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The yaroslavl region and a tailings dump in yakutia, as planned by the end of the future this year, we will remove all 88 hazardous objects; this will improve the environmental situation for 7 Million People, that is , by the end of the year 24, 191 objects should be completed, and in our understanding, this life is better than the 20 Million People who live next to these landfills. And in the end i would like to tell you about our successes in restoring the purity and front of the asian leopard. Uhhuh those are the girls chips. They are brother and sister born 2 years ago in the center for the restoration of the Central Asian levpart in the caucasus, which is located in sochi, ours is now in the wild, there are 10 leopards living without taking into account the two released in july, the goal that Scientific Centers set for themselves. This is to achieve a stable group of leopards in the caucasus up to 58. Vladimir putin congratulated saudi arabia on joining the gabaris. The president addressed the kingdoms heir apparent, mohammed. Bin salman alsad said these words during a telephone conversation. The princes succession, in turn , expressed gratitude to moscow for its support. In this matter. The parties also discussed the interaction between moscow and ed along the line, custodianship plus russia and saudi arabia decided to reduce Oil Production and supplies; such steps will ensure stability in the Global Energy market. In addition, the leaders discussed expanding cooperation in trade, transport, investment and agreed to continue contacts. Last night, the Russian Aerospace forces carried out a group strike with longrange precision weapons on the Training Base of sabotage groups of the armed forces, the ministry of defense reported this, adding that the target was hit, the military Department Also spoke about the course of hostilities on the main directions. In particular in zaporozhye. In this direction, four enemy attacks were repelled in the area of ​​settlements of verbovaya and orabo. In the zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of forces, with the support of aviation artillery and heavy flamethrower systems , repelled four enemy attacks in the area of ​​​​the settlements of verbovoe and work in the zaporozhye region to change the tactical position of the russian troops. No , up to 40 Ukrainian Military personnel were destroyed in one day , a tank, two armored fighting vehicles, two a pickup truck, two m77 artillery systems, made in the usa, three m109 selfpropelled artillery systems. Paladin , made in the usa, fh70 guns, made in the uk, two 100 b howitzers, two d30 guns and two gvozdika selfpropelled artillery mounts. The british minister of defense confirmed the destruction of the challenger tank in the zaporozhye direction. Grand sheps admitted that the vehicle was hit by russian artillery; he assured london that it was prepared for the loss of equipment in the combat zone. At the same time, replace the retired challenger the british authorities do not plan to remind the entire kingdom that they sent 14 such tanks to kiev. The west underestimated russias potential to inflict military defeat, and also to achieve the dismemberment and isolation of our country did not work out, this was stated by the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, in an interview with the National Defense magazine. According to him, many sensible people, including those in countries unfriendly to us, recognize russias leadership in its desire to build a multipolar world on the principles of sovereignty , equality and mutual respect. Determined to inflict a military defeat, and then completely dismember russia, our western opponents miscalculated. This concerns primarily the assessment of our potential at the beginning of 2022. In particular, i had the opportunity to become acquainted with absolutely fantastic forecasts up to the collapse of the russian economy in a matter of months in the context of tightening sanctions, and on this shaky basis the United States and its allies decided to intervene in the ukrainian conflict; an obvious anachronism in the conditions of the emergence of a multipolar world and the project turned out to be International Isolation russia to admit such a plan could only be born in the minds of those who are completely blinded by their former power and are no longer able to see that the world has long been living according to its own, and not imposed, rules. The Dollar Exchange rate is around 98 rubles. Although it previously fell to 97 on information from the russian central bank, we expect to learn the details from our economic observer Anna Lazareva and she greetings why did the ruble react to the Central Banks statement by strengthening . Well, at least in the moment alexander, hello central bank. Decided almost 10 times increase daily sales. Foreign currencies. This should increase its supply. The Central Bank Issued an official statement , operations for the sale of foreign currency will be carried out in an expedited manner, i quote close to the text, the central bank. Increases the volume of foreign currency sales as part of mirroring operations related to investing funds from the National Wealth fund, from september 14 to 22, foreign currency with a volume of 150 billion rubles will be sold on the market. The daily volume will increase almost 10 times to 21 billion 400 million rubles. Mirroring Foreign Exchange transactions is a twostage process on the one hand, the ministry of finance depending on the forecast and current export flows. Export proceeds sells or buys currency on the market on the other hand, the central bank, using the funds of condensate welfare, does exactly the opposite operation of this purchase in order to stabilize coal and prevent, on the one hand, our excessive currency from relaxing or strengthening. By the way, the central bank explained its decision by the forthcoming, on september 16 , the redemption of the eurobond currency issue russia lost the holder of 3 billion. In accordance with the president ial decree, they will be in rubles and some investors may decide to bring the russian currency into foreign currency by increasing the sale of foreign currency. The central bank is trying to meet the likely demand after the statement of the us dollar regulator, the euro and the chinese yuan turned down, but the decline was shortlived. Let me remind you that the ruble has been cheap all summer. Against this background, the regulator refused to purchase foreign currency within the framework of the budget rule. Understood the key rate up to 12 . And the government began discussing Traffic Control measures capital, but these measures to stabilize the Exchange Rate are not exhausted. The bank of russia is trying to influence inflation by withdrawing, including through this mirroring of transactions , liquidity, that is, by selling foreign currency. He withdraws. Uh, the ruble liquidity of the market is limited by the growth of rates. Uh, hmm, it is also tightening the rules on Retail Lending quite a lot there, as an additional factor in accelerating inflation. On august 10, and until the end of the year, it decided not to conduct Foreign Exchange transactions on the Stock Exchange as part of mirroring the regular operations of the ministry of finance, related to the implementation of the budget rule, so the conversion of Additional Oil and gas revenues into foreign currency and gold will go according to a different scheme, let me remind you that from september 7 to october 5. The ministry of finance plans to allocate 276 billion rubles for these purposes. The budget rule is now somewhat modified, when the ministry of finance in recent months announces Additional Oil and gas revenues, the Central Bank Simply transfers e, monetary gold, and yuan to it and does not enter the market with the same volumes of purchases. This is an internal wiring between the central bank and the ministry of finance, whether to wait for the dollar at 100 this question was answered the day before by the deputy chairman of the central bank, alexei bobotkin. He recalled that the bank of russia does not have any goals for the Exchange Rate, but takes into account its impact on inflation, so the dynamics of the ruble Exchange Rate will be taken into account when making a decision on the supply, on september 15. Anatoly aksakov, head of the state duma Financial Market committee, was more daring in his forecasts. According to him, if the ruble continues to fall, approaching 100 rubles. In for a dollar. Yes, you will raise the key rate again, however, such a scenario, according to the parliamentarian unlikely. Thank you she told the situation with the ruble Exchange Rate Anna Lazareva cooperation between moscow and new delhi became the central topic of Sergei Lavrovs negotiations with his Indian Counterpart in jakarta, let me remind you. E. The Foreign Ministers discussed the agenda of the upcoming g20 summit and some international problems. What exactly was discussed, we will find out from our special correspondent in jakarta, boris ivanin, he is on direct line. Boris, hello. What other issues were discussed by the heads of the ministry of Foreign Affairs yes alexander hello i must say that here in jakarta, its a busy program right now, thai people themselves, if you hear, and see on these big screens here are broadcasting footage of the gala dinner hosted by the president of the republic, joe davido jocovidota, in honor of the conclusion of this summit, but still, uh, for now, uh, everyone is here are discussing. Uh, results of a meeting of negotiations and, a, rich business programs. Moreover, there is not just one here, but, in fact, there are six of them at once these are bilateral ones, including me summit and session canada sessions usa east asian summit, which is starting here jacquarti tomorrow. So, in the evening , even the head of the Indonesian Foreign ministry, aritnom, was tired ; by the way, the first woman to hold this post in the history of the republic, she met with Sergei Lavrov. She accepts everyone. Eh, the participants themselves are on the rights of the hostess and in the evening the head. Mida had already changed his business suit to such a colorful indonesian shirt, but marsuti herself was also wearing any kind of shirt with a print, so this is a business conversation, but nevertheless in such an informal, friendly atmosphere. It took place was a series of meetings. Sergei lavrov which you have already mentioned in part. This is including with e, a colleague from india subormanyam jaishankar. Uh, i discussed in detail with Sergei Lavrov how issues of bilateral cooperation between our countries include trade and economic partnership. And financial interaction. And uh, joint work in the field of transport and communications , global issues were also discussed. One might say, this is a kind of synchronization of watches, and the ministers before the upcoming g20 week, it will have already passed, and at the end of this week, russia will be there introduce yourself, just Sergei Lavrov this will be the end of his big asian tour, which begins just from jakarta. Well, everything must be said that Southeast Asia , if we talk about the tasyans themselves, is generally becoming one of the centers of Global Development and growth. And, of course, it was reflected. Even in the name of todays event, osian, the epicenter of growth is significant this is the slogan of the summit in jakarta. Well , i must say that osyandonesia is expanding now. Uh, hmm volume. Uh, calculations in national currencies. This was also discussed here on the sidelines of the summit, and, among other things , will intensify efforts for dedolorization. This very topic was continued at another ministerial meeting. In fact, Sergei Lavrova with the head of the association for Regional Cooperation of the indian ocean coastal states , salman. Alfarisi you this association, unlike the sessions, no longer includes 10 states 23 and uh, there are issues on the agenda that affect the entire asiapacific region, including e in regards to trade facilitation and investment . Well, tomorrow Sergei Lavrov will take part, as i said, in the east asian summit, where all these issues that were raised today will continue to be discussed. Well, for now, as you see, the gala dinner, and on behalf of the president of indonesia, there is shock, no contradictions, no disagreements, only peace and harmony in the lamplit atmosphere of the tables. This is heaven in general, and complete Mutual Understanding alexander complete for attention is wonderful. Thanks boris she was our special correspondent directly from jakarta boris ivanin. The Investigative Committee revealed a number of facts of the inhumane attitude of the ukrainian command towards its military personnel, as the department was informed, this information was obtained during interrogations of Ukrainian Military personnel. In particular, they said that the wounded were not provided with assistance, and that if they left their position they were threatened with immediate execution, and were also forced to sign documents, from which they would subsequently be denied payment of compensation and benefits to relatives. During interrogations , prisoners of war tell investigators that they are required to sign a voluntary consent to leave the body. In case of death directly on the battlefield. These documents are collected by the command deliberately, so that in the future case of their death, they can refuse to pay compensation and benefits to their relatives. By starting to inspect the sites of the incident in the territories abandoned by the armed forces of ukraine, the investigation receives data on the burial of the dead without a burial procedure, including their body. What are they abandoning at combat positions . Evacuation of the wounded and dead by the Ukrainian Military is not carried out . Soldiers of the armed forces during interrogations also talk about huge losses suffered by ukrainian troops. A lot of losses along the way, a lot of very bodies show through. You just walk, there were very two hundred three hundred from the wounded, even more, no evacuation. Sergei sobyanin opened traffic on the rasskazovka section of the vnukovo airport, thus the solntsevskaya line of the moscow metro has become one of the longest, thanks to the new stations , the travel time from vnukovo airport to the city will be reduced by almost half, and the adjacent highways will also be relieved of congestion; colossal work has been completed; construction has been completed one of the longest lines, the solntsevo metro line from the Business Center to vnukovo, for this it was necessary to go through 70 km of tunnels ; some of the deepest stations in the victory park area, 14 metro stations were built today, we allow the last two vykhino and vnukovo, thus from the Business Center to one from the largest airports of our country 40 minutes. Yes, a unique line that connects the city center and the existing airport on the nassovo metro line is home to about one and a half Million People within walking distance, so this is a difficult complex, but very popular metro line. Congratulations to you. The krasnoyarsk territory has become a participant in the cultural historical tourism project imperial route, which already unites more than two dozen russian regions. The solemn signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the krasnoyarsk territory and the ministry of Economic Affairs and the Supervisory Council or the soviet sergius Educational Society took place today. Well, then the art Museum Opened a traveling exhibition on the development of railways in russia under patronage of the imperial house of the romanovs reportage. Alexandra cherkashins pride word here is the complete history of railways in russia from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, the imperial route, a largescale project of the elizabethan sergius Educational Society foundation, arrived in krasnoyarsk not in donbass the great siberian road gave powerful development to the once backward regions of siberia and the far east from central russia thousands of skilled workers and employees moved here from once deserted lands, and cities appeared. Its just that a lot of people who want to travel by train travel along the transsiberian railway. So lets join in this great miracle, join in this grandiose national deed that our ancestors accomplished in the name of our wellbeing in the name of our safety, krasnoyarsk has always been the center of attention of the royal family, in addition to hunting and fishing. In the second half of the 19th century, the development of gold mining began; the railway gave a powerful impetus to the economic and social development of all of siberia; now it is difficult to imagine what would have happened if the iron the road did not connect the entire country; the exhibition very clearly shows how these plans were born, how with every step with the historical era they pretended to be real. The construction of the Longest Railway in europe connecting the atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a continuous way could not go unnoticed by the world community, the achievements of the russian empire was highly appreciated at the world exhibition in paris in 1900, and in the first half of the 20th century and during the great patriotic war, the siberian route was actively used for russias military needs. It was easy to transfer Industrial Enterprises from the Central European part of russia to siberia. The krasnoyarsk territory became the twentyseventh participant in the National Federal projection of the region. The ministry of Economic Development and the authors of the project signed a tripartite agreement in the region , a unique tourist route was created, which includes various locations and memorable places. One way or another, connected with the 300year history of the imperial house of romanov, an exhibition of the development of railways in russia under the auspices of the imperial the romanov house remains in the krasnoyarsk territory and can be exhibited in any city in the region so that everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted. With the great history Alexander Cherkashin alexander usatenko Sergey Larionov elena gareeva news, krasnoyarsk region. The course for students on the foundations of russian statehood gives students new opportunities for discussion, and its task is to liberate them and give them a broader perspective. Participants in the presentation of the new course, developed in accordance with the instructions of russian president vladimir putin, spoke about this the content of the course consists of five parts. What is russia, the russian state , civilization, the russian worldview and values ​​of russian civilization, the political structure and challenges for the future and development of the country. The person sitting at this table considers the task of this course to be, on the contrary, to liberate the students. Yes, there is a lot in there. Um, opportunities for discussion on a variety of issues on values, on some historical elements, on what the authors of this course call constants, something very important that allows say. This is our country. She lives in history. She continues to live for centuries. These are the constants. What did the authors call them . They are presented here in these textbooks and i probably wont be afraid to convey the objectives of this course. Now this word is the truth about what russian is. How does this russian live in his multinational self, how does this russian want to live and develop further. And what part the young man of todays student will take in this future. What challenge of the future is he ready to respond to . Who is he ready to succeed and become in this future . Was held in moscow today final of the allrussian intellectual tournament Knowledge League of school and College Students competed for the title of the most erudite team in the country competitive participation in the final game amounted to 900 people for a place in the final the whole thing our correspondent evgeniy petrukhina. She is on direct line eugene hello. And what tasks were in the final and who won in the end . Yes alexander, hello, well, ill say one question and it didnt seem simple to me yet , i know that in third place is the republic of khakassia in second place in the Saratov Region about ill tell you the winner a little later, but, of course, such an impressive final of the Knowledge League today is attended by schoolchildren and students and, of course, a competition, well, almost 1,000 people per place for the final, and in total, about 430,000 people took part in the tournament and only 500 places in the finals. This is, of course, surprising. These are schoolchildren and students from 14 to 18 years old from a variety of cities from 89 regions of our large country. And, of course, they answered a variety of questions related to scientific achievements and achievements in the field of medicine and related to including the culture of history, i was very impressed by the questions concerning the commanders. Heres what the tournament participants have to say. So what did you find out . Well, now i will forever remember what rokossovki look like, i remember the question about the star about the puppy. And somehow we remembered about the educational center. Sirius had a great question about pompeii about the italian archaeologist. This was a very interesting question, because the portrait itself is little known. It seems to me, but another painting dedicated to pompeii is much better known, and therefore we can it was logical to produce this chain and give the correct answer about the first soviet antibiotic. But thats for sure. You need to know a fact, i really liked the questions on logic, because there you need a little bit of different facts, you need to compare them and you need to strain your brains, and its difficult not to look for a specific answer, in some questions it was possible to find a hint, then for something to catch on in order to give the correct answer. For us its a good time with a new Social Circle to get to know new areas. Was moscow very welcoming . The team from the perm region turned out to be selfsufficient, and this is their secret of success. This is a thing that requires eternal and constant training. If you interrupt at some point, uh, it could ruin everything, so the more questions, the better. We are happy to play. We are happy to come, it is always a new experience. And as he noted, the guys now have excellent experience in solving problems. Eh, thats actually participation in teamwork. It is important that in our country today there are opportunities to develop opportunities for participation in projects such as social studies russia is a country of opportunities created by the president of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich putin, the opportunity to participate in whatever locality you live in, you are real well done, and this is what was really required. You know such overcoming and the will to win, and you showed this will to win, everyone showed it without exception. And thank you for this big competition , it was very difficult. I lost connection. Hello Knowledge League tournament is one of the educational formats from the Russian Knowledge Society and as told today general director social studies. Maxim drival, the tournament itself will be developed and further, next year, other directions will appear for schoolchildren, students and amateurs. Next, making our Tournament International will be the first such step towards internationality. Uh, a huge tournament that will be held at the world Youth Festival in sochi and we will show the whole world how largescale knowledge and love for intellectual games is in russia. Well, on the horizon is the educational marathon of knowledge the first already the fourth sixth November Alexander evgenia thank you to the final of the allrussian intellectual tournament, the league of knowledge of schools and colleges, told evgenia petrukhina. Now the Economic News is short russia this year has already exported Agricultural Products worth 28 billion, an increase of almost a quarter by 2022. Speaking at the state duma committee, the head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, said that our country at the end of the year. Can reconfirm the status of no, the food exporter previously reported that in august russia shipped more than 7. 5 million tons of grain for monthly supplies. This became a record. Russia rose from sixth to third place among the largest suppliers of fertilizers for germany in the first half of the year, purchases reached a maximum since 2008, their value exceeded 150 million. This is three times higher than the average level of the last five years, ria novosti reports with reference to german statistics; the volume of imports for six months exceeded 360,000. T moldova, with debts of more than 700 million dollars, offered to pay gazprom only 8. 5 million. The remaining the country intends to challenge the amount in court , the minister of energy stated. Republic Victor Parlikov based on the results of an audit in moldova. According to him, the auditors were unable to obtain documents confirming the debt, let me remind you. In 2021 parties. We concluded a fiveyear supply agreement, the conditions were the payment of debts to moldova, as a result, the country refused russian gas and in russia sales of smartphones increased by a quarter since the beginning of the year, 18 more were sold. Half of the million devices were considered in mts first place in terms of money holds apple, however, in terms of the number of gadgets sold. The corporation caught up with the chinese infinix, both took 9 of the market each. At the same time , the company skynap. Plans to take 15 by the end of the year. This was the news of the economy in short. Quietly, we observe to a greater extent , we reconnaissance, we are looking for the enemy, much experience shows that when there is silence after that there is always a storm, those people who came to war not yesterday and there is no need to explain a lot of things. The tin m135 is amazed, the boys are amazed, well done in the brigade, there is nothing like that for me to demand something supernatural, thats all, what war needs. Here, be kind. You have to dig yourself a cop. Save your life and complete your task. Oh, im on the street with sigma one and a half thousand and six centimeters. Paz in the evening, you recognized yourself is dedicated. Your dad who works in the sewer lives film alexander the great fell, 93 soon

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