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Schizophrenia Raises Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease : co
Schizophrenia Raises Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease : co
Schizophrenia Raises Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
In support of gut-brain interactions, a large study finds a greater than threefold increased risk of new-onset IBD in patients with schizophrenia.
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Taipei ,
T Ai Pei ,
Taiwan ,
Finland ,
Ohio ,
United States ,
Cleveland ,
Taiwanese ,
Miguel Regueiro ,
Department Of Medicine ,
Surgery Institute At Cleveland Clinic ,
Kuan Yi Sung ,
Taipei Veterans General Hospital ,
Alimentary Pharmacology ,
Gut Brain Connections ,
Digestive Disease ,
Surgery Institute ,
Cleveland Clinic ,
Inflammatory Bowel Disease ,
Nflammatory Bowel Disease Ibd ,
Bd ,
Schizophrenia ,
Psychiatric Hospitals ,
Psychiatric Hospitalization ,
Crohns Disease ,
Diarrhea ,
Ulcerative Colitis ,
Anxiety Disorder ,
Bipolar Disorder ,
Bipolar Mania ,
Manic Depression ,
Ipolar Affective Disorder ,
Epression Manic ,
Depression ,
Major Depression ,
Major Depressive Disorder ,
Nipolar Depression ,
Autism Spectrum Disorder ,
Autism ,
Tb ,