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Of islamists on israeli territory has been returned to state control, on video cameras that are found on the killed terrorists and that Israeli Network channels are posting today, chilling evidence of bloody crimes. Here you can see how militants strike with weapons and kill defenseless thai and filipino Agricultural Workers who came to israel to work. We have seen a lot of incredible evidence. The world should also know about this, only at our base there are now 800 bodies undergoing the identification procedure, children, old people, burned people, beheaded people, above a military base in the very center of the country, the smell of chloroform, specialists are working in masks and protective clothing, working around the clock. The bodies of the victims are still in refrigerators, refrigerators, special military services are still Forensic Experts are working. Those who are listed as missing, in order to notify relatives of the death of loved ones, careful special examinations are needed. Among the dead there are also arabs, today the story of awaad, a resident of the israeliarab village of iksal, has become wellknown; he was also a guest of the illfated one. Music festival near the borders of gaza, refused to flee from the invading militants, until the last he provided first aid to the wounded. Hamas killed their brother in faith, long and painfully. Among the dead who were held hostage in gaza, citizens of thirtysix states, the number of russians missing during the tragic days is growing. On october 13 , 12 russian citizens were included in the list of missing persons suspended by the israeli side. We also draw your attention to the fact that today it remains possible to leave israel, including on Russian Regular flights and flights of other companies. We strongly recommend that russian citizens use it. Among the missing is young karina ariev, a conscript, like hundreds of other people, she disappeared october 7th. Her relatives, reviewing all the videos appearing online from the scene of the bloody tragedy, saw the girl, and it seemed to them that karina was wounded. We dont know anything about the prisoners, who survived, who didnt survive , who is there, if they have uh, medical care, she really wanted to serve and somehow help our country, and her last message, these are terrorists, they are here, they are in a bomb shelter, and this was the last time we had the last contact with her, some kind of tough Operational Action against those who supported militants and terrorists in the country, pizzeria in the israeli arab village of hawara, where the owners displayed a photograph of an elderly hostage in the window as an advertisement, it was demolished by military bulldozers. The Israeli Military continues to strike targets in the gaza strip. The intensity and power of attacks from air, land and sea are increasing day by day, and tsal , through leaflets and sms messages, called on the residents of gaza city to go south to save their lives. Sahal calls for the evacuation of all civilians from gaza city to the south for their own safety and protection. Serious military operations are ongoing and we assume that there are civilians here who are not our enemies and we do not want to attack them. Plans for a military operation to supply american ammunition to the Israeli Military and the future palestinian enclave were discussed with the military and Political Leadership of the country. Pentagon chief lloyd austin arrived in jerusalem today. His plane landed at bengurion airport the day after secretary of state Antony Blinken arrived. Strike force gerald is currently in the region ford led the Worlds Largest aircraft carrier. We have sent a squadron of air force fighter jets to the middle east and the Us Department of defense is fully prepared to deploy Additional Forces if necessary. The visitor to austin, the israeli minister of defense, yoav holland, in turn, without disclosing operational details, again promised that this time the war would be long and difficult. Defense cooperation between the United States and israel increases our capabilities and gives us freedom of action. Today at the second United States plane with weapons needed by the Israeli Defense forces will land. On the seventh day of the confrontation, the hamas leadership in gaza called on all arabs to hold marches and actions of solidarity with the islamists. The israeli police, fearing unrest on the temple mount, closed access to the alya mosque for some believers in the morning. But the festival of solidarity with hamas did not work out, shocked by the number of People Killed and the atrocities of the militants, frightened by the sounds of the air raid warning, people preferred to stay at home, so moreover, the head of the autonomy, mahmoud abas , called on palestinians not to support the actions of radicals. Sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. For the First Time Since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinianisraeli conflict, on the heads of residents. It s not just aerial bombs that are falling from the sky, although, of course, there are plenty of them too. Today , Israeli Air Force planes scattered thousands of such leaflets over the palestinian enclave with messages about immediate evacuation. Friday, october 12, a place near, near the hospital, he doesnt know where to go. Released a warning that Everyone Needs to go south. Israel gave civilians 24 hours to liberate gaza and, in general, the entire northern sector, to a safe zone about 40 km away. But the roads are broken, there is no fuel for transport, and to overcome this path on foot for women, the elderly and children is an essentially impossible task, the situation is aggravated by the dire humanitarian situation in the enclave, there are practically no supplies of Drinking Water left, and there is no outside help in the blocked the sector is still not receiving. Economic, political the situation is very very complicated, they told us to go to the south of gas, here. We dont know, its a separate question, what to do with those who are now in overcrowded hospitals, gases, the Health Care System is collapsing, according to health data, more than 6,000 people have already been wounded, and the number is growing every hour, now im in the emergency room, here this lower jaw and upper jaw are completely broken, shes been in the hospital waiting room for 2 days now, its impossible to take her there. This video was taken by a hospital doctor, he, like many his colleagues, for several days in a row without sleep or rest at work, but doctors are simply not able to help many patients now , there is barely enough medicine for the next few hours, since the free places in medical institutions ran out a few days ago, there are a lot of patients in Critical Situations and difficult situations, there is no place for them, it is very difficult, all the oberatsionnye have been completed, and i hope that this war will end peacefully, but so far, judging by the state of affairs, there is no way to talk about a peaceful resolution of the conflict, whether it will be possible get all civilians out of dangerous areas before the Israeli Forces begin a ground operation, the big question is what is happening in gaza right now, my colleague, journalist tariq alyan. The situation in the gas sector is very. Critical, after turning off the power plant, turning off the water, turning off the electricity on the israeli side, a problem with water, a problem with sewerage, a problem with the bombing, which does not stop, israel promises a winter operation in the gas sector, the idf asked residents of the gaza strip leave their houses go to the southern part of the enclave, we are talking about 100 people who. Must leave their homes and go to nowhere in the southern hour, who have relatives, who have acquaintances, and the rest of the people, where, extortion schools, they are completely filled , and people are on the street, today i moved to the Russian Embassy in gaza city, on the road i saw hundreds of people in cars, in their cars, and even on foot, people walked, took blankets, suitcases with them, everything they could. Where the russian consulate is located is empty, almost all the people left here, there was no one left, even. We know here the embassy employees should stay in this place or leave, no one knows what will happen and how it will happen, the situation is critical, despite the ongoing destructive strike by Israeli Forces on the gaza strip, the combat wing of hamas has not lost its potential, militants continue to strike the jewish state , in these frames, as the palestinian media claim , the moment the israeli f16 was hit by a manpads crew, if the information is confirmed, it will be the first loss of the Israeli Air Force of its aircraft since 2018, probably even more will spur attacks on the territory in sectors that can hardly be called selective. Moreover, according to a recent investigation by the Human Rights Organization human rights watch, when attacking densely populated areas, israel used, among other things , types of weapons prohibited by international conventions. Based on verified video footage and eyewitness accounts, human right watch has determined that Israeli Forces used White Phosphorus in the gaza strip on october 10 and 11, respectively, hamas said today as a result of the bombing of the gas strip has already killed 13 hostages, including both israelis and citizens of other states; dozens of people remain in captivity; progress in negotiations for the release of the hostages, despite the efforts of international mediators, is still not possible. Alexander bilivov and anna lvova. News. An Israeli Ground operation in the gaza strip will lead to a huge number of civilian casualties. The only longterm solution to the conflict is the creation of a palestinian state. This was emphasized by vladimir putin. The massive tragedy that israelis and palestinians are now experiencing is a direct result of the failed policies of the United States in the middle east. The americans, with the support of their european satellites, tried to monopolize the middle east settlement, but it did not happen. Preoccupied with finding compromises acceptable to both sides, they certainly never took into account the fundamental interests of the Palestinian People , by the way, we are hearing about plans to prepare a ground operation in gaza, but we understand that this is already quite to put it this way, semiprofessionally, using heavy equipment in residential areas is difficult. Fraught with serious consequences for all parties, and without equipment this means that it is even more difficult to carry out these operations in the same residential buildings there, and the most important thing is that casualties among civilians will be absolutely unacceptable, now the main thing is still to stop the bloodshed, in coordination with all constructively minded partners, we proceed from the fact that there is no alternative to resolving the palestinianisraeli conflict through negotiations their goal should be the implementation of the un twostate formula, which involves the creation of an independent palestinian state with its capital in east jerusalem. The president of russia answered questions from journalists following the cis summit in beshka. All decisions in the community are made on the basis of mutual agreement, all leaders support further economic integration, and also expressed a desire to develop a joint air defense system. A terrorist threat regime has been introduced in france, francepress reports, and such measures were taken after an attack on a lyceum in the north of the country. One of the teachers was killed and several others were seriously injured. Israels Foreign Ministry and the countrys National Security Council Called on israelis around the world to remain vigilant. Palestine supporters called for a day of anger, about protests anastasia ivanova. Day of wrath declared by hamas and friday the 13th. Symbolically, to sow fear, organize a popular protest. Protest that expressing freedom of speech in the west means being against palestine and nothing else. The participants did not have time demonstrations in germany shout freedom to palestine, how they tied them up, the number of police, while clearly more than the protesters, apparently wanted to nip the unrest in the bud, no matter how, but despite the warning of the european authorities ban on holding propalestinian demonstrations , they took to the streets in paris, so solidarity trade unions express their support to palestine; they sympathize with the civilians in the gaza strip, who are now trapped. Israel used phosphorus bombs, which are banned internationally. Where is the video of the gas attack on european resources, where the statements of the European American opposition to these actions, when i talk about these facts, we must speak out, and people go to fight, but so far they are fighting only with the demonstrators, a lot of heavily armed policemen are sweeping the protesters off their feet in the same democratic paris, but the demonstrators are not going to give up, they occupy monuments and burn torches with palestinian flags in their hands, tough statements are made in budapest after mass rallies, demonstrations in support of terrorists are taking place in europe, these people tried to do the same in hungary, but here you have no right to endorse the activities of terrorist organizations, because this in itself constitutes a terrorist threat to hungarian society, forget about it, now is not the time, we are not going to allow anything like that. Protesters in the United States do not need permission; the participants, of course, are not as massive as in the east, but they still chant slogans in support of palestine; at the university of washington they tried to arrange provocations for the demonstrators themselves. To me i like your scarf, i saw the same ones in the synagogue, which one do you go to by the way, which one . I would come to you for shabbat, if the palestinians are so peaceful, why doesnt egypt let them in . Propalestinian demonstrators in england took over, it seems, they defied the police in london and set conditions for how they should deal with a patrol car in nottingham. They threw food at her with plastic bottles because she drove into a column of protestants. The antipalestinian policy of the west and the radical attitude of the protesters are already leading to crimes in the face of the french city aras, shouting allahu akbar, a twentyyearold guy burst in, attacked a french teacher with a knife, he died, the attacker simultaneously wounded two more people, they are in serious condition, in fact, with the transfer of the arabisraeli conflict to european territory, and this is not the first time , when political terrorist attacks occur in europe by completely radical islamists or those who sympathize precisely on the basis of antisemitism, this can also take on the character of a deeply planned and chaotic guerrilla war already in europe. The more bans there are, the more desires the representatives of the arab world have to take to the streets; tear gas obviously wont stop any of them. Anasia ivanov anton dadykin, alika komarova. Over the course of a week , the russian army carried out eight group strikes with m complexes and combat drones. Several large warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed forces, workshops of a number of military enterprises, as well as part of the militants Accommodation Centers were destroyed. Zelskys formation lost almost 5,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers in a week. 11 tanks and 55 other Armored Vehicles were liquidated, as well as about 100 gunships and selfpropelled guns two su attack aircraft were destroyed. Russia is aware of its responsibility in the field of Global Energy security and is ready to provide the world with cheap and clean energy, Valentina Matvienko stated this at the g20 parliamentary forum, which opened in india. Boris ivanin has all the details. Land of glory, as translated from hindi, is the name of this international center, where the g20 parliamentary summit is taking place in new delhi. The complex is the largest. Not only in india, but throughout asia, only the first stage has been opened, the rest are still being built, and the same is growing the multipolar world that the g20 represents, the slogan of the summit is one land, one family, one future. The main strength of any country is the people and their will, and this summit is a wonderful opportunity for us to glorify the person and his willpower, we must remove obstacles to global trust and move forward together. Look. To the world through the prism of the fact that we have one land, one family and one future. Valuing brotherhood, being united in diversity is our greatest strength in order to find collective solutions for global problems. A divided world cannot do this. At randermode, not only is the head of government, he is also the leader of the peoples and lower houses of the indian parliament; before the opening of the summit, he himself approaches Valentina Matvienko, the conversation is, as they say , on the feet, but no less meaningful for that. This is the hall where all plenary sessions take place. We have a unique opportunity to look here during a break between sessions, notice how beautifully everything is decorated, these roses and chrysanthemums, they are all real, and of course the grass is under artificial feet, well, here are the seats of the russian delegation, signs with the inscription russia, between mexico and saudi arabia, here is the chair where the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko sits, her name is even written here in russian, on the contrary, a representative of the european union, though not head of the european parliament. Metzly, not the chairman of the European Commission ursla vonleijen , is not present today, they are now on a visit to israel, newley is not there, by the way, the speaker of the canadian senate, raymonda, she ignored this summit due to a diplomatic scandal. Between ottawa and niueli, however, please note, there is still a sign with the inscription of canada and a red wedge leaf, here at the table as a symbol that india is ready to conduct a dialogue with all parties, speech during the meetings about the global challenges that the g20 countries face, digitalization of services, reform of Global Financial institutions, green energy, but despite indias calls not to politicize the discussion, some western representatives tried to impose their antirussian agenda on others. The conflict between russia and ukraine led to a Global Crisis that has reached far beyond the sovereign territory of ukraine, where brave ukrainians are fighting for freedom and a rulesbased international order. This conflict affected all the inhabitants of the world and led to the fact that 30 million tons less grain was supplied to the african continent, and this in turn led to rising prices, and we are not just talking about africa, germany, food prices are rising the fastest. Nicola beer, however , did not say that it was the actions of the west that essentially disrupted the grain deal, but for now she worked, the lions share of ukrainian wheat went precisely to a wellfed europe, and not at all to hungry africa. Its as if they forgot in brussels about who brought the neonazi regime to power in kiev. Valentina matvienko reminded me of everything. It was the west that accelerated, the kiev regime shelled, bombed, killed civilians of donbass, women, children for 8 years, as for the accusations against russia, they are unacceptable, they are unfair, and because we did not start this war, we declared. To finish it, to protect civilians, save their lives. The audience greeted these words with applause; the head of the Federation Council in india had enormous support. Here, on the sidelines of the summit, was a confidential conversation with the speakers of both houses of the parliament of the republic of south africa. And here is a warm hug from the head of the National Council of the united arab emirates. A friendly meeting with poan maharani, the hostess of the last g20 parliamentary summit, who passed the baton. Confirmed again. Cooperation between russia and india, and much depends on the hosts of the summit, here it was possible to remove all confrontational rhetoric, which the europeans tried to impose, it is no longer interesting to anyone, and even if we compare it with last year, with last years meeting of the Parliamentary Group of twenty, which was in indonesia, then of course, it is clear that a constructive attitude, a joint attitude to work, it turns out to be much more important than any then these russophobic outbursts that our former colleagues allow themselves purely rhetorically. And its not just about politics. At a meeting with the Vice President of the republic, head of the council of states of the indian parliament, jackdeep jankhar, Valentina Matvienko discusses economics. The annual trade turnover between moscow and newdale exceeded 30 billion, and this is not the limit, because the g20 is much more than just twenty, with the countries of the global south included in it. We have added african. Union, i think that this is not the last addition to this family and this is precisely the majority, the world majority, where the west has its place, has its own role, but it is definitely not the leading one, it is the same as the role of any other center forces, including, of course , russia, which is why we do everything on our own everything possible, in order to strengthen the format of the twenty, was presented to the participants of the parliamentary twenty in newday. Khahadi in india is a symbol of the struggle for independence from britain. The father of the nation, mahatma gandhi, created it on such benches, calling on supporters not to buy products from english factories, and now Prime Minister Narendra Modi wears handmade vests from this fabric, as if emphasizing the continuity of the political course not engaged by the west. Boris ivanin, dmitry dunaev, polina anishchenko and dari lonova, india, newley. 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Place your orders on a scooter and take part in the apartmenttek raffle. In the kaliningrad region, installation of the main technological building of russias first gigafactory of Energy Storage devices has begun. It is being built by the state Corporation Rosatom in the city of neman. When it will work, alexey ankudinov found out. Setting up the site for future gigafactories. The active phase of work begins, the installation of the main building, the largest industrial building in the region, begins. 18 buildings will be built on this territory; they will occupy an area of ​​100,000 km2. The most hightech production will be concentrated in the main building. Its length will be 600 m and width 100. The piled field is being driven in now. The gigafactory will produce cells for lithium batteries. This is the heart of any electric transport, bus, car or municipal equipment, the cell itself is made using advanced Technology Using modern chemistry, this is the final product itself a cell for a lithium battery and, according to the design capacity, the factory will produce one such cell per second. Representatives of rosatom and the Regional Government arrived at the construction site for a working visit. According to the general director of the state corporation, the creation of such. This is the key to the technological sovereignty of our country. The gigafactory in the kaliningrad region will start operating in 2025, and a similar plant in the twentysixth they plan to open in moscow. From here we want to take a step further into the russian electric automobile industry. Bataria is approximately 30 , 2530

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