use and theres a Development Costs hundred percent variable project we need a Funding Source estimated by the xhaimz at 250,000 a unit that brings you to a total cost of this project we leave van ness and do a hundred percent it is hundred and 42 million graphically it is a method of comparison we believe we have krachtd the translation that will yield 2 hundred affordable units 6 hundred overall unit in the future developments after we leave van ness this is a method of comparison to the alternative ive tashgd articulated on the last slide and the cost savings in preceding in the fashion weve crafted here well get the Affordable Housing but address those Critical Issues for the structure for example this is a critical Current Asset in use we have a lease back loosz also in front of you the template in our attachment we need a designation first before we leave theres a ancillaryy effort to address that need and in the meantime the department of Public Health and others will stay ointh until the end of 2018 when the lease is back thats the approximation of the continual project a holder of contingency if we run into issues so we have afforded users or ourselves the time weve structured the lease back we know this building better than anyone else in a way the city maintains the building we insu