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Buy fishing products in a mobile application, we will refund you with 30 bonuses for an online order. Sportmaster guarantees the authenticity of the goods. In krasnoyarsk we start with a bandit raid in krasnoyarsk , an unknown person attacked the car of collectors almost immediately after the incident, we found the first clue. We immediately entered into contact with the criminal Investigation Group of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. We are essentially. Dismantled all the details of clothing. We have researched. Uh, videos that were taken from literally every apartment building. We continued to work on the eleventh weapon in order to prevent unforeseen circumstances, it was decided to meet the shooter on the street. Hiring hairdressers here, he collected hair, which, after committing crimes, he threw into the interior of the car , at first glance, inconspicuous citizens of the krasnoyarsk territory without a criminal past , the police work very well, they work very well , knowledge, worked, did not earn anything for their teeth. There wasnt enough money. And so it happened that in most cases the police are able to solve such crimes. Krasnoyarsk robbers of collectors it would seem that they miscalculated the whole plan of attack on the carriers of money , escape routes and destruction, evidence to confuse the investigation on the pilot threw someone elses hair, cigarette butts and spilled ammonia on the crime scene. So they wanted to beat off the scent of a service dog, but cover their tracks, they couldnt find the bandits and detained them. They turned out to be a kommersant electrician and a welder. How to rob collectors during interrogation one of the raiders. He admitted that he wanted to use the stolen money to cure their teeth, as they found the criminal trinity why did they not manage to lead the investigation astray and what did the robbers pierce . We lived for this case and conducted our own investigation. For several days, residents of houses along shchorsa street in the city of krasnoyarsk observed a strange picture of some decently dressed men loitering around the yards. For some reason they collected cigarette butts. These people have also been seen in some barbershops located nearby to discreetly pick up clients cut locks. A local entrepreneur who often flashed on city ​​television in advertising your business and live comfortably. These are the details when the krasnoyarsk operatives will search for armed and brutal robbers after the raid. On the morning of may 30, 2020, in krasnoyarsk, a Collector Car drove up to the branch of sberbank on shchorsa street, two employees got out of it with a bag full of money, at that moment two masked and hooded men ran up to them, a man in a long raincoat opened fire and a weapon. Collectors were seriously injured and crashed to the ground. Snatched from them bag and rushed to the zhiguli, who were standing nearby at the time of the attack, recorded surveillance cameras on them, you can see how confidently and cynically the bloodthirsty gangsters behave. The criminals quickly loaded the cashintransit bags into the trunk of a zhiguli and gave gas, the booty from the attackers was 2 million 320,000 rubles. A daring attack on money carriers in krasnoyarsk immediately became the news of the eleventh raid in krasnoyarsk , an unknown person attacked a car of collectors, was struck by an attack on collectors in krasnoyarsk during an attack, received heavy injured in the hospital. In a serious condition, the operatives were allocated on alarm , orientations were transferred to all posts. These shots spread all over the country. Injured collectors writhed in pain under the windows of a residential building, which housed a branch of sberbank. He examined the crime scene and talked to eyewitnesses almost immediately after the incident, we found the first clues, which we subsequently deduced us on the trail of armed criminals. It is very important to emphasize that our colleagues of the Security Service of sberbank of the main directorate of criminal investigation of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and the directorate of the federal Security Service for the krasnoyarsk territory are connected to the disclosure of this crime. Together we were able to simulate the events of the crime. Make psychological portraits of the rights of violators and most importantly, apply modern Technological Capabilities for documenting the actions of criminals and their identification. State of emergency in krasnoyarsk, sberbank did not hush up its leadership from the very beginning, it was open to journalists for any information about the evil mice, they announced a reward to help in investigating crimes , a group of specialists from the Central Office of sberbank flew out of moscow immediately. Literally at some hours, we got into contact. E with a group of the ministry of internal affairs of russia of the criminal investigation department, which took an active part in the investigation in search of criminals. And uh. Provided maximum assistance to our colleagues, uh from the ministry of internal affairs in search of these criminals , all the services of the krasnoyarsk police, the criminal investigation department, criminalists, investigators, Traffic Police inspectors and District Police officers joined in the disclosure of the criminal case loudly. We worked from the crime scene to the crime scene. Every detail was very important. We are, in fact. Dismantled all the details of clothing. Uh, including shoes and additional features, height, the approximate build of a person was calculated. This is something that is not going anywhere. This is something that can really contribute to the identification of a person. Here is the scaling that is, the lines are drawn, that is, the growth of the criminal is approximately calculated. Forensics once again carefully studied the video of the robbery no features. This did not make it clear that the gangsters had thoroughly prepared for the raid. The operatives interviewed several hundred residents of the surrounding houses, someone remembered the strange trinity of suspicious men who had been several days. It would seem that without work, they wandered around the yards. So it was possible to draw up portraits of alleged criminals. They were posted on the internet on local television and in newspapers, orientations on suspects were published on the official website of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory. The first of them is a man, apparently 3035 years old, height 175 cm. European type of face with a thin build, a bald patch on the top of the head, short dark blond hair on the sides, the second suspect is a man, looking 335 years old european type of face, height 170175 cm. Slender build, haircut, sporty hair, light blond, third male suspect, appears to be 2730 years old, height, 18. 0185 cm , well built, prominent cheekbones wide eyebrows the raiders have chosen to rob the Sberbank Office on the outskirts of krasnoyarsk in this area of ​​the city it is easier to get lost in the security cameras of the safe city. No, the operatives trampled underfoot, and about 50 such cameras, which are in their own way. They helped us to establish the route of movement of the evaz2106, on which the criminals were moving, they did not examine the video recordings that were seized literally from every residential building. Uh, from every store from every gas station that is located within the radius of the established the bandits were sure that they would never be found. After all, they foresaw everything. However, the police examined every meter of the kirovsky district of the city, where the robbery took place, they went to a large residential area in order to identify witnesses. X prescription, the crimes of which were revealed by several residents of the city of krasnoyarsk, who on the eve of the week saw a car and a vaz2106, which was on the crime of the police by them zhiguli. The hair on the seats all looked suspicious, the robbers, as if they deliberately left the evidence they left the smell in the trace of ammonia in order to change the Service Search dog, service breed dog, really showed the place that uh was near this car due to the fact that the malicious car was changed or another one then managed to get away, the incident, the inspections of the abandoned zhiguli did not lead to anything, then the car was driven into a special box, where Forensic Experts dismantled it almost by screw. Two traces of hands were found, which were seized and checked against an automated database and uh, specific uh faces were identified, which traces, these were left one of the fingerprints belonged to a resident of the village of shalinskaya, krasnoyarsk territory, alexander filipchenko. He was detained the next day after the robbery on may 31, 2020, the man was walking through his village with his wife and two small children at that moment operatives and members of the National Guard drove up to him in two cars , the arrest went smoothly first, the suspect in the case of dispersal of the attack of collectors did not resist. Alexander filipchenko was interrogated, his apartment was searched, the man said that he had nothing to do with the crime. I just once owned those same zhiguli, but filipchenko sold them a long time ago, i remembered that the future owner of the six came by taxi, even before misha worked. We found this subscriber number from which the person purchased this car stopped the taxi in which he went to pick up this car in a taxi we seized an audio recording with a voice risen taxi man. We managed to get a copy of the audio recording of a telephone conversation between a zhiguli buyer and a taxi dispatcher. Here she is to leave the city at km 44 and go where, the village of shalinskoye 90 km from krasnoyarsk towards komarchi. Calculate the cost approximately. Yes, of course, now a minute. How to calculate the trip . Renault logan phone by which the buyer was contacted, investigators found out that the owner of this number was krasnoyarsk businessman alexei istyakin it was his videos that were sometimes played on tv. I am a Company Director your things. To the police yes, they asked with a voice on the recording of the conversation by the taxi dispatcher, at first, we had a voice and when there is one appeared. That is, we immediately began to understand that this voice is very similar to the manner of this voice. She doesnt seem to mind anything. The result coincided with fragments of biological material that forensics found on the headrest of the zhiguli robbers. This was already a serious reason for suspicion, there was little evidence of his involvement until the time when we began to receive from him explanations regarding those facts that he could not dispute. Uh, questions were clarified related to when and what phones he used, and phone numbers, when hmm and at what time, or rather, where he was, ahead of the crime and whether he was involved in the acquisition of the car that was used to commit this crime aleksey the banner was pressed against the wall and, under pressure, without refutable evidence, confessed to attacking collectors. Why was he detained . For committing a robbery on the collectors of those great circumstances , everyone remembers on may 30 at around 8 oclock in the morning on the street again at 15 00 criminologists continued to study the recordings from cctv cameras , they paid special attention to weapons. We continued to work on weapons, 12 gauge fit. In joint cooperation with the National Guard, we received lists of all persons who own this type of weapon for the purpose of further verification, as well as persons who have ever lost or had this weapon stolen from them, the investigators came to to the conclusion that the collectors were also shot at for the saiga hunting carbine, in order to make the weapon more inconspicuous, the raiders dismantled the butt and attached a small handle, meanwhile the operatives continued to interrogate alexei istyakin. In the end. He confessed that he had shot collectors at his old electrician friend, and the third participant in the robbery was gas welder mikhail rubtsov. We understood that the spirit of those who remained had a registered weapon, and in order to prevent unforeseen circumstances , it was decided to meet on the street, because to storm the apartment. Mm , it was impossible to calculate the options when they realized that the doors were knocking, the police were threatening them, a serious deadline for the decision to work that way, that is, calmly on the street. Sberbank presents a credit potential service. Plan your dreams. Find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. Calculate the credit potential in sberbank online right now and apply for a loan. At the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent in the first month. Well, very popular in russia. As always, i came to help is infinitely unlimited, watch videos, listen to music, sit from social networks, as long as you want, calmly, i take on this challenge. 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Yuri chanchikov was taken, a few days later the russian guards tied him up on a bus stop near academgorodok on the outskirts. Krasnoyarsk go spetsnaz were waiting for michael

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