Window it is offense and bad not good for the neighbors and the pole will be higher and out of alignment and ill point out it is not just verizon putting this in at t and every other Wireless Company there are thirty some or 40 on russian hill how many at t and, etc. So thats my statement for the brand new barksubakers and ive lived on russian hill for 38 years and live within a half a block from the site this year appealed today so my comments relate to all of the items before you flae under grounding wont happen tomorrow or today or next week we need improved service now we have a lot of dropped calls and the view streets that were shown in the photographs to me are all right. Ugly i drive them every single day and work at home and i use both the cell phone i dont have a landline its very, very important to me they work properly im constantly having dropped coverage with my ipad individual concerns with the aesthetics are over blown given the need for Better Communications beyond about the excellent view streets their all right. Ugly with the poles all those wires hanging on them ultimately we all know thats what the goal is but their ugly and whats going to go up will not make any difference lets get on with it and improve the coverage and technology thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening my name is lindsay im here in support of the black and blue barks ive been in their home for meeting the only thing you see ousted their living room window is a pole covered with listens and boxes it is truly an eye soar ive lived on russian hill for 25 years i live on a block of filbert i have 78 poles on my street now several of them are going to do have the boxes none happened to be in front of any house i am grateful, however, i do think that we are being dlunld with more equipment on the poles as the previous speaker said are already ugly there are alternatives as commissioner fung mentioned the ideas of having them on roofs im happy to have one on my roof a couple of allocate issues it is my understanding that in terms of of safety 911 calls are routed through whatever the very nearest box or facility is and the only other thing id like to say is that i am a subscribeer of verizon in the beginning of this process they sent out a text to all of their users asking for support for this process unfortunately, i couldnt find a way to say i did not support it i think that was very much in their favor and not in the peoples thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening honorable board i moved to the neighborhood over thirty years ago and since then unfortunately ive had very expensive back surgery and have problems getting around i feel that it is very important to be able to call somebody not even 911 but someone from family we all rely moroni our cell phones as opposed to landlines i agree when they get better equipment and gloun and smaller that will be great but for now im all north america in favor of the communication box ands. Identify yourself, sir and im e ignore. Victor do you have an extra pencil. Yes. Members of the board i would appreciate your consideration that im here to speak on behalf of verizon i improve of their project im a long time residents of San Francisco i came from pittsburgh with the warriors lets go warriors and so taking from the warriors one thing is strengthen through numbers and thats what got them to their world companionship i think that might help the city and county of San Francisco that im grateful to live in get us to world companionship Communications Im also a trained nert that is Neighborhood Emergency Response Team i was trained by the San FranciscoFire Department and the Emergency Response department that it is may or may not mandatory that we have Clear Communications strength through numbers and unfortunately, i suffered a major brain stroke and fell and protecting my reconstructed skull i land on any el boo and i was able to call 911 clearly 911 to save me so thank you. Please. And your name sir. Daniel. Thank you. Next speaker, please hello board excuse my cough i have a cold i went to the Art Institute and familiar with the neighborhood i love it it is beautiful russian hill is gorgeous i find is rather disingenious residents living in multi millions homes i understand i also like what commissioner swig said about plans obsoleteness and obviously everybody wants to have all the wiser underground but know theyre going to be able to do it and have it done right im all for the antennas im a verizon user and i really believe that right now without the money to have it done i remember in the 80s they were first putting in cable for tv i lived in a beautiful neighborhood altitude did deboss triangle they had to redrill it sidewalk that was more of a hazard to tourists to the neighborhood so i fully support again, i support doing the antenna thing right now thank you. State your name for the record. Victor a. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is richard excuse me. Im a russian hill neighborhood i have a photograph on the overhead ive lived in north beach russian hill since 1982 and familiar with alcatraz and leavenworth and was talking to me when i looked this photograph it brought home the blight in the neighborhood part of this thing do we want to perpetuate and intensify not a noncomplying but like the overhead worries and light poles on russian hill so ill appealing for you to look at the long range picture did other facilities on metal poles are strengthen discrete by comparison antenna is integrated as an extension of the metal pole the worries are inside the pole it is amazing at the same time the facility can be handed so sympathyly to the neighborhood those are going to be so unappealing and unattractive i think this is the major part of when i wanted to say this is such a highly visited part of the city leavenworth is half a block away from lombardi street i hope we can give it some special consideration thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello sandra church, i live on russian hill i was born in San Francisco born the year of the Golden Gate Bridge opened and feel strongly about the beauty of this i consider my city and i happen to be a verizon user on any cell phone but what verizon is trying to do is terrible for the beauty of this would have city thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Certifying have a johnson i have ideas for the Verizon Wireless going ground and put it on the poles about two inches high is one 3 feet away on top of the wires that way that would go through stress and strain to fix the process for the wires i think the streets that needs reconstructing and Public Safety worse seeing how the ive been over there by the beach it is very attractive and im a tourist i know sirens and dancers used to go down there and have a good time i think that we explored it for the water fountains to make it more this is for Public Safety it is being more affected on this this will help a lot of people understand where our regulations have been to far back in disasters not explainable wires that you know works they need revising. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sarah i lived in north beach for 12 years all to make two points verizon and its supporters frequently bring up the bogus idea the network will help are 911 emergency assess but the fcc actually requires all carriers to have the 911 calls to any available Cell Phone Network that only concern that own profit the Public Safety is of no interest the second point is that i believe public works aesthetic standards have not the same as those of residents and passers by a the public works had sent some kind of Graffiti Team out and spraypainted the allergies all over the poles if they have any sensitivity to local aesthetics they dont seem to be able to display it i support the appeal thank you. My name is grazie support the appeal ill be brief multiple reasons for supporting it i have not heard anything from the people that have been speaking against the appeal about why they feel this is necessary aside from the claim necessarily they might need to call 911 that is not relevant because the 911 calls get diverted and take provided over other calls so why they feel the need to speak for this network is totally unclear to me as far as i, tell this is a private Company Verizon who is trying to accumulate public space in a public rightofway and build a network this is the reason that verizon exists so sweep aside peoples feelings about the view not feelings but facts about their verify evidence has been presented to rule as if that is a relevant is shocking i thought i heard someone is that we do not feel those are the least intrusive obstacles he didnt feel those are the least intransitive options available i would like you to think about that thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening commissioner president lazarus and members im living on houston street a half of block from chester street i dont know if youre aware the appeals youre hearing are part of 25 of those attempts by verizon to put a new level of intersect assess into russian hill theres 25 of the polls ascending and crossing over russian hill im going to skip to the fact of verizon having the nerve to say this is not bruktd by the black and blue barks pole the pole theyre talking about is directly in front of their living room window the family has owned this since sf 41 it is the best looking home ive lived here since the sf 40s and 50 years living downhill theyre at top of russian hill and next to the lombardi where the tourists are existing two policemen directing traffic the another day i think verizon is disingenious theyre saying theyre not ready to underground this equipment if they have the money to treat the applicants youve heard about 412 hotel takes persistence over anything else thats a strange argument please i urge you step forward it will be another 10 or 15 years where under grounding is more widespread thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening, members of the board im a graduate if hastings and went to state and Federal School and graduated in 2004 i was i came from berkley and cam to address the elections found a notice the meeting was cancelled for this evening i want to see if my comments appeal to you and show why were in this room together today on my way here i say this sign it says u. S. Conference of marries here in San Francisco the conference i believe im not sure 33 where they met but your own mayor was part of the meeting my comments i wrote them out and start millennium the university started by my parents in kenya and i came back to the United States in 2008 after the elections so im writing on the new testament ken you didnt i cant thats my address in berkley mom and dad a brief note to say hell hello id like to come back and be useful for the concerns for the family concerning the appointment now that we have an elected official in office we can continue with the alternative flight route through the eyes of the prophet we met in april and she too is confident shes coming to a resolution in her studies. Sir, do you have anything specific to say about this. I was reading a letter to show you how people use text on their phones or computers or Television Much the same way im using text to you know to communicate what i have tonight. Now its appropriate to ask about how my times up okay. Great and sir, do you care to state your name for the record. I prefer to withdraw my name right now. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening. Im perry year i moved to San Francisco in 2005 and been living in russian hill since then i want to make a couple of points about the appeals first of all, the thing one thing that spreepz me the dpw makes assessments whether it is safe and no encumbrance to the viewers or the population i havent seen anything that talks about the benefits of the technology as a community as a whole and the benefits for the people in the neighborhood this seems to be i dont know this seems is at this point the other thing that is missing id like to read whether or not this is the least Intrusive Technology available today theres you know nothing clear to me that tells me that you know rooftop technology is going to do solve the problem another thing to keep in mind if we allow verizon to install those boxes well have the same thing for at t and others for sprint and metro and anyone else that wants to get internet assess to the population youll end up with not 40 cells in a neighborhood but foments whatever provider youll need to support so this it seems to me a lack of planning from the city other things to consider right now tonight theres had appeals on those boxes it seems to me you know a bigger discussion probably to be had at this point thank you. Just for your information our last year i believe 8 hundred and 8 boxes at t was the first and verizon the second. More will follow then. Is there any additional public comment. Okay. Seeing none rebuttal starting with the appellant. Yes. Im on my own my husband has a hearing loss and may have missions a lot that was going on this particular part of the structure will be directly outside our living room one thats one angle this is another angle i dont have the artistic capability to do anything with that it will be there directly outside our window there are no angles i havent seen anything sins it protrudes from the pole which also will be two inches larger in dynamic so the boxes will protrude from the pole the attempt by verizons council to reframe the permit are not able all of that will obstruct our view period as well as i keep saying this i will do my artistic this is will be two feet wierdz a new bar will go here on the engineering specs that are not in simulation i have no artistic capacity as well i just so want you to come this weekend we now have 3 days a week we have police at the corner from 11 or 12 until of this weekend i dont know is it might start tomorrow no place it on the street where this will not effect others ive talked about myself and my neighbors ive talked about the public the Planning Department indeed set a president when they denied an installation on lombardi and acknowledged the citys rights to consider the publics authentic inheritance heres the public here they are there is so much traffic they are looking this pole and they matter here here are the police it is there just come please just come and take into account the graffiti im told not done by the dpw it will remain that it is enormous come and see the disrespect. Oh, oh okay. Sure. Verizon has said the rooftop was not on alternative you dont want the system and for this system. Are you suggesting another system. Im waiting for the sore the project sponsor. And you have made a case in my mind for the obstruction to your view my question is if theyre right more services t is needed whats the alternative everybody is talking ive not been offenders on alternative. Im not in the business im not a Telephone Communications expert this is what were going to get no, no i appreciate that thats fine. I dont know. Okay im not that person. Okay. Im the person that lives there and come on down just come on down its a treat it is really thank you. Well take rebuttal from permit holder