Test test test test test market or lesser known street in the black capital letters you know right away this is San Francisco chblt the lower case letter signs look different and more difficult to read. Please consider this and do whatever is in your power to keep the upper case letter signs. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any other member of the public who wishes to speak on a non agenda item . If so please come forward hello im Shelly Johnson and i have been looking at the [inaudible] they had here and it looks pretty good. [inaudible] is that not finished yet . I dont know what the process is on this. I want to hear a little more about how they constructed the letters and i have some [inaudible] with Mission Street and low income housing. [inaudible] is my private business that i got even though it is on the street. It helps out with the statue of liberty and to [inaudible] all these projects and to get more Health Care Issues and i applied for a job so im waiting forthe interview and went to a interview and i was [inaudible] as far as that goes, that is all i [inaudible] i got to do certification here in city hall and to [inaudible] processes on what im doing. Thank you thank you, any other member of the public who wishes to speak on a non agenda item . Seeing and hearing none we close director announcements good afternoon tim fry Department Staff. The director report was included in the packet happy to answer questions if there is nothing further we can move to item 2, past events of Planning Commission last report tim fry, Department Staff, nothing to report from previous Planning Commission hearings however 2 quick items to mention. One is a upidate on the budget as i mentioned at the last hearing. The draft budget was before the budget and finance committee a couple weeks ago and the survey position to support the development of a city wide survey program was approved with a couple conditions, one is that we could begin the recruitment and hiring stage of that position early next year and 2, is agreeing there would be a temporary timeframe allotted to this position. Usually temporary positions are for about 3 years and the reason is they wanted to make sure this is a on going endless effort and if we development a city wide program we will have a end date in site happy to report we vapositive recommendation on that position and it will be before the full board this summer. Second, im sure you are aware the 7 most indaijered list and the [inaudible] is listed on the endangered list for the second time. The department has worked closely with the Mayors Office and several other members of the city family on ideas for interim uses and the overall securing of a long term tenant or tenants. I can goiv you a much more robust on this after we had a couple more meetings to discuss how much funding and resources the city has that they can apply to the building and give aioa upidate on short term leases that may be in the works. That concludes my comment unless you have any questions. There is nuther furthder we can move to commission matter. Item 3 president report and announcement i want to report i received numerous letters in support of land marking sakecred heart at fillmore street. Item 4 consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for the arc june 17, 2015 hearing and june 17 regular hearing. I make a correction on the 17, it says the meeting was called to order vise parenthesisdant hyland but i called that meeting to order. Commissioners any comments or corrections to the minutes . Is there Public Comment who wishes to comment on the minutes of june 17 or the regular calendar of june 17 . Seeing and hearing none well bring it back to the commission and do i have a move to approve move to approve the arc and [inaudible] of june 17 thank you to adopt it minutes from june 17, 2015. Commissioner hasz hasz rr yes, johnck [inaudible] motion passes 7 to 0. Places you on item 5 Commission Comment and questions. Commissioner hasz thank you. I was approached by restaurantter about security gates and putting them in front of our buildings and Historic Districts and dont think we have a policy on that do we . The planning code has certain requirements for security grills throughout the city and then we do dependent on the property time and character defining features may have certain requirements. There is some guidance there. That is correct good. Commissioner pearlman i wanted to know if people went to see the 100 anversity of this building friday. For all that were there you know how amazing and spectacular it was. I know there is a move to get some of the equipment and Lighting Design that was shown that night in the light show permanently for the building so i hope that will happen because it was pretty remarkable. Thank you commissioner johnck my question relates to the presentation by the port of San Francisco on the water front plan update at our previous meeting and i want to know whether it is appropriate to agendize a decision that the commission may make on whether the commission would like to be represented in the Historic Preservation slot on the water front plan update. It doesnt have to, but im just offering this up if the commission would like a official representation and nominate someone or leave it up tothere are other ways the Historic Preservation element and consideration for the water front plan update can be represented, but the question is whether that should be agendize i think we can put it on the agenda and discuss whether we want to do something or not. It would be help fell to have that on the july 15th agenda. We can put it under commission matters thank you. Commissioner hyland i wanted to up date the public and commission on Cultural Heritage sf committee after a 2 month hiatus well be meeting again scheduled today from 1 30 or immediately following this hearing. The topic will be how we can incorporate intaskable Cultural Assets within the preservation. Well have that discussion and probably bring that back to the commission the next time the element comes back. Commissioner matsuda i wanted to thank the Planning Department staff in the soccer tournament. That is a important issue for me. Secondly if i can ask Department Staff tolic into the exception for the historic, the signs for the Historic District, i think that would be important. Any other comment, questions . I can move on . Commissioners that will place you under your rel regular calendar, iletm 6. Downtown Ferry Terminal expansion rich [inaudible] Department Staff and im joined from [inaudible] and port of San Francisco as well as their project team. Request and comment [inaudible] 3 new ferry [inaudible] and the Embarcadero Plaza which are part of the down town Ferry Terminal expansion. The project sponsor completed the [inaudible] ajaist tonight to the port of San Francisco embarcadero National RegistryHistoric District and Ferry Building and [inaudible] on april 25, 2015 the Historic Preservation commission reviewed the project and documented their opinion which is provided to you in it packets. The Department Requests review and requestion regarding the compatibility of the current design and resources which include the embark dairy Historic District. Over all the department is in large support of the design. We do have commentary on the [inaudible] refinement of the design of these panel tooz better integrate them with the surrounding [inaudible] a more slender profile the for a the new supporting posts and columns and provide justification for compatibility of materials with the surrounding land marks. The project sponsor repaired a short presentation as well as provide additional updates sinss the last time the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the presentation. This concludes my presentation and im available for questions could the sponsor come forward and if you can fit it all in 10 minutes will do and thank you for the opportunity to present today. Mike [inaudible] project manager for San FranciscoFerry Terminal expansion project. Im join by [inaudible] im going to keep things brief here and give plenty of time for the architect to walk through the presentation. In 2013 we presented a master plan to the arc and ptc and that project included a scheme to build up to 3 new Ferry Terminals as well as land site improvement in the north and south basin of the Ferry Terminal. The goals at that point are the same as the goals today and hat is to to acamidate a grouth in the demand for the existing Ferry Service at the Ferry Terminal, provide the capacity for new Ferry Services planned by [inaudible] and enhance [inaudible] and city of San Francisco to respond in the event of a emergency. [inaudible] Farmers Market, Public Access as well as Historic District. Since the presentation the weety board [inaudible] a eir. Following that action the board also took a action to release fund{authorize staff to pursue construction of the south basin improvement proposed as part of the master plan. Last month the project was [inaudible] Design Review board as well as port of San FranciscoAdvisory Committee and look forward to offering the [inaudible] on that note i would like to introduce the project architect [inaudible] who will walk through the updated design work for the south basin. [inaudible] my self and the rest of the team are available for questions following the presentation. Thank you mike. I would also like to mention [inaudible] from page [inaudible] is here and both jay [inaudible] have been involved in the project right from the begin{are also available to answer questions as well as bonny fisher from [inaudible] design group. Figure how to change slides here. Mike mentioned the overall plan, the Overall Concept plan that included the north and south basin. Really what is decided in terms of moving ahead for implementation is pursue the Ferry Terminal expansion in the south basin. The existing conditions in the south basin area, the pier 2 is intended to be demolished as part of the projuct and the [inaudible] well be demolished and this demolish the old pier 2 and maintain the Agriculture Building and the apron that is ipt grl to the construction of the building as well as the original [inaudible] also in addition to these aspects, page and turnbull put together original assemblies of how the area has changed over time and think we included them to do. One of the important considerations has always been the continuity and linkages this area had with the Ferry Building in terms of creating additional opportunities for Ferry Service and the idea of a conduction and linkage is a very important other aspect of not only maintaining the National Landmark buildings but the reinstatement of that connection as well. Activity linkages are a important part of the whole project. There are 3 basic factors that exist today that probably didnt exist as much historically. One is Sea Level Rise. Basically our requirement is to have not only the Ferry Terminal facilities but all the Public Access areas meet at least the 50 year life of the facility and that is about 3 feet above the existing grade of the area and then to be able to provide an adaptive response to 2100 so the design addresses that aspect. And by the way, you know that the Agriculture Building floods even at that point and that will ultimately have to be respond toog the same factors but it not a part of this project we have taken all that into account in coming up with a scheme. There is another aspect maybe a little harder to see, but we have a sea wall in this area and the sea wall traverses the Agriculture Building and this area. The port is studying the effect of a major seismic event on the sea wall and one thof things we and they have already concluded is movement in the sea wall has to be taken into account in terms of the construction of the Public Access areas in this project. The other aspect is really dealing with the kind of treatment of storm water. We cannot do conventional bioretention here. We are a pile supported structure that has to address Sea Level Rise so we have a number and multipronged aprauch to the way storm water is dealt. Some of those have physical ram fiication squz others have more operational ramifications. Those 3 aspects were also key to the project and to the the development of the plan you see before you and in your materials involved some after the bcdc and [inaudible] presentation and that was also included in the material and the model any time you want to look at it is update today reflect the currents plan which incorporates those comment. The stepped area adjacent to the the project which is going to create a variety of seating opportunities for people that really keeps the linkages between all the activities present. This is just showing how it would be right in front of the Agriculture Building. We do have 3 gates, gate e exists now and we are adding 2 more and we are proposing adding 2 canpies between e and f and another one between f and g much smaller than what we had aoriginally shown in previous proposals. It is important to keep a couple things in mind, the canopies were never intend today provide full weather protection. It is just to alleviate the conditions and make it more attractive. The other thing i would point out is by having the canopy we eliminate vertical elements like lighting or signage can be incorporated as well. We did studies of solar access which we were asked to look at and they tend to perform quite adequately but we were also asked to look at wind driven rain and a com [inaudible] did an analysis of the canopies and found that even under the worst conditions they were 70 percent available at ground plane in terms of giving protection. Again, we are not trying toit is like a parasol. We want a little protection, but we also want to emphasize the historic linkage between the promenade at the Ferry Building side and in this area as well. Some of thewe did propose a combination of [inaudible] and glass frit very similar to the academy of sciences integrated into the glass. We dont have to do that, but we thought it was a important aspect of reflecting sustainability and generating actually enough electricity to provide the Power Requirements for the lighting for the area. Second daerl we felt they would create a more for giving environment in terms of keeping the area clear. We will as suggested by staff look at making these asin the as possible. There is no question, we would totally endorse that aspect and as long as we can get the engineers to justify it, we are going to do that very definitely and we would look for your additional comments in this aspect. Thank you thank you. Commissioners do you have questions about the presentations . Commissioner johnck i dont have a question, i would just like to make a comment that is, i found the drawings the chronological drawings with what had been in the past to be very very helpful and i thank you for who ever did it. [inaudible] i thought they were very helpful and i appreciate them. Other questions i have one question. Can you speak about what the program will be for the plaza . And also whether there will be lighting. It seems like a large space and curious how it will be used. It is [inaudible] during the Farmers Marketwhen the Farmers Market is not there is a wind swept unutileized space good question. I could have gone into more depth on this. I think the notion of the plaza is several fold. First of all, particularly because of the requirements of preventing pollution in storm water there will be no permission to have vehicles on the plaza. That is a operational requirements. In addition we are intended to have it be a no smoking area. These are all elements that contribute to pollution of storm water. Second, the plaza is need frd Public Access and for