Photo: Alex Scribner/VPM News In this time of social distancing and heightened political violence, people from marginalized groups say finding a sense of community has become increasingly important. In Richmond, Andy Waller tries to provide that support with the Safe Space Market. Waller says the name “Safe Space” has two meanings: a safe, healthy environment to prevent COVID-19 spread and a safe, inclusive home for marginalized communities. Photo: Alex Scribner/VPM News
Before venturing through Lakeside Farmers Market, which hosts Safe Space biweekly, Charlene Chotalal welcomes visitors and explains the guidelines in place for a COVID-safe environment. Among other requests, only one group should stop at a vendor at a time, and masks are required. Chotalal reached out to Waller about creating the greeter position to encourage an accessible, inclusive environment but also to “get back out there” after a year of near isolation.