Secure Thingz teams for IoT security March 02, 2021 // By Nick Flaherty Secure Thingz launches tools and training for developers targeting EN 303645 compliance for IoT security Secure Thingz, part of the IAR Systems Group, has teamed up with the IoT Security Foundation in the UK for a set of tools and training that give embedded developers with a simplified path to building secure applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). The Compliance Suite helps developers produce systems that meet EN 303645, UK & Australian 13 Best Practices and the evolving US Cybersecurity Improvement Act (NISTIR 8259). Most IoT applications are unique and formal certification methodologies can be costly and time consuming, so the IoT Security Foundation in Cambridge developed an IoT Security Compliance Framework. This enables organizations to build a self-certification methodology that meshes with the 13 Best Practices captured in UK and European Secure by Design guidelines. Secure Thingz is a founder member of the IoT Securoty Foundation.