Port city. At the beginning of the 19th century , greeks, italians, french, turks and many others flocked here. In 1819, only every fourth inhabitant of odessa was russian. There were even fewer little russians. Jews went to odessa en masse after the annexation of polish lands to russia. These were immigrants from galicia, Small Traders and artisans. Among them were wealthy people. They have taken a serious place in the grain trading market. The lands of novorossiya were included in the socalled pale of settlement, areas in which, from the end of the 16th century, by decree of catherine and then nicholas ii , subjects of the jewish religion were allowed to permanently settle. In these territories, jews were engaged not only in trade and crafts, but also in creating. In the First Quarter of the 21st century, there was an attempt to purposefully create a class of jewish landowners in the novorossiysk province. The author of the idea is the minister of justice of the russian empire and the famous poet gavriil romanovich derzhavina. According to his proposal, government officials were allocated for the colony land, benefits and subsidies were given for development. We didnt achieve much success. The settlers lacked the skills of the land. And yet, in the ekaterinoslav and kherson provinces there were more than twenty jewish agricultural zones. The Rapid Development of industry and economy in the second half of the 21st century attracted new settlers to novorussia; several tens of thousands of jews moved to the south of russia and bessarabia from the western regions, lithuania, podolia, volyn. In kherson, ekaterinoslav. Elisavetgrad, during soviet times kirovograd, a wealthy layer of jewish merchants arose, attracted by the opportunity to get rich, all of them continued to stay in odessa. The black page in the life of the Jewish Community was the largescale pogroms of the late 16th and early 20th centuries. Their first wave arose in the eighties, after the assassination of tsar alexander ii. Pogroms followed elisavet. Passed through the crimea, bessarabia, reached odessa and caused the flow of the first emigration overseas. Despite this, the Jewish Community in odessa at the beginning of the 20th century was the second largest in the empire after warsaw. Jewish the population made up a third of the citys residents, more than half of them were literate, almost 90 recognized yiddish as their native language. This community in many ways gave odessa the well known flavor of a southern. Cosmopolitan city. About how the Jewish Community was formed and settled in novorossiysk over more than 200 years, in the story of anna efimova. Kiddush glasses, entwined with a vine in judaism , one of the symbols of the prosperity of wealth, handembroidered yarmulkes, bronze minor key, just like the one that adorns the coat of arms of israel. And of course, the torah, objects, everyday life and attributes of the religious rites of the jews of new russia in the funds of the donetsk republican Regional Museum. The torah, which is presented here in the form of a scroll, is an evacuated item from the Regional Museum of the city of mariupol; at the moment it is in temporary storage in the funds of our museum. Jews began to settle en masse in the ozovo region at the beginning of the 19th century; 30,000 acres of land were allocated for them here. They tried the jews. To raise people to agriculture; for this purpose , a society of israelis was even specially created christians, it was believed that through a change of faith it was possible to change the type of activity, usury to arable farming, which was so in demand in creation. As part of the experiment, 50 jewish families from odessa moved near mariupol to lands left unoccupied by the greeks; then , in the twenties of the century, three experimental jewish agricultural colonies arose in the region zelenopole, ivanopole and khlebodarovka. There was such an economic, agricultural experiment, when there were, say, 10 jewish households one yard was provided to an exemplary german colonist, who was supposed to teach the jews how to properly and well cultivate the land, but unfortunately, this experiment failed, the jews were forced to leave their places and move to larger settlements. Thus, the culture of local jews had already developed, it was aimed at life in cities, small towns, and jews were engaged in all kinds of gardening, but mostly they were engaged in craft activities. At first they were also ready to engage in trade and agriculture, but only as a commercial agriculture, that is, they needed a very profitable agriculture, in the rapidly developing industrial donbass, many people from the Jewish Community entered the vast class of artisans and manufacturers; by the beginning of the First World War they even earned recognition in the congress of coal industrialists. Subsequently, during the soviet years, a whole program was developed. Jews into the industrial sector, if before the revolution the share of working jews did not exceed 4 , then by 1939 it was more than 16 . One in a word, as a flexible people, jews have always adapted well to new realities , both social and economic. This is a false, quite disgusting condemnation that a jew cannot work with his hands. There are a lot of jews. Were workers in these factories. Moreover, according to the population census, at that time jews were in second place after russians on the territory of novorossiya and made up about 1015 of the total population. And a lot of immigrants from poland and belarus of the jewish faith worked at the factories. And all this nascent the working class subsequently found itself in the abyss of the 1917 revolution. Jewish pogroms contributed greatly to this. One of the bloodiest took place in 1905 in odessa. Then over 300 jews were killed, tens of thousands were left homeless. However, odessa is a striking, but far from the only example. Donetsk, and at that time yuzovka was no exception. By the way, here is the biography of the famous soviet photo artist, photographer, photo reporter evgeniy khaldei. There are too. It is a fact that his family is very suffered from the jewish pogrom in yuzovka. Yes, the pogroms here were certainly smaller compared to other cities in novorossiya and little russia, well, nevertheless, they were here. Well, it would not be a great exaggeration to say that the very concept of pogroms was mainly born in novorossiya, so to speak , that is, but this is in no way connected. Lets say, directly with some kind of political or revolutionary activity, it is rather economic competition, which first gave rise to greekjewish confrontations, so to speak, in the lower middle, so to speak layer, so to speak, of the urban structure, yes, that is, if we are talking about odessa in 1871, yes, and then later other, so to speak, confrontations with other, as it were, ethnic and cultural groups were added here. The imposition on jews by the authorities of the russian empire, associated primarily with the pale of settlement, which was abolished only by the provisional government, led to a massive influx of jews into revolutionary parties that aimed to overthrow tsarism. The jews constituted the Third Largest nation group in the army of the anarchist old man makhno. Not to mention participation in the bolshevik movement, among the most famous figures were, for example, leon trotsky, by the way, a native of the kherson province, and yakov sverdlov. Both were active participants in the revolution back in 1905. By the beginning of the 20th century, the radicalization of the Jewish Population was, so to speak, probably the most culminating , because on the one hand, these are all kinds of rightwing movements, so to speak, that is, emerging zionism, and religious, so to speak, conservative movements , right here, yes, on the other hand, its the opposite of the left , so to speak, well, suffice it to remember that in all left parties, including jewish commoners, the jewish intelligentsia occupied. A fairly prominent role. Industry, culture, medicine, and of course, science, the contribution of jews to the formation of a fundamentally new country, the soviet union, in every sense, is also difficult to overestimate. To say that one of the azov jews was the famous polar explorer rudolf samailovich, the one who essentially laid the foundation for the development of the arctic and the northern sea route, the shortest logistic corridor between the european part of russia and the far east, a project that today, under the conditions of sanctions, has acquired particular significance. Anna efimova, valery savelelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. We will talk about what colors the Jewish Community added to the palette of the population of novorossiya with a permanent expert of our program, a native odessa resident, historian and political scientist alexander vasiliev. Sasha, good afternoon, hello sasha, the largest Jewish Community in novorossiya was formed in odessa, what about does she know and what is she famous for . In fact, odessa is such a city, a city of migrants, yes, in which it is not so easy to be a native , the Greek Community was very strong, and there were merchants there, and so on and so forth, there were french people, italians were engaged in this export trade, but nevertheless, jews, despite the fact that already jewish merchants were already recorded in literally the very first census of the population of odessa, even when the city was just taking its first steps, it was really growing, but nevertheless, it was always not only those who were born and grew up in odessa, and those who stayed constantly were from those same ones. Podolia, volyn, well, western ukraine, by the end of the 19th century, odessa became such a beacon, and a magnet, an important center of jewish life, but of course, if we talk about success, yes, then, first of all, it really was the financial sphere, it was business, this part, such a business part of odessa, yes, it, in general , of course, left after the revolution, so today we remember outstanding musicians, oistrakh there, gildels there, or writers, poets , artists who odessa is connected precisely by people from the Jewish Community, but finally, yes, and of course , yes, leonie tes is already the soviet period, yes, and of course, it is necessary to say about another such niche, which, among other things, thanks to literature, is precisely has become attached to odessa jews, this is a world of organized crime. Crime, yes, that is , babels odessa stories, and they not only captured a certain reality, but in many ways formed such a very strong image, one of the images of odessa, a trait of settledness that existed in the russian empire, including through the lands of southern russia, how did this influence the formation of communities in novorossiya . You need to understand the Historical Context that they were annexed the lands of the polishlithuanian commonwealth, and the polishlithuanian commonwealth, on which they lived. Significant Jewish Population and for this population , on the one hand, a line was drawn that could not be crossed for permanent residence by persons of the jewish faith, yes, but it is important to understand that at the same time novorossiya was being developed, and when this line new provinces in the south were also included, they were practically empty, because this pale of settlement, it led to the fact that these were very overpopulated with jews. Their shtetl, this led to poverty , to various social problems, but at the same time no one prevented the fact that one could move to novorossiya and actively participate in its development and settlement, which was done if we are talking about jewish communities, then for example, odessa , well, in general , novorossiya has become such a very important place for the development of jewish education, and this is inside certain jewish environment caused such internal contradictions, because the conservative religious. Part is the same as odessa, yes, it was perceived as a place that seduces pious, so to speak, jews, yes, throws them various temptations, which they are in their closed communities were protected, but on the contrary there were very many who said that it was necessary to get out of this natural isolation and open up to the world as well, and there is a reformist trend in judaism, and this is characteristic of new russia, sasha, the 20th century with its. Tragedies, cataclysms, could not help but affect the life of the Jewish Community of new russia, two wars, civil, and the great patriotic war, the wave of migration, who remained in new russia and what jewish communities look like today, its very difficult were reflected, we understand this very well, starting with the pogroms of the civil war there, such as those that were more reminiscent of even genocide, and, in fact, prerevolutionary. Yes, of course, of course, of course, but the collapse of the soviet union was also accompanied by emigration to israel, to germany in the usa, but nevertheless, like all other National Communities of novosia, they are preserved and we know, for example, in the republics of donbass, yes, there are, even so to speak, among public figures, yes, those who are representatives of these communities and head of the Public Chamber of donbass, dpr, yes, yes, yes, alexander kofman, of course, here, but this is just one example, here, but of course, we know that part of novorossiya, which is located to the west, and from the dnieper, here with her actually. Today the president of ukraine is zelsky, about which there is constant talk, yes, about him nationalities, here, which are used as a kind of indulgence , especially in western public opinion, but of course the very powerful dnepropetrovsk, yes , what is called the dnepropetrovsk clan, yes, which, on the one hand, inherits a kind of administrative tradition from the soviet era, with on the other hand, this is a very powerful business, yes, we know the business of kolomyisky, who ended up , that is, imprisoned in it, constant problems with his business, that is, this is also, well, such a negative factor, but i think that despite for all the current cataclysms, catastrophes, yes, historical experience shows that all the same, the Ethnic Diversity of this region remains, and of course, none of this diversity, i dont hope that the Jewish Community will not disappear anywhere, but no, it s absolutely clear , whats for sure. This paint from all this National Color of navorosia will definitely never disappear. Thank you very much for the interesting story. Chuginka, a modest, slightly more than a thousand people, village in the stanitsalugansk region of the lnpr. With an ordinary story. In the second half of nineteen centuries, a temple was erected here in the name of the apostles peter and paul. In soviet times, they destroyed it and built a club. The restoration of the church began in 1994; in 2007, the holy synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox church blessed the transformation of the parish into a monastery. Its inhabitants practically themselves erected a templechapel in honor of seraphim of sorov and a bell tower, and began construction of the main temple of john the baptist. Year chuginka found itself on the line of military contact, construction stopped, the monastery was shaken by shell explosions, but nothing one did not fall on her territory. The small miracles in chugininka do not end there. In the monastery, along with Church Services and blood farming , there is a workshop. In it, monks restore and create ancient ones. New violins, recently restored italian instrument of the 16th century, all thanks to the abbot of the monastery, archimandrite bartholomew. In his youth , he learned to play, and then became fascinated by the secrets of clasp mastery. There is also a tradition here every year the monks give an instrument to one of the russian musicians own production. Today, when they no longer shoot at the weirdos, vladyka bartholomew dreams of a staple school in the lugansk peoples republic. Read more about the modest village in the Luhansk Region and its inhabitants in the story by olga mokhova. When they brought it to us, it was dark, the whole board was just black, it was impossible to even distinguish who was depicted , gradually it appeared on its own, that is , it was updated, so. People noticed, if you look closely, you can see right here as if on top images, a new image was superimposed by itself, the feodorovskaya icon of god mother, especially revered in the holy john the baptist monastery, it was only by miracle that she was preserved from the very church of peter and paul that was destroyed in chuginka after the revolution. This village, like the neighboring land, was famous for its fertility from its very foundation; settlements and, at times, prosperous farmsteads quickly arose here. According to the code of peter ii of 1695 on allowing the cossacks to engage in agriculture, the cossacks of the town of the village of lugansk began to receive land for farming. The cossacks experienced different periods farms were successful at the end of the 11th and early centuries, then the hard times of the civil war happened, and after that many cossacks fought on the side of the whites. During the soviet years , a collective farm named after the Fiftieth Anniversary of the communist party of ukraine flourished here after the collapse of the union in 1991, and it collapsed, but many farms formed there learned to take advantage of their close proximity to russia. Yes, there was a border with the Russian Federation until 14, it was a calm peaceful border, goods moved through it, cargo moved, including agriculture had the opportunity to exchange oil products, fertilizers, and grain. After 2014, everything changed, objects along the russianukrainian border became sensitive and especially protected ; even spiritual shrines turned out to be there, as happened with the kiselev balka nature reserve, in the vicinity of chuginka, as a result of which this place, especially revered by the local orthodox, fell into complete desolation, this corner, where there i