Then, of course, i liked the absolute confidence, that is, the kind of unpictured, uninvented, that reigned in the hall, well, really, yes, what we see now at the front, in a few days we completely leveled out everything that they called counternationalism, then they butted heads for so many months, in just a few days we made a much more significant, much more serious statement, and of course, this was reflected during the message, that is, this was not directly said, but. Yes, during a special military operation, during a confrontation with the west, but this is development after the victory, here, of course, some people began to get jittery, but what about us, what about us here, threatening that we would send in troops, here we were sending in, heres another, heres f16, yes, of course, theyll be fine with this its very difficult to live, how much do they want to confiscate from us . 300 billion, well, there are kopecks, and how many programs we have sounded, the amounts are such that 300 billion seems like kopecks, relatively speaking, even if as they say, do not touch what they have here, but simply use them with these just interest on profits, which the money of western investors that is here for the needs of our development, the amounts that the president has outlined, but they show, well, firstly, we will take it anyway, then with interest. But all these threats of yours about how we ll squeeze 400 million from one state bank there, well, im kind of like, you know, i look at this whole story, the west is only ready to pick pocket change for change, i this is what i wanted to say, i look at all these attempts to squeeze us and confiscate us there, but these are some petty swindlers, even they they cant steal on a large scale, but i ll tell you two things that seem to me. This is absolutely important. The first is that it is absolutely staked out in granite, there in marble, wherever russia is. Distortions, hysterics and so on, and secondly , but i cant help but say that everything the president spoke about, starting from highspeed highways, including the wonderful, in my opinion, the idea of reconstructing 200 cities, this is spatial development, this is about the development of space our country, and there at the beginning there was a phrase that the goal west this is the chaotization of our space, the destruction of everything that is here, and we must develop, master our space, yes, in principle, including for our comfortable life, but also in order to prevent the west from realizing here their goals, but ill tell you this, this is a very serious rebuke to those who, even now after the start of a special military operation, began to say that. Space is not needed, we are in a new world, in a progressive world, these lands are there not needed, no, land is needed, land is a resource, and i think that, of course, those people who were sitting in the hall, and there were very different people there, they are now in a state of rethinking, of course, most of them, as i hope, perceived the speech of the president and Supreme Commander in chief as an opportunity for. To the question, so to speak, about those who should hear these things, in fact, while in your soul in your head there is some kind of someone elses conversation, some, some other peoples cliches, when you are always looking, and what is there on the right, and what is there on the left, and how will they think if you are creative . Historical, independent are not capable , unfortunately, money will not help you, neither money, nor cars, so to speak, nor weapons, nothing will help, learn to think in such a way as to understand where the goals of this strategy are, what tools are. Suitable for its implementation and what is really useful for this country, for our country, and what can actually be discarded, and what can be taken, but very partially, this sovereignty of thought, the ability for historical creativity, this will give rise to real independence of russia, otherwise an attempt to copy something there, then here, well catch up and overtake these, well catch up and overtake those, this will always lead to secondaryness, secondaryity was not invented by us, other meanings are embedded in it, there are no. Such generally, you know, common interests that correspond to the interests of all countries the whole world, well, there are some eternal values, but these are already on a religious level, yes, and as for concrete life here on earth, each state, especially. Such a state of civilization as russia has its own meanings, they need to be to realize and need creativity, real creativity and freedom of thought, by the way , in order to achieve these goals, because being cliched, yes, being, so to speak, all the time in captivity of some other peoples models, well, it will be extremely difficult and this boneiness overdid, you will always be inclined to work for the benefit of others , to work for the benefit of others, yes, and not for your own, it seems to me that this is extremely important, as for the reaction of the west, which you mentioned, in my opinion, again we are here too. We talked about this, but nevertheless, the west really has already lost, he has already lost, yes, we have a difficult, so to speak, situation there on the battlefields in ukraine, although we have really seriously improved our positions and really, yes, this muchhyped offensive of the Ukrainian Army was defeated, but remember the ninetyfirst, ninetysecond, the omnipotence of the west, absolute power over the world and a historical chance to offer something to the world, so to speak, but for what . He will always remain under this power, compare with today, over these 30 years the west has actually squandered everything that was given to him fell into his hands in the early nineties, squandered it, all these people who are there in europe, so to speak, are hanging out, in america, my friends, you are already collecting what you are afraid of losing, you are collecting pieces of the former power, which was really called in the nineties power over the whole world, you could not control it, russia lay at your feet, china could not open its mouth, no one remembered india at all. That now 30 years is not so much historically, that now russia is fiercely fighting for its sovereignty and you cant do anything about to do this, china is your number one competitor, india is stepping on your heels, and the rest are slowly, i apologize, putting a bolt on your entire architecture, because this situation in ukraine, somehow not paradoxically, it seems that the west was showing its strength and determination, in fact, the entire World Architecture floated, because suddenly everyone felt, paradoxically, that this was power. Ends, this power ends, so always here, so to speak, yes, i said, i am convinced of the historical victory of russia, even despite some individual, maybe there are problems, there are nuances , there are tactical ones, so to speak, and failures and all that stuff, they have already lost it, so it seems to me that this confident tone of putin, as if well, here is our sense of self, it is here in this sense in this in a sense, so to speak, it confirms this situation, that what is also important is just one literal moment about what putin said about the family, now is the year of the family, yes, but in reality we need not a year, but a decade, twenty years, thirty years family, and what is now is being laid, i really hope, in family policy, as if yes, it will bear fruit for the future, because the issue of demography, the issue of implementation, so to speak, of our youth, it is extremely important, but here is another thing, the only thing about i said, so to speak, we really need to make sure that the family returns to the model of success, and. So to speak, he does everything for this, and this is his continuation into the future, and this brings such meaning and such joy that no money can , no career, no, so to speak, these positions are there in some kind of hierarchy they wont give it to him, so what the president said about seme seems extremely important to me, now its important to implement all this in addition to everything else. By the way, its interesting to see how high the birth rate is, say, in rich muslim countries . What am i leading her to, so its just a combination of a high level of income of traditional values, where a really large family is a plus, that is, i simply wouldnt oppose it here, yes dmitry, yes, well, im just from the family then, you know, i talked about it here, but i was shocked myself, recently i was there near the front line, and i came across a very interesting phenomenon , in one company, i just came to the guys and heard it, and then i got hooked on it and started to find out, because of course i didnt believe it at first, but they just left the front line for rotation, and we sat, drank tea , talked to them, one said, well , my wife is here. She arrived, well, she came, i was thinking about leave, and then i started to find out, so in this company five wives from siberian cities, omsk, krasnoyarsk, novokuznetsk, more small towns in siberia, and one mother, they came with their children, they live in a frontline city in the donetsk peoples republic, next to their fighters. So, about my son, ill just tell you so that you dont think, there, you know, my mother arrived, my mother s son, a platoon commander with perfect deeds, young, 20something, young, platoon commander, everyone else is the same, they have nine children, and two of them, children go to kindergartens in the donetsk peoples republic, and two of these wives are going to give birth this summer, thats the story. Presented, and of course, its understandable the rage and hysteria that is happening in the west , so we talked about macron yesterday, but today he said that he said all this thoughtfully, he said, all this was thought out, you know, he stomped his foot, and stomped leg, but what does this mean, because they, well, how do they really know that they lost, they know it, they sought it. He is the chief of staff, thank you, volodya, i am admiral radakin, admiral radakin, yes, he he said that in the war that will happen, we dont need to be afraid of it, russia will lose and will lose quickly, after that he spent a long time listing how much of what they have there, this is todays message, thats how much of what they have there, tanks, guns, how much they can mobilize, there and so on and so forth, thats simple. Its precisely on this, well, of course, that the plans are amazing, starting from the fact that now we will definitely have sixyearolds, as i understand it, well , its normal, its right that they will be these sixyearolds, and ending with the fact that, of course, its very certain its clear that a lot of work was done in preparation, but priorities and directions have been highlighted , ill just focus on the two most important ones, well, the president talked a lot about this, but of course that s all that concerns. Infrastructure, because the success of the whole business , in my opinion, will depend on how much we can increase the speed and the intensity of all types of communication on our territory , transport, information, and so on and so on, but once there in the nineties, our average speed of Cargo Movement along the Transsiberian Railway was 12 km per hour, the average speed, well. We will enter 25 countries, here, but i think that we will do more, because a lot depends on this, because this is a real way to intensify the notorious Labor Productivity in all areas, and solve the problem of labor migration, and solve the problem of labor, thats because it wont be possible to increase them quickly, but to increase automation and robotization. Radically, this is a very real possible goal, i am sure that we will achieve it, i think that there is panic in the west, well, in particular, i just said that it exists, and this should represent for you threat, but should draw your attention to the fact that it is better not to mess with us. For radakin, who is directly to blame for the attacks on russian cities, everything became clear after a leak from the stupid scholz, everyone there is now very strong against him for this. You will be able to leave the port, because the row cannot leave, well, yes, he is the owner of that very powerful fleet there with nuclear weapons, although there is a gym on the site of the launch silos, because it turned out that there was no money to equip the launch silos, but of course he can see who and how many they can mobilize, i think that these will be colossal, simply stunning, powerful regiments, but it is not clear who, the scots will not go to die for the british, they will rather act on our side, since their hatred. What nato country can afford such a level of losses, lets say, like ukraine, but its impossible to imagine 4,400, that is, this is the level at which revolutionary vasstan begins in any of these countries