Republic. In our there are also worthy teachers in the city who could share their experience at a fairly good level, and indeed, i think that this would be interesting not only for our teachers, but also for teachers from russia, thank you, yes, anton vladimirovich, well there you go such uh, ours contacts, meetings, like now, they are precisely important because they appear, these are the ideas that are now. Generated, here , coming from you, formulated by you, this is very cool, but it simply never occurred to anyone, it was considered sufficient, well and you yourself said that in general this system works normally, namely the system of relationships directly between twin cities , sister republics there, and so on and so on, well , school to school, and even more so teacher to teacher, well, somehow even before that didnt get there, but if you feel like this work is on the rise, brings good results, so we can build it a little, even more specifically , well, its probably great, lets try to do this, here is Sergei Sergeevich, he is sitting in the hall, listening, i personally support, and i ask Sergei Sergeevich also support, vladimirovich, well, another remark, for example, during the preparation for the competition, but literally, yes, we had certain curators who advised us, gave us methodological recommendations, but you know, i just want to just call as a colleague, as a friend, i am the first representative of the lugansk peoples republic at this competition, and just call a friend, ask, listen, buddy, well, you once performed at a competition, well, there are some tips there, that is, in such more informal communication, directordirector, studentstudent , colleague, colleague, and i think that this kind of communication will be beneficial not only among the teachers of our republic, but in general. Russia, believe me, we have something to share our experience with, we have really good teachers, thank you, but i have no doubt at all, and this is very useful, by the way speaking, it is useful to do this in other areas in other industries, but this is a separate topic, thank you for the idea, sergey sergevich, as we will definitely do, we already have such experience, and not only schools, but also colleges, because colleagues say about interaction at the level of secondary Vocational Education and we will definitely establish 1,300 schools in new regions , we know them, here is closer contact, there are a lot of willing schools to interact, so we will definitely do it, this is our priority, in general support for new regions Education Systems. Thank you, anton vladivich, thank you for the idea, we will work, thank you, yes, please, colleagues, who else . Thats it, lets finish, yes, please, i ask you, take the microphone, please, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, and Alexander Alexandrovich odzhe, history teacher, school 854, moscow, and i see how historical education is changing, thank you very much for this , the students asked me to convey to you words of sincere gratitude and respect, i watched it myself and use the textbooks for the tenth eleventh grade, new, updated, for now i teach in lower grades, especially thank you for the way the issue of culture is spelled out, because the culture of our country, as colleagues have already said, is important to study and deeply, also thank you very much for the introduction of labor education in schools, this was very much lacking and i myself saw how Sergei Sergeevich krovtsov showed by his example labor activity in school, labor education and would like to make a proposal but History Education is not only a textbook, it is not just reading the source is a direct activity, so i would like to suggest that if we have one of the directions. Caring for battle sites, including the search activity of students, i think that the activitybased approach in this case will instill in the children a love for their homeland and, most importantly, for their small homeland. Thank you, well, as i understand it, after all, the subjects related to this labor education, they are aimed primarily at ensuring that the children develop some skills, as it were, that would help even decide on the choice of a future profession and so on, but from the point of view of educational components, of course, caring for monuments and memorials is extremely important, there is nothing to say here, you are absolutely right. Yes, well, as far as i understand, this is being organized one way or another, somehow, if not, then its a pity that this hasnt happened before, but here, and Sergei Sergeevich, of course, can help, but perhaps i will have to talk with my colleagues in the regions, with the heads of the regions, they, in turn, with the heads of municipalities, about how to organize this work in an appropriate and proper way, well, thank you very much for paying attention to this, thank you, my name is olegkovsky, i speak russian, at a school at the Russian Embassy, ​​i am a laureate of the competition, teacher of the year, i want say, excuse me, at the embassy where, the school is at the Russian Embassy in iran, i work in the Islamic Republic of iran, our school shows very well. High educational results, its graduates enter the budget at moscow state university, moscow state technical university, moscow state university, rudn and the demand, as you already said, for our education abroad is very high, that is, here on both sides we already see a readiness to export our education abroad, on september 1, 2023, you already participated in the laying of stones in kyrgyz schools in russian with teaching, i would like your relationship in expanding, lets say, this export of our system in different forms, maybe as the deployment of educational modules on the basis of foreign schools, maybe in the opening of new schools in states friendly to us, thank you, you know, we are of course in first of all, in my opinion, they should support interest in our education. To the language and culture in those countries that once upon a time were still part of a single state, the union of soviet socialist republics in the ussr, because we still have very strong ties , there is also a purely pragmatic side to this matter, there is a secret here there is no, it lies in the fact that we employ millions. Of citizens of these states in russia today, millions, we, of course, are interested in that, we need people who come to us were ready to live on the territory of the Russian Federation, speak russian, understand the importance of our traditions, the culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation in order to integrate into our space so that we have zero we were looking for all possible conflict situations, this is such a sensitive issue , we all know about it, so first of all, of course, we are looking at these spaces, at the postsoviet space, but if we talk about other countries, including iran, where you now work and live, of course, well, first of all, we must see interest in these countries in creating such educational institutions there, well , the idea itself is of course correct, this is soft power in in the kindest and best sense of the word and the spread of our culture, our educational systems, lets think about it, you wanted to add something, please, i wanted to add, based on the experience of my school, that almost a third of our students are citizens of those countries , the cis countries you are talking about they said, formerly members of the soviet union, and iranians today clearly positively assess our unified Education System , assess the fundamentality of the knowledge that we give them and traditional values, this is why our Education System is very close, for example, to iran, in particular, well, yes, we have very good relations with and we will develop this in every possible way if representatives of other republics of the former soviet union study at our school in iran, this cannot but rejoice. In this sense, you already perform the function, expansion, that you now they themselves said, well, for our part we will just have to help the countrys ministry so that all this is at the proper level. Was not supported, we will do it, of course, thank you, you, you are interested in working there, i like it, of course, i have worked there for 3 years, next year my contract ends, but i believe that this experience gave me a lot , both professionally and certainly culturally, i was very enriched, well, of course, this is an ancient culture, persia, an ancient culture, ours, ours neighbor, thats why we do everything in order to. Once again i want to congratulate you on the results of the competition, on your achievements, and i want to wish you all the best, congratulations on teachers day, all the best, this was a meeting with the laureates and finalists teacher year, well, we continue, thats what well tell you about in the next hour, pastors of the ukrainian sect were busted in moscow and murmansk, why adherents sold apartments with their hair to fill the pockets of the ukrainian army, who is the false aposolian whose birthday was held by zelensky, the indigenous region is a bad place for the armed forces of ukraine , in recent weeks alone, the enemy has lost about a thousand militants there, why is zelensky coldly driving his soldiers to slaughter, and where is the vaunted western equipment . Kilowatts are counted in the fall. Before winter, ukraine wanted to create a stock of transformers, but it couldnt even produce a dozen. Now he is waiting for help from neighbors. Will it be enough to delay the end of the world . Ukraine is recruiting isis members into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. Zelskys people demand the release of radicals from iraqi prisons and send them to fight with russia. When the terrorist regime calls to the aid of terrorists, the cult of death, which they are trying to destroy , inscriptions appeared on the memorial of the socalled heavenly hundred, it was not worth it, ukrainians are beginning to understand what kind of heroes the kiev regime created, moscow, st. Petersburg, omsk, murmansk, novgorod, rostov, kirov, far from the complete geography of the ukrainian sect, the cells of which were opened today by Russian Security forces, including the main coordinator, as reported by the Investigative Committee, we are talking about two undesirable organizations working under the guise of certain Spiritual Centers. Back to work thirty religious groups across the country involved more than 10,000 people, as reported in the case materials, sect members often suffer from mental disorders in general and have Serious Health problems due to regular practices of violence, however, this criminal trial concerns not only the destructive spiritual activities of the adherent the organization is involved in the financing of ukrainian militants, since their main ideological inspirer, the ukrainian rogue vladimir mundyan, openly raises funds fans to quote the needs of the defenders of ukraine, how the sect worked in russia and what threatens its followers, Anton Podkovenko will tell you, anton, greetings, well, and in what ways were the russians able to convince, well, or force them to help everyone . Greetings, well, this is obfuscation and deception, ordinary sectarian practices. He calls himself and transfers the money of adherents to kiev militants. Vladimir mundyan, head of the dtsv sect, a Spiritual Center of revival. His foreign structures, the Charitable Foundation of the same name and the allukrainian center are recognized in russia unwanted organizations, so he shares the secret of the Fourth Dimension on youtube, also removes damage from video, and other set of common quackery. And here is one of the moscow adherents of montiana, history teacher vera. Who came with a search during a special operation by the Investigative Committee and the ministry of internal affairs. She, apparently, is not an ordinary sectarian; she recruited acquaintances into her home group. I invited. To visit yourself, to go home cleanly, you know, to eat, drink, communicate and pray, and that was the case. Moscow, moscow region, kirov, murmansk region, a largescale special operation, even the coordinator of dc structures in russia, who is also the head of their Security Service , mikhail koval, was detained. He studied at the kiev muntyan college called mount moses, where they taught how to get adherents of sacrifice to sell apartments, take out loans and pay off. Or paid to the sect, how much money have you transferred so far . 10 . The last time the salary was 11,000 rubles. How long does this donation last . Since 2016, you know that vladimir muntiyan and his sect are transferring money to activities of the armed forces of ukraine. No, i dont know that. She could not. Handed over the entire base of his sect in the village of lyutezh, kiev region. He finances the National Battalion storm, buys body armor for cars and night vision devices. Organizations controlled by him finance terrorists, and financed terrorists from azov and the right sector, kiev militants record personal thanks to him on youtube, full of videos. From the very beginning of the invasion of Russian Troops into ukraine, vladimir and victoria montyan have been actively helping the armed forces. Forces the imaginary apostle of ukraine and his wife, who is also a pastor of the dc, once invited Vladimir Zelensky to muntyans birthday, and they didnt invite him as a guest, he hosted this event, such a schedule is difficult to invite us, but they really tried, thank you, vladimir muntyan, a close friend of zelsky, he starred in servant of the people, but what about him and zelensky . One scene ukraine. I didnt intend to be president , but i had a voice from above. Get up and go. And you get up, go and vote. Its hard to imagine whats going on in the montiana sect. Even the children are there. Here they are at knees. And the adults, either in some strange trance , mutter pseudolitigations, or Something Like this. Wave, it will just go now through all the churches of our mission, through all home groups, god, may you overtake, it simply captures people, this sect belongs to the neopentecostal, charismatic cult, the level of influence on the emotional sphere of a person in this cult, it can be equated to drugs, to drug intoxication, any sectarian organization of this kind must have connections with the United States , a very intense participation and large role of charismatics was recorded in almost every ukrainian maidan, sects such as dc, their leaders and their socalled flock are an ideal base for color revolutions, do you feel the hand of the United States . Montian is now in indonesia, remotely pumping money out of sectarians, and they will go to trial in russia. Everyone who paid the ukrainian false apostle. They may well fall under the article of treason because they participated in direct financing of the enemy. Antom potkovenko, o apostle militants. 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To note that shelters in the form of fairly deep trenches do not help the dryers at all, because a drone with thermal imaging cameras determines the location of militants in any conditions, even heavy smoke. Well, then our mortar crews come into play and the nazis have virtually no chance of escaping from heavy fire, that is, their assaults are even more suicidal than one could imagine, looking essentially like targeted, merciless disposal personnel, and this episode is far from the only one. Stanislav bernwalt will confirm. Stanislav, hello, but as far as i understand, this is now observed not only in the kremennaya area. Yes, along the entire front line, ukrainian militants are carrying out a meat assault, and this is due to the fact that our front is quite active, we are trying to move forward, we are succeeding. Zelsky continues his course towards the destruction of not only ukraine, but ukrainians. In small groups of 810 people, through minefields, through dense layered defense, they go to the right place. Zelskys nazi regime is driving them to meat. In this video, several attempts to break through our defenses under the flint are really scary, you can see how the militants are trying to get close to our positions. At close combat range, our guys are ready, this is not the first such assault they have fought back, the result is the inglorious death of several enemy groups, tonight the enemy rushed to attack in the zaporozhye direction , provoking hell for themselves with colossal losses, only one of our positions near kupinsk, for example, over the past 24 hours an action movie stormed 10 times, thats what our soldiers say, repelling these meaty assaults of the enemy, they relied on breaking through our line of defense precisely due to attacks, and also with masses of infantry, but since the infantry in large numbers is not capable of attacking, because we have good artillery and aviation are working, they concentrate small groups, send them constantly into battle, and these groups come under fire from our infantry and also from our artillery, and as a rule, attacks end in nothing, most often with large losses, according to. The commander volunteer Movement Russian legion of sergei fomchenchenov, with each such rash attack, the enemy loses at least half of the group killed, another 20 are wounded, go back alive to their units, those who do not die are captured, captured, they believe that they lucky, because they survived, they have a chance to return home, even the prisoners tell the same thing, they dont want to go, but they are forced and they have nowhere to go, otherwise they might just be crushed. As the commander says, they are sent to attack mostly poorly trained fighters, so to speak, for meat reconnaissance, they have mercenaries behind them, more trained, pumped up fighters, in osu there is a division between fighters who are more or less protected, that is, there are trained ideologically consistent ones, and accordingly that meat, which they recruited, caught on the streets, that is, they dont feel sorry for it, and accordingly, no one feels sorry, their task is simply to hold back our advance, and the prepared groups, they assemble precisely the units of the unit in the southern the direction where they are trying to break through a corridor to the sea of ​​azov, all such ukrainian meatassaults are supported by a maximum of ukrainian orta, then in selected directions there is no need to talk about support with tanks at all in recent weeks. Has there been a noticeable decrease in western technology at the front . The western militaryindustrial complex, during the war in ukraine, on the one hand, received quite serious pr, these are the same hymers last year, last year, especially, but, but, a huge antipr, this is what concerns armored vehicles, so really at the moment there is no point, that is, there are several points here, the first is the leaders, the masters of the kiev regime itself, they do not want. Western equipment to burn beautifully in the footage of our drones there. Secondly, they are already military and understand that equipment that goes to minefields will most likely remain there. And in all this darkness, which is so inconceivable for ukrainians , with the filth of the dead abandoned on the battlefields of their brothersinarms, tsypso, together with budanovsky gur, are still trying to achieve victory for the enemy, pointlessly risking the lives of their fighters. Heres the footage published today in all. Ukropomoyki showing the allegedly successful landing of the drg on the territory of the crimea, so at night, a scooter fleet at the head of a rubber frigate brought a group of saboteurs to the russian coast, stretched out the ensign, took a photo and quickly sailed away, not all, of course, one of the socalled the saboteurs remained in the crimea, he is now testifying, a total of 13 bandera admirers were killed, they had american m4 assault rifles and fragmentation grenades with them, what was the point in this, it is unclear . But joy, as they say, ukropropaganda has its pants full, even despite heavy losses. Krimbuda ukrainian, or without lute. With slogans, tsypso was mastered by filigree, no matter where you look, she won, and what a victory. But seriously, just over the past 24 hours, with attempts at nonstop meat assaults, zelsky killed. Attention, 410 soldiers were killed, more than 2. 0 did not return from the battlefields in a week. Ukrainians, thats how it is, victory in ukrainian, senseless and merciless. Snez bernwalt and the meat assaults. Ukrainian officials are nervous and do not hide

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