Related Company: Pictured (l to r): SeaComm Vice President of Retail Operations Rick Maloney, PW Campbell President & CEO Jim Caliendo, SeaComm President & CEO Scott A. Wilson, SeaComm Board Chairman Myron Burns, SeaComm Board Directors Patricia Dodge and Robert Santamoor, Essex Branch Manager Joseph Feltz, and Assistant VP of Retail Operations & Regional Manager Yvonne Alterie. Vermont Business Magazine SeaComm Credit Union recently celebrated the official opening of its ninth branch location with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, April 16, 2021. The Essex branch finalized construction at 25 Carmichael Street, and was open to the public on April 19, 2021. “We are delighted to be a part of the greater Essex community and that our new location at 25 Carmichael Street will give us access to a highly visible, ever-expanded retail location,” states Scott A. Wilson, SeaComm President and Chief Executive Officer. “The Town of Essex was very supportive of our new building project throughout the planning and construction phase.” Wilson adds, “We have been pleased with our reception so far into the market and the opportunity afforded to us by Peter Edelman of Eurowest Retail Partners, L.P. of Essex, VT. We look forward to meeting our neighbors and the opportunity to serve in this new market and be an intricate partner in this vibrant community.”