Samsung Electronics reigns as best-run firm in S. Korea in 2

Samsung Electronics reigns as best-run firm in S. Korea in 2021

The headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul. (Yonhap) SEOUL - Global tech behemoth Samsung Electronics Co. was ranked as the best-managed company among South Korea's top 500 businesses in 2021 to retain the top spot for three years running, a corporate tracker said Wednesday. Samsung, the world's top memory chip and smartphone maker, obtained 766.9 out of 800 points in an assessment of high growth, investment, global competitiveness, job creation and four other categories, the highest among the leading firms by sales, according to CEO Score. Samsung clinched the No. 1 post as it received high marks in four categories -- high growth, investment, global competitiveness, and job creation. Leading carmaker Hyundai Motor Cp. placed second with 734 points as the company was rated "excellent" in terms of high growth, transparent governance, and job creation. Internet titan Naver came in third with 721 points after getting high marks in transparent governance and gender equality. Other firms that received high ratings in last year's assessment include steel giant POSCO Holdings, pharmaceutical maker Samsung Biologics, cosmetics giant AmorePacific, and top mobile carrier SK Telecom. CEO Score has been assessing the management of those leading companies in Asia's fourth-largest economy since 2017. (Yonhap) }

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Seoul , Soult Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Samsung Biologics , Samsung , Posco , Samsung Electronics Co , Sk Telecom , Samsung Electronics , Hyundai Motor , The Headquarters Of Samsung Electronics Co In Seoul Yonhap Global Tech Behemoth Was Ranked As Best Managed Company Among South Korea 39s Top 500 Businesses 2021 To Retain Spot For Three Years Running , A Corporate Tracker Said Wednesday Samsung , He World 39s Top Memory Chip And Smartphone Maker , Btained 766 9 Out Of 800 Points In An Assessment High Growth , Investment , Global Competitiveness , Ob Creation And Four Other Categories , He Highest Among The Leading Firms By Sales , Ccording To Ceo Score Samsung Clinched The No 1 Post As It Received High Marks In Four Categories Growth , Nd Job Creation Leading Carmaker Hyundai Motor Cp Placed Second With 734 Points As The Company Was Rated Quot Excellent In Terms Of High Growth , Transparent Governance , Nd Job Creation Internet Titan Naver Came In Third With 721 Points After Getting High Marks Transparent Governance And Gender Equality Other Firms That Received Ratings Last Year 39s Assessment Include Steel Giant Posco Holdings , Harmaceutical Maker Samsung Biologics , Osmetics Giant Amorepacific , Nd Top Mobile Carrier Sk Telecom Ceo Score Has Been Assessing The Management Of Those Leading Companies In Asia 39s Fourth Largest Economy Since 2017 Yonhap ,

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