SAFE PRINT 360 - DEFENDER AGAINST BACTERIA Flottman Company presents SAFE PRINT 360TM, our unique antimicrobial protective print coating that incorporates advanced silver ion technologies to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacterial microbes on printed surfaces. March 10, 2021 15:07 ET | Source: Flottman Company Flottman Company Crestview Hills, Kentucky, UNITED STATES Cincinnati, Ohio - Northern Kentucky, March 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Introducing Safe Print 360, Flottman Company’s new antimicrobial substrate coating, formulated to inhibit 99% of bacterial replication and growth on ANY printed surface. Flottman Company is a Certified Woman’s Business Enterprise, third generation, family-owned, privately-held, print manufacturer celebrating 100 years of printing expertise. Flottman specializes in commercial printing, both digital and offset as well as the production of miniature folded and printed pharmaceutical literature. The silver ion enhanced