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Opposed, nay. Motion carries next item, please item 5 is general Public Comments get members of the public may address the commission on the matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. I dont have any cards but lets see good welcome. Thank you. My name is ross apple stein work in the Development Industry in San Francisco for the last 15 years mostly highrise construction. In the last five years i began getting interested in water issues as well as before that maybe 10 years of issues looking at seismic issues in San Francisco at visiting with spur and others. About five years ago i worked with one developer on the potential of taking watering, major building and took it into aws has. I think raw familiar that system leaks about 72,000,000 gallons a year. The complexities of water in San Francisco, i read most of the water reports on Sewage Systems and the aws from 1996 until present. I think im just arrogant enough that ive not found somebody is connected the thought that this time. That is i think we know at one time there was a plan to develop southside south side see plan treatment plan and distribute recycled water to the city. Its far back as 96 is in a plan to the watering at a bart stations and put it into aws has. Wrap the docs which i think that connected which is very simple into pages, very small recycled water plant on the backend of the southside treatment plant. From tertiary water until fire for fire fighting. And irrigation should very small plan and injected into the bottom of the aws s system, right next to a sewage plants that without 72,000,000 gallons a year. It supplies essentially what leaks. A lot of the prior reports with debt the Sewage Treatment plants and piping all the way up to the tanks. Has a huge infrastructure costs. I table this. Im talking to other boards and the Fire Department board fairly shortly. Members as big as 17,000,000 gallons a year stomach very large machine but in fact thats about a 3 inch pipe coming out that just operating continuously. The issue waters control Water Quality control which are familiar with, are very interesting if not difficult to manage but its mostly easy to manage at a Sewage Treatment plant were all the facilities for testing and everything are in hand all qualified people get i table this for you today the second page is very obvious. 72,000,000 gallons a year equates to roughly residential use for toilet flushing it was recycled water for 31,000 people. Or, the recycled water and toilets for 90,000 people. Its real simple idea. I dont think it fits into pages. If you can be part of seen this look at that id appreciate it thank you. Thank you for taking the time to put this together and perhaps the general manager could take this to stop and look at it and review it and sure. Also, say that were looking at recycled at the southeast. Were looking at that way to use our aws s as well and route there repairing the leaks. So, this will help us with that looking at all that together. Yes. Ill make it quick, but ive worked with staff, paula and other people in the organization. Ive read the reports that doesnt seem theres this one option. Anyway with all due respect thank you. Thank you. Any the public almonds . Next item, please communications. Any comments on communications . Commissioners, any Public Comment exit hearing none, next item please item 6 other commission business. Commissioners . Public comment clicks next item item 7, report of the general manager. Shift it so, the first item is mountain tunnel update. Steve ritchie. Good afternoon commissioner. Steve ritchie assistant general manager for what. Besides please . Ive a few slides to show thatll update us on the mountain tunnel project. First heres a schedule for the project that is hopefully clear and concise you can see the next two years a really critical ones for the mountain tunnel project it really three components. The mountain tunnel access improvements, which is getting in there and improving access to the tunnel itself through the roadway access points. The second is the mountain tunnel inspection and repair program, which provides for a significant inspection of the tunnel in early 2017. With some repairs done in 2017 and significant repairs in 2018. Lastly down tunnel bypass project. Whats important to note there is that it shows some of the work starting before we have actually completed the inspection because we anticipate that while we are aiming for bypass project that we may very well end up with a repair project. So will you be doing some initial work to look at both alternatives, but theres one box on there, trying to get the color right, the brown box that is just above the dark green line, which is the Steering Committee and puc committee evaluation. In that point, but good information from the inspection that will just occurred as well as the initial repair work. At that point in time, we are looking to making sure we critically all the information in front of us to know who should proceed with the bypass project or actually go with a more modest project to repair project. Thats a significant point in time right there in terms of the way you schedule the work. Excuse making has a question . Thats mid2017. Yes. That to make it or break it moment yes. The bypass . Yes. Thank you. Moving on, one of the key things that known on the schedule in a purple bar is Emergency Response implementation. I think we noted this at the last presentation that folks of work on Emergency Response plan that would require mobilization of staff and contractors to repair and mitigate any failure with a return to Service Local of less than 90 days. That was a key point to see if we could actually put together a plan that would allow us to return to Service Within 90 days. The plan is outlined to accomplish that, so work is underway right now to establish contact mechanisms, stockpile the materials or whatever else is necessary to carry out the response plan. At the same time, were evaluating our ability to manage urgency outages of 90, 180, 90, 180 or 2 to 70 days. So three months, six months, nine months. That analysis will be applicable to any problem that might occur over doing it right now. Thats a time time we might see mountain be out for some reason. How would we survive those types of adages. The other thing were looking at is, weve had a time period of two months we can take the system out of there. Were starting to look at the possibility of, can we stretch that to a longer period of time . Adjusting some initial results that ill share them now because theyre very plenary but they look promising on the ability to shut down a longer period of time and still have the capability in place to manage other problems that might come up. We expect detailed modeling results will be available by the end of july so that we can take a good hard look at that but certainly, if we were able to go from say two months to three months for a shutdown that could change the dynamics was a good project that we want to make sure we understand. Once we have those results will bring them to the commission and communicate with also customers as well on what those results show both on the Water Supply Operations we have to undertake and also with the length of the shutdown might be. Let me ask a question. So with Emergency Response imitation, is that an actual plan in place . Was a plan in place developed by consult the call for lots of things to happen. For example, we need to make some decisions about what kind of contracting mechanism to we want to have in place, options would be just clear an emergency, private contractor who can do the job. One that i like, is having a preapproved list of available contractors to do the ticker kind of work we anticipate there. So we would have maybe six contractors that we could quickly go to and make sure whichever one had the ability and capability to act right now. The other would be to actually get a contractor on retainer. I we would have available on standby to take action if needed. So thats just one aspect of it. Another would be stockpiling materials. Whether bp purchased or make sure we had the money to get equipment cost if we needed it. Those different kinds of things. Is. Organization and what would be specific detail Emergency Response responsibilities to the staff in terms of managing through that kind of effort. So, a lot of Little Details need to be fleshed out if itll take several months to get in place. People of a good idea now of how we can organize ourselves to be truly responsive to this kind of emergency. Shift up another question that thank you for that. So, youre a target date probably spent a week internalized . I know you mentioned the contractor came up with these options in these plans. You guys ultimately decide what we Standard Operating Procedures for themselves. Girard date on those . I do not participate does we had initial session involving lots of different parties to break out the different sub tasks that need to be pursued to make it truly operational. I think well be in better shape at the end of this year and certainly i would hope that by the middle of next year that we would have every mechanism nail down and in place so we could do with any kind of emergency that came up. Yes a year from now thank you. Just review on Emergency Response fund, just to remind folks any hetch hetchy supply deception we water local store. What do you do if you lose the supply . We are always operated to without. We ship to our local reservoirs san antonio, and the san andreas. We also have emergency energize that we may be able to call on. For example, right now though their devilish with the south bay aqueduct. So they have a need for their water in their director we move back and forth as emergencies occur. Can i just point out, but make sure its clear that if an event happens, our first mode of operation is duke claire emerges like we did in the fire. Were just trying to identify other options and have others scenarios, but if in event happens we typically declare an emergency. With that, you can select a contractor. I just want to make it seem like or china find [inaudible] but process we typically engage. I to say but were Getting Better and better in handling emergencies. Practice. Another thing to note about supplies, i was speaking about the cold ocean about this that many of our customers of multiple supplies. We could ask some of our customers to shift the supply mix that they use rather than taking our wonderfully felt it was significant enough situation. Potential emergency agreements with other agencies. Lots of different ways to meet the need. It also gets a point which came up a few months before but right now peoples resort looks like its full to the brim. I think about 97 full, but that is intentionally for this kind of situation so we have a water skier, nearby, just in case theres some kind of outage that occurs. Lastly, on the inspection longterm solution and repairs and rfp was released on june 17 for the services for mountain tunnel improvements. Proposals that are due in early august and respected consultant to the on board in 2015. This would be a consultant that would do help us to plan and design for both the inspection and repair work as well as longterm solution. As i mentioned, the initial part of the presentation , for the longterm support solution we expected a valuation and early 2017 about april or may. After the major inspection is accomplished so that we can make the best decision possible on the future solution. Ill be available to answer any questions. Commissioners, any questions . Thank you. Of the comments. Hi, nicole. Welcome. Thank you very much commissioner viator, commissioners. I really appreciate this presentation. As you know, this a critical project for quite some time. It was some comments that i want to provide to you. First, i think commission should continue to expect when it asked you to adopt the schedule. That is not a normal course of action at this time of year for a project, but this project is out of sequence with your normal Capital Improvement program in the massive scope and schedule change that you have [inaudible]. It is all sears single largest project, single greatest effort they are going to undertake, and also a large point of vulnerability. For all those purpose reasons, i think this adoption by this commission of the schedule, when you get it settled, willie puts a focus on it. It creates that Movement Forward for staff and everybody is that i would urge you to continue to do that. The evaluation, as you mentioned, whether the window can be extended for saddam. But not his tremendous. This opportunity to do that and we are talking about before hand, get income you can extend that window and increase the time he couldve contractors on board increases your ability to get the work done. So, im really pleased to hear that i look for to seeing those results. Lastly, on the water supply, the emergency plan, im pleased to hear the work that you talk about about the evaluation how the pdc will manage and extend an outage. I look forward to seeing those results in reviewing it with them to the presentation to this body and my board as well. As you know spend something ive been asking for. Its critical for the public to beware, policy where it makers to be aware of what the implications are. Thank you. So, i love to hear from other commissioners, but i would support the adoption of the schedule as well. Ive a question on when theyll be ready to be presented . So, we have no problem adopting the schedule. Maybe because we pretty much have the schedule. We can adopt the schedule and then report on it it any changes or revisions need to be made. The only thing that we want to make clear is that the schedule in the budget, what it would be based on doing the bypass tunnel were not. So, i think what we will probably do is probably do a schedule and a budget based on the Decision Point of our regard to move forward or not. And not assumed that were going to do a tunnel or not. Is that thats fine with me. Any other comments on that . That sounds fine, thank you. Further Public Comment on this item . Next item, please the next item is wastewater enterprise cip quarterly update. Kathy howe. Good afternoon commissioners copy how poor infrastructure. The wastewater cip was initiated before adoption of the sewer system improvement program. So there are nine active projects remaining in the program. Of these nine, to have exceeded the baseline schedule for completion. One is the north shore and their pump station improvements which is really ashley finished in construction but pending litigation. Then the second is the restaging project. That actually is tied to some of the sewer system improvement projects in terms of finding space and land to combine facilities. I can take any questions if anyone has any specific questions. The only question i have, i dont know if youre the right person to respond to it or not, but some time ago we had a scented video money developing a tool for helping us make some Design Choices in a way that reflected the trouble the bottom line philosophy. What i would like to have is a report that does need to be at this meeting got their wish but at report what use were making out of that tool. I dont think this commission has seen anything come forward in that format. We actually have an acting karen could probably address that. Its being used on ssi p so all the management presentations, we go over the triple bottom line. So it is used to evaluate the projects. Shift it. If you could provide a memo on that. Theyll be very helpful. Some examples of how its being used. Should duplicate. Shifted thank you. Thank you very much. Julie take Public Comment on this item clicks april . Next item, please general manager the next update is Steve Ritchie drought update. Steve ritchie assistant john manager for water. If i could have the slides please. Bring up the presentation, which a lot of these things will look familiar, but particularly here on the storage cells. These are storage levels in our reservoirs. You can see the hetch hetchy got 95. 1 . Basically topped out now unless there is a significant storm and sometime the levels in the reservoir within a start dropping over time and there. One bank has gotten to, in effect, its low point of about 57,000 only 10 capacity water tank will actually start to, as we see water down from charity and generate ido potter with incidental so we got a good so we got a good eye. 95 and one bank, once again, has done its job. Ill talk later about what the outlook is for next year on that. On the precipitation sent funds, again it got to the flat part of the rbi may be that the precipitation charts now because theyre not going to change until sometime in the fall or winter. But again, we got into not a bad place relative to certainly 1977 in terms of precipitation could wear bit about that. Right around where we were in 2014 as well in precipitation. Snowpack again, is that showed this chart the last time we were zeroed out now. We had several little bombs in snow near the end of the season now was a good thing to make our job easier this year going forward. This is the really interesting slide here. I personally, the incident part is covered up to the audience, but again, this shows the fiveyear average of our demands over the year. The red line. The blue line is last year which you can see started at about june. When steadily down throughout the year. The black dashed line first it was the 10 level of reduction. Off of our projected purchases that we had after customers to achieve, which they did, but now the state board imposed reductions that have resulted in roughly that lower black line. Epic point in june. So that now thats the target were trying to achieve systemwide. Its different for each customer. San francisco has to save 8 and everyone in between. The real interesting line is the green one. The man is, as low as its been since 1977. It hasnt been that low at all in the late 90s or early 90. Gotten some older man but were lower than that of people done a tremendous job in saving their continuing to do that. Thats really a testament to our customers and they can keep that up thats going to be great thing. I also threw in this presentation from our new ads. The goal. So. Which was talking about with moshing machines in case anyone had any doubt. Therefore i like this one has the house got logo on it well as well. Were looking having these billboards around and really deemphasizing the outdoor engagement. Of course we do and multiple languages. The translation of short and steamy for showers. Stewart tried to make sure that points are made and ive seen these around town and if either contributing to the low level of the man. Coming back to the dire stuff on water bank and storage if next year 1977 type year and everyone complies with the state water board reduction requirements when the bank will come up but water bank will go to zero next summer. We will effectively empty the tool that does the job for four years you can ask much more than that for most tools. The catchy should be about two 74,000 acre feet about 76 of capacity. Sometime in the first half of next year. Such a drop to about 210,000 acres were about 50 of activity in auto. The dry year while a water bank and about 200,000 acres in hetch hetchy which are pretty distressful conditions. So, will be the to seriously consider upping the nt substantially next year on demand restrictions to make sure that we keep demand down, but were way ahead of demand ramp you were well below the state board requirements are. So, these numbers are already starting to shift and will end up in better shape get all the water he will say is what we can use in the future year. Thats a good thing. Just it let me ask you a question. You mentioned before couple times, the reservoir the san andreas lake, driving down to 80, looking at it sort of pictureperfect opalescent waters and whatnot. I we doing anything just how big of the factors that do not realize were really in a drought and a much rough fallacy were doing to communicate that to the potluck . Should do everything we make the presentation we always point out that those are deceiving things. The denver operational purposes not of the doubt is going on that way. Whenever i use this table thats what i point to is the water bank numbers that shows were in a drought. The demand levels we are seeing doubt are so low that people dont think were in a doubt i dont know what theyre doing. People are getting the message really clear and return to make sure we do it every different way. Ill pitch it to tyrone to come up with a new way to communicate that just because were told as a meme or not drying out. You probably do a lot better than that but the message is an important one. Thank you. Just a couple comments get one, the consumption level data showing there really is amazing. It is. You talk about it being the lowest since 97. 1977 was the second year of two of the worst years weve ever seen of huge amounts of attention paid to it. Mandatory rations. Yes. The same level is being achieved now with greater population and on a voluntary basis. I think theres some important policy implications of that, that if you fully engage people even on a voluntary level receive a significant reduction. The other thing that should be said is, that the number that was complied for San Francisco and our wholesale customers. It cannot be that low except the good efforts of bawsca. Kudos. The last thing i got to mention is the chart, kind of nerdy chart, that shows the table with the storage levels of the various reservoirs. Thats pictureperfect. Thats easy. Its not easy and its not an accident. Not at all. Living water between reservoirs of having it it exactly where you want it is hard work. I just wanted to recognize that access my appreciation to staff for doing that. We spent a lot of time modeling the system and try to figure out how to make it work. Thats paying off. That takes not only good planning, good execution, but also helping hand from major that to make sure you have products but worse. We should take some pride in that. Absolutely. [inaudible] chris nelson locally. Theyve done a great job doing exactly what he said. I saw my dad the other day and back in the, what was it 8793 drought she was doing a lot of modeling is what we should have done. She was observing that its really nice to be able to see it work. Just the way we said it should. She was very pleased by that. At a similar conversation with dan does the edited. Its working. On a different front, the state water board has taken actions regarding curtailment notices for pre1914 water right holders. Those opposed 1903 rights. Most noticed water right holders cluny hotel and south irrigation district it on june 18 this to the terrys authority of the written mandate and complaint with the oakville along with the hotel and south european irrigation district against the state water board. As we for anticipated, the state water board took some action of the staff level on 14 rights that litigation went to and that is the case beginning now. So, will continue to monitor that situation. In summary yes, even though its a dry reach 95 of capacity in the water bank has worked well. And it will work next year, but will start to run into limitations. Demand is extremely low. We will continue to monitor the state water board front and take necessary actions to protect our water rights. But we have it answer your questions. Either questions . Thank you, mr. Richie

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