Of natasha, on the mountain with the same name, scientists installed an experimental but unique mini seismic station of their own design, now specialists will be able to obtain the data that the entire Scientific Community needs countries. Anna leonova with details. For three days, with 50 kg of equipment behind them, the scientists climbed the badjal ridge. Here in the balzhal mountains, scientists from the city of khabarovsk are implementing a project. To create the installation of the most simple, lowcost, but most effective seismic and weather stations. Mount natasha in the verkhneburinsky region is ideal for installing experimental homemade devices that record the situation and the threat of a tsunami and possible earthquakes. In the place where there is cellular communication necessary for transmission data. Tremors occur in the region every hour, but there is no way to count them. To predict any destruction , also seismic stations that were installed in the region half a century ago, of japanese production now sanctioned, fail, there are not enough of them, for forecasts we need 30 times more, and we took as a basis the most accessible components that we now have for free sale , no sanctions are imposed on them for the interference that is produced in our country, they received a simple but quite. Effective device that capable of providing a large amount of useful information, instruments are created in an ordinary educational laboratory, one might say, they are making discoveries necessary for the Scientific Community of the country on their knees, some regions of khabarovsk are located in the zone of seveneight magnitude earthquakes, the installation of seismic stations will provide valuable information to understand what buildings should be built in this area so that they are resistant. This type of earthquake project is funded under the federal Program Priority 2030, a grant from the Russian Science foundation was received for this. Khabarovsk too is located in a sixpoint seismic hazard zone, naturally, it also needs to install such miniseismic stations, but for now scientists have installed only two of them in two districts of the city and for the sake of experiment, and not accurate scientific data, so the next stage is to entangle this with my weather station developed by khabarovsk scientists. The entire regional capital. Anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. St. Petersburg restorers are restoring a unique 18thcentury conostasis from churches in the pskov region. So far special workshops in pskov are just being built, work is going on in the premises of a former theological seminary. Details from marina mikhailova. Look, seraphim has a nose, there is no one there. The bug ate all the insides. They name their work. Resuscitation, in order to preserve the original image of the seraph from the 14th century, which literally crumbles in the hands, adorning the iconostasis , a special filler will be used, sergei nikifarov, a highly qualified restorer, says that saving monuments is a sacred matter, plant ornaments are being cleared to the very base, remove layer by layer, varnish, gilding, polyment, talifkaz, this is multilayered. Coating after the main one, that is, the restorers, the wellwishers who did it, then they repeatedly covered it all with paints, varnishes and created a monstrous nuisance for us. The church of the forty martyrs of sebastia in the border pechers was built at the end of the 18th century. Services in it began after the war of 1812, for the first time the church was being restored and. It looks like objects from the hermitage, smolny cathedral and ancient monasteries, it is these highly qualified specialists, certified by the ministry of culture, who will become the first mentors of the school of restorers that is being revived in pskov; the project of a new specialty at the pskov Polytechnic College is supported by the president of the russian federation. Our task is training, the transfer of experience that is absolutely invaluable in the process of largescale restoration, under the auspices of its revival, in this workshop, which is the basis of the restoration cluster of pskov and the pskov region, this cluster was organized according to with the blessing of bishop tikhon, is now being developed with the support of the pskov diocese, restoration will be learned not only in theory, but also from the hand of the master, this is a tradition that. Couldnt be better matched with the demands of our time. The preservation of ancient monuments of pskov needs its own pskov restoration school. Marina mikhailova, kirill mosin, host pskov. One of the most popular destinations of Domestic Tourism this year is kabardina balkaria, incredible beauty of the gorges, alpine lakes, ancient villages and, of course, history and tradition, which are carefully preserved. All this is of great interest to travelers. Nurzhan kubadieva, more details. Burials of the twelfth, thirteenth, seventeenth, 19th centuries. As i said, there are underground and semiunderground ones. And also colorful mountain villages with ancient saklyas and medieval towers. Upper balkaria is one of the most popular destinations among tourists coming to the republic. Architectural monuments are everywhere in this gorge. Local residents treat their culture with care, and therefore traces the stories are good here. Preserved. One of the most recognizable historical objects in upper balkaria is the ancient mosque. It was erected in the 18th century. There are many interesting stories associated with the prayer house. One of them was people from other gorges turning to the mosque of upper balkaria to resolve their disputes. The opinion of local theologians was so significant. Authoritative personalities, such as educators, religious and public figures, in past centuries made great efforts to ensure that the highmountainous aul developed. To example. They created the bolkar public wheeled road, which people use to this day, excellent, in general we are so impressed, we liked everything very much , we recommend it, let tourists come to you, its beautiful, very, very beautiful, in fact, its the first time i really like everything here, its beautiful indescribable, just mountains, rivers, life, local, color, everything is very cool, well just come here in the near future, very beautiful, absolutely mesmerizing. There are no words, these noble carrions will not eat. A guide from pyatigorsk, sergei sizov takes tourists to Kabardino Balkaria for more than 15 years, says that the blue lakes and upper balkaria have become extremely in demand in recent years, this is due not only to the increased interest in Domestic Tourism, but to the improvement in the quality of services. The history itself, the republic itself, is interesting, it is multifaceted, with its korosu. How it transforms from year to year, we try to somehow show from the best side how hospitable the people are here, this is the most important moment, and the story is how deep, how they keep their traditions, we honor me with some values, something definitely worth learning from the locals. Kabordino balkari is one of the most popular points on the tourist map of russia; the region can accommodate up to 17,000 people at once, and the cherek gorge plays an Important Role here. I visited him last year. The object has become larger, not so long ago an architectural complex was built at the entrance to the village, where the main element is a stone tower, they say here that this is only a small contribution of contemporaries to the rich culture left by their ancestors. Gurzhan kubadieva, temerlan kurmanov, news, kabardinobolkaria. All news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website smotrim. Ru. And by this time thats it, we are monitoring the developments. See you. January 22, 1942 at the first leningradsky hospital. Medical institute , the outstanding russian physicist Oleg Vladimirovich losin died of hunger. He was only 39 years old, but he managed to make three worldclass discoveries. Today, few people know about it and, unfortunately, more abroad than in russia. This was the case when a genius the researcher was ahead of the general level of development of science. Losev was the first in the world to prove that a Semiconductor Crystal can amplify and. Generate highfrequency radio signals, he discovered the electroluminescence of semiconductors, the emission of light when an electric current flows, and, finally, he investigated the capacitive photoelectric effect in semiconductors. Today its hard to believe that the author of these discoveries did not have a higher education, but the depth of knowledge, amazing intuition and originality of scientific thinking made such an impression on the members of the scientist advice that. The degree of candidate in physical and Mathematical Sciences was awarded to losev without defending a dissertation. Oleg losev was born on april 27, 1903 in tver. His father, dvoryanin, a retired staff captain, after retiring, worked at the upper volozhsk Railway Materials plant in a modest position. Physicist and inventor, author of the first scientific works describing the processes occurring in the surface layers of the semipond, creator of the worlds first generating detector and the worlds first light relay. In 1918 by order of lenin , a radio Engineering Laboratory was created in Nizhny Novgorod. It is necessary to develop wireless telegraph communications. The remaining specialists in the country. Comes to the city on the volga, following his mentors , losev ends up in Nizhny Novgorod. Fate was not particularly kind to him. After graduating from the tver real school, he failed to pass the Entrance Exam to the Moscow Institute of communications and was accepted into the Nizhny Novgorod laboratory only as a messenger, but at the same time he is allowed after graduation working day to do research. Losev understands that he has no diploma. It will not be easy for him to compete with his colleagues in the main area of activity of the laboratory, work with radio tubes. He chooses for himself a littleexplored field of activity crystal detectors. Detector a device for converting High Frequency vibrations into low frequency vibrations that are perceived by the ear. After 2 years, in 1922 , the first discovery follows. A detector made of zinc salts with catheons of various metals, equipped with a steel tip, able to amplify the radio signal. Moreover, excite undamped oscillations in an electrical circuit. Based on it, losev creates the worlds first radio receiver, which he called the crestadin. Christadine effect. The effect of negative differential resistance observed in some. By enhancing this effect, it turned out to be possible to build amplifiers and generators without vacuum tubes. This was the beginning of the semiconductor era. Many years later, other physicists will be recognized as their discoverers and will receive major prizes, including nobel prize. But honest professionals always remembered and remembered oleg losyev, their outstanding predecessor. In the twenties and thirties , young people were interested in radio engineering almost to the same extent as the current generation is interested in computers. And losevs book christo odin became christomathy for them. An amateur designed a device for receiving radio signals from a long distance, which, compared to a conventional detector receiver, received a 15 fold increase in the signal. In this case, the source of energy could be only three batteries for a pocket flashlight. Radio amateurs in the volga region and the urals could now listen to moscow and even receive foreign radio stations. Soon , losev discovered active properties in a detector from zinkit, the ability of crystals under certain conditions to amplify and generate electrical vibrations. Thus, along with the receiver, losev also creates a transmitter. The radio devices built by losev with a generating diode, the crestadine, brought the young scientist and inventor worldwide fame. American magazine the young russian inventor losev conveyed his invention to the World Without even taking out a patent for it. Working with carborundum detectors, the young researcher discovers the cold glow of crystals, that is, the ability to generate electromagnetic radiation not only in sound, but also in light wave radiation. This phenomenon will be called semiconductor electroluminescence in science. Transition, but to this day radio physicists call it the losev glow. The discovery formed the basis for the development of modern leds. This was a great contribution to theoretical science. Main it turned out that loysev discovered not just a previously unknown effect, but a phenomenon unknown to science. This is not the voltaic arc, which is well known to scientists, but a qualitatively different phenomenon. The twentyoneyearold genius wrote about this in his article. Most likely the crystal glows from electron bombardment, similar to the glow of various minerals in crookes tubes. This is a worldclass discovery, it proves that luminescent candles. Convert light energy into electrical energy. This is the principle of operation of solar panels. At that time scientists they could not yet give a scientific explanation for the phenomena discovered by losev in semiconductors, since at that time physics did not yet have the knowledge that was necessary to develop this theory. They appeared only at the end of the second world war, the crystalline heterodyne losevs kristadine prepared the discovery. Transistor effect by american scientists bordyun and brotain in 1947. Bardeen received the nobel prize for his discovery in 1956. In 1934 , academician iofi invited losevev to conduct a series of experiments at the leningrad physics and technology institute. But he was not accepted into the festeh staff and only after some time he was hired as a laboratory assistant. He meets academician iofe, who involves him in work in the field of quantum theory of radiation, while the scientist, who had three outstanding discoveries, still remained a laboratory assistant. But staffing was the last thing the researcher was concerned about. He was interested in the interaction between the electromagnetic field and matter. He tried to trace the reverse action of the field. Losev guessed that science was on the threshold understanding of global processes, and she lacks just a little to cross this threshold. Shortly before his death, he wrote there are phenomena where a substance introduces significant changes into the electromagnetic field, without leaving any trace on it. These are the phenomena of refraction, dispersion, rotation of the plane, polarization and others. Perhaps. There is a reciprocity phenomenon there, but we do not know how to observe it. When the blockade of leningrad began, losev continued research in the besieged city at the department of physics of the medical institute. Manages to develop a fire alarm system, an electrical cardiac stimulator and a portable device for detecting metal objects, bullets and shrapnel in wounds. Very soon, frontline leningrad turned into a besieged city and losev became a donor. On january 22, 1942, oleg losev died of exhaustion. In the same year , the production of silicon diodes began in the usa, from which there was one step to the creation of the transistor , the emergence of modern electronics in general, a matter to which he devoted his entire life. Life, Russian Laboratory assistant Oleg Vladimirovich losev. Hello, if you think that the words circle of friends mean some very small group of likeminded people, i hasten to dissuade you, in our case the circle of friends is millions of people throughout the country. And cinema, played more than thirty roles, natalya bochkareva, russian theater actress and director of short films, hello, welcome, im very glad to meet you, me too, sit down, please feel at home, so we have such a story today, we have come. Premiere today our chinchilla shushi, yes, because , of course, she has never been filmed anywhere, although she participated in a photo shoot, of course, yes, because we love her very much, here is masha, she will tell you how she came to our house, i i never even thought that shunshila could be a pet, but i always wanted a cat or a hamster, some kind of. Soft animal, and my aunt was able to surprise me and simply gave me a chinchilla for my birthday without warning. What was your first reaction when the chinchilla did you have in your hands . Well, of course, tenderness, because look at this creature . I can tell you, as a mother, this is the best animal for children, this is why . Since i was 67 years old, when my children were small, i have ivan and maria the same age. So, she is so nimble, we let her out, and it was such a race, the children were chasing after shushi, shushi, meaning behind them, that is, it was very exciting, very cool. Was she running out of fear or out of joy . Apparently she is very fast, but at the same time very affectionate, because she is like this just scratch it behind the ear a little , children generally really like it, and at the same time hamsters, we all know, probably every child who had a hamster had a small tragedy, well, yes, its true, so chinchillas live 20 years , listen, there are only advantages, you can pet your pet, how she treats her hands, well, now she may be stressed, she always treats my hands very well, she loves to rinse herself very much when she comes out of the house and puts her ear up, scratch her head here , also here, but what is it like to live with a chinchilla, in what conditions does she should i live . She has her own house, in this house there is how to say, a sleeping place where she sleeps, a bath with sand where she washes, she is neat, naturally she has a toilet with sawdust, so she buries it all, buries it all. Yes, the whole yes, that means the house is covered with hay from wildflowers, yes, which she also really likes, because she, of course, is an animal that lives in the fields, and she really likes this, how to say, dry hay , thats who has girls, can you imagine, a house with ladders, wonderful things, with different twisters, where is she runs, trains, and this is of course very cool, it turned out to be a great gift. Yes, yes, listen, i announced that you have five pets, i see only one, very charming, beautiful, who else tell me, rather, its ours, the fact is that its an amazin