Sen. Taylor: Legislative session coming to an end Sen. Zack Taylor The legislative session is coming to an end. The governor has signed both the Senate and House redistricting bills. We’ll reconvene later this fall to finish congressional redistricting once we get the final census numbers. We also finished considering the governor’s 175 executive nominations this week. Our other constitutional requirement each session is passing a balanced budget, which we completed this week and sent to the governor for his final consideration. Public education remains a priority in the legislature. The education budget includes funding for 11 of the 65 appropriated state agencies. Together, these 11 agencies receive nearly half of the total state budget, and the Department of Education alone receives more than one-third of appropriated state dollars. Under this agreement, Oklahoma schools will receive nearly $3.2 billion, which restores the FY’21 cuts, caps classroom sizes for kindergarten and first grade, and includes increased funding for textbooks, the Reading Sufficiency Act, Alternative Education, and state testing.