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Special recollection to the plaintiffs and our good friend mary for her tremendous leadership in the United States Supreme Court but we we saw a culmination of something ive said repeating in the course of 11 years the beauty of making the law to make a difference in peoples lives we saw that over the course but it wouldnt have happened without the human faces of all of you if you han or have the opportunity to go and read judicious kennedys opinion this morning ill encourage you to read the introduction it talks about the history of a marriage the history of discrimination to the Lgbt Community has dealt with and you get a sense of the power of humanity and the ability to change peoples lives today everybody succeeded in bring justice to the thousands and thousands of lgbt families and individuals that have suffered from melissa and today it stops. clapping. thats due to the effort of all of you think about the progress 22 and prop 6815 years ago now how many people have come to the right confliction about understanding that everybody is entitle to equal protection under the law eir respect of Sexual Orientation but the kate has said another brick of the foundation of equality it didnt stop here if were going to build the justice side that is more work in terms of inequality and economic less fortunate to deal with racism to understand that today is a wonderful day to be celebrated we have to understand there are still discriminates we have to fight and we need equal protection under the law in federal employment for lgbt individuals thought this country to make sure the efforts of people like jim harry necessarily and roberta i see standing in the back what they went through none has to go through again and we have an equality in every atmosphere of our lives in this country one and for all with the efforts and the sticks to itness of you youll sticks to what we accomplished today and continue that as we fight into the future thanks its a day to celebrate have a great weekend clapping. you know the City Attorney brings up on interesting point what are you doing this weekend . Were going to be here on sunday; right . Now we have a lot to celebrate there are many tremendous leaders that made today possible through the tremendous leadership in taking risks one was a man before any of us thought that day could be realize our great friend in this community and every community and one of the most tremendous leaders please welcome senator leno clapping. today San Francisco vails become Americans Values clapping. kate thank you for not only the warm introduction but for all youre telling us leadership and mayor ed lee for youre telling Us Hospitality in bringing us to city hall and decades of fighting for civil rights and shout out to gavin newsom who put a face on television across the world clapping and i have what a marriage between a same sex couple looks like not all that scary we did that and also, of course, to our City Attorney that said not only would we take to court and did that with Justice Stewart by his side and made the rational case i want to recognize our then couldnt assessor our who issued the marriage licenses february 12th mandible he will talk with with us too clapping. you know as a gay man that came out more than 6 years ago in the 69 im a stonewall baby those of you guess who came out to announce to the we were mooijz inmentally ill outlaws it took 1963 to take Mental Health from the law california no longer considered a felony for adults of the same gender to have consensual rings thats where we are coming and we took the law that gavin newsom decided he would break because it was unconstitutional he know you knew that back then to the state legislature there were a lot of democrats that were faired it was politically dangerous but when we put it on Andy Schwarzenegger deck and put it on his desk in 2007 we dispelled we standing up for the dignity and validation we had twice as most cosponsors on the bill and many more votes when we put it on his desk clearly not a man of vision i suspect hell be long recommended as at george walling us for civil rights blocking the door of the hall of justice weve come long and far from that day i want to conclude by making sure we all know this myth we have heard by a number of Supreme Court justices today, the definition of marriage has not been changed in thousands of years why change it now i say this to my friends what everyone is defending traditional marriage what is theyre encroaching definition of traditional marriage as marriage from the biblical that is a bride is not a virgin on the marriage day we stone her or a mr. Chairman up to the mid century women couldnt sign contracts independent of theyre encroaching husbands they were literally and legally the property of theyre encroaching husbands is that the definition of marriage or before the fact of divorce until death do us part a lifetime commitment is that your definition of mr. Chairman or the prior to the invention of connecticut acceptance it was defined for legal today when two individuals of potential equal equal economic means decide to get murder or married for a lifetime maybe to create a family maybe not that not only are conditional marriage rights for same sex couples obvious that is i think eventual and that inevitability happened today, its a collaborative effort clapping and now with that wall diminished how much longer can a Republican Led Congress not support anti discrimination of Sexual Orientation in employment and housing and public compromised . How do i get married this morning and get fired from our job this afternoon basis of the gender of our spouse weve got to end that it will end sloovrnt thank you for all youre telling us work clapping. and there are a number of unsung heros that made today possible one is the person that labored for adheres before the first marriage license and i want to acknowledge the county clerk nancy alfaro nancy clapping. it it takes a village weve had a fabulous fabulous leadership on the San Francisco board of supervisors quite sometime by never more than now and mr. Sharp great to have them celebrating so i want to introduce fabulous supervisor from district 8 supervisor wiener. clapping. thank you first of all lets hear if it for sxhaert for his work can you imagine getting a bill to the governs deck in 2005 and 7 and leading the way so thank you, mark it is days lying be today to be proud of this Lgbt Community it is a history of the society telling us to shut up and be invisibly and disappear as time after time this community has said hell, no were not going anywhere were a part of society and always part of this society clapping. and they tried to do it for show long during the hiv epidemic and the hard work wick with the marriage amendment and weve fought and won and today we win again a giant step forward this is a tidal wave well get housing protection and beat the hiv epidemic once again and take care of seniors and youth and going to win have a great pride weekend clapping. and because we have an abundance of richness on the board of supervisors this is provides leadership supervisor campos. clapping. thank you, everyone thank you to the elected family and great to see Justin Stewart and others ii dont know if you those of you my age i was watching this morning with my husband as the opinion was being issued i didnt think in my lifetime id like see that before i say anything else i want you to give a brief moment of silence for harvey milk and all the people we know fought for this struggle that couldnt be here to see this day were seeing today that have silence . Thank you i know harvey is watching but i know i dont median to spoil the party theres a lot to celebrate the harvey milks of this world remember as a important our legal equality is the fact we still a great definitely inequality but in this city we have a faster growing equality in the United States we have brothers and sisters in the Lgbtq Community i see teresa sparks and think about our turned around community where unemployment is more than 50 percent 40 percent of our population is queer we need to take this victory the only way to honor and properly celebrate to make sure that we continue to fight for social justice and it is not just legal equality by social economic equality for every member of our community clapping. and we should not rest until we see the fact my good friend beven duffey we proudly opened an Lgbt Community shelter for lgbt adults this is a a thats a good they know our work is not done until we address the fact were people that are homeless are front yard to be in the shelter theyre encroaching abuse and discriminated our work shouldnt end until we have no more homeless in San Francisco and every Single Member of our community can achieve theyre encroaching potential until the American Dream is real for all of us thank you. Thank you, david were not done. clapping. providing tremendous leadership on the board of supervisors and tremendous leadership to the city please welcome the do president supervisor president breed clapping. okay. Well on behalf of the london breed i accept this award. Thank you very much for recognizing what ive done for the city laughter one of my favorite city leaders i love what hes contributed and the support of our entire community our treasurer jose cisneros. Good morning. I join you in being proud im proud to tell you over 10 years im a gay open gay latino here in San Francisco. clapping. and i am proud of what weve done to make this possible i want to share one thing im permanently proud of the last year i was in a legal marriage with my partner mark like so many of you weve been able to make our relationships just as responsible and legal and important as just the same as everyone else in the country thank you fewer proud of the u. S. Supreme court and have a great weekend clapping. were going to wrap up i think but well see with representative the city college of San Francisco city college is right in my neighborhood such an Important Institution for the city and county of San Francisco and with this leadership that will continue to provide the Tremendous Service please welcome board member Alex Randolph clapping. hello, everybody welcome to our pails at city hall as one of the newest opening gay elected officials in San Francisco i cant tell you how excited i share the space with our openly gay raphael who couldnt be here unfortunately fortunately i share the stage with our pioneers that previously served at the College Board leslie and others and the first openly gay who lead the cause and, of course i was excited to support and yesterday we voted to appoint susan our person at city college for the first lesbian chancellor at city college despite what you read in the news media i have no doubt city college will be there for the next decades to provide education to our community i want to relocate recognize that city college was one of the first colleges to provide an lgbt class both educating our community and history and i cant wait until the day that kate and some of you teach about this day and movement and the history weve made thank you so much for supporting continental and being here and happy pride clapping. so i want to finish up with another acknowledgment and have a poll he was not hes not here but standing side by side with senator leno and helping us what the lawsuit jeff and equality for california is the reason were here clapping. and now a short poll i wanted to know in this auditor who got married in 2004 raise our awesome in 2008 who is going to get married this weekend laughter clapping . So the good news the good news you dont have to because we can laughter but youre telling us lives and future so many better because we can lets celebrate and know were not done its going to be an amazing pride weekend thank you for everything clapping. to you folks oh, there i go before you leave can i have you cocky promise youre going to want to see this promise youre going to want to see this promise youre going to want to see this. clapping. so you would think you would think with an interesting entrance like that hes gay look this guy this guy this guy took a huge Political Risk for this community he did that for the right principled reasons he knew justice needed to come and he decided to give it a little push our former mayor Lieutenant Governor the fabulous one of the men he most admire on the planet gavin newsom clapping. hey everything im sorry im late i know youve got a lot to side and celebrate and is more importantly a lot to be proud of today i heard words wednesday night that obama made me reflect and think about this moment president said he said encourage comes in many different forms encourage comes in a time of war encourage comes from quiet pioneers, encourage comes from mandel and others and the courage of many of you that encourage to be who you are courage to stand up and make that remarkable statement to a friend or loved one im gay this is who i am and who i love the courage that so many of you had when i walked down the hall and said mom ive got something to tell you thats the courage were celebrating here today and had it not been for all of you and the millions and millions of conversations that were held in the millions and millions of conversation that were won there would be no Supreme Court digestion like the one day thank you to all of you for youre telling us quiet courage and our pioneers for your belief in each other and youre telling us belief in this month foundational principle that love is what it is all about marriage matters Families Matter and thats what were firmly today a day of administration a celebration of everything that makes i think this country is special place and how appropriate and ill close how appropriate that right behind us mayor ed lee and others are going to walk in and celebrate the founding of the United Nations that happened 70 years ago how appropriate the spirit of the United Nations is the spirit of this moment about pluralism and a recognize that were all better off when were better than off and celebrate our interesting derivatives but at the end of the day what makes this country not good but great is when we reconcile those differences and celebrate the things that bind us that maturity that dr. King talked about we practice pluralism we celebrate we dont 0 tolerate your diversity this is the great difference of our state and nation im grateful to be back im grateful to be invited back to city hall mayor ed lee thank you im grateful to kate kendall to joyce 92 stat and my chief of staff never going to leave in the city steve to mayor ed lee to the Extraordinary Assembly linkage of elected Office Official is from harvey milk to the attraction of tom mormon and sxhaent and many, many others ive forgotten but no maples negligent we stand open our shoulder and grateful for your leadership and grateful for the extraordinary work to get us to this moment and let me close with that you know for me, i have 3 kids and it was an interesting thing you know you youll new to this heres what happened with i think about youre telling us kids i have a 5 and 4 and oneyearold the phone rang this morning and like 703 and the first picture came up is my 5yearold daughter and all i thought about was her and how proud i am that shes going to grow up in a country that recognizes what youve always known that recognizes the jowls of every single one of us and recognized this fundamental ideal that were all human beings that care deeply about making that work making our lives work and getting through the day living out our lives but do it with 12kib9 and with respect and what an extraordinarily world she gets to live in and in closing a reminder of this today is the antidote to skoichl to any kind of despair you may have youre telling us frustration youre telling us sense of powerlessness this show do away with that every single individuals has extraordinarily power we have to stand on principle and step up and in and if you do it extraordinary things can happen dont ever despair or give up or building a challenge is too big are the hill too tall to climb today is an fifshgs of all of us in our unique capacity to do the best is yet to come in this country thank you all very much for being here good proon afternoon ladies and gentlemen. The meeting will come toor to order. To my right is Supervisor Scott Wiener who is vise chair and to my left is supervisor kim. I would like to recognize [inaudible] who will be working with us helping by televising this Committee Meeting at sf gov tv. Madam clerk any announcements . Yes silence [inaudible] be included as part of the file [inaudible] will appear on the july 7th supervisor agenda unless otherwise stated thank you very much. Could you please call item 1 resolution authrising [inaudible] city owned parcel for dogpatch and north west potrero hill this is a follow

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