Seen and unseen: The role of faith, reason in the search for alien life On: 6/17/2021, By Junno Arocho Esteves, , In: World ...People use night vision goggles to look at the night sky during an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) tour in the desert outside Sedona, Arizona, in this Feb. 14, 2013, file photo. With the expected release this month of the U.S. Department of Defense's report on unidentified aerial phenomenon, Catholic News Service spoke to three experts on the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. (CNS photo/Mike Blake, Reuters) ...Three boys await the arrival of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hunter Kim Carlsberg of UFO Sky Tours to begin their search outside Sedona, Arizona, as darkness falls in the desert Feb. 14, 2013. With the expected release this month of the U.S. Department of Defense's report on unidentified aerial phenomenon, Catholic News Service spoke to three experts on the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. (CNS photo/Mike Blake, Reuters)