School Board seat up for grabs on March 9 Young began telling voters they have an important choice to make on March 9. He said, "Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel that you are listened to? Are you confident that your School Board Representative respects and supports your views, opinions, and interests regarding education within SAU 36?" He went on to state, "How many families in SAU 36 would like more information about the School Board, its plans, and its budgetary decisions?" Young shared his thoughts on communication, noting "Aside from posting information on a web site, how effectively has your School Board Representative communicated with you regarding plans, policies, and activities of the schools within SAU 36? Have your School Board Representative made themselves available to the community for two-way communication (in person, remote, and by phone) regarding input, suggestions, and complaints? When making policy and decisions, has your School Board Representative considered all stakeholders within the community?"